Results for 'Jean Dreyfus-Graf'

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  1.  54
    Search for a Method.Hubert L. Dreyfus, Jean-Paul Sartre & Hazel E. Barnes - 1966 - Philosophical Review 75 (4):537.
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    Heidegger's Being and Time: Critical Essays.Jean Grondin, Karin de Boer, Graeme Nicholson, Charles Guignon, William McNeill, Günter Figal, Steven Crowell, Hubert L. Dreyfus, Daniel O. Dahlstrom, Jeffrey Andrew Bara, Theodore Kisiel & Dieter Thomä - 2005 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Heidegger's Being and Time: Critical Essays provides a variety of recent studies of Heidegger's most important work. Twelve prominent scholars, representing diverse nationalities, generations, and interpretive approaches deal with general methodological and ontological questions, particular issues in Heidegger's text, and the relation between Being and Time and Heidegger's later thought. All of the essays presented in this volume were never before available in an English-language anthology. Two of the essays have never before been published in any language ; three of (...)
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    GREINER, BERNHARD/THUMS, BARBARA/VITZTHUM, WOLFGANG GRAF (Hrsg.), Recht und Literatur: Interdisziplinäre Bezüge.Jean-Claude Alexandre Ho - 2011 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 97 (4):587-589.
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    André Ehrhardt, A travers l’Affaire Dreyfus, Henry et Valcarlos, Paris, Klineksicck. 1977. 16,5 × 24, 213 p.Jean-Claude Margolin - 1979 - Revue de Synthèse 100 (93-94):219.
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  5. A Companion to Phenomenology and Existentialism.Hubert L. Dreyfus & Mark A. Wrathall (eds.) - 2006 - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
    A Companion to Phenomenology and Existentialism is a complete guide to two of the dominant movements of philosophy in the twentieth century. Written by a team of leading scholars, including Dagfinn Føllesdal, J. N. Mohanty, Robert Solomon, Jean–Luc Marion Highlights the area of overlap between the two movements Features longer essays discussing each of the main schools of thought, shorter essays introducing prominent themes, and problem–oriented chapters Organised topically, around concepts such as temporality, intentionality, death and nihilism Features essays (...)
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  6. Le "Dreyfus Bridge": Husserlianisme et Fodorisme.Jean-Michel Roy - 1995 - Archives de Philosophie 58 (4):533-548.
  7. Cinema and Language.Dina Dreyfus & H. Kaal - 1961 - Diogenes 9 (35):23-33.
    This study does not claim to be an exhaustive critique of the contemporary cinema, whose abundance and diversity defies any attempt to unify it. It has no other purpose than to clarify the underlying meanings of certain productions which are typical of the medium (as for example, L'Avventura by Antonioni and A bout de souffle by Jean-Luc Godard), and to show that the “learned” cinema, that is, the cinema conscious of the ends pursued and the means employed, cannot but (...)
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    Le moment républicain en France.Jean-Fabien Spitz - 2005 - Paris: Gallimard.
    Le modèle républicain en France appartient-il au passé? La réponse à cette question ne semble plus faire de doute aujourd'hui. Pour les libéraux, le modèle jacobin fantasme l'égalité abstraite de tous les citoyens mais il ne réussit, au nom de cet idéal, qu'à étouffer la société civile sous le poids de la bureaucratie et à paralyser les initiatives et la liberté des individus. Les partisans déclarés de la république tiennent, pour leur part, que le projet d'autogouvernement est une arme de (...)
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    Étude critique.Jean-Marc Tétaz - 2021 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 153 (2):219-238.
    Cette étude critique présente et analyse la correspondance de Ernst Troeltsch durant la Première Guerre mondiale : Briefe IV (1915-1918), édité par Friedrich Wilhelm Graf avec la collaboration de Harald Haury (Kritische Gesamtausgabe, vol. 21), Berlin/Boston, W. de Gruyter, 2018.
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    The Role of Intellectuals in the Reform Process.Jean-Philippe Béja - 2003 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 34 (4):8-26.
    In the eighteenth century, Voltaire presented China as the kingdom of philosophers. The term philosophe, which appeared at this period, is the ancestor of the "intellectual," a name most historians date back to the Dreyfus Affair at the beginning of the twentieth century. But the request for a specific role in public affairs by literati is much more ancient than this specific case. After all, at least since the early nineteenth century, the Russian intelligentsia affirmed its involvement in the (...)
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    Human Remains in Society: Curation and Exhibition in the Aftermath of Genocide and Mass-Violence. Ed. Jean-Marc Dreyfus and Élisabeth Anstett. [REVIEW]David Morgan - 2017 - Journal of Religion and Violence 5 (2):205-207.
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    Emotions in continental philosophy. Adapted from Dreyfus and Wrathall, eds., Blackwell companion to phenomenology and existentialism, Blackwell, 2006.Robert C. Solomon - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 1 (5):413–431.
    Although the topic of emotions was long ignored in British and American analytic philosophy and psychology, it remained a rich and exciting subject in Continental Philosophy. Kierkegaard and Nietzsche celebrated the passionate life. In phenomenology Martin Heidegger, Max Scheler, Emmanuel Levinas, Jean‐Paul Sartre, Maurice Merleau‐Ponty, Gabriel Marcel, and Paul Ricoeur all made major contributions. Heidegger pursued a highly original thesis concerning the vital role of moods in human life, notably angst and boredom. Jean‐Paul Sartre added the tantalizing thesis (...)
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  13.  52
    Flow, skilled coping, and the sovereign subject: toward an ethics of being-with in sport.Jennifer Hardes & Bryan Hogeveen - 2016 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (3):283-294.
    According to Dreyfus and Dreyfus, skilled coping in sport occurs when an athlete reaches an expert level and can execute a sport skill on ‘automatic-pilot’, in a state of ‘flow’. In this paper we reframe phenomenological accounts of sport that try to depict flow-states as part of an athlete’s competency framework. We do so from the point of view of post-structural and post-phenomenological scholars such as Jacques Derrida’s deconstructive work on sovereignty and Jean-Luc Nancy’s ontological vantage of (...)
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    Lō̜kkhrāp panyāchon farang: Chang-Chak Rutso, Tonsatoi, Kan Mak.Sulak Sivaraksa - 2020 - Krung Thēp: Sayām.
    Philosophy of Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910, Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778 and Marx, Karl, 1818-1883.
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    Badiou and the philosophers: interrogating 1960s French philosophy.Alain Badiou - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Tzuchien Tho & Giuseppe Bianco.
    Philosophy and history (with Jean Hyppolite) -- Philosophy and science (with Georges Canguilhem) -- Philosophy and sociology (with Raymond Aron) -- Philosophy and psychology (with Michel Foucault) -- Philosophy and language (with Paul Ricœur) -- Philosophy and truth (with Jean Hyppolite, Georges Canguilhem, Raymond Aron, Michel Foucault, Paul Ricœur, Alain Badiou and Dina Dreyfus) -- Philosophy and ethics (with Michel Henry) -- Model and structure (with Michel Serres) -- Teaching philosophy through television (with excerpts from Jean (...)
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  16. Universalism vs. communitarianism: contemporary debates in ethics.David M. Rasmussen (ed.) - 1990 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    Universalism vs. Communitarianism focuses on the question, raised by recent work in normative philosophy, of whether ethical norms are best derived and justified on the basis of universal or communitarian standards. It is unique in representing both Continental and American points of view and both the older and a younger generation of scholars. The essays introduce the key issues involved in universalism vs. communitarianism and take up ethics in historical perspective, practical reason and ethical responsibility, justification, application and history, and (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions.Jean-Paul Sartre - 1939 - Routledge. Edited by Philip Translator: Mairet.
    "A driving force in all Sartre's writing is his serious desire to change the life of his reader." -- Iris Murdoch.
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  18. Religion After Metaphysics.Mark A. Wrathall (ed.) - 2003 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    How should we understand religion, and what place should it hold, in an age in which metaphysics has come into disrepute? The metaphysical assumptions which supported traditional theologies are no longer widely accepted, but it is not clear how this 'end of metaphysics' should be understood, nor what implications it ought to have for our understanding of religion. At the same time there is renewed interest in the sacred and the divine in disciplines as varied as philosophy, psychology, literature, history, (...)
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    After Fukushima: The Equivalence of Catastrophes.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2014 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    In this book, the philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy examines the nature of catastrophes in the era of globalization and technology. Can a catastrophe be an isolated occurrence? Is there such a thing as a “natural” catastrophe when all of our technologies—nuclear energy, power supply, water supply—are necessarily implicated, drawing together the biological, social, economic, and political? Nancy examines these questions and more. Exclusive to this English edition are two interviews with Nancy conducted by Danielle Cohen-Levinas and Yuji Nishiyama and Yotetsu (...)
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    O estatuto e o papel do intelectual em Benda e Sartre.Renato Belo - 2023 - Griot 23 (3):194-211.
    Esse artigo pretende explorar os temas do estatuto e da função do intelectual em dois autores significativos para a questão a partir do século XX: Julien Benda e Jean-Paul Sartre. Trata-se de revisitar as noções de autonomia e engajamento, fundamentais para uma compreensão comparativa entre os dois autores. O texto procura caracterizar de forma ampla o tipo de intelectual defendido por Benda no mesmo passo em que procura evidenciar a gênese e as condições de aparecimento do intelectual para Sartre. (...)
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    Theory From the South, or, How Euro-America is Evolving Toward Africa.Jean Comaroff - 2011 - Paradigm Publishers. Edited by John L. Comaroff.
    Theory from the south -- On personhood : a perspective from Africa -- Liberalism, policulturalism, and ideology : thoughts on citizenship and difference -- Nations with/out borders : the brave neo world and the problem of belonging -- Postcolonial politics and discourses of democracy : an anthropological take on African political modernities -- History on trial : memory, evidence, and the forensic production of the past -- Alien-nation : zombies, immigrants, and millennial capitalism -- Beyond bare life : AIDS, (bio)politics, (...)
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    Martin Heidegger : cahier.Michel Haar - 1983 - LGF/Le Livre de Poche.
    Lire Heidegger, c'est relire autrement tout ce que nous lisons. Ce Cahier invite à mieux comprendre la pensée heideggérienne autours des thèmes principaux qu'il aborde.Des essais, témoignages et lettres retracent l'impacte de sa pensée dans la culture moderne.Textes de : Walter Biemel, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Ernst Jünger, Roger Munier, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, Herbert Marcuse, Jean-Luc Marion, John Sallis, David Farrel Krell, Jean-François Courtine, Jean Beauffret, Dominique Janicaud, Otto Pöggeler, Jean-Louis Chrétien, Jean-Pierre Charcosset, F. Wybrands, Jacques (...)
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    Philosophy Looks at Chess.Benjamin Hale (ed.) - 2008 - Open Court Press.
    This book offers a collection of contemporary essays that explore philosophical themes at work in chess. This collection includes essays on the nature of a game, the appropriateness of chess as a metaphor for life, and even deigns to query whether Garry Kasparov might—just might—be a cyborg. In twelve unique essays, contributed by philosophers with a broad range of expertise in chess, this book poses both serious and playful questions about this centuries-old pastime. -/- Perhaps more interestingly, philosophers have often (...)
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    Storia Della Filosofia: La Filosofia del Novecento (review).Herbert Wallace Schneider - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (2):279-281.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 279 shirted gangsters of the totalitarian regimes. Only gradually did Sorel come to seek his paragons of virtue among the proletariat, partly because of his disillusionment with Jean Jaur~s over the Dreyfus case. Sorel had been one of the first to champion Dreyfus, but felt that demagogues had transformed the latter's cause into a new dogmatism and a new establishment. Sorel was genuinely concerned (...)
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  25. Jean-Jacques Rousseau et les pouvoirs de l'imaginaire.Cf Jean Starobinski - 1960 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 5:l960.
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    The Cambridge Heidegger Lexicon.Mark A. Wrathall (ed.) - 2019 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Martin Heidegger was one of the most original thinkers of the twentieth century. His work has profoundly influenced philosophers including Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Hannah Arendt, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Jürgen Habermas, Charles Taylor, Richard Rorty, Hubert Dreyfus, Stanley Cavell, Emmanuel Levinas, Alain Badiou, and Gilles Deleuze. His accounts of human existence and being and his critique of technology have inspired theorists in fields as diverse as theology, anthropology, sociology, psychology, political science, and (...)
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    A method for managing evidential reasoning in a hierarchical hypothesis space.Jean Gordon & Edward H. Shortliffe - 1985 - Artificial Intelligence 26 (3):323-357.
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    The Lyotard reader.Jean-François Lyotard - 1989 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell. Edited by Andrew E. Benjamin.
    The Lyotard Reader is a collection of Jean-Francois Lyotard's most important and significant papers to date. While they are all written from within philosophy, they seek to address subjects as wide-ranging as film, painting, psychoanlaysis, Judaism and politics. The originality of Lyotard's work means that it cannot be readily situated within any one philosophical tradition. Instead he returns philosophy itself to debates across a range of areas and, in so doing, redefines the philosophical enterprise.
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    Hybrid Production Regimes and Labor Agency in Transnational Private Governance.Jean-Christophe Graz, Nicole Helmerich & Cécile Prébandier - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (2):307-321.
    Little consensus exists about the effectiveness of transnational private governance in domains such as labor, the environment, or human rights. The paper builds on recent scholarship on labor standards to emphasize the role of labor agency in transnational private governance. It argues that the relationship between transnational private regulatory initiatives and labor agency depends on three competences: first, the ability of workers’ organizations to gain access to processes of employment regulation, implementation, and monitoring; second, their ability to insist on the (...)
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  30. The confronted community.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2009 - In Andrew J. Mitchell & Jason Kemp Winfree (eds.), The Obsessions of Georges Bataille: Community and Communication. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    Cicero's authority.Jean Goodwin - 1999 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 34 (1):38-60.
    In this paper I propose to continue the analysis of the appeal to authority begun at the last OSSA conference. I proceed by examining the well-documented use of the appeal made by the ancient Roman advocate, Cicero. The fact that Cicero expressed his opinion was expectably sufficient to give his auditors--responsible citizens all--reason to do as he desired. But why? The resolution of this puzzle points to a strong sense in which arguments can be called rhetorical , for the rational (...)
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    Negative mental representations in infancy.Jean-Rémy Hochmann & Juan M. Toro - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104599.
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    Technology and French Thought: a Dialogue Between Jean-Luc Nancy and François-David Sebbah.François-David Sebbah & Jean-Luc Nancy - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (3):1-14.
    This paper is not an article in a regular sense. It is a dialogue between François-David Sebbah, one of the two editors of this topical collection, and Jean-Luc Nancy, one of the most eminent representatives of the contemporary French Thought. This dialogue took place in the first half of 2022 in a written form, because of the sanitary restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic and because Nancy was heavily sick. Sebbah sent to Nancy a text, corresponding to Section 2.1, (...)
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    The Ontology and Syntax of Stoic Causes and Effects.Jean-Baptiste Gourinat - 2018 - Rhizomata 6 (1):87-108.
    The ontology of Stoic causes and effects was clearly anti-platonic, since the Stoics did not want to admit that any incorporeal entity could have an effect. However, by asserting that any cause was the cause of an incorporeal effect, they returned to Plato’s syntax of causes in the Sophist, whose doctrine of the asymmetry of nouns and verbs identified names with the agents and verbs with the actions. The ontological asymmetry of causes and effects blocked the multiplication of causes by (...)
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    (1 other version)Confessions of J. J. Rousseau (complete).Jean-Jacques Rousseau - unknown
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    Commentary on "Edmund Husserl's Influence on Karl Jaspers's Phenomenology".Jean-Michel Azorin & Jean Naudin - 1997 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 4 (1):37-39.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Commentary on “Edmund Husserl’s Influence on Karl Jaspers’s Phenomenology”Jean Naudin (bio) and Jean-Michel Azorin (bio)Keywordsphenomenology, intentionality, intuition, empathy, ambiguitySchwartz and Wiggins’s paper clearly shows that Jaspers’s comprehensive psychiatry draws mainly from Husserl’s phenomenology. This thesis enters a current debate opened by Chris Walker and German Berrios about the influence of Husserlian philosophy on Jaspers’s work. This debate, which emerged at the end of the so-called decade of (...)
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    Le Pluralisme Dramatique de Georges Sorel (review).Harold Atkins Larrabee - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (2):278-279.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:278 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY What a revolution the past century has made in both the general idea of morality andin the practical attitudes of "moral sense"l The political and moral earthquakes that have cracked the solid ground of Wayland's "moral law" and "didactic" complacency have blown us all into a space whose air may be purer but whose endless visibility into the dark void is less assuring. HERBERT W. (...)
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  38. Constitution by movement: Husserl in light of recent neurobiological findings.Jean-Luc Petit - 1999 - In Jean Petitot, Francisco J. Varela, Bernard Pachoud & Jean-Michel Roy (eds.), Naturalizing Phenomenology: Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science. Stanford University Press.
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    Le Physique, le Morphologique, le Symbolique.Jean Petitot - 1990 - Revue de Synthèse 111 (1-2):139-183.
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    Pierre Duhem: Un savant-philosophe dans le sillage de Blaise Pascal.Jean-François Stoffel - 2007 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 63 (1/3):275 - 307.
    This article starts, on the one hand, with a consideration of the paradoxical way in which, namely when he wanted to evoke those intellectual figures that have decidedly contributed to the revelation of the "true Pascal", i. e., of the Pascal that had known the good usage of reason, Fortunat Strowski comes to the idea of putting side by side Pierre Duhem and Leon Brunschvicg. On the other, a reference is made to the fact that Duhem only published two articles (...)
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    Editorial: Eating in the Age of Smartphones: The Good, the Bad, and the Neutral.Jean C. J. Liu & David A. Ellis - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    The Bible, religious storytelling, and revolution: The case of Solentiname, Nicaragua.Jean-Pierre Reed - 2017 - Critical Research on Religion 5 (3):227-250.
    Building on the storytelling, political storytelling, and religious storytelling literatures, I examined the role religious stories play in the formation of revolutionary convictions. This study’s primary sources of data are volumes I, II, and III of The Gospel in Solentiname, a historical record of religious discussions that took place in an isolated campesino community at a seminary-like setting under a growing national revolutionary scenario in 1970s Nicaragua. My analysis of these discussions reveals that religious discourse based on stories of prophecy, (...)
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    Computational challenges to test and revitalize Claude Lévi-Strauss transformational methodology.Jean-François Santucci, Laurent Capocchi & Albert Doja - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    The ambition and proposal for data modeling of myths presented in this paper is to link contemporary technical affordances to some canonical projects developed in structural anthropology. To articulate the theoretical promise and innovation of this proposal, we present a discrete-event system specification modeling and simulation approach in order to perform a generative analysis and a dynamic visualization of selected narratives, aimed at validating and revitalizing the transformational and morphodynamic theory and methodology proposed by Claude Lévi-Strauss in his structural analysis (...)
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    L'ambiguïté de la troisième personne Théorie du roman et philosophie de l'esprit chez Jean-Paul Sartre.Pierre-Jean Renaudie - 2017 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 115 (2):269-287.
    À l’occasion de la publication en 1939 d’une critique particulièrement virulente du roman de François Mauriac La fin de la nuit, Sartre élabore une théorie de l’usage littéraire des pronoms de la première et de la troisième personne lui permettant de stigmatiser les ambiguïtés inhérentes au style littéraire de Mauriac. Établissant les fondements de son réalisme littéraire, Sartre s’attache à critiquer l’omniscience accordée par Mauriac à son narrateur au nom d’une fidélité d’inspiration phénoménologique à l’expérience de la liberté et à (...)
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    Music Audiences 3.0: Concert-Goers’ Psychological Motivations at the Dawn of Virtual Reality.Jean-Philippe Charron - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Formalism and the sources of international law: a theory of the ascertainment of legal rules.Jean D' Aspremont - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book revisits the theory of the sources of international law from the perspective of formalism.
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    A nuanced critical realist approach to educational policy and practice development: Redefining the nature of practitioners’ agency.Jean Pierre Elonga Mboyo - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (8):815-828.
    In an age of nationalisation of international educational policy, or vice versa, the politics and conflicts behind such policies often take centre stage to the detriment of professional expertise. In response, this article develops a nuanced critical realism to propose a practice-based development and implementation of educational policy reforms. Based on empirical reports of head teachers’ subversive practice, the article concludes by highlighting that professional expertise is a central component, dubbed ‘formless capability’, that all stakeholders use to turn policy intentions (...)
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    Congruences In Lemmon'S So:.Jean Porte - 1980 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 21 (October):672-678.
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    Tomorrow Never Knows.Jean Kazez - 2019 - The Philosophers' Magazine 86:108-110.
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    Delphica 6. Note sur l’escalier du thé'tre de Delphes (SD 541).Jean-François Bommelaer - 2014 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 138 (1):159-170.
    Delphica 6. Notes on the stairway of the theater at Delphi (SD 541) The stairway, made of limestone, by which one reached the theater at Delphi since its discovery (end of the 19th c.) was dismantled in 1974. Below it were discovered two earlier ones, made of poros, a third of the width and seemingly not related to the theater. The datings have varied according to time and author. The limestone stairway has even been considered a paleochristian construction. It is (...)
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