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Jason Taylor [10]Jason R. Taylor [2]
  1. Conspiracy Theories and Fortuitous Data.Joel Buenting & Jason Taylor - 2010 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 40 (4):567-578.
    We offer a particularist defense of conspiratorial thinking. We explore the possibility that the presence of a certain kind of evidence—what we call "fortuitous data"—lends rational credence to conspiratorial thinking. In developing our argument, we introduce conspiracy theories and motivate our particularist approach (§1). We then introduce and define fortuitous data (§2). Lastly, we locate an instance of fortuitous data in one real world conspiracy, the Watergate scandal (§3).
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    More than Bullshit: Trash Talk and Other Psychological Tests of Sporting Excellence.Christopher Johnson & Jason Taylor - 2018 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 14 (1):47-61.
    Sporting excellence is a function of physical, cognitive and psychological capacities: its standard requires demonstration of superlative physical and strategic skills and the performance of these...
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    Rejecting Technology: A Normative Defense of Fallible Officiating.Christopher Johnson & Jason Taylor - 2016 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (2):148-160.
    There is a growing consensus in both academic and popular reflections on sport that if the accuracy of officiating can be improved by technology, then such assistance ought to be introduced. Indeed, apart from certain practical concerns about technologizing officiating there are few normative objections, and those that are voiced are often poorly articulated and quickly dismissed by critics. In this paper, we take up one of these objections – what is referred to as the loss of the human element (...)
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    Virtuous Victory: Running up the Score and the Anti-Blowout Thesis.Jason Taylor & Christopher Johnson - 2014 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 41 (2):247-266.
    A difficult question in the philosophy of sport concerns how winning athletes should perform in uneven contests in which victory has been secured well before the competition is over. Nicholas Dixon, the protagonist in the ongoing debate, argues against critics who urge following an 'anti-blowout' thesis that there is nothing intrinsically wrong with running up the score. We engage this debate, providing much needed distinctions, and draw on Aristotelian resources to explore a framework by which to understand competing claims found (...)
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    Electrophysiological signals associated with fluency of different levels of processing reveal multiple contributions to recognition memory.Bingbing Li, Jason R. Taylor, Wei Wang, Chuanji Gao & Chunyan Guo - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 53:1-13.
  6. Fortuitous Data and Conspiracy Theories.Joel Buenting & Jason Taylor - 2010 - Journal of the Philosophy of Social Sciences 40 (4):567-578.
    We offer a particularist defense of conspiratorial thinking.We explore the possibility that the presence of a certain kind of evidence—what we call “fortuitous data”—lends rational credence to conspiratorial thinking. In developing our argument, we introduce conspiracy theories and motivate our particularist approach (§1).We then introduce and define fortuitous data (§2). Lastly, we locate an instance of fortuitous data in one real world conspiracy, the Watergate scandal (§3).
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    Priming recognition memory test cues: No evidence for an attributional basis of recollection.Carmen F. Ionita, Deborah Talmi & Jason R. Taylor - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    We argue that while the proposed memory model by Bastin et al. can explain familiarity-based memory judgements through the interaction of a core representation system and an attribution system, recollection-based memory judgements are not based on non-mnemonic signals being attributed to memory.
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    Spilled milk and burned toast: extrinsic pressure and sporting excellence.Christopher Johnson & Jason Taylor - 2021 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 48 (2):202-218.
    ABSTRACT This paper explores the dynamics of extrinsic pressure in sport and its relation to athletic excellence. We argue that psychological pressure exerted by activities extrinsic to sport can be relevant to success or failure in it, such that how one manages extrinsic pressures can transmit to failure to perform in sport and thus be a determinant to victory, with no reason to think failure mitigated by the non-sporting nature of one’s other behaviour. To make this argument we offer a (...)
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    Broadening College Student Interest in Philosophical Education through Community Service Learning.Scott Seider & Jason Taylor - 2011 - Teaching Philosophy 34 (3):197-217.
    The Pulse Program at Boston College is a community service learning program that combines academic study of philosophy and theology with a year-long community service project. An analysis of the Pulse Pro­gram during the 2008–09 academic year revealed that participating students demonstrated a significant increase in their interest in philosophy; a greater likelihood of enrolling in additional philosophy coursework; and a deeper interest in philosophy than classmates not participating in service-learning. Interviews with participating students revealed that the Pulse Program highlighted (...)
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    Descartes and Cartesianism.Nathan Smith & Jason Taylor (eds.) - 2005 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    PART ONE: Chapter 1 The Baconian Matrix of Descartes's Regulae Robert C. Miner For traditional histories of philosophy ...
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    Dis-unified pluralist accounts of causation.Jason Taylor - 2009 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 90 (3):388-401.
    One way of assessing the philosophical literature on causation is to consider views on the nature of the causal relation. Early theorists were 'monists', taking there to be one causal relation. More recent theorists, however, have turned to pluralism, which holds that the causal relation is only accurately captured by two (or more) relations. I argue that one way of being a pluralist – the way which takes there to be exactly two types of causation – is self defeating, if (...)
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    On the Most Ancient Wisdom of the Italians: Drawn Out From the Origins of the Latin Language.Jason Taylor (ed.) - 2010 - Yale University Press.
    This volume comprises a new critical edition of Vico’s original Latin text and a faithful translation of this early work on metaphysics. Robert Miner’s introduction offers valuable guidance in understanding this challenging text and assessing its significance.
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