Results for 'Jarryd Louw'

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  1.  30
    Political religion at the level of specific theoretical concepts: a theoretical case study of Stalin’s intensification of class struggle under socialism.Jarryd Louw - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (1):53-70.
    Granting the idea that certain theoretical conceptualisations of Marxism broadly represent a political religion, this paper seeks to explore how one can come to understand the function of individual theoretical concepts within the wider theory of Stalinism. In so doing, this approach to political religion will be explored within the confines of Stalin’s concept of the Intensification of Class Struggle under Socialism. Assuming that individual theoretical concepts of an ideology that has been labelled a political religion serve the same function (...)
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    Ta splanchna: A theopaschitic approach to a hermeneutics of God’s praxis. From zombie categories to passion categories in theory formation for a practical theology of the intestines.Daniel J. Louw - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (3).
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  3. Disputes between science and religion.Louw Feenstra & Johannes Borgstein - 2008 - Ludus Vitalis 16 (29):59-72.
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    Compassion fatigue: Spiritual exhaustion and the cost of caring in the pastoral ministry. Towards a ‘pastoral diagnosis’ in caregiving.Daniël Louw - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (2):01-10.
    The pastoral ministry of caregiving inevitably implies a cost. The spiritual ethos in the Christian ministry implies a huge sacrifice. Dietrich Bonhoeffer described this ethos as ‘the cost of discipleship’. Very specifically in the case of unexpected and the so-called ‘undeserved modes of suffering’, the meaning framework of the caregiver is being interpenetrated, causing a kind of ‘depleted sense of being’. It is argued here that an appropriate diagnosis, and a description of the phenomenon of compassion fatigue, can help caregivers (...)
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    Corpus stylistics as contextual prosodic theory and subtext.Bill Louw - 2016 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Edited by Marija Milojkovic.
    Part I: Theoretical considerations from the beginnings to the present day -- Chapter 1: Delexicalisation, relexicalisation and classroom application -- Chapter 2: collocation, interpretation, and context of situation -- Chapter 3: Semantic prosodies, irony, insincerity and literary analysis -- Chapter 4: Data-assisted negotiating -- Chapter 5: The analysis and creation of humour -- Chapter 6: Events in the context of culture, language events, subtext -- PART II: New applications -- Chapter 7: Alexander Pushkin and authorial intention -- Chapter 8: Translating (...)
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    Homo Aestheticus within the Framework of Inhabitational Theology: An Anthropological Perspective on Identity and Dignity within the Human Rights Discourse.Daniel Louw - 2015 - In Lars Charbonnier & Wilhelm Gräb, Religion and Human Rights: Global Challenges From Intercultural Perspectives. De Gruyter. pp. 87-130.
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    Oor die moontlikheid van interreligieuse kommunikasie.Dirk J. Louw - 2000 - South African Journal of Philosophy 19 (3):255-278.
    Do adherents of different religious traditions communicate and, if so, how? What enables them to do so? What is interreligious “communication”? These issues are ad dressed with reference to Wilfred Cantwell Smith's hermeneutical rule, and to inter alia Paul Knitter, Martin Heidegger, Hans-Georg Gadamer, David Tracy, and John Dunne. Four responses to the question as to what permits interreligious communication are criticised. According to a fifth response, on which the author elaborates, interreligious communication is not – as the objectivist claims (...)
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    Unity and development: Social homogeneity, the totalitarian imaginary, and the classical marxist tradition.Stephen Louw - 1997 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 27 (2):180-205.
    This article examines the relationship between the classical Marxist tradition and the conceptual roots of totalitarianism. Here totalitarianism is understood to entail the attempt to frame the developmental impulses of modernity within the logic of a premodern political imaginary—defined as internally homogenous and transparent to itself. In the first part, we take issue with those who try to distinguish between the thought of Marx and Engels, and who insist that it is only in Engels's thought that the traces of a (...)
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  9.  58
    Defining Philosophical Counselling: An Overview1.Dirk Louw - 2013 - South African Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):60-70.
    The practice of ‘Philosophical Counselling’ (henceforth ‘PC’) is growing. But what exactly is PC? The variety of attempts to define PC can be summarised in terms of three overlapping sets of opposites: practical versus theoretical definitions; monistic versus pluralistic definitions; and substantive versus antinomous definitions. ‘Practical’ definitions of PC include descriptive accounts of its actual practice. ‘Theoretical’ definitions exclude such accounts. ‘Monistic definitions’ refers to definitions of PC that define it in terms of the work of one specific philosopher or (...)
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  10. Palliative Marxism or Imminent Critique: Włodzimierz Brus and the Limits to Classical Marxist Political Economy.Stephen Louw - 1997 - Theoria 44 (89):78-105.
  11. Mystical experience as an empirical fact. Perception, meaning, insight.Louw Feenstra & Nico Tydeman - 2011 - Ludus Vitalis 19 (35):131-144.
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    The senses in perspective.Louw Feenstra & Johannes Borgstein - 2003 - Ludus Vitalis 11 (20):135-157.
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    The expressivity of factual change in dynamic epistemic logic.Louwe B. Kuijer - 2014 - Review of Symbolic Logic 7 (2):1-14.
    A commonly used dynamic epistemic logic is one obtained by adding commonknowledge and public announcements to a basic epistemic logic. It is known from Kooi (2007) that adding public substitutions to such a logic adds expressivity over the class K of models. Here I show that substitutions also add expressivity over the classes KD45, S4 and S5 of models. Since the combination of common knowledge, public announcements and substitutions, was shown in Kooi (2007) to be equally expressive to relativized common (...)
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    ‘Black Pain is a White Commodity’: Moving beyond postcolonial theory in practical theology: #CaesarMustFall!Daniel J. Louw - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (4):14.
    Postcolonialism and decolonising campaigns are expressions of human pain on the level of identity confusion (inferiority), ideological abuse (cultural discrimination) and structural oppression (imperialistic exploitation). The slogan ‘Black Pain is a White Commodity’ in the #MustFall campaigns is critically analysed within the framework of postcolonial theory and imperialistic power categories. The basic hypothesis of the article is that in early Christianity, pantokrator images of God were influenced by iconography stemming mostly from the Roman Emperor cult and Egyptian mythology. The power (...)
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  15. Metaphorical truth, conflict, and truth-experience: a critique of Vincent Brümmer.Dirk J. Louw - 1994 - South African Journal of Philosophy 13 (2):58-65.
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  16. Rejoinder to'Opposing Apartheid': Building a South African Democracy Through a Popular Alliance Which Includes Leninists.P. Eric Louw - forthcoming - Theoria.
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    Towards a decolonized assessment of the religious other.Dirk J. Louw - 1999 - South African Journal of Philosophy 18 (4):390-407.
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  18.  54
    Die neo-inklusivistiese benadering tot religieuse pluraliteit (The neo-inclusivistic approach to religious plurality).Dirk J. Louw - 2004 - South African Journal of Philosophy 23 (1):82-107.
    “Neo-inclusivism” is explained and assessed as an approach to the problem of the conflicting claims to truth of different religions, with reference to inter alia John B. Cobb (Jr.), Gavin D'Costa and Paul Ingram. For the neo-inclusivist the truth of a religious tradition depends on its inclusivistic capacity, i.e. its capacity to assimilate other traditions. For ex ample, by being enriched and transformed through “radical openness” to other traditions, while remaining “committed” to her own tradition – so the neo-inclusivist claims (...)
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  19.  32
    Op soek na ekumeniese kriteria: meta-religieuse criteria. (Looking for ecumenical criteria: meta-religious criteria).Dirk J. Louw - 2004 - South African Journal of Philosophy 23 (3):302-326.
    How may or should adherents of a particular religion assess other religious traditions? Whether they can avoid both absolutism and relativism depends on the availability of “ecumenical criteria”, i.e. a common scale in view of which the adherents of different religious traditions may jointly judge these traditions. It is argued that such a scale may exist even if we assume that the adherents of the different religions do not have any religious beliefs or criteria in common. This scale may exist (...)
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  20. Response to Richard Hudelson.Stephen Louw - 1997 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 27 (2):209-211.
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    The Infiniscience of the hospitable God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob: Re-interpreting Trinity in the light of the Rublev icon.Daniel J. Louw - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (1).
    Because of the impact of church doctrine and many documents explaining the official confession of many denominations in Christianity, Trinity was mostly defined in terms of static and substantial categories. The undergirding research assumption is that the latter reflects, in most cases, more abstract and rather positivistic metaphysical speculation than representing the vividness of God’s compassionate being-with as explained and revealed in the narratives of the biblical account on God’s graceful intervention with the frailty of human life. The relational dynamics (...)
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    Voorwoord.J. P. Louw - 1990 - HTS Theological Studies:v.
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  23. Rethinking ubuntu.Dirk J. Louw - 2019 - In James Ogude, Ubuntu and the reconstitution of community. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
  24.  26
    The enhancement of academic integrity through a community of practice at the North-West University, South Africa.Mianda Erasmus, Henk Louw, Zander Janse van Rensburg, Mariette Fourie & Anné Hendrik Verhoef - 2022 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 18 (1).
    This article was motivated by the need to academically frame and share the response of the North-West University to the perceived increase of academic dishonesty during Covid-19. Within the ambit of the online teaching and learning approach that became dominant during the Covid-19 pandemic, the NWU established a Community of Practice for Academic Integrity to enhance Academic Integrity in a holistic manner. By critically discussing the NWU’s response through their CoPAI, the lessons learned, and strategies developed in the process, the (...)
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  25.  27
    Preaching as art (imaging the unseen) and art as homiletics (verbalising the unseen): Towards the aesthetics of iconic thinking and poetic communication in homiletics.Daniel Louw - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (2):14.
    The article investigates the hypothesis that preaching implies more than merely verbalising, proclaiming and rhetoric reasoning. Preaching is fundamentally the art of poetic seeing; an aesthetic event on an ontic and spiritual level; that is, it provides vocabulary and images in order to help people to discover meaning in life (preaching as the art of foolishness). In this regard, preaching should provide God-images that open up the dimension of aesthetics and provide vistas of the ‘unseen’. The iconic dimension of preaching (...)
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  26.  15
    Report on an audit of two decades’ activities of a clinical ethics committee: the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Clinical Ethics Advisory Group (CEAG).Raj K. Mohindra & Stephen J. Louw - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Background‘The Clinical Ethics Advisory Group’ (CEAG) is the clinical ethics support body for Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals National Health Service Foundation Trust. A significant change in CEAG’s way of working occurred over the past 5 years as a result of Court decisions, increasing public expectations and an increase in CEAG’s paediatric case flow.PurposeReview historical data: (a) as a useful benchmark to look for the early impact of significant service changes and (b) to seek possible reference (‘sentinel’) cases for use with (...)
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    Philosophical counselling: Towards a ‘new approach’ in pastoral care and counselling?Daniel J. Louw - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (2).
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    ʼn Praktykbenadering tot geloofsvorming vanuit die benadering van Thomas Groome en die Gestaltteorie: ʼn Prakties-teologiese dialoog.Siegfried W. Louw, Rudy A. Denton & Herman B. Grobler - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (3).
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  29.  20
    Cura animarum as hope care: Towards a theology of the resurrection within the human quest for meaning and hope.Daniel J. Louw - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1).
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    Ekhaya: Human displacement and the yearning for familial homecoming. From Throne to Home in a grassroots ecclesiology of place and space: Fides Quaerens Domum et Locum [Faith Seeking Home and Space].Daniel J. Louw - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (4):1-11.
    The classical definition of theology is 'faith-seeking understanding'. The focus is on the understanding/interpretation of the object of Christian faith: God. There is another root for the quest for understanding, namely the praxis situation of faith. People live in particular historical contexts that have their own distinctive problems and possibilities; thus, the focus on place and space in a theology of home. A praxis approach is to learn life and the gospel from below, thus the emphasis on a grassroots ecclesiology (...)
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  31. Exclusivity and African science.D. J. Louw - 2005 - Filozofski Vestnik 26 (3):201 - +.
  32.  19
    Hans Küng en religieuse pluraliteit.Dirk J. Louw - 2006 - HTS Theological Studies 62 (1).
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    Om verbeeldingryk te lewe: Verbeelding in die pastorale narratiewe terapie en die teologie van Walter Brueggemann.N. A. Louw - 2002 - HTS Theological Studies 58 (1).
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    Pastoraat as vertolking: Metaforiese teologie binne die konteks van 'n pastorale hermeneutiek.D. J. Louw - 1999 - HTS Theological Studies 55 (2/3).
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    The refugee dilemma and migrant crisis: ‘Charity begins at Home’ or ‘Being Home to the Homeless’? The paradoxical stance in pastoral caregiving and the infiltration and perichoresis of compassion.Daniel Louw - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (2).
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    Considering African philosophy as a way of life through the practice of philosophical counselling.Jaco Louw - forthcoming - South African Journal of Philosophy.
    Contributions of Pierre Hadot pertaining to the notion of philosophy as a way of life have had a profound and enduring influence upon philosophical counselling. Philosophical counsellors, such as Robert Walsh and Arto Tukiainen, embrace this imperative by living their philosophical counselling practices. A prevailing trend among these practitioners lies in their almost exclusive reliance upon either ancient Greek philosophical traditions as expounded by Hadot and Martha Nussbaum, or in their adaptation of Western philosophy. Regrettably, a conspicuous omission prevails regarding (...)
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    Clinical instruments: reliability and validity critical appraisal.Yolandi Brink & Quinette A. Louw - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (6):1126-1132.
  38. World Prehistory: Studies in Memory of Grahame Clark.Kooijmans Leendert P. Louwe - 1999
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    Quantum chaos of an exciton-phonon system.W. -H. Steeb, J. A. Louw & A. Kunick - 1987 - Foundations of Physics 17 (2):173-181.
    A simple model of an exciton-phonon system is studied in connection with quantum chaos.
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    Disability - ethical issues: a complex and under-recognized challenge in clinical ethics consultation.M. W. M. Stratling & S. Louw - 2011 - Clinical Ethics 6 (1):2-4.
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    An Arrow-Based Dynamic Logic of Normative Systems and Its Decidability.Hans van Ditmarsch, Louwe Kuijer & Mo Liu - 2023 - In Natasha Alechina, Andreas Herzig & Fei Liang, Logic, Rationality, and Interaction: 9th International Workshop, LORI 2023, Jinan, China, October 26–29, 2023, Proceedings. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 63-76.
    Normative arrow update logic (NAUL) is a logic that combines normative temporal logic (NTL) and arrow update logic (AUL). In NAUL, norms are interpreted as arrow updates on labeled transition systems with a CTL-like logic. We show that the satisfiability problem of NAUL is decidable with a tableau method and it is in EXPSPACE.
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  42. African Numbers Games and Gambler Motivation: 'Fahfee' in Contemporary South African.Stephen Louw - 2018 - African Affairs 117 (466):109-129.
    Since independence, at least 28 African countries have legalized some form of gambling. Yet a range of informal gambling activities have also flourished, often provoking widespread public concern about the negative social and economic impact of unregulated gambling on poor communities. This article addresses an illegal South African numbers game called fahfee. Drawing on interviews with players, operators, and regulatory officials, this article explores two aspects of this game. First, it explores the lives of both players and runners, as well (...)
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  43. Dementia: Mind, Meaning, and the Person.Julian C. Hughes, Stephen J. Louw & Steven R. Sabat (eds.) - 2005 - Oxford University Press.
    Dementia is an illness that raises important questions about our own attitudes to illness and aging. It also raises very important issues beyond the bounds of dementia to do with how we think of ourselves as people--fundamental questions about personal identity. Is the person with dementia the same person he or she was before? Is the individual with dementia a person at all? In a striking way, dementia seems to threaten the very existence of the self.LThis book brings together philosophers (...)
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    Contextual challenges in south Africa: The role of a research ethics committee. [REVIEW]Brenda Louw & Rina Delport - 2006 - Journal of Academic Ethics 4 (1-4):39-60.
    This article parallels a debate similar to the one in Canada and elsewhere where researchers whose work involves humans now operate under a single ethics policy, with a strong biomedical emphasis. The institution of research ethics committees for humanities and social sciences in South Africa are relatively recent, posing unique challenges to researchers and academicians. These factors contribute to the complexity of conducting ethically sound research in the humanities and social sciences. The article explores this specific context and how a (...)
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  45.  29
    Divine designation in the use of the Bible: The quest for an ‘all-powerful God’ (the omnipotence of God) in a pastoral ministry of human empowerment.Daniel J. Louw - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4):14.
    In our exposure to weakness, vulnerability, loss, anguish and different forms of impairment, the following pastoral theological questions arises: What is meant by divine almightiness within the human need for spiritual strength, empowerment, encouragement and well-being? The epithet of almightiness (omnipotence, pantokratōr) gave birth to fictitious and speculative associations, even fear and anxiety: The paralyzing fear of God Almighty – divine intoxicating and spiritual pathology. Instead of a pantokratōr-definition of God, a paraklēsis-infinition of God is proposed. This paradigm shift is (...)
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    Fides Quaerens Spem: A Pastoral and Theological Response to Suffering and Evil.Daniel J. Louw - 2003 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 57 (4):384-397.
    Pastoral care must recover its unique identity as a theological discipline. In addressing the reality of evil, pastoral care reinterprets divine power as compassionate and creative empowerment, the basis for hopeful activity.
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  47. Theocentrism and reality-centrism: a critique of John Hick and Wilfred Cantwell Smith's philosophy of religious pluralism.D. J. Louw - 1994 - South African Journal of Philosophy 13 (1):1-8.
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  48. The soteriocentrism of John Hick.Dirk J. Louw - 1995 - South African Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):19-23.
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    The Rooibos Benefit Sharing Agreement–Breaking New Ground with Respect, Honesty, Fairness, and Care.Doris Schroeder, Roger Chennells, Collin Louw, Leana Snyders & Timothy Hodges - 2020 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 29 (2):285-301.
    The 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and its 2010 Nagoya Protocol brought about a breakthrough in global policy making. They combined a concern for the environment with a commitment to resolving longstanding human injustices regarding access to, and use of biological resources. In particular, the traditional knowledge of indigenous communities was no longer going to be exploited without fair benefit sharing. Yet, for 25 years after the adoption of the CBD, there were no major benefit sharing agreements that led (...)
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  50.  11
    1 The Question of ‘Moral Engines’ Introducing a Philosophical Anthropological Dialogue.Rasmus Dyring, Cheryl Mattingly & Maria Louw - 2017 - In Cheryl Mattingly, Rasmus Dyring, Maria Louw & Thomas Schwarz Wentzer, Moral Engines: Exploring the Ethical Drives in Human Life. New York: Berghahn Books. pp. 9-36.
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