Results for 'Jan Herding'

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  1.  15
    Response-Modality-Specific Encoding of Human Choices in Upper Beta Band Oscillations during Vibrotactile Comparisons.Jan Herding, Simon Ludwig & Felix Blankenburg - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  2.  30
    Gamma and Beta Oscillations in Human MEG Encode the Contents of Vibrotactile Working Memory.Alexander H. von Lautz, Jan Herding, Simon Ludwig, Till Nierhaus, Burkhard Maess, Arno Villringer & Felix Blankenburg - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  3. The material and the suppositional conditional.Jan Sprenger - manuscript
    The material conditional and the suppositional analysis of the indicative conditional are based on different philosophical foundations and they leave important successes of their competitor unexplained. This paper unifies both accounts within a truth-functional, trivalent model of the suppositional analysis. In this model, we observe that the material and the suppositional conditional exhibit the same logical behavior while they have different truth conditions and different probabilities. The result is a unified semantic analysis that closes an important gap in the suppositional (...)
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  4. Quo Vadis, Metaphysics of Relations? (Introduction to a Special Issue of Dialectica on the Metaphysics of Relational States).Jan Plate - forthcoming - Dialectica.
    A many-faceted beast, the metaphysics of relations can be approached from many angles. One could begin with the various ways in which relational states are expressed in natural language. If a more historical treatment is wanted, one could begin with Plato, Aristotle, or Leibniz. In the following, I will approach the topic by first drawing on Russell’s Principles of Mathematics (1903) (still a natural-enough starting point), and then turn to a discussion mainly of positionalism. The closing section contains an overview (...)
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    Does the extended evolutionary synthesis entail extended explanatory power?Jan Baedke, Alejandro Fábregas-Tejeda & Francisco Vergara-Silva - 2020 - Biology and Philosophy 35 (1):1-22.
    Biologists and philosophers of science have recently called for an extension of evolutionary theory. This so-called ‘extended evolutionary synthesis’ seeks to integrate developmental processes, extra-genetic forms of inheritance, and niche construction into evolutionary theory in a central way. While there is often agreement in evolutionary biology over the existence of these phenomena, their explanatory relevance is questioned. Advocates of EES posit that their perspective offers better explanations than those provided by ‘standard evolutionary theory’. Still, why this would be the case (...)
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    (1 other version)O zasadzie sprzeczności u Arystotelesa.Jan Łukasiewicz (ed.) - 1910 - Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk..
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    To-Do Is to Be: Foucault, Levinas, and Technologically Mediated Subjectivation.Jan Peter Bergen & Peter-Paul Verbeek - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (2):325-348.
    The theory of technological mediation aims to take technological artifacts seriously, recognizing the constitutive role they play in how we experience the world, act in it, and how we are constituted as (moral) subjects. Its quest for a compatible ethics has led it to Foucault’s “care of the self,” i.e., a transformation of the self by oneself through self-discipline. In this regard, technologies have been interpreted as power structures to which one can relate through Foucaultian “technologies of the self” or (...)
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  8. Tense as a Feature of Perceptual Content.Jan Almäng - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy 111 (7):361-378.
    In recent years the idea that perceptual content is tensed in the sense that we can perceive objects as present or as past has come under attack. In this paper the notion of tensed content is to the contrary defended. The paper argues that assuming that something like an intentionalistic theory of perception is correct, it is very reasonable to suppose that perceptual content is tensed, and that a denial of this notion requires a denial of some intuitively very plausible (...)
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    Medieval philosophy as transcendental thought: from Philip the Chancellor (ca. 1225) to Francisco Súarez.Jan Aertsen - 2012 - Boston: Brill.
    This book provides for the first time a complete history of the doctrine of the transcendentals and shows its importance for the understanding of philosophy in the Middle Ages.
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    Beyond Greek “Sacred Laws”.Jan-Mathieu Pirenne-Delforge Carbon - 2012 - Kernos 25:163-182.
    La recherche récente a régulièrement remis en cause la catégorie moderne de « lois sacrées » désignant des inscriptions grecques qui forment un ensemble mal défini. Cet article entend dépasser le corpus traditionnel des « lois sacrées » en présentant un projet de recueil alternatif de « Normes rituelles grecques » (CGRN pour l’acronyme anglais), qui s’appuie sur des critères plus sélectifs et sera publié en ligne.
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    Data Access Committees.Jan Piasecki & Phaik Yeong Cheah - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-8.
    BackgroundSharing de-identified individual-level health research data is widely promoted and has many potential benefits. However there are also some potential harms, such as misuse of data and breach of participant confidentiality. One way to promote the benefits of sharing while ameliorating its potential harms is through the adoption of a managed access approach where data requests are channeled through a Data Access Committee (DAC), rather than making data openly available without restrictions. A DAC, whether a formal or informal group of (...)
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    Democracy’s critical infrastructure: Rethinking intermediary powers.Jan-Werner Müller - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (3):269-282.
    Ever since the 19th century, political parties and free media were widely deemed indispensable for the proper functioning of representative democracy. They constituted what one might call the criti...
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  13.  23
    How to understand ‘nonsense’: do not ask what nonsense is, but rather how we show that something is nonsense!Jan Wawrzyniak - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    This article considers the problem of how to elucidate the concept of nonsense. Viewed from a general philosophical standpoint this matters because the concept is used by certain philosophers in their criticism of philosophical questions and theses. I start with a presentation of examples of utterances considered nonsense, along with Baier's classification of kinds of nonsense. I then present various approaches, pointing out that none of them are completely satisfactory. I subsequently propose an approach that is a modification of the (...)
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    How wise is the crowd: Can we infer people are accurate and competent merely because they agree with each other?Jan Pfänder, Benoît De Courson & Hugo Mercier - 2025 - Cognition 255 (C):106005.
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  15. Trustworthy use of artificial intelligence: Priorities from a philosophical, ethical, legal, and technological viewpoint as a basis for certification of artificial intelligence.Jan Voosholz, Maximilian Poretschkin, Frauke Rostalski, Armin B. Cremers, Alex Englander, Markus Gabriel, Hecker Dirk, Michael Mock, Julia Rosenzweig, Joachim Sicking, Julia Volmer, Angelika Voss & Stefan Wrobel - 2019 - Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems Iais.
    This publication forms a basis for the interdisciplinary development of a certification system for artificial intelligence. In view of the rapid development of artificial intelligence with disruptive and lasting consequences for the economy, society, and everyday life, it highlights the resulting challenges that can be tackled only through interdisciplinary dialogue between IT, law, philosophy, and ethics. As a result of this interdisciplinary exchange, it also defines six AI-specific audit areas for trustworthy use of artificial intelligence. They comprise fairness, transparency, autonomy (...)
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    Where organisms meet the environment.Jan Baedke & Tatjana Buklijas - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 99 (C):4-9.
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    A problem for extensional theories of time-consciousness.Jan Almäng - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):14865-14880.
    Extensionalist theories of the specious present suggest that every perceptual experience is extended in time for a short while, such that they are co-extensive in time with the time experienced in them. Thus, there can be no experience of time, unless the experience itself is extended in time. Accordingly, there must be something that unites the temporal parts of a perceptual experience into temporally extended wholes. I call this the “glue-problem for extensionalism”. In this paper I suggest three desiderata that (...)
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  18.  56
    Affective priming of semantic categorisation responses.Jan De Houwer, Dirk Hermans, Klaus Rothermund & Dirk Wentura - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion 16 (5):643-666.
  19. Vertrauenswürdiger Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz.Jan Voosholz, Maximilian Poretschkin, Frauke Rostalski, Armin B. Cremers, Alex Englander, Markus Gabriel, Dirk Hecker, Michael Mock, Julia Rosenzweig, Joachim Sicking, Julia Volmer, Angelika Voss & Stefan Wrobel - 2019 - Fraunhofer-Institut Für Intelligente Analyse- Und Informationssysteme Iais.
    Die vorliegende Publikation dient als Grundlage für die interdisziplinäre Entwicklung einer Zertifizierung von Künstlicher Intelligenz. Angesichts der rasanten Entwicklung von Künstlicher Intelligenz mit disruptiven und nachhaltigen Folgen für Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Alltagsleben verdeutlicht sie, dass sich die hieraus ergebenden Herausforderungen nur im interdisziplinären Dialog von Informatik, Rechtswissenschaften, Philosophie und Ethik bewältigen lassen. Als Ergebnis dieses interdisziplinären Austauschs definiert sie zudem sechs KI-spezifische Handlungsfelder für den vertrauensvollen Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz: Sie umfassen Fairness, Transparenz, Autonomie und Kontrolle, Datenschutz sowie Sicherheit und (...)
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  20. Introduction.Jan Voosholz & Markus Gabriel - 2021 - In Jan Voosholz & Markus Gabriel, Top-Down Causation and Emergence. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This is the introduction and table of contents to the collected volume "Top-Down Causation and Emergence". It honours George F.R. Ellis and explains the parts and chapters of the volume.
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    From Knowability to Conjecturability, and Back Again.Jan Heylen & Kristine Grigoryan - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (3):287-298.
    Chiffi and Pietarinen (2020) argue that the knowability paradox disappears if we adopt the concept of conjecturability instead of knowability within the framework of Peirce’s theory of science. They make two main claims: first, conjecturability plays an all-important role in scientific inquiry and it explains better scientific progress than knowability; second, conjecturability does not produce aparadox akin to the knowability paradox. However, based on our reading of Peirce, we contend that knowability plays an important role in scientific inquiry and progress. (...)
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  22.  91
    Negative “GHIs,” the Right to Health Protection, and Future Generations.Jan Deckers - 2011 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 8 (2):165-176.
    The argument has been made that future generations of human beings are being harmed unjustifiably by the actions individuals commit today. This paper addresses what it might mean to harm future generations, whether we might harm them, and what our duties toward future generations might be. After introducing the Global Health Impact (GHI) concept as a unit of measurement that evaluates the effects of human actions on the health of all organisms, an incomplete theory of human justice is proposed. Having (...)
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  23.  91
    Un Juego Ontológico formal. ¿Necesita una Correlación el Realismo Especulativo de Meillassoux?Jan Voosholz - 2019 - Estudios Filosóficos 68 (199):531-542. Translated by Jimmy Hernandez Marcelo.
    Quentin Meillassoux descarta la cuestión de la correlación correcta en su Después de la finitud y en las publicaciones siguientes porque su trabajo tiene como objetivo refutar el correlacionismo. La pregunta central que planteo en el artículo es:¿ necesita la posición de Meillassoux algo más que un juego ontológico formal (y los realismos especulativos y los nuevos realismos en general)? Mi respuesta a esta pregunta será un no, pero creo que él y todos los realistas especulativos y nuevos realistas necesitan (...)
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  24.  46
    (1 other version)On Fuzzy Logic III. Semantical completeness of some many‐valued propositional calculi.Jan Pavelka - 1979 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 25 (25‐29):447-464.
  25.  14
    Halpern and Pearl’s Definition of Explanation Amended.Jan Borner - 2024 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 75 (4):897-919.
    Halpern and Pearl ([2005a], [2005b]) use the framework of structural equation models to define a notion of explanation that is based on actual causation. But while Halpern and Pearl’s definition of actual causation has been met with ample, often constructive, criticism, their subsequent definition of explanation has not faced similar scrutiny. It only underwent a slight reformulation by Halpern ([2016]). In this article, I will show that Halpern and Pearl’s definition of explanation is, despite many promising features, still problematic, even (...)
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    Dispositional Harmony: Examining the Causal Connection Between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Properties.Jan Hauska - 2024 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 80 (4):1135-1144.
    Having recently emerged from the philosophical doldrums, the view that there are extrinsic dispositions has provoked questions about some aspects of their nature. One of the questions is whether causal bases of such dispositions would be extrinsic as well. Adopting the dominant causal conception of dispositional properties, I argue for the thesis of dispositional harmony, or for the proposition that dispositions agree with their bases in respect of intrinsicness (or lack thereof). The proposition is at odds with the claim that (...)
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    A Formal Ontological Game. Does Meillassoux’s Speculative Realism Need A Correlation?Jan Voosholz - 2019 - In Alexander Kanev, New Realism: Problems and Prospects. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press. pp. 225-234.
    Quentin Meillassoux dismisses the question of the right correlation both in his 'After finitude' and in subsequent publications because his work aims to refute correlationism. The central question I want to address in this article is: Does Meillassoux’s position (and the New Realisms more generally) need a correlation to be more than just a formal ontological game? My answer to this question will be a no, but I think that both his and other versions of speculative and new realism need (...)
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    Saving the World through Sacrificing Liberties? A Critique of some Normative Arguments in Unfit for the Future.Jan Christoph Bublitz - 2016 - Neuroethics 12 (1):23-34.
    The paper critically engages with some of the normative arguments in Julian Savulescu and Ingmar Persson’s book Unfit for the Future. In particular, it scrutinizes the authors’ argument in denial of a moral right to privacy as well as their political proposal to alter humankind’s moral psychology in order to avert climate change, terrorism and to redress global injustice.
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  29.  45
    On the Origins of Constitutional Patriotism.Jan-Werner Müller - 2006 - Contemporary Political Theory 5 (3):278-296.
    Political theorists tend to dismiss the concept of constitutional patriotism for two main reasons. On the one hand, constitutional patriotism — understood as a post-national, universalist form of democratic political allegiance — is rejected on account of its abstract quality. On the otherhand, it is argued that constitutional patriotism, while apprearing universalist, is in fact particular through and through. According to this genealogical critique, it is held that constitutional patriotism might have been appropriate in the context when it originated — (...)
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  30.  93
    Debate: Immigrants and Newcomers by Birth—Do Statist Arguments Imply a Right to Exclude Both?Jan Brezger & Andreas Cassee - 2016 - Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (3):367-378.
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    Action negation and alternative reductions for dynamic deontic logics.Jan Broersen - 2004 - Journal of Applied Logic 2 (1):153-168.
  32.  13
    Digitalization in life science and medicine—the dual-use problem.Jan-Hendrik Heinrichs & Serap Ergin Aslan - 2024 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (4):531-545.
    Definition of the problem “Dual use” refers to the applicability of a research result or methods for purposes that concern the internal or external security of a society. This includes research that can be used for military, intelligence, terrorist, or criminal purposes. Dual use has been an increasingly aggravating problem for many areas of the life sciences and medicine for over a decade. The main cause for this is that many of their results are capable of demonstrating how humans, but (...)
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  33.  13
    Über das Verstehen von Gefühlen.Bernhard Stumpfhaus & Klaus Herding - 2004 - In Bernhard Stumpfhaus & Klaus Herding, Pathos, Affekt, Gefühl: Die Emotionen in den Künsten. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Freiwilligkeit und Konsensfassaden. Emotionale Ausdrucksformen in der Politik des Mittelalters.Bernhard Stumpfhaus & Klaus Herding - 2004 - In Bernhard Stumpfhaus & Klaus Herding, Pathos, Affekt, Gefühl: Die Emotionen in den Künsten. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Leidenschaften, literarisch, ambivalent. Französische Moralistik und deutsche Poesie.Bernhard Stumpfhaus & Klaus Herding - 2004 - In Bernhard Stumpfhaus & Klaus Herding, Pathos, Affekt, Gefühl: Die Emotionen in den Künsten. Walter de Gruyter.
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    From Disembodied Intellect to Cultivated Rationality.Jan Derry - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (1):117-122.
    The issues that Paul Standish alerts us to are significant since they situate McDowell's argument in reference to works lying outside the mainstream tradition o.
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    Why current uk legislation on embryo research is immoral. How the argument from lack of qualities and the argument from potentiality have been applied and why they should be rejected.Jan Deckers - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (3):251–271.
    ABSTRACT On 22 January 2001, the UK became the first country to approve of embryonic stem cell research by passing the Human Fertilisation (Research Purposes) Regulations 2001, which legislated new research purposes for which early embryos can be used, in addition to those approved by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990. Legal advisory committees, most notably the Chief Medical Officer's Expert Group and the House of Lords’ Select Committee, have offered various reasons, which can also be found in the (...)
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    Locally finite theories.Jan Mycielski - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (1):59-62.
    We say that a first order theoryTislocally finiteif every finite part ofThas a finite model. It is the purpose of this paper to construct in a uniform way for any consistent theoryTa locally finite theory FIN which is syntactically isomorphic toT.Our construction draws upon the main idea of Paris and Harrington [6] and generalizes the syntactic aspect of their result from arithmetic to arbitrary theories. The first mathematically strong locally finite theory, called FIN, was defined in [1]. Now we get (...)
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  39.  7
    Die Entwicklung der Sprachtheorie im Mittelalter.Jan Pinborg - 1985 - Aschendorff.
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    Dealing With Uncertainties When Governing CSR Policies.Jan Lepoutre, Nikolay A. Dentchev & Aimé Heene - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (4):391-408.
    As corporate social responsibility involves a voluntary business endeavour to address social and environmental issues beyond legal compliance, governments cannot fall back on hierarchical command-and-control policies to support it. As such, it is complementary with the increasing popularity of public policies known as New Governance policies, where the government is engaged in a horizontal inter-organizational network of societal actors and where public policy is both formed and executed by the interacting and voluntary efforts from a multitude of stakeholders. However, such (...)
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  41.  10
    O vztahu Patočkovy filosofie k filosofii Jaspersově.Jan Frei - 2024 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 2024 (66):63-86.
    In the first part, the author sketches the problem of human existence as it appears in the texts of both philosophers. The second part enumerates all Patočka’s texts mentioning Jaspers as well as all of the works by Jaspers that we know Patočka reflected on. The third part traces in more detail Jaspers’ book Philosophical Faith, in which Patočka, in his own words, found “great stimuli”, and shows several links between Patočka’s own philosophy and the book (especially four themes: the (...)
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  42. Property and rights.Jan Narveson - 2010 - Social Philosophy and Policy 27 (1):101-134.
    I present what I take to be the approach to property rights, in which property is basically a unitary concept: owners are the ones with the right to do, and prohibit others from doing, whatever there is to do with the thing owned, within the limits imposed by the rights of others to their things. I expound and defend the idea of in more or less Lockean mode. I also point to the many difficulties of application of the general idea, (...)
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  43.  61
    Promising, Expecting, and Utility.Jan Narveson - 1971 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):207 - 233.
    In this paper, I shall be concerned to explore the utilitarian account of promising, which for some time has had, in many circles, the status of a dead horse. My aim is not to flog it, however, but to show that perhaps it yet lives. At least, I hope to show that some prominent and apparently powerful objections to this account do not find their mark. In the course of this, several subjects of wider interest will come in for review (...)
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    Syntax, Semantics and Tarski’s Truth Definition.Jan Woleński - forthcoming - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:65-76.
    Until Tarski’s semantic truth definition, the concept of truth was used informally in metalogic (metamathematics) or even proposed to be eliminated in favour of syntactic concepts, as in Rudolf Carnap’s early programme of philosophy via logical syntax. Tarski demonstrated that the concept of truth can be defined using precise mathematical devices. If L is a language for which the truth definition is given, it must be done in the metalanguage ML. According to this construction, semantics for L must be performed (...)
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    Falsifikation.Jan Voosholz - 2017 - Wörterbuch der Sprach- Und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Vol. 15 Sprachphilosophie.
    Definiensposition: Widerlegung einer Aussage oder Hypothese durch eine ihr widersprechende Beobachtungsaussage. Englische Definiensposition: disproof of a statement or hypothesis by an opposing observational statement.
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    Advances in ethics education in the history classroom: after intersections of moral and historical consciousness.Jan Löfström, Niklas Ammert, Silvia Edling & Heather Sharp - 2021 - International Journal of Ethics Education 6 (2):239-252.
    Using the history classroom as a context for ethics and moral education is a long, but also contested, tradition. Recently, more emphasis has been put on how to incorporate ethics education, with this paper exploring the spaces of ethics and moral education in the history classroom. It is argued here that insights from moral philosophy and theories of historical consciousness, but – importantly – also moral psychology and the study of moral emotions, are needed to realise the potential of history (...)
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    Libertarianism, postlibertarianism, and the welfare state: Reply to Friedman.Jan Narveson - 1992 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 6 (1):45-82.
    Jeffrey Friedman broaches a number of criticisms of Libertarianism as a conceptual basis for opposing the extensive modern welfare state, examining several variants and concluding that they are fundamentally unsupported. He opts for a “consequentialist” view of foundations. Nevertheless, he thinks that the modem welfare state is subject to effective critique along such lines. But rational contractarian individualism works and does provide foundations for libertarianism, while “consequentialism” is an ill‐defined theory.that is quite unpromising for the proposed critique; nevertheless, Friedman's empirical (...)
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    The Renaissance Conceptions of Human Dignity.Jan Czerkawski & Joanna Frydrych - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (3):309-341.
    This translation is based on “Renesansowe koncepcje godności człowieka,” Roczniki Filozoficzne 35, no. 1 (1987): 251–81, with the Publisher’s permission.
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    Situated knowledge between purposes and facts, and its relation to pedagogical tact.Jan Jaap Rothuizen & Line Togsverd - 2024 - Ethics and Education 19 (3):301-319.
    This article delves into the multifaceted nature of pedagogy, examining its role as both a practical pursuit and an academic discipline concerned with education and upbringing. Positioned within the context of modernity, the overarching objective of pedagogy is framed as the cultivation of a free subject in communities of free people, emphasizing emancipation and participation. A key challenge is navigating the tension between purposes and facts, a core issue in human science pedagogy (Geisteswissenschaftliche Pädagogik). The authors propose a contextualized approach (...)
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    The Multiple Aspects of the Given—Ontological Remarks on Ernst Mach’s Empiricism.Jan-Ivar Lindén - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (5):151.
    Philosophers often rely on sciences of their own time. This is especially true for scientists writing philosophical works. In the case of Ernst Mach, the scientific references are mainly to physics, physiology, evolutionary biology and—in a somewhat different manner—the new discipline of psychology. Like so many authors in the late 19th century, Mach had extreme confidence in the methods of the natural sciences. However, this trait, often called scientism or positivism, can easily be used in polemical accounts that obscure other (...)
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