Results for 'James Hanvey'

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    Laudato Si’ and the Renewal of Theologies of Creation.James Hanvey - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (6):1022-1035.
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    Forgetful Remembrance: Social Forgetting and Vernacular Historiography of a Rebellion in Ulster. By GuyBeiner. Pp. xviii, 670, London, Oxford University Press, 2018, £31.50. [REVIEW]James Hanvey - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (1):202-203.
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    Thick (Concepts of) Autonomy: Personal Autonomy in Ethics and Bioethics.James F. Childress & Michael Quante (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book explores, in rich and rigorous ways, the possibilities and limitations of “thick” autonomy in light of contemporary debates in philosophy, ethics, and bioethics. Many standard ethical theories and practices, particularly in domains such as biomedical ethics, incorporate minimal, formal, procedural concepts of personal autonomy and autonomous decisions and actions. Over the last three decades, concerns about the problems and limitations of these “thin” concepts have led to the formulation of “thick” concepts that highlight the mental, corporeal, biographical and (...)
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  4. The stream of thought.William James - 1890 - In The Principles of Psychology. London, England: Dover Publications.
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    Moral Community and Moral Order.James Caton - 2020 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 13 (2).
    This work aligns James Buchanan’s theory of social contract with the structure of Michael Moehler’s multilevel social contract. Most importantly, this work develops Buchanan’s notions of moral community and moral order. It identifies moral community as the vehicle of escape from moral anarchy, where community is established upon a system of rules akin to James Buchanan’s first-stage social contract. Moral order establishes the baseline treatment of non-members by members of a moral community and also provides a minimum standard (...)
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  6. Punting on the aesthetic question.James Shelley - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 102 (1):214-219.
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    Culpable Ignorance, Professional Counselling, and Selective Abortion of Intellectual Disability.James B. Gould - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (3):369-381.
    In this paper I argue that selective abortion for disability often involves inadequate counselling on the part of reproductive medicine professionals who advise prospective parents. I claim that prenatal disability clinicians often fail in intellectual duty—they are culpably ignorant about intellectual disability. First, I explain why a standard motivation for selective abortion is flawed. Second, I summarize recent research on parent experience with prenatal professionals. Third, I outline the notions of epistemic excellence and deficiency. Fourth, I defend culpable ignorance as (...)
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    Is a Good God Logically Possible?James P. Sterba - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    Using yet untapped resources from moral and political philosophy, this book seeks to answer the question of whether an all good God who is presumed to be all powerful is logically compatible with the degree and amount of moral and natural evil that exists in our world. It is widely held by theists and atheists alike that it may be logically impossible for an all good, all powerful God to create a world with moral agents like ourselves that does not (...)
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    Body Matters: A Phenomenology of Sickness, Disease, and Illness.James Aho & Kevin Aho - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    Written in a jargon-free way, Body Matters provides a clear and accessible phenomenological critique of core assumptions in mainstream biomedicine and explores ways in which health and illness are experienced and interpreted differently in various socio-historical situations. By drawing on the disciplines of literature, cultural anthropology, sociology, medical history, and philosophy, the authors attempt to dismantle common presuppositions we have about human afflictions and examine how the methods of phenomenology open up new ways to interpret the body and to re-envision (...)
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    The twin origins of renormalization group concepts.James D. Fraser - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 89 (C):114-128.
  11. The Will to Believe and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy. Human Immortality; Two Supposed Objections to the Doctrine.William James - 1956 - Dover Publications.
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    An approach to default reasoning based on a first-order conditional logic: Revised report.James P. Delgrande - 1988 - Artificial Intelligence 36 (1):63-90.
  13. Voting in Search of the Public Good: The Probabilistic Logic of Majority Judgments.James Hawthorne - manuscript
    I argue for an epistemic conception of voting, a conception on which the purpose of the ballot is at least in some cases to identify which of several policy proposals will best promote the public good. To support this view I first briefly investigate several notions of the kind of public good that public policy should promote. Then I examine the probability logic of voting as embodied in two very robust versions of the Condorcet Jury Theorem and some related results. (...)
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    Medical Ethics through the Star Trek Lens.James Hughes & John Lantos - 2001 - Literature and Medicine 1 (20):26-38.
    Star Trek scripts have often grappled with dilemmas of medical ethics. The most explicitly medical-ethics-oriented Star Trek episode is named, aptly enough, “Ethics.” The script was written by Sara Charno and Stuart Charno, authors of two other Star Trek episodes. “Ethics” first aired on 2 March 1992. In the fall of 1992, we began to use this “Ethics” episode to motivate discussions in our first-year medical students’ course on medical ethics and the doctor-patient relationship. We asked students to write essays (...)
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    Evolution, Animal 'rights' & the Environment.James B. Reichmann - 2000 - Catholic University of Amer Press.
    Among the more significant developments of the twentieth century, the widespread attention given to 'rights issues' must surely justify ranking it somewhere near the top. Never before has the issue of rights attracted such a wide audience or stirred so much controversy. Until very recently 'rights' were traditionally recognized as attributable only to humans. Today, we increasingly are hearing a call to extend 'rights' to the nonhuman animal and, on occasion, to the environment. In this book, James B. Reichmann, (...)
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    Emotional sound symbolism: Languages rapidly signal valence via phonemes.James S. Adelman, Zachary Estes & Martina Cossu - 2018 - Cognition 175 (C):122-130.
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  17. Evaluative Compatibilism and the Principle of Alternate Possiblities.James W. Lamb - 1993 - Journal of Philosophy 90 (10):517-527.
  18. Getting tense about relativity.James Read & Emily Qureshi-Hurst - 2020 - Synthese 198 (9):8103-8125.
    Special relativity has been understood by many as vindicating a tenseless conception of time, denying the existence of tensed facts and a fortiori objective temporal passage. The reason for this is straightforward: both passage and the obtaining of tensed facts require a universal knife-edge present moment—yet this structure is not easily reconcilable with the relativity of simultaneity. The above being said, the prospects for tense and passage are sometimes claimed to be improved on moving to cosmological solutions of general relativity. (...)
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    Conception and realization of an IoT-enabled deep CNN decision support system for automated arrhythmia classification.James Kurian, Midhun Muraleedharan Sylaja & Ann Varghese - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):407-419.
    Arrhythmias are irregular heartbeats that may be life-threatening. Proper monitoring and the right care at the right time are necessary to keep the heart healthy. Monitoring electrocardiogram patterns on continuous monitoring devices is time-consuming. An intense manual inspection by caregivers is not an option. In addition, such an inspection could result in errors and inter-variability. This article proposes an automated ECG beat classification method based on deep neural networks to aid in the detection of cardiac arrhythmias. The data collected by (...)
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  20. Is unhappiness morally more important than happiness?James Griffin - 1979 - Philosophical Quarterly 29 (114):47-55.
    The view that the obligation to promote happiness is, as Popper puts it, "in any case much less urgent" than the obligation to eliminate unhappiness we might call the "Negative Doctrine". I know of no plausible form of the Negative Doctrine.
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    Expressing preferences in default logic.James P. Delgrande & Torsten Schaub - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 123 (1-2):41-87.
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    Honorable Business: A Framework for Business in a Just and Humane Society.James R. Otteson - 2019 - New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    Infamous cases like Enron and Bernie Madoff question whether business is an inherently dubious activity. Honorable Business argues that there is, in fact, such a thing as honorable business, which seeks to generate value not only for itself but for all parties to its transactions-and to society generally.
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    The Transcendental-Phenomenological Ontology of Persons and the Singularity of Love.James G. Hart - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 4 (4):136-174.
    Reference to persons with personal pronouns raises the issue of the primary referent and its nature. “I” does not refer to a property or cluster of properties. This contrasts with our identifying grasp of persons. A person is a radical singularity and thus stands in contrast to a kind or sortal term. The individuation of persons is not adequately grasped by “definite descriptions” or “eidetic singularities.” In spite of the seeming possibility of persons being wholly identical in terms of properties, (...)
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  24. Utu/ubuntu and community restoration: narratives of survivors in Kenya's 2007 postelection violence.James Ogude & Unifier Dyer - 2019 - In Ubuntu and the reconstitution of community. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
  25.  5
    The Problem of a Pure Theory of Poetry.James Alexander - 2021 - In Eric S. Kos (ed.), Oakeshott’s Skepticism, Politics, and Aesthetics. Springer Verlag. pp. 175-195.
    Oakeshott’s theory of poetry was a pure theory. But it was so pure a theory it emptied out most of what we would normally mean by poetry, it ignored the history of poetry in extracting a meaning out of it, and it left to one side most of the questions about poetry which are of interest to poets, critics or indeed anyone. This chapter places Oakeshott’s theory of poetry in the context of theories of poetry from Aristotle through Johnson, Wordsworth (...)
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    Jazz as Critique: Adorno and Black Expression Revisited.James B. Haile - forthcoming - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism.
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  27. Conditionals and compositionality.James Higginbotham - 2003 - Philosophical Perspectives 17 (1):181–194.
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    A Frankfurter in Königsberg: Prolegomenon to any Future non-metaphysical Kant.James Gordon Finlayson - 2020 - Kantian Review 25 (4):583-604.
    In this article I press four different objections on Forst’s theory of the ‘Right to Justification’. These are (i) that the principle of justification is not well-formulated; (ii) that ‘reasonableness and reciprocity’, as these notions are used by Rawls, are not apt to support a Kantian conception of morality; (iii) that the principle of justification, as Forst understands it, gives an inadequate account of what makes actions wrong; and (iv) that, in spite of his protestations to the contrary, Forst’s account (...)
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    The teleparallel equivalent of Newton–Cartan gravity.James Read & Nicholas Teh - unknown
    We construct a notion of teleparallelization for Newton-Cartan theory, and show that the teleparallel equivalent of this theory is Newtonian gravity; furthermore, we show that this result is consistent with teleparallelization in general relativity, and can be obtained by null-reducing the teleparallel equivalent of a five-dimensional gravitational wave solution. This work thus strengthens substantially the connections between four theories: Newton-Cartan theory, Newtonian gravitation theory, general relativity, and teleparallel gravity.
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    The Probable and the Provable.James M. Brown - 1978 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 26:270-271.
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    Sense and Non-Sense.James Daly - 1967 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 16:318-319.
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    Editors' Note.James M. DuBois, Ana S. Iltis & Heidi A. Walsh - 2020 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 10 (1):v-vii.
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    Religion and Ecological Sustainability in China.James Miller (ed.) - 2014
    This book sheds light on the social imagination of nature and environment in contemporary China. It demonstrates how the urgent debate on how to create an ecologically sustainable future for the world's most populous country is shaped by its complex engagement with religious traditions, competing visions of modernity and globalization, and by engagement with minority nationalities who live in areas of outstanding natural beauty on China's physical and social margins. The book develops a comprehensive understanding of contemporary China that goes (...)
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    Wittgenstein on rules: Implications for authority and discipline in education.James D. Marshall - 1985 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 19 (1):3–11.
    James D Marshall; Wittgenstein on Rules: implications for authority and discipline in education, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 19, Issue 1, 30 May.
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    “As Long As I’m Me”: From Personhood to Personal Identity in Dementia and Decisionmaking.James Toomey - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 4 (1):57-69.
    As older people begin to develop dementia, we confront ethical questions about when and how to intervene in their increasingly compromised decision-making. The prevailing approach in bioethics to tackling this challenge has been to develop theories of “decision-making capacity” based on the same characteristics that entitle the decisions of moral persons to respect in general. This article argues that this way of thinking about the problem has missed the point. Because the disposition of property is an identity-dependent right, what matters (...)
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    Novels Never Lie.James Edwin Mahon - 2019 - British Journal of Aesthetics 59 (3):323-338.
    In this article, I shall argue that being a lie disqualifies something from being a literary work. If something is a lie then it is not a literary work of any kind, and if something is a literary work of any kind then it is not a lie. Being a literary work, and being a lie, are mutually exclusive categories.
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  37. Metaphors and models of doctor-patient relationships: Their implications for autonomy.James F. Childress & Mark Siegler - 1984 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 5 (1):17-30.
  38.  10
    Reduced Child-Oriented Face Mirroring Brain Responses in Mothers With Opioid Use Disorder: An Exploratory Study.James E. Swain & S. Shaun Ho - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    While the prevalence of opioid use disorder among pregnant women has multiplied in the United States in the last decade, buprenorphine treatment for peripartum women with OUD has been administered to reduce risks of repeated cycles of craving and withdrawal. However, the maternal behavior and bonding in mothers with OUD may be altered as the underlying maternal behavior neurocircuit is opioid sensitive. In the regulation of rodent maternal behaviors such as licking and grooming, a series of opioid-sensitive brain regions are (...)
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    Conflicting Higher and Lower Order Evidences in the Epistemology of Disagreement about Religion.James Kraft - 2010 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 15 (1):65-89.
    This paper concentrates on the issue of what happens to the confidence one has in the justification of one's belief when one discovers an epistemic peer with conflicting higher and/or lower order evidences. Certain symmetries surface during epistemic peer disagreement, which tend to make one less confident. The same happens in religious disagreements. Mostly externalist perspectives are considered. The epistemology of ordinary disagreements and that of religious ones behave similarly, such that principles used in the former can be seen to (...)
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  40. The failure to give: Reducing barriers to organ donation.James F. Childress - 2001 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11 (1):1-16.
    : Moral frameworks for evaluating non-donation strategies to increase the supply of cadaveric human organs for transplantation and ways to overcome barriers to organ donation are explored. Organ transplantation is a very complex area, because the human body evokes various beliefs, symbols, sentiments, and emotions as well as various rituals and social practices. From a rationalistic standpoint, some policies to increase the supply of transplantable organs may appear to be quite defensible but then turn out to be ineffective and perhaps (...)
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  41. Newton’s God of Dominion: The Unity of Newton’s Theological, Scientific, and Political Thought.James E. Force - 1990 - In James E. Force & Richard H. Popkin (eds.), Essays on the Context, Nature, and Influence of Isaac Newton’s Theology. Kluwer. pp. 75-102.
  42. God of the Oppressed.James H. Gone - 1975
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  43. The economic uses of utilitarianism.James A. Mirrlees - 1982 - In Amartya Sen & Bernard Williams (eds.), Utilitarianism and Beyond. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 77--81.
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    The meaning of the act: Reflections on the expressive force of reproductive decision making and policies.James Lindemann Nelson - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (2):165-182.
    : Prenatal and preconceptual testing and screening programs provide information on the basis of which people can choose to avoid the birth of children likely to face disabilities. Some disabilities advocates have objected to such programs and to the decisions made within them, on the grounds that measures taken to avoid the birth of children with disabilities have an "expressive force" that conveys messages disrespectful to people with disabilities. Assessing such a claim requires careful attention to general considerations relating meaning, (...)
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    The Ethics and Politics of Blood Plasma Donation.James Stacey Taylor - 2020 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 34 (1):89-103.
    Legal prohibitions on the financial compensation of donors are frequently justified by appealing either to concerns about patient safety or to concerns about the putatively unethical nature of such compensation. But jurisdictions that legally prohibit the financial compensation of donors routinely import plasma that has been collected from financially compensated donors—and they do so knowing its origins. I outline some possible ways in which this puzzle could be resolved and find them all wanting. Focusing on Canada I draw upon public (...)
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    Scientific Representation Is Representation-As.James Nguyen & Roman Frigg - 2016 - In Hsiang-Ke Chao & Julian Reiss (eds.), Philosophy of Science in Practice: Nancy Cartwright and the nature of scientific reasoning. Cham: Springer International Publishing. pp. 149-179.
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  47. 'Labyrinthus Continui': Leibniz on Substance, Activity, and Matter.James E. McGuire - 1976 - In Peter K. Machamer & Robert G. Turnbull (eds.), Motion and Time, Space and Matter. Ohio State University Press. pp. 290--326.
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    Synopsis of Science: Volume 2: From the Standpoint of the Nyaya Philosophy.James R. Ballantyne - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    James Robert Ballantyne taught oriental languages in India for sixteen years, compiling grammars of Hindi, Sanskrit and Persian, along with translations of Hindu philosophy. In 1859, for the use of Christian missionaries, he prepared a guide to Hinduism, in English and Sanskrit. Published in two volumes in 1852, Synopsis of Science was intended to introduce his Indian pupils to Western science by using the framework of Hindu Nyaya philosophy, which was familiar to them and which Ballantyne greatly respected. This (...)
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    (1 other version)Catholicism and Evolution: Polygenism and Original Sin Part II.James R. Hofmann - 2021 - Scientia et Fides 9 (1):63-129.
    As documented in Part I, monogenism, the descent of all human beings from Adam and Eve, was closely linked to the Catholic doctrine of original sin throughout the first half of the twentieth century. Theological reservations about polygenism, the more scientifically supported account of human origins through a transitional population, was brought to a head by Pius XII’s 1950 encyclical Humani generis. Although the encyclical allowed discussion of human evolution, polygenism was prohibited because “It does not appear how such a (...)
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  50. On the alleged shallowness of compatibilism: A critical study of Saul Smilansky: Free will and illusion.James Lenman - 2002 - Iyyun 51 (January):63-79.
    The millionaire’s idle, talentless and self-centered daughter inherits a large sum of money that she does not really deserve. The victim of kidnapping rots in a cell in 1980s Beirut in a captivity that springs not from any wrong he has done but from his ill-fortune in being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The hard-working, brilliant and self-denying Nobel Prize-winning scientist receives a large cheque for his extraordinarily productive labours. The murderer spends decades in jail for the (...)
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