Results for 'Jad Sinno'

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  1.  30
    Assemblages of excess and pleasures: The sociosexual uses of online and chemical technologies among men who have sex with men.Matthew Numer, Dave Holmes, Chad Hammond, Phillip Joy & Jad Sinno - 2022 - Nursing Philosophy 23 (1).
    Chemicals have penetrated everyday lives of men who have sex with men as never before, along with new online and mobile technologies used to seek pleasures and connections. Poststructuralist (including queer) explorations of these new intensities show how bodies exist in the form of (political) surfaces able to connect with other bodies and with other objects where they may find/create a function (e.g., reproduce or disrupt hegemonies). This federally funded netnographic study explored how a variety of chemicals such as recreational (...)
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    Dieu et les songes sacrés de la terre.Jad Hatem - 2014 - Paris: Éditions du Cygne.
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    Être la vérité.Jad Hatem - 2019 - Paris: Éditions du Cygne.
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    L'art comme autobiographie de la subjectivité absolue: Schelling, Balzac, Henry.Jad Hatem - 2009 - Paris: Orizons.
    La thèse de cet ouvrage est que 1'art est une expression de la subjectivité, non seulement de la subjectivité relative, déjà psychologisée et mêlée au monde, mais tout autant et primordialement, de la subjectivité humaine absolue ...
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    Le pandémonisme dans les Recherches sur la liberté humaine de Schelling.Jad Hatem - 2020 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 152 (3):279-290.
    Le concept de pandémonisme apparaît dans les Recherches sur la liberté humaine de Schelling en rapport avec l’émanatisme. Que l’être soit entièrement mauvais est une thèse que le philosophe ne saurait admettre. Mais il réserve une place essentielle à la puissance qui voudrait convertir au mal la totalité, Dieu compris. Cette étude examine la notion de Dieu inversé à l’horizon du pandémonisme afin d’en tirer toutes les conséquences.
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    Marx, Philosophe du Mal.Jad Hatem - 2006 - L'harmattan.
    Le mal, chez Marx, relève pour l'essentiel de la conjonction de trois catégories : l'inversion, le vampirisme et le destin.
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    Notule sur le Schelling d’Anne Henry.Jad Hatem - 2018 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 43:115-118.
    Dans ces quelques pages nous examinons en quoi la thèse d’Anne Henry, d’une influence déterminante de Schelling sur Proust, peut être redevable à la conception que Michel Henry se fait de Schelling, notamment à travers L’Essence de la manifestation.
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    Proust et Schelling – la question du Mal.Jad Hatem - 2018 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 43:255-279.
    Parmi les grands thèmes qui régissent la Recherche du temps perdu, le mal n’est pas le moindre. Plus qu’un thème, c’est une idée directrice bien qu’elle change de valeur au cours du périple. C’est sur la perversion que le narrateur attachera sa constante attention, ce qui invite à concevoir le mal par-delà la simple détermination du sensible, entreprise pour laquelle le Traité sur la liberté de Schelling sera d’un précieux apport car il conçoit le mal comme une perversion des principes. (...)
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    Quotidienneté et résistance.Jad Hatem - 2024 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia 69 (3):63-71.
    Daily Life and Resistance. Between daring project and tranquility, everyday life chooses the second term, the first threatening the habituality of serene existence. To do this, it deploys a minimal morality and, above all, a structure of resistance. The study is based on Andrei Pleco, Simone de Beauvoir, and Josep Maria Esquirol. Keywords: Daily life – Resistance – minima moralia – cultivating your garden – Availability.
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    Qu'est-ce que la religion?Jad Hatem - 2017 - [Paris]: Éditions M'Édite.
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    Suhrawardî et Gibran: prophètes de la terre astrale.Jad Hatem - 2003 - Beyrouth: Dar Albouraq.
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    Bauddhadarśana ane Śaṅkarācārya.Vanarājasiṃha E. Jaḍejā - 2013 - Amadāvāda: Pārśva Pablikeśana.
    Sudies on Buddhist philosophy and Vedanta philosophy of Śaṅkarācārya.
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    The Anti-Zionism, Antisemitism, Anti-Racism Controversy Revisited—Controversially?Islah Jad - 2020 - Feminist Review 126 (1):178-182.
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    The conundrums of post-Oslo Palestine: Gendering Palestinian citizenship.Islah Jad - 2010 - Feminist Theory 11 (2):149-169.
    This article reviews the feminist theorization of the concept of citizenship in an attempt to contextualize it in a situation where the basic ingredients for a sovereign state do not exist. The formation of the Palestinian Authority included the reconstruction of the Palestinian ‘imagined’ community within which approaches to gender policies were reformulated to suit a new era. However, the feminist use of the concept of citizenship itself comes into question under conditions of prolonged Occupation. In this analysis, I submit (...)
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    Confronti fondativi in bioetica: la vita tra sacralità e qualità.Raffaele Sinno - 2002 - Bari: Levante.
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    Conceptualising mass death through Palestinian texts amidst Gaza events 2023/24.Jad Kiadan School of Cultural Studies, Tel Aviv & Israel - forthcoming - Journal for Cultural Research:1-23.
    Following the Gaza events of 2023/24, this study examines how Palestinians understand mass death and mass destruction, exploring how can such a humanitarian catastrophe be framed within a coherent narrative. The focus is on the concept of sacrifice, analysed through a theoretical framework that distinguishes between meaningful sacrifices and absurd, meaningless deaths that categorises the victims as homo-sacer. Hence, this study aims to investigate the language and literature of the Palestinian people that regards to the 2023/24 Gaza events, and the (...)
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  17. L’art comme phénoménologie de la subjectivité absolue.Jad Hatem - 2009 - Studia Phaenomenologica 9:249-268.
    First we try to show that Henry’s philosophy of art meets Schelling’s ambition of exposing art as an organon of a philosophy of pathetic subjectivity (against the theory of imitation or reproduction). In this regard, Balzac’s novels serve as an illustration showing art to be the model of nature and not the other way round. Then Balzac’s main novel dealing with artistic creation, the Unknown Masterpiece, is interpreted using Henry’s grid, as an anticipation of Kandinsky’s abstraction.
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    Philosophical Concepts and Religious Metaphors: New Perspectives on Phenomenology and Theology.Jad Hatem - 2009 - Romanian Society for Phenomenology.
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    Phénoménologie de l’image poétique.Jad Hatem - 2008 - Studia Phaenomenologica 8:187-197.
    The poetic image results from the effort undertaken by affectivity to express itself in a language that is not originally its very own, but that holds the advantage of being communicable not only at the level of representation, but at the level of feeling as well. The image is not considered, therefore, to be a synthesis of true and false. In the process of creation, the affect is the material principle of the image as an ideal unity of syntheses. It (...)
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    Der Gottesglaube im Umbruch.Martin Jad - 1984 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 28 (1):95-102.
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    Suhrawardî et Gibran: prophètes de la terre astrale.Jad Hatem - 2003 - Beyrouth: Editions Albouraq.
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    A Holistic, Multi-Level, and Integrative Ethical Approach to Developing Machine Learning-Driven Decision Aids.Anita Ho, Jad Brake, Amitabha Palmer & Charles E. Binkley - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (9):110-113.
    The rapid progress and expanding development of machine learning-driven clinical decision support systems (ML_CDSS) have led to calls for involving “humans in the loop” in the design, development,...
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  23. Marx And Dracula / Marx Et Dracula.Jad Hatem - 2004 - Studia Philosophica 1.
    The metaphor of vampirism runs through Marx'''' work. I take it seriously, making its content explicit in the context of the Marxian critique of political economy, and measuring its effects through a correspondence between the Capital and Bram Stocker''''s novel. I try to show that Dracula is the novel of the "Capital", not, of course, that which Marx was thinking about, but rather that which complete explicitness in literary socio-critical terms configures the major nodes of the system.
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    Introduction. [REVIEW]Jad Hatem & Rolf Kühn - 2009 - Studia Phaenomenologica 9:11-13.
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    Memory networks for fine-grained opinion mining.Wenya Wang, Sinno Jialin Pan & Daniel Dahlmeier - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence 265 (C):1-17.
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    Weakly-supervised sensor-based activity segmentation and recognition via learning from distributions.Hangwei Qian, Sinno Jialin Pan & Chunyan Miao - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 292 (C):103429.
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    A deep learning framework for Hybrid Heterogeneous Transfer Learning.Joey Tianyi Zhou, Sinno Jialin Pan & Ivor W. Tsang - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 275 (C):310-328.
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    A unified framework of active transfer learning for cross-system recommendation.Lili Zhao, Sinno Jialin Pan & Qiang Yang - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 245 (C):38-55.
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    Mining competent case bases for case-based reasoning.Rong Pan, Qiang Yang & Sinno Jialin Pan - 2007 - Artificial Intelligence 171 (16-17):1039-1068.
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    Jaḍa-Bharata's Praśnāvalī: a text on Advaita-Vedānta: original text critically edited and translated into English. Jaḍabharata & Pranati Ghosal - 2004 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld. Edited by Pranati Ghosal.
    Professor Filippi Explores The Indian View Of Mortal Existence From An Individual S Conception To His/Her Journey To The Kingdom Of Yama With Rare Scientific Objectivity By Unveiling A Complex Network Of Sentiments, Beliefs, Scriptural References, Customs, Etc.
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  31. Limits of Empathy, Limits of Alterity? The Challenges and Shortcomings of Empathy with respect to Children and in Child Abuse Situations.Claudia Serban - forthcoming - Human Studies:1-22.
    The alterity of children seems to raise some peculiar problems for empathy: the child is an _alter ego_ whose difference is often regarded as abnormality or deficiency, and whose relation to adults is ineluctably asymmetric. Accordingly, two related threats endanger the respect and the acknowledgment of the child’s particular otherness: the denial of her subjectivity, as well as domination and violence. The paroxystic expression of these interconnected threats can be found in child abuse situations, which deserve special consideration from the (...)
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