Results for 'Jacek Mateusz Wierzbicki'

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  1. Alexander de Hales: Quaestiones disputatae de gratia: editio critica: un contributo alla teologia della grazia nella prima metà del sec. XIII.Jacek Mateusz Wierzbicki - 2008 - Roma: Antonianum. Edited by Alexander.
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    Bayesian Propositional Logic.Tomasz Jarmużek, Mateusz Klonowski & Jacek Malinowski - 2017 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 46 (3/4).
    We define and investigate from a logical point of view a family of consequence relations defined in probabilistic terms. We call them relations of supporting, and write: |≈w where w is a probability function on a Boolean language. A |≈w B iff the fact that A is the case does not decrease a probability of being B the case. Finally, we examine the intersection of |≈w, for all w, and give some formal properties of it.
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    Trends in Logic: 50 Years of Studia Logica.Vincent F. Hendricks & Jacek Malinowski (eds.) - 2003 - Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    In 1953, exactly 50 years ago to this day, the first volume of Studia Logica appeared under the auspices of The Philosophical Committee of The Polish Academy of Sciences. Now, five decades later the present volume is dedicated to a celebration of this 50th Anniversary of Studia Logica. The volume features a series of papers by distinguished scholars reflecting both the aim and scope of this journal for symbolic logic.
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    Commentary: The poverty of embodied cognition.Kinga Wołoszyn & Mateusz Hohol - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  5. Closing word: Twardowski in Poland and in the world.Anna Brożek & Jacek Jadacki - 2022 - In Anna Brożek & Jacek Jadacki (eds.), At the Sources of the Twentieth-Century Analytical Movement: Kazimierz Twardowski and His Position in European Philosophy. Boston: BRILL.
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    Roles of Impulsivity, Motivation, and Emotion Regulation in Procrastination – Path Analysis and Comparison Between Students and Non-students.Marek Wypych, Jacek Matuszewski & Wojciech Ł Dragan - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    On Pairs of Dual Consequence Operations.Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska & Jacek Waldmajer - 2011 - Logica Universalis 5 (2):177-203.
    In the paper, the authors discuss two kinds of consequence operations characterized axiomatically. The first one are consequence operations of the type Cn + that, in the intuitive sense, are infallible operations, always leading from accepted (true) sentences of a deductive system to accepted (true) sentences of the deductive system (see Tarski in Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik 37:361–404, 1930, Comptes Rendus des Séances De la Société des Sciences et des Lettres de Varsovie 23:22–29, 1930; Pogorzelski and Słupecki in Stud (...)
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    Filozoficzny wybór między zasadą indyferentyzmu a zasadą szczególnego dostrojenia.Marek Szydłowski & Jacek Golbiak - 2006 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 54 (2):231-252.
    We formulate a cosmogonic indifference principle in cosmology in terms of a dynamical system theory. While the choice between generic and fine tuned initial condition for our Universe has a rather philosophical character, there is a very generic set of initial conditions which give rise to the concordance inflectional ΛCDM model which becomes in good agreement with astronomical observations.
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  9. A Generalized Notion Of Reasoning.Anna Brożek & Jacek Jadacki - 2012 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 7 (1):105-119.
    The article proposes some extension of the concept of reasoning that includes also operations on interrogative sentences and imperative sentences , or rather on their contents — interrogations and prescriptions. Key words REASONING.
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    Humanistyka: księga pamiątkowa poświęcona pamięci profesora Jacka Rąba.Aleksandra Kuzior & Jacek Rąb (eds.) - 2015 - Zabrze: M-Studio.
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    Bronislaw Malinowski's Concept of Law.Mateusz Stępień (ed.) - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book discusses the legal thought of Bronislaw Malinowski (1884-1942), undoubtedly one of the titans of social sciences who greatly influenced not only the shape of modern cultural anthropology but also the social sciences as a whole. This is the first comprehensive work to focus on his legal conceptions: while much has been written about his views on language, magic, religion, and culture, his views on law have not been fairly reconstructed or recapitulated. A glance at the existing literature illustrates (...)
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    Rodzinny kapitał społeczny a wzrost gospodarczy w Polsce.Jan Jacek Sztaudynger - 2009 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 12 (1):225-244.
    Economic growth is mostly explained by investments and employment growth. Since the mid 1990s various social categories have been introduced into the economic growth analysis such as trust, crime and income inequality etc. According to sociology and psychology, it is the family that constitutes interpersonal ties and is an indicator of happiness and quality of life. It can be said that happy people better fulfil their social roles and also work better. We set a hypothesis that the family ties have (...)
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    Editorial: Extreme Environments in Movement Science and Sport Psychology.Costantino Balestra, Jacek Kot, Shai Efrati, François Guerrero, Jean-Eric Blatteau & Stéphane Besnard - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Philosophy as Collecting Reminders.Adam Mateusz Brożyński - 2019 - Philosophical Discourses 1:303-310.
    The autor undertakes reflection on philosophy in context of Ludwig Wittgenstein statement that “the work of the philosopher consists in assembling reminders for a particular purpose”. He points out that it is a kind of activity that is specific for human beings and has a moral dimension.
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  15. Ideologia postheglizmu: kategoria narodu w polskim heglizmie a współczesne kontrowersje.Jacek Rąb - 1981 - Wrocław: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
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  16. The system of electronic registration of information about patients treated for infertility with the ivf icsi/et method.Milewski Robert, Jamiołkowski Jacek, Milewska Anna Justyna, Domitrz Jan & Wolczynski Slawomir - 2009 - In Dariusz Surowik (ed.), Logic in knowledge representation and exploration. Białystok: University of Białystok.
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    Zagadnienia etyczne w procesach przekształceń własnościowych Województwa Łódzkiego.Danuta Barańska & Marek Jacek Michalak - 2008 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 11 (2):121-129.
    The Polish society has perceived privatization as an issue of special importance which enables a free market economy in a short time. Privatization has always raised hopes and expectations. It is the lack of experience in the field of ownership transformations, the level of their complexity and the economic, legal, psychological and other conditionings that have confronted those transformations with many hindrances. They have also raised numerous moral and ethical dilemmas among the staff of privatized companies and founding organs including (...)
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    Topologiczne i metodologiczne aspekty modeli kosmologii kwantowej.Monika Hereć & Jacek Golbiak - 2012 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 60 (4):101-121.
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    O niemożliwości ontologicznego argumentu na istnienie Boga.Immanuel Kant & Jacek Surzyn - 2017 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 29 (1):411-418.
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  20. Semiotyczny wymiar pojęcia "informacja semantyczna".Wiktor Kołwzan & Jacek Święcki - 1983 - Studia Semiotyczne 13:49-63.
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    Marxism, Lay Culture, Christianity.Janusz Kuczyński & Jacek Hołówka - 1978 - Dialectics and Humanism 5 (1):137-149.
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    Shortening of psychological tests – assumptions, methods and doubts.Władysław Jacek Paluchowski & Paweł Kleka - 2017 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 48 (4):516-522.
    In this article, on the basis of questionnaire data collected for other purposes, the Authors want to show the consequences of various methods of shortening of tests and what may result from such an action for diagnosticians, researchers and examined individuals. The research aim of the work is to show the best method of shortening of the scale of questionnaires. Will shortening of a questionnaire according to different statistical techniques bring the same results? Will the quality of shortened scales be (...)
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  23. The field of affordances in SUD. How do people with addiction interact with the environment?Filip Stawski & Mateusz Tofilski - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    The objective of this paper is to examine whether the category of affordances and the potential mechanisms governing their actualization can offer a valuable framework for a deeper understanding of mental disorders, particularly addiction. In recent years, the category of affordances has been applied in analyzing schizophrenia, depression, or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). In the paper we concentrate on substance use disorder (SUD) and argue that it can be characterized in terms of reshaping the field of affordances and an inability to (...)
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  24. Zaufanie i kapitał społeczny a wzrost gospodarczy. Wyniki badań ekonometrycznych.J. Jacek Sztaudynger - 2003 - Prakseologia 143 (143):231-246.
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    Izydora Dąmbska: The First Lady of the Twentieth-Century Polish Philosophy.Anna Brożek & Jacek Jadacki - 2018 - In Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska & Ángel Garrido (eds.), The Lvov-Warsaw School. Past and Present. Cham, Switzerland: Springer- Birkhauser,. pp. 223-233.
    Izydora Dąmbska was one of the most creative women-representatives of the Lvov-Warsaw School. The paper presents her extraordinary personality, life, as well as the list of her main works and the greatest scientific achievements. The main area of her interest was the logic of natural language, methodology and the history of Greek semiotics. She gave meticulous analysis of the relation between conventionalism on one hand, and relativism, scepticism and agnosticism on the other. In semiotics, she proposed new approach to the (...)
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  26. Analiza Analizy.Anna Brozek & Jacek Jadacki - 2006 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 42 (1):37-54.
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    On Prejudices, Judgments, and Other Topics in Philosophy.Anna Brożek & Jacek Jadacki (eds.) - 2014 - Brill | Rodopi.
    The volume contains almost thirty papers by Kazimierz Twardowski, the founder of the Lvov-Warsaw School. The papers are published in English for the first time. The papers concern fundamental problems of philosophy: the methods of philosophizing, the boundary of psychology and semiotics, the conceptual apparatus of metaphysics, ethical skepticism, the question of free will and ethical obligation, the aesthetics of music and so on. The systematic considerations are complemented by concise but excellent sketches of the philosophical views of Socrates, Aquinas, (...)
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  28. Thought Experiments in Science.Anna Brozek & Jacek Jadacki - 2012 - Filozofia Nauki 20 (1).
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    Insensitive Players? A Relationship Between Violent Video Game Exposure and Recognition of Negative Emotions.Ewa Miedzobrodzka, Jacek Buczny, Elly A. Konijn & Lydia C. Krabbendam - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    An ability to accurately recognize negative emotions in others can initiate pro-social behavior and prevent anti-social actions. Thus, it remains of an interest of scholars studying effects of violent video games. While exposure to such games was linked to slower emotion recognition, the evidence regarding accuracy of emotion recognition among players of violent games is weak and inconsistent. The present research investigated the relationship between violent video game exposure and accuracy of negative emotion recognition. We assessed the level of self-reported (...)
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  30. Philosophical Dimensions of the Unity of Science.Artur Rojszczak, Jacek Cachro & Gabriel Kurczewski (eds.) - 2003 - Kluwer Academic Publisher.
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    Od Vareli do innej fenomenologii. Wywiad z Shaunem Gallagherem, Część I.Przemysław Nowakowski, Jacek Seweryn Podgórski, Marek Pokropski & Witold Wachowski - 2011 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 2 (2).
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  32. Księga pamiątkowa Marianowi Przełęckiemu w darze na 90-lecie urodzin.Anna Brożek & Jacek Jadacki (eds.) - 2014
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    Challenges for Computational Intelligence.Wlodzislaw Duch & Jacek Mandziuk (eds.) - 2007 - Springer.
    The book written by top experts in CI provides such clear directions and the much-needed focus on the most important and challenging research issues, showing a ...
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    Logic and Ethics.Peter Geach & Jacek Holówka (eds.) - 1990 - Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Designed to help nursing students prepare for the NCLEX-RN licensure exam, the third edition of this exam assesses their knowledge and abilities before they take the Boards. The AssessTest is comprised of 265 questions that reflect the stand-alone format and distribution of content according to the NCLEX-RN test plan. A detailed computer evaluation analyses individual strengths and weaknesses to help students plan study time more effectively.
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    Logical Semiotics in the Writings of Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz.Jerzy Pelc & Jacek Hołówka - 1979 - Dialectics and Humanism 6 (3):113-119.
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  36. Besieged fortress syndrome" as a social engineering mechanism.Jacek Ziółkowski - 2024 - In Mirosław Karwat, Marcin Tobiasz & Jacek Ziółkowski (eds.), Constituents of political theory: selected articles by the Warsaw School of Political Theory. New York: Peter Lang.
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  37. Realism and individualism: Charles S. Peirce and the threat of modern nominalism. [REVIEW]Zachary Micah Gartenberg & Mateusz W. Oleksy - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (2):425-428.
  38. Świat fizyczny wyłania się z matematyki. Z Rogerem Penrosem rozmawia Jacek Urbaniec.Jacek Urbaniec - 1993 - Filozofia Nauki 1.
    Jacek Urbaniec: Platonism in the philosophy of mathematics does not necessarily imply that there are links between the temporal physical world and the eternal world of mathematics..
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    A theory of implicit commitment.Mateusz Łełyk & Carlo Nicolai - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-26.
    The notion of implicit commitment has played a prominent role in recent works in logic and philosophy of mathematics. Although implicit commitment is often associated with highly technical studies, it remains an elusive notion. In particular, it is often claimed that the acceptance of a mathematical theory implicitly commits one to the acceptance of a Uniform Reflection Principle for it. However, philosophers agree that a satisfactory analysis of the transition from a theory to its reflection principle is still lacking. We (...)
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  40. Back to the actual future.Jacek Wawer & Alex Malpass - 2020 - Synthese 197 (5):2193-2213.
    The purpose of the paper is to rethink the role of actuality in the branching model of possibilities. We investigate the idea that the model should be enriched with an additional factor—the so-called Thin Red Line—which is supposed to represent the single possible course of events that gets actualized in time. We believe that this idea was often misconceived which prompted some unfortunate reactions. On the one hand, it suggested problematic semantic models of future tense and and on the other, (...)
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    Axiomatization of Some Basic and Modal Boolean Connexive Logics.Mateusz Klonowski - 2021 - Logica Universalis 15 (4):517-536.
    Boolean connexive logic is an extension of Boolean logic that is closed under Modus Ponens and contains Aristotle’s and Boethius’ theses. According to these theses a sentence cannot imply its negation and the negation of a sentence cannot imply the sentence; and if the antecedent implies the consequent, then the antecedent cannot imply the negation of the consequent and if the antecedent implies the negation of the consequent, then the antecedent cannot imply the consequent. Such a logic was first introduced (...)
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  42. On evolution and creation: Problem solved? The polish example.Jacek Tomczyk & Grzegorz Bugajak - 2009 - Zygon 44 (4):859-878.
    We present the results of research carried out as a part of the project “Current Controversies about Human Origins: Between Anthropology and the Bible”, which focused on the supposed conflict between natural sciences and some branches of the humanities, notably philosophy and theology, with regard to human origins. One way to tackle the issue was to distribute a questionnaire among students and teachers of the relevant disciplines. Teachers of religion and the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, and physics) and students of (...)
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    Models of weak theories of truth.Mateusz Łełyk & Bartosz Wcisło - 2017 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 56 (5):453-474.
    In the following paper we propose a model-theoretical way of comparing the “strength” of various truth theories which are conservative over $$ PA $$. Let $${\mathfrak {Th}}$$ denote the class of models of $$ PA $$ which admit an expansion to a model of theory $${ Th}$$. We show (combining some well known results and original ideas) that $$\begin{aligned} {{\mathfrak {PA}}}\supset {\mathfrak {TB}}\supset {{\mathfrak {RS}}}\supset {\mathfrak {UTB}}\supseteq \mathfrak {CT^-}, \end{aligned}$$ where $${\mathfrak {PA}}$$ denotes simply the class of all models of (...)
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    Models of Positive Truth.Mateusz Łełyk & Bartosz Wcisło - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (1):144-172.
    This paper is a follow-up to [4], in which a mistake in [6] (which spread also to [9]) was corrected. We give a strenghtening of the main result on the semantical nonconservativity of the theory of PT−with internal induction for total formulae${(\rm{P}}{{\rm{T}}^ - } + {\rm{INT}}\left( {{\rm{tot}}} \right)$, denoted by PT−in [9]). We show that if to PT−the axiom of internal induction forallarithmetical formulae is added (giving${\rm{P}}{{\rm{T}}^ - } + {\rm{INT}}$), then this theory is semantically stronger than${\rm{P}}{{\rm{T}}^ - } + (...)
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    “I” and “Me”: The Self in the Context of Consciousness.Mateusz Woźniak - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:350047.
    James (1890) distinguished two understandings of the self, the self as “Me” and the self as “I”. This distinction has recently regained popularity in cognitive science, especially in the context of experimental studies on the underpinnings of the phenomenal self. The goal of this paper is to take a step back from cognitive science and attempt to precisely distinguish between “Me” and “I” in the context of consciousness. This distinction was originally based on the idea that the former (“Me”) corresponds (...)
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    Dialogue with Nature and the Ecological Imperative.Mateusz Salwa - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 4 (4):123-135.
    The aim of the paper is to discuss the idea of dialogue with nature. Even though the idea of dialogue with animals, plants – even objects of inanimate nature – is well known, it has usually been treated as an expression of a naive or folk view. Yet, it has recently gained in importance as an idea that is used to describe an ecological approach to natural environment and tends to be treated as a foundation for an ecological culture. A (...)
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    Idea słowiańska i muzyka.Mateusz Andrzejewski - 2010 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 16:261-276.
    Idea słowiańska” jest terminem ogólnym, odnoszącym się do wielu politycznych, historiozoficznych i kulturowych wątków, dla których inspiracją było językowe i kulturowe pokrewieństwo między narodami słowiańskimi. Takie ruchy jak słowianofilstwo i panslawizm miały na celu kulturalne i polityczne zjednoczenie Słowian. Idea ta wywarła silny wpływ na muzykę krajów środkowej i wschodniej Europy w XIX i XX wieku. Pod jej wpływem powstała znaczna liczba utworów muzycznych. Można utwory te podzielić na kilka grup. W jednych „słowiańskość” podkreślana była poprzez tytuł. Kompozytorzy używali również (...)
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  48. Pomiędzy stylema a etosem, czyli co stoi za plecami ogólności i spójności?Mateusz Bonecki - 2005 - Fenomenologia 3:155-159.
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    Hamel-isomorphic images of the unit ball.Jacek Cichoń & Przemysław Szczepaniak - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (6):625-630.
    In this article we consider linear isomorphisms over the field of rational numbers between the linear spaces ℝ2 and ℝ. We prove that if f is such an isomorphism, then the image by f of the unit disk is a strictly nonmeasurable subset of the real line, which has different properties than classical non-measurable subsets of reals. We shall also consider the question whether all images of bounded measurable subsets of the plane via a such mapping are non-measurable.
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    Are there really any errors in the Austrian theory of welfare?Mateusz Czyżniewski - 2024 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 76:505-527.
    This text reviews David Megger’s 2021 book entitled _Justice in Welfare Economics. __Libertarianism and the Austrian School_ (in Polish: _Sprawiedliwość w ekonomii dobrobytu, liberatarianizm i szkoła austriacka_). The review takes a critical approach, highlighting the most significant aspects of the presented considerations and emphasising their uniqueness and complexity. I intend to extensively discuss the author’s theses concerning the modification of the fundamental claims of Austrian school representatives about justice and welfare, highlighting both their strengths and weaknesses.
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