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John Watling [38]J. Watling [17]J. L. Watling [1]
  1. Austin J. L.. Ifs and cans. Proceedings of the British Academy, vol. 42 , pp. 109–132.John Watling - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (1):74-75.
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  2.  42
    Chance.D. H. Mellor & John Watling - 1969 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 43 (1):11-48.
  3. The Sum of an Infinite Series.J. Watling - 1952 - Analysis 13 (2):39--46.
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  4.  44
    Symposium: Entailment.C. Lewy, J. Watling & P. T. Geach - 1958 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 32 (1):123 - 172.
  5.  38
    (1 other version)The Problem of Contrary-to-Fact Conditionals.John Watling - 1956 - Analysis 17 (4):73 - 80.
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  6.  44
    IV.—Inference from the Known to the Unknown.John Watling - 1955 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 55 (1):83-108.
  7.  23
    Bertrand Russell.John Watling - 1970 - Edinburgh,: Oliver & Boyd.
  8. Doubt, Knowledge and the Cogito in Descartes' Meditations.John Watling - 1986 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 20:57-71.
    Descartes published his Meditations in First Philosophy in 1641. A French translation from the original Latin, which he saw and approved, followed six years later. The words ‘in First Philosophy’ indicate that the Meditations attack fundamental questions, the chief of them being the nature of knowledge and the nature of man. I shall deal almost entirely with his treatment of the first, the nature of knowledge; even when the two questions become mixed up, as they notoriously do, I shall not (...)
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  9. Ayer on Other Minds.John Watling - 1954 - Theoria 20 (1):175.
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  10. Bibliographical notes XXXIII.John Watling - 1954 - Theoria 20 (1):194.
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  11. (1 other version)Amending the Verification Principle.Robert Brown & John Watling - 1950 - Analysis 11 (4):87 - 89.
  12.  61
    (1 other version)Counterfactual conditionals.Robert Brown & John Watling - 1952 - Mind 61 (242):222-233.
  13.  70
    Hypothetical statements in phenomenalism.Robert Brown & John Watling - 1949 - Synthese 8 (1):355-366.
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  14.  49
    Classics of Analytical Philosophy. By Robert R. Ammerman. (McGraw-Hill. 1965. Pp. 413. Price £2 12s.).John Watling - 1967 - Philosophy 42 (159):95-.
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  15.  18
    Causes or reasons ?John Watling - 1973 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 16 (1-4):101-111.
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  16. About A. J. Ayer's The Problem of Knowledge.John Watling - 1958 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 12 (1):75.
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  17. About J. O. Urmson's Philosophical Analysis: its Development between the Two World Wars.J. Watling - 1956 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 10 (37):340-346.
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  18.  51
    Berg Jan. On defining disposition predicates. Analysis , vol. 15 no. 4 , pp. 85–89.John Watling - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (4):390-390.
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  19. Confirmation Discomforted.John Watling - 1963 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 17 (2):155.
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  20.  15
    Critical Notice.J. Watling - 1956 - Mind 65 (258):267 - 273.
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  21.  26
    IX*—Are Causes Events or Facts?John Watling - 1974 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 74 (1):161-170.
    John Watling; IX*—Are Causes Events or Facts?, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 74, Issue 1, 1 June 1974, Pages 161–170, https://doi.org/10.1093/.
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  22. Immanuel KANT, "Scritti politici e di filosofia della storia e del diritto.".J. Watling - 1956 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 10 (3=37):347.
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  23.  58
    Kant's Explanation of the Necessity of Geometrical Truths.John Watling - 1971 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 5:131-144.
    Kant was an idealist. His idealism was in some ways, it is true, less extreme than that of Berkeley. He distinguished his own by calling it ‘transcendental’. It is less extreme than Berkeley's in two ways. First, Kant does not assert that everything which exists is essentially mental, as Berkeley does. Second, those things which he does hold to be essentially mental, he holds to be so in a weaker fashion. Nevertheless he was an idealist; he held that neither intuition (...)
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  24.  22
    Nuchelmans Gabriel. The analysis of counterfactual conditionals. Synthese, vol. 9 issue 1 no. 1 , pp. 48–63.John Watling - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (3):323-324.
  25. Ouvrages Reçus.J. Watling - 1956 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 10 (37):366-369.
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  26.  97
    Propositions Asserting Causal Connection.J. Watling - 1953 - Analysis 14 (2):31 - 37.
  27.  10
    Revue Des Revues.J. Watling - 1956 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 10 (37):370-380.
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  28.  5
    Relativity Today. A symposium broadcast in the Third Programme. British Broadcasting Corporation, 1963 Pp. 31. 2s. 6d.John Watling - 1965 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 15 (60):357-358.
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  29.  53
    Rozeboom William W.. The logic of color words. The philosophical review, vol. 67 , pp. 353–366.J. Watling - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (1):83-84.
  30.  29
    Smart J. J. C.. Incompatible colors. Philosophical studies , vol. 10 , pp. 39–42.J. Watling - 1959 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 24 (3):271-272.
  31. The causal theory of perception.J. Watling - 1950 - Mind 59 (October):539-540.
  32.  31
    The Importance of 'If'.John Watling - 1991 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 30:167-180.
    Every week of term, on Wednesday afternoons, during most of his years at University College, Ayer held a seminar. Strangely, he makes no mention of that seminar in his autobiography, although it was a more serious and productive affair than his Monday evening seminar, which he does mention. At the Wednesday seminar, conditionals were often the subject for discussion. They are intriguing things in themselves but the attention they received must have been due, in large part, to their central role (...)
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  33.  15
    Three philosophers.John Watling - 1962 - Philosophical Books 3 (3):1-2.
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  34.  94
    Ushenko A. P.. The principles of causality. The journal of philosophy, vol. 50 , pp. 85–101.John Watling - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (3):322-323.
  35.  60
    Ushenko A. P.. The counterfactual. The journal of philosophy, vol. 51 , pp. 369–383.John Watling - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (3):321-322.
  36. Vie Philosophique.J. Watling - 1956 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 10 (37):381.
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  37.  30
    Philosophy, Science, and Sense Perception: Historical and Critical Studies. By Maurice Mandelbaum. (Johns Hopkins Press; London: Oxford University Press, 1964. Pp. 262. Price 52s.). [REVIEW]J. L. Watling - 1965 - Philosophy 40 (153):264-.
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  38.  31
    The Matter of Chance By D. H. Mellor Cambridge University Press, 1971, xiii + 190 pp., £4. [REVIEW]John Watling - 1975 - Philosophy 50 (192):244-.
  39. AUNE, B. "Reason and Action". [REVIEW]J. Watling - 1979 - Mind 88:617.
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  40. Book Review. [REVIEW]J. Watling - 1956 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 10 (37):347-365.
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  41. Books received. [REVIEW]John Watling - 1954 - Theoria 20 (1/3):205.
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  42. "Conceptions of Ether: Studies in the History of Ether Theories 1740-1900", Edited by G. N. Cantor and M. J. S. Hodge. [REVIEW]J. Watling - 1983 - Mind 92:467.
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  43. GOODMAN, N. -Fact, Fiction, and Forecast. [REVIEW]J. Watling - 1956 - Mind 65:267.
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  44.  35
    Pap Arthur. Once more: Colors and the synthetic a priori. The philosophical review, vol. 66 , pp. 94–99.Putnam Hilary. Red and green all over again: A rejoinder to Arthur Pap. The philosophical review, vol. 66 , pp. 100–103.Glassen Peter. Reds, greens, and the synthetic a priori. Philosophical studies , vol. 9 , pp. 33–38. [REVIEW]John Watling - 1959 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 24 (1):91-92.
  45. (1 other version)Review: G. Nuchelmans, "Counterfactual Conditionals" and Singular Causal Statements. [REVIEW]John Watling - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (4):389-390.