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Jerome C. Wakefield [31]James Wakefield [9]J. R. M. Wakefield [5]Jason Wakefield [4]
Jerome Wakefield [4]Jennie Wakefield [4]John C. Wakefield [2]James R. M. Wakefield [2]

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  1. Disorder as harmful dysfunction: A conceptual critique of DSM-III-R's definition of mental disorder.Jerome C. Wakefield - 1992 - Psychological Review 99 (2):232-247.
  2. The Biostatistical Theory Versus the Harmful Dysfunction Analysis, Part 1: Is Part-Dysfunction a Sufficient Condition for Medical Disorder?Jerome Wakefield - 2014 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 39 (6):648-682.
    Christopher Boorse’s biostatistical theory of medical disorder claims that biological part-dysfunction (i.e., failure of an internal mechanism to perform its biological function), a factual criterion, is both necessary and sufficient for disorder. Jerome Wakefield’s harmful dysfunction analysis of medical disorder agrees that part-dysfunction is necessary but rejects the sufficiency claim, maintaining that disorder also requires that the part-dysfunction causes harm to the individual, a value criterion. In this paper, I present two considerations against the sufficiency claim. First, I analyze Boorse’s (...)
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  3.  51
    Harm as a Necessary Component of the Concept of Medical Disorder: Reply to Muckler and Taylor.Jerome C. Wakefield & Jordan A. Conrad - 2020 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 45 (3):350-370.
    Wakefield’s harmful dysfunction analysis asserts that the concept of medical disorder includes a naturalistic component of dysfunction and a value component, both of which are required for disorder attributions. Muckler and Taylor, defending a purely naturalist, value-free understanding of disorder, argue that harm is not necessary for disorder. They provide three examples of dysfunctions that, they claim, are considered disorders but are entirely harmless: mild mononucleosis, cowpox that prevents smallpox, and minor perceptual deficits. They also reject the proposal that dysfunctions (...)
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  4.  57
    Brains evolution and neurolinguistic preconditions.Wendy K. Wilkins & Jennie Wakefield - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):161-182.
    This target article presents a plausible evolutionary scenario for the emergence of the neural preconditions for language in the hominid lineage. In pleistocene primate lineages there was a paired evolutionary expansion of frontal and parietal neocortex (through certain well-documented adaptive changes associated with manipulative behaviors) resulting, in ancestral hominids, in an incipient Broca's region and in a configurationally unique junction of the parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes of the brain (the POT). On our view, the development of the POT in (...)
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  5.  56
    Does the harm component of the harmful dysfunction analysis need rethinking?: Reply to Powell and Scarffe.Jerome C. Wakefield & Jordan A. Conrad - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (9):594-596.
    In ‘Rethinking Disease’, Powell and Scarffe1 propose what in effect is a modification of Jerome Wakefield’s2 3 harmful dysfunction analysis (HDA) of medical (including mental) disorder. The HDA maintains that ‘disorder’ (or ‘disease’ in Powell and Scarffe’s terminology) is a hybrid factual and value concept requiring that a biological dysfunction, understood as a failure of some feature to perform a naturally selected function, causes harm to the individual as evaluated by social values. Powell and Scarffe accept both the HDA’s evolutionary (...)
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  6. Intentionality and the phenomenology of action.Jerome C. Wakefield & Hubert L. Dreyfus - 1991 - In Ernest Lepore (ed.), John Searle and His Critics. Cambridge: Blackwell.
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  7.  97
    Addiction and the Concept of Disorder, Part 2: Is every Mental Disorder a Brain Disorder?Jerome C. Wakefield - 2016 - Neuroethics 10 (1):55-67.
    In this two-part analysis, I analyze Marc Lewis’s arguments against the brain-disease view of substance addiction and for a developmental-learning approach that demedicalizes addiction. I focus especially on the question of whether addiction is a medical disorder. In Part 1, I argued that, even if one accepts Lewis’s critique of the brain evidence presented for the brain-disease view, his arguments fail to establish that addiction is not a disorder. Relying on my harmful dysfunction analysis of disorder, I defended the view (...)
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  8.  67
    Dysfunction as a value-free concept: A reply to Sadler and Agich.Jerome C. Wakefield - 1995 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 2 (3):233-246.
  9.  61
    ""Aristotle as sociobiologist: The" function of a human being" argument, black box essentialism, and the concept of mental disorder.Jerome C. Wakefield - 2000 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 7 (1):17-44.
    In the first part of this article, I argue that Christopher Megone's natural-kind interpretation of Aristotle's argument that "the function of a human being is reason" does not resolve major puzzles about the argument, specifically the puzzles of why a human being has a function and why reason is that function. I attempt to resolve these puzzles by supplementing the natural-kind account with the doctrine that reason is the master regulatory natural function by which individuals enter into social life. In (...)
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  10.  86
    Spandrels, Vestigial Organs, and Such: Reply to Murphy and Woolfolk's" The Harmful Dysfunction Analysis of Mental Disorder".Jerome C. Wakefield - 2000 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 7 (4):253-269.
    The harmful dysfunction (HD) analysis of "disorder" holds that disorders are harmful failures of "designed" (that is, naturally selected) functions. Murphy and Woolfolk (2000) present a series of proposed counterexamples to the HD analysis to support their claim that it fails to provide a necessary condition for disorder. They argue that disorder can exist where there is no failed function, as in failed spandrels and inflamed vestigial organs, and that there can be disorders when everything is working as designed, as (...)
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  11.  59
    Can the Harmful Dysfunction Analysis Explain Why Addiction is a Medical Disorder?: Reply to Marc Lewis.Jerome C. Wakefield - 2017 - Neuroethics 10 (2):313-317.
  12.  31
    Darwin, functional explanation, and the philosophy of psychiatry.Jerome C. Wakefield - 2011 - In Pieter R. Adriaens & Andreas De Block (eds.), Maladapting Minds: Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Evolutionary Theory. Oxford University Press. pp. 43--172.
  13. Social Construction, Biological Design, and Mental Disorder.Jerome C. Wakefield - 2014 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 21 (4):349-355.
    Pierre-Henri Castel provides a short but richly argued precis of his recently published two-volume 1,000-page masterwork on the history of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Having not read the as-yet-untranslated books, I write this commentary from Plato’s cave, trying to infer the reality of Castel’s analysis from expository shadows. I am unlikely to be more successful than Plato’s poor troglodytes, so I apologize ahead of time for any misunderstandings. Moreover, I cannot assess Castel’s detailed evidential case for his substantive theses.1 I thus focus (...)
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  14.  60
    Indirect Reports and Pragmatics in the World Languages.Alessandro Capone, Una Stojnic, Ernie Lepore, Denis Delfitto, Anne Reboul, Gaetano Fiorin, Kenneth A. Taylor, Jonathan Berg, Herbert L. Colston, Sanford C. Goldberg, Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri, Cliff Goddard, Anna Wierzbicka, Magdalena Sztencel, Sarah E. Duffy, Alessandra Falzone, Paola Pennisi, Péter Furkó, András Kertész, Ágnes Abuczki, Alessandra Giorgi, Sona Haroutyunian, Marina Folescu, Hiroko Itakura, John C. Wakefield, Hung Yuk Lee, Sumiyo Nishiguchi, Brian E. Butler, Douglas Robinson, Kobie van Krieken, José Sanders, Grazia Basile, Antonino Bucca, Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri & Kobie van Krieken (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume addresses the intriguing issue of indirect reports from an interdisciplinary perspective. The contributors include philosophers, theoretical linguists, socio-pragmaticians, and cognitive scientists. The book is divided into four sections following the provenance of the authors. Combining the voices from leading and emerging authors in the field, it offers a detailed picture of indirect reports in the world’s languages and their significance for theoretical linguistics. Building on the previous book on indirect reports in this series, this volume adds an empirical (...)
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  15.  21
    Freud and Philosophy of Mind, Volume 1: Reconstructing the Argument for Unconscious Mental States.Jerome C. Wakefield - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book consists of a focused and systematic analysis of Freud’s implicit argument for unconscious mental states. The author employs the unique approach of applying contemporary philosophical methods, especially Kripke-Putnam essentialism, in analyzing Freud’s argument. The book elaborates how Freud transformed the intentionality theory of his Cartesian teacher Franz Brentano into what is essentially a sophisticated modern view of the mind. Indeed, Freud redirected Brentano's analysis of consciousness as intentionality into a view of consciousness-independent intentionalism about the mental that in (...)
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  16. What makes a mental disorder mental?Jerome C. Wakefield - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (2):123-131.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:What Makes a Mental Disorder Mental?Jerome C. Wakefield (bio)Keywordsharmful dysfunction, mental disorder, intentionality, mental dysfunction, mental functioning, phenomenality, somatic disorderWhat makes a medical disorder mental rather than (exclusively) somatic or physical? Psychiatry to some extent depends for its existence as a medical specialty on the distinction between mental and somatic disorders, yet the history of this distinction presents a bewildering array of puzzling judgments, radical shifts, and seemingly arbitrary (...)
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  17. Broad versus narrow content in the explanation of action: Fodor on Frege cases.Jerome C. Wakefield - 2002 - Philosophical Psychology 15 (2):119-33.
    A major obstacle to formulating a broad-content intentional psychology is the occurrence of ''Frege cases'' - cases in which a person apparently believes or desires Fa but not Fb and acts accordingly, even though "a" and "b" have the same broad content. Frege cases seem to demand narrow-content distinctions to explain actions by the contents of beliefs and desires. Jerry Fodor ( The elm and the expert: Mentalese and its semantics , Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1994) argues that an explanatorily (...)
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  18.  16
    Introduction.B. Haddock, R. Peters & J. R. M. Wakefield - 2020 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 26 (1-2):1-18.
  19. Neurodiversity, Autism, and Psychiatric Disability: The Harmful Dysfunction Perspective.Jerome C. Wakefield, David Wasserman & Jordan A. Conrad - 2020 - In Adam Cureton & David Wasserman (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Disability. Oxford University Press. pp. 500-521.
  20. Mental Disorder and Moral Responsibility: Disorders of Personhood as Harmful Dysfunctions, With Special Reference to Alcoholism.Jerome C. Wakefield - 2009 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 16 (1):91-99.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mental Disorder and Moral Responsibility:Disorders of Personhood as Harmful Dysfunctions, With Special Reference to AlcoholismJerome C. Wakefield (bio)Keywordsalcohol dependence, philosophy of psychiatry, mental disorder, harmful dysfunction, psychiatric diagnosis, person, moral responsibilityIn his paper, Ethical Decisions in the Classification of Mental Conditions as Mental Illness, Craig Edwards grapples with a profound problem: why is it that when we classify a mental condition as a mental disorder, that tends to take (...)
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  21. The six most essential questions in psychiatric diagnosis: a pluralogue. Part 4: general conclusion.Allen Frances, Michael A. Cerullo, John Chardavoyne, Hannah S. Decker, Michael B. First, Nassir Ghaemi, Gary Greenberg, Andrew C. Hinderliter, Warren A. Kinghorn, Steven G. LoBello, Elliott B. Martin, Aaron L. Mishara, Joel Paris, Joseph M. Pierre, Ronald W. Pies, Harold A. Pincus, Douglas Porter, Claire Pouncey, Michael A. Schwartz, Thomas Szasz, Jerome C. Wakefield, G. Scott Waterman, Owen Whooley, Peter Zachar & James Phillips - 2012 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 7:14-.
    In the conclusion to this multi-part article I first review the discussions carried out around the six essential questions in psychiatric diagnosis – the position taken by Allen Frances on each question, the commentaries on the respective question along with Frances’ responses to the commentaries, and my own view of the multiple discussions. In this review I emphasize that the core question is the first – what is the nature of psychiatric illness – and that in some manner all further (...)
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  22.  44
    Fait et valeur dans le concept de trouble mental : le trouble en tant que dysfonction préjudiciable.Jerome Wakefield - 2006 - Philosophiques 33 (1):37-63.
    Les critiques actuelles des diagnostics psychiatriques, qu’elles viennent des antipsychiatres, des béhavioristes, des constructionnistes sociaux, des szasziens et des foucaldiens, rejettent généralement l’idée que le concept de trouble mental est légitime du point de vue médical, ne laissant donc aucun argument solide à partir duquel il soit possible de mener une critique constructive et d’établir un dialogue avec la psychiatrie. Ces positions ne réussissent également pas à expliquer les fortes intuitions populaires qui permettent aux gens de distinguer les troubles psychologiques (...)
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  23.  10
    Giovanni Gentile and the State of Contemporary Constructivism: A Study of Actual Idealist Moral Theory.James Wakefield - 2015 - Imprint Academic.
    Recent moral philosophers have had little to say about Giovanni Gentile's 'actual idealism’, which is widely dismissed as a kind of obscurantist Hegelianism used to conceal flimsy justifications for the state’s total impunity over questions of morality and truth. While Gentile is increasingly recognised as a major figure in twentieth-century Italian culture, actual idealism itself has yet to be given a full and impartial philosophical appraisal. Giovanni Gentile and the State of Contemporary Constructivism represents the first book-length treatment of actual (...)
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    Fodor on inscrutability.Jerome C. Wakefield - 2003 - Mind and Language 18 (5):524-537.
    : Jerry Fodor proposes a solution to Quine's inscrutability–of–reference problem for certain naturalized semantic theories, thereby defending such theories from charges that they cannot discriminate meanings finely enough. His proposal, combining elements of informational and inferential–role semantics, is to eliminate non–standard interpretations by testing predicate compatibility relations. I argue that Fodor's proposal, understood as primarily aimed at Mentalese, withstands Ray's and Gates's objections but nonetheless fails because of unwarranted assumptions about ontological homogeneity of target language predicates, and problems with Fodor's (...)
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  25. Interface of psychoanalysis and psychology.J. C. Wakefield & J. W. Barron - 1992 - In J. Barron, Morris N. Eagle & D. Wolitzky (eds.), Interface of Psychoanalysis and Psychology. American Psychological Association.
  26.  33
    Further issues in neurolinguistic preconditions.Wendy K. Wilkins & Jennie Wakefield - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):793-798.
    This response to continuing commentary addresses brain-hand relationships in Cebus apella (as introduced in West-ergaard's commentary), the evolutionary and acquisition parallels between music and language (suggested by Lynch), and the potential behavioral linguistic consequences of the evolutionary neurobiology in Australopithecus africanus and Homo habilis (discussed by Tobias). Finally, we reiterate the importance of well informed, multidisciplinary approaches to the study of the emergence of human species-specific cognition, especially linguistic capacity.
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  27. From depth psychology to breadth psychology: a phenomenological approach to psychopathology (1988).Hubert L. Dreyfus & Jerome Wakefield - 2014 - In Skillful Coping: Essays on the Phenomenology of Everyday Perception and Action. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    The God Emperor and the Tyrant.James R. M. Wakefield - 2022-10-17 - In Kevin S. Decker (ed.), Dune and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 199–210.
    Politics and religion certainly ride together throughout the Dune saga. Rationales were given to support twentieth century dictator ships, whose citizens were encouraged to see their leaders as infallible. In this way, politics in a totalitarian state resembled a religion, with a community of faithful followers and its own special theology to justify the dictator's authority. This chapter, draws parallels between the religious dimensions of politics in Frank Herbert's Dune novels and some philosophers’ views on tyranny and justice here on (...)
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  29. False positives in psychiatric diagnosis: Implications for human freedom.Jerome C. Wakefield - 2010 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 31 (1):5-17.
    Current symptom-based DSM and ICD diagnostic criteria for mental disorders are prone to yielding false positives because they ignore the context of symptoms. This is often seen as a benign flaw because problems of living and emotional suffering, even if not true disorders, may benefit from support and treatment. However, diagnosis of a disorder in our society has many ramifications not only for treatment choice but for broader social reactions to the diagnosed individual. In particular, mental disorders impose a sick (...)
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  30.  10
    Sadness or Depression?: International Perspectives on the Depression Epidemic and Its Meaning.Steeves Demazeux & Jerome C. Wakefield (eds.) - 2015 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    The World Health Organization states that depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and predicts that by 2030 the epidemic of depression raging across the world will be the single biggest contributor to the overall burden of disease of all health conditions. Yet this gloomy picture masks a number of paradoxes concerning the diagnosis and cultural interpretation of depression that appear to challenge the claimed prevalence rates on which it is based. This book's essays by some of the world's (...)
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    Idealism & experience: the philosophy of Guido de Ruggiero.B. A. Haddock, Rik Peters, J. R. M. Wakefield & Guido De Ruggiero (eds.) - 2020 - Exeter, UK: Imprint Academic.
    Guido de Ruggiero (1888-1948) was perhaps the greatest Italian intellectual historian in the twentieth century. He was a fierce champion of liberalism, an ardent opponent of Fascism, an insightful critic and interpreter of his contemporaries, and a formidable philosopher in his own right. Idealism & Experience: The Philosophy of Guido de Ruggiero comprises eight new critical essays, as well as English translations of five of de Ruggiero's most important shorter writings, which chart the development of his thought between 1914 and (...)
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  32.  35
    Thought Thinking: The Philosophy of Giovanni Gentile.Bruce Haddock & James Wakefield - 2015 - Imprint Academic.
    The Italian author Giovanni Gentile occupied a radical position among philosophers of the first half of the twentieth century. He tried in earnest to revolutionize idealist theory, developing a doctrine that retained the idealist conception of the thinking subject as the centre and source of any intelligible reality, while eschewing many of the unwarranted abstractions that had pervaded earlier varieties of idealism and led their adherents astray. Given his great prominence during his lifetime, it is perhaps remarkable that Gentile is (...)
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    Towards the role of working memory in pitch processing in language and music.Leigh VanHandel, Jennie Wakefield & Wendy K. Wilkins - 2011 - In Patrick Rebuschat, Martin Rohrmeier, John A. Hawkins & Ian Cross (eds.), Language and Music as Cognitive Systems. Oxford University Press. pp. 302.
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  34. L'attualismo e il suo autore. Prospettive per la ricerca futura su Gentile.James Wakefield - 2017 - Il Pensiero Italiano. Rivista di Studi Filosofici 1 (2):47-68.
    This article describes the recent reception of Giovanni Gentile and his doctrine of actualism, describing the philosopher's rehabilitation as a major Italian thinker and actualism as a provocative account of socially situated consciousness. The discussion then turns to the future of Gentile studies, focusing on ways in which the ahistorical methods of analytic philosophy might help restore actualism and its author to their proper place in the philosophical canon.
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  35. Actualism and Its Author: Prospects for the Future of Gentile Studies.James Wakefield - 2017 - Il Pensiero Italiano. Rivista di Studi Filosofici 1 (2):27-45.
    This article describes the recent reception of Giovanni Gentile and his doctrine of actualism, describing the philosopher's rehabilitation as a major Italian thinker and actualism as a provocative account of socially situated consciousness. The discussion then turns to the future of Gentile studies, focusing on ways in which the ahistorical methods of analytic philosophy might help restore actualism and its author to their proper place in the philosophical canon.
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    Can One and the Same Instance of Grief Be Both Normal and Disordered?Jerome C. Wakefield - 2021 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 28 (4):341-346.
    Miriam solomon resuscitates a famous proposal of George Engel's to classify normal grief as a medical disorder. She has two main arguments justifying such a reclassification, one based on Engel's "wound analogy" and another a "Humpty Dumpty"-type argument that 'disorder' is a technical term that we can redefine any way we please. I consider them in turn.Solomon says: "I suggest that we allow a concept of "psychological injury" that is analogous to the concept of physical injury." Of course, we already (...)
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    Giovanni Gentile as Moral Philosopher.J. Wakefield - 2014 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 20 (1-2):73-103.
    This essay assesses Gentile's contributions to practical philosophy, showing how a distinctive but idiosyncratic moral theory emerges over the course of his systematic works. Wakefield argues that Gentile's thoroughgoing anti-realism does not, as some critics have thought, leave him unable to distinguish reasonable from unreasonable arguments or good from bad reasons for action. While actual idealism veers too close to implausible relativism to have much use as an all-purpose philosophical outlook, argues Wakefield, it retains real power as a practical theory.
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    High mental disorder rates are based on invalid measures: Questions about the claimed ubiquity of mutation-induced dysfunction.Jerome C. Wakefield - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (4):424-426.
    Three reservations about Keller & Miller's (K&M's) argument are explored: Serious validity problems afflict epidemiological criteria discriminating disorders from non-disorders, so high rates may be misleading. Normal variation need not be mild disorder, contrary to a possible interpretation of K&M's article. And, rather than mutation-selection balance, true disorders may result from unselected combinations of normal variants over many loci. (Published Online November 9 2006).
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    Jim Ellis (2009) Derek Jarman's Angelic Conversations.Jason Wakefield - 2011 - Film-Philosophy 15 (1):270-277.
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    Mrs. Dalloway's Existential Temporality.Jason Wakefield - 2013 - Cosmos and History 9 (2):60-67.
    Using Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway as primary text to illuminate the human experience of time, it is argued against T. Armstrong (in Modernism) that the depiction of time by Modernist writers such as Woolf is Heideggerian rather than Bergsonian. This study is used to reveal the originality of Heidegger as opposed to Bergson, whose ideas on time, it is suggested, are merely an accumulation of traces of previous ideas on time. Drawing on Aristotle's Metaphysica, De Interpretatione, Ethico Nicomachea, Rhetorica and (...)
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    Patologizzare la normalità: l'incapacità della psichiatria di individuare i falsi positivi nelle diagnosi dei disturbi mentali.Jerome C. Wakefield - 2010 - Psicoterapia E Scienze Umane 44 (3):295-314.
    In psychiatry's transformation from an asylum-based to a community-oriented profession, false positive diagnoses became a major challenge to the validity of the diagnostic system. The shift to descriptive, symptom-based operationalized diagnostic criteria of DSM-III further exacerbated this difficulty because of the contextually based nature of the distinction between normal distress and mental disorder. Through selected examples, the degree of success with which DSM-III and DSM-IV have attended to the challenge of avoiding false positive diagnoses is examined. Conceptual analysis of selected (...)
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  42.  10
    Review essay: Ugo Spirito Comes Full Circle.James R. M. Wakefield - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (4):769-774.
    Ugo Spirito (1896–1979) was a philosopher who changed his mind, repeatedly and sometimes radically, about many of his major commitments. At different times he called himself a fascist and a communi...
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    Thinking and feeling in actual idealism.J. R. M. Wakefield - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (4):782-801.
    In La filosofia dell’arte, Giovanni Gentile assigned a prominent new role to the sentiments. This change struck some critics as a major departure from the earlier, classic accounts of actual idealism, in which Gentile argued that thought and language comprise the entirety of reality. Sentiments do not fit cleanly into a theory so narrowly concerned with thought and thinking. Their introduction, runs the objection, only compounds certain existing ambiguities in Gentile’s conception of the relation between mind and world. This article (...)
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  44.  26
    The Free Spirit: Guido de Ruggiero on Actualism and Politics.J. R. M. Wakefield - 2020 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 26 (1-2):53-84.
    In this article I examine the metaphysical foundations of Guido de Ruggiero’s liberalism and ask what these can tell us about his changing view of Giovanni Gentile's actualism, which was such an influence on de Ruggiero before the First World War. I argue that de Ruggiero’s ‘actualism’ was never the same as Gentile’s, but was drawn from the same intellectual sources; that the actualist conception of free and self-conscious agency runs through both versions of the doctrine, though interpreted in different (...)
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  45. The Idea of God in the Actualist Tradition.James Wakefield - 2020 - Il Pensiero Storico. Rivista Internazionale di Storia Delle Idee 8:125-150.
    This paper traces the development of the idea of God that appears in the ‘actualist tradition’, represented by the works of Giovanni Gentile, as well as his predecessor Bertrando Spaventa and his students Guido De Ruggiero and Ugo Spirito. It is shown that the actualists’ idea of God is rooted in an intellectual genealogy extending back to the Scholastics and developed through successive attempts to make sense of a Christian God in a scheme of pure immanence, culminating in a humanistic (...)
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  46. Talking their Way out of Relativism: Collingwood and Gentile on the Nature of Inquiry.James Wakefield - 2013 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 19 (2):139-168.
    This article asks to what extent R.G. Collingwood's 'logic of question and answer' is compatible with the central tenets of Giovanni Gentile's 'actualism'. It is argued that, interpreted as an actualist device, Collingwood's 'logic' offers useful insights into the mechanisms underlying Gentile's theory. Both must confront what I call the 'Actualist Dilemma,' which holds that if there is no reality independent of actual thinking, truth becomes entirely relative to whatever beliefs a thinker happens to have, including those regarding the structures (...)
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  47.  71
    VIastos on the Unity of Virtue.Jerome C. Wakefield - 1991 - Ancient Philosophy 11 (1):47-65.
  48. Why emotions can't be unconscious: An exploration of Freud's essentialism.Jerome C. Wakefield - 1991 - Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought 14:29-67.
  49. Why instinctual impulses can't be unconscious: An exploration of Freud's cognitivism.Jerome C. Wakefield - 1990 - Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought 13:265-88.
  50.  29
    Why Justice and Holiness are Similar: Pro tago ras 330-331.Jerome Wakefield - 1987 - Phronesis 32 (1):267-276.
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