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Jens Timmermann [59]Johannes Timmermann [2]J. Timmermann [1]
  1. Kritik Der Reinen Vernunft.Immanuel Kant, Jens Timmermann, Werner S. Pluhar, Paul Guyer & Allen W. Wood - 1999 - Erkenntnis 51 (2-3):357-363.
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  2. Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: A Commentary.Jens Timmermann - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals is Kant's central contribution to moral philosophy, and has inspired controversy ever since it was first published in 1785. Kant champions the insights of 'common human understanding' against what he sees as the dangerous perversions of ethical theory. Morality is revealed to be a matter of human autonomy: Kant locates the source of the 'categorical imperative' within each and every human will. However, he also portrays everyday morality in a way that many readers (...)
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  3. Kantian Dilemmas? Moral Conflict in Kant’s Ethical Theory.Jens Timmermann - 2013 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 95 (1):36-64.
    This paper explores the possibility of moral conflict in Kant’s ethics. An analysis of the only explicit discussion of the topic in his published writings confirms that there is no room for genuine moral dilemmas. Conflict is limited to nonconclusive ‘grounds’ of obligation. They arise only in the sphere of ethical duty and, though defeasible, ought to be construed as the result of valid arguments an agent correctly judges to apply in the situation at hand. While it is difficult to (...)
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  4. Autonomy, progress and virtue : why Kant has nothing to fear from the overdemandingness objection.Jens Timmermann - 2018 - Kantian Review 23 (3):379-397.
    Is Kant’s ethical theory too demanding? Do its commands ask too much of us, either by calling for self-sacrifice on particular occasions, or by pervading our lives to the extent that there is no room for permissible action? In this article, I argue that Kant’s ethics is very demanding, but not excessively so. The notion of ‘latitude’ does not help. But we need to bear in mind that moral laws are self-imposed and cannot be externally enforced; that ‘right action’ is (...)
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  5. Good but not required?—assessing the demands of Kantian ethics.Jens Timmermann - 2005 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 2 (1):9-27.
    There seems to be a strong sentiment in pre-philosophical moral thought that actions can be morally valuable without at the same time being morally required. Yet Kant, who takes great pride in developing an ethical system firmly grounded in common moral thought, makes no provision for any such extraordinary acts of virtue. Rather, he supports a classification of actions as either obligatory, permissible or prohibited, which in the eyes of his critics makes it totally inadequate to the facts of morality. (...)
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  6.  15
    Sittengesetz und Freiheit: Untersuchungen zu Immanuel Kants Theorie des freien Willens.Jens Timmermann - 2003 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    Das Buch behandelt Kants Versuch, innerhalb seiner Ethik Sittengesetz, Naturgesetz und Freiheit im moralischen Handeln in Einklang zu bringen. Im ersten Teil stehen die Begriffe der Freiheit und des Willens bei Kant im Mittelpunkt. Der zweite Teil untersucht detailliert die Kernpunkte der kantischen Ethik: den (letztlich gescheiterten) Versuch, Freiheit und Naturkausalit t auszus hnen, und die Theorie des Handelns nach Moralgesetzen, deren Wahl den freien Willen als eigentliches Moment ausmacht. Am Ende steht die Einsicht in ein hoch entwickeltes, differenziertes gedankliches (...)
  7. Kantian duties to the self, explained and defended.Jens Timmermann - 2006 - Philosophy 81 (3):505-530.
    The present article is an attempt to clarify the Kantian conception of duties to the self and to defend them against common objections. Kant’s thesis that all duty rests on duties to the self is shown to follow from the autonomy of the human will; and the allegation that they are impossible because the agent could always release himself from such a duty turns out to be question-begging. There is no attempt to prove that there are such duties, but they (...)
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  8. Kant on Conscience, “Indirect” Duty, and Moral Error.Jens Timmermann - 2006 - International Philosophical Quarterly 46 (3):293-308.
    Kant’s concept of conscience has been largely neglected by scholars and contemporary moral philosophers alike, as has his concept of “indirect” duty. Admittedly, neither of them is foundational within his ethical theory, but a correct account of both in their own right and in combination can shed some new light on Kant’s moral philosophy as a whole. In this paper, I first examine a key passage in which Kant systematically discusses the role of conscience, then give a systematic account of (...)
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    Kant's Will at the Crossroads: An Essay on the Failings of Practical Rationality.Jens Timmermann - 2022 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    What happens when human beings fail to do as reason bids? This book is an attempt to address this age-old question within Kant’s mature practical philosophy, i.e. the practical philosophy that emerged with the watershed discovery of autonomy in the mid-1780s. As always, Kant is good for a surprise. There is, it is argued, not one answer but two: he advocates Socratic intellectualism in the realm of prudence whilst defending an anti-intellectualist or volitional account of immoral action. This ‘hybrid’ theory (...)
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  10. Value without regress: Kant's 'formula of humanity' revisited.Jens Timmermann - 2006 - European Journal of Philosophy 14 (1):69–93.
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    The Quandary of Infanticide in Kant’s ‘Doctrine of Right’.Jens Timmermann - 2024 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 106 (2):267-294.
    The aim of this paper is to settle the controversy around Kant’s notorious discussion of maternal infanticide in the ‘Doctrine of Right’ of 1797. How should a state punish an unmarried mother who has killed her newborn infant? The text (at DoR VI 335–37) is obscure. Three readings have been defended in the literature: 1. Lenience. Maternal infanticide does not count as murder; so, capital punishment is inappropriate. On this view, the child does not enjoy the full recognition of the (...)
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  12. Kant: Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals.Mary Gregor & Jens Timmermann (eds.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Published in 1785, Immanuel Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals ranks alongside Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics as one of the most profound and influential works in moral philosophy ever written. In Kant's own words, its aim is to identify and corroborate the supreme principle of morality, the categorical imperative. He argues that human beings are ends in themselves, never to be used by anyone merely as a means, and that universal and unconditional obligations must be understood as (...)
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    A Tale of Two Conflicts: On Pauline Kleingeld’s New Reading of the Formula of Universal Law.Jens Timmermann - 2018 - Kant Studien 109 (4):581-596.
    Pauline Kleingeld’s “Contradiction and Kant’s Formula of Universal Law”, published in this journal in 2017, presents a powerful challenge to what has become the standard reconstruction of the categorical imperative. In this response to Kleingeld, I argue that she is right to emphasise the ‘simultaneity requirement’ - that we must be able to will a proposed maxim and ‘simulataneously’, ‘also’ or ‘at the same time’ the maxim in its universalised form - but I deny that this removes the categorical imperative (...)
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  14. Kant's Lectures on Ethics.Jens Timmermann & Michael Walschots - 2021 - In Julian Wuerth (ed.), The Cambridge Kant Lexicon. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 760-766.
    Kant lectured on moral philosophy fairly regularly over the course of his long, 40-year teaching career. Bearing a variety of different titles such as “Practical Philosophy”, “Ethics”, and “Universal Practical Philosophy and Ethics”, we have evidence that Kant offered a course on moral philosophy in at least 28 different semesters (of these we can prove that 19 actually took place, 9 others were advertised and there is good reason to think that they took place - see Arnoldt 1909). This means (...)
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  15. Acting from duty: Inclination, reason and moral worth.Jens Timmermann - 2009 - In Kant's 'Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals': A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Section I of Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals is meant to lead us from our everyday conception of morality to the supreme principle of all moral action, officially christened the ‘categorical imperative’ some twenty Academy pages further into the treatise. It is quite striking that in this first section Kant dispenses with the notorious technical language that pervades not just other parts of the Groundwork but also most of the remaining philosophical writings of the critical period. The mere (...)
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  16. Freedom and Anthropology in Kant’s Moral Philosophy.Patrick R. Frierson & Jens Timmermann - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (220):516-519.
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  17. Kant’s Puzzling Ethics of Maxims.Jens Timmermann - 2000 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 8 (1):39-52.
  18. When the tail wags the dog: Animal welfare and indirect duty in Kantian ethics.Jens Timmermann - 2005 - Kantian Review 10:128-149.
    Even the most sympathetic readers of Kant's moral philosophy usually disagree with him about some aspect of his theory, or some particular moral judgement. His unqualified condemnation of lying in the essay ‘On a supposed right to lie from philanthropy’ is a classical case in question, as is his strong endorsement of retributive justice and the death penalty. A third prominent source of discontent are Kant's repeated verdicts on the moral status of non-human animals, or rather the lack thereof. For, (...)
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    Duties to Oneself as Such.Jens Timmermann - 2013 - In Andreas Trampota, Oliver Sensen & Jens Timmermann (eds.), Kant’s “Tugendlehre”. A Comprehensive Commentary. Boston: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 207-220.
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    Kant’s “Tugendlehre”. A Comprehensive Commentary.Andreas Trampota, Oliver Sensen & Jens Timmermann (eds.) - 2013 - Boston: Walter de Gruyter.
    In recent years there has been renewed interest in the +Doctrine of Virtue½ or +Tugendlehre½, the ethical part of Kant's late systematic treatise on moral philosophy, the Metaphysics of Morals. The present volume responds to these demands. Following a series of research workshops, 18 scholars from Germany, Italy, Britain and the United States provide a seamless commentary on the +Doctrine of Virtue½, discussing topics such as suicide, truthfulness, moral perfection, beneficence, gratitude, sympathy, respect and friendship as well as Kant's moral (...)
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  21. Reversal or retreat? Kant's deductions of freedom and morality.Jens Timmermann - 2010 - In Andrews Reath & Jens Timmermann (eds.), Kant's 'Critique of Practical Reason': A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  22. Why Kant could not have been a utilitarian.Jens Timmermann - 2005 - Utilitas 17 (3):243-264.
    In 1993, Richard Hare argued that, contrary to received opinion, Kant could have been a utilitarian. In this article, I argue that Hare was wrong. Kant's theory would not have been utilitarian or consequentialist even if his practical recommendations coincided with utilitarian commands: Kant's theory of value is essentially anti-utilitarian; there is no place for rational contradiction as the source of moral imperatives in utilitarianism; Kant would reject the move to separate levels of moral thinking: first-order moral judgement makes use (...)
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  23. V—What's Wrong with ‘Deontology’?Jens Timmermann - 2015 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 115 (1pt1):75-92.
    The way we use terminology matters. There are words, ordinary and philosophical, that we should do without because they are ill-defined, ambiguous or confused. If we use them we will at best be saying little. At worst, they will make us ask the wrong questions and leave the right ones unasked. In this paper, I argue that ‘deontology’ is such a word. It is defined negatively as non-teleological or non-consequentialist, and therefore does not designate a distinct class of moral theories, (...)
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    Kant's 'Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals': A Critical Guide.Jens Timmermann (ed.) - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In his Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Immanuel Kant portrays the supreme moral principle as an unconditional imperative that applies to all of us because we freely choose to impose upon ourselves a law of pure practical reason. Morality is revealed to be a matter of autonomy. Today, this approach to ethical theory is as perplexing, controversial and inspiring as it was in 1785, when the Groundwork was first published. The essays in this volume, by international Kant scholars and (...)
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  25. Too much of a good thing? Another paradox of hedonism.Jens Timmermann - 2005 - Analysis 65 (2):144-146.
  26. Kant's 'Critique of Practical Reason': A Critical Guide.Andrews Reath & Jens Timmermann (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Critique of Practical Reason is the second of Kant's three Critiques, and his second work in moral theory after the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. Its systematic account of the authority of moral principles grounded in human autonomy unfolds Kant's considered views on morality and provides the keystone to his philosophical system. The essays in this volume shed light on the principal arguments of the second Critique and explore their relation to Kant's critical philosophy as a whole. They (...)
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    The Law and the Good. Kant’s Paradox of Method.Jens Timmermann - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner (eds.), Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 675-692.
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    Sollen und Können.Jens Timmermann - 2003 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 6 (1):113-122.
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  29. Simplicity and authority: Reflections on theory and practice in Kant's moral philosophy.Jens Timmermann - 2007 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 4 (2):167-182.
    What is the proper task of Kantian ethical theory? This paper seeks to answer this question with reference to Kant's reply to Christian Garve in Section I of his 1793 essay on Theory and Practice . Kant reasserts the distinctness and natural authority of our consciousness of the moral law. Every mature human being is a moral professional—even philosophers like Garve, if only they forget about their ill-conceived ethical systems and listen to the voice of pure practical reason. Normative theory, (...)
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    Immanuel Kant: Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: A German–English Edition.Mary Gregor & Jens Timmermann (eds.) - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    Published in 1785, the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals is one of the most powerful texts in the history of ethical thought. In this book, Immanuel Kant formulates and justifies a supreme principle of morality that issues universal and unconditional moral commands. These commands receive their normative force from the fact that rational agents autonomously impose the moral law upon themselves. As such, they are laws of freedom. This volume contains the first facing-page German-English edition of Kant's Groundwork. It (...)
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  31. Why some things must remain unknown : Kant on faith, moral motivation, and the highest good.Jens Timmermann - 2015 - In Joachim Aufderheide & Ralf M. Bader (eds.), The Highest Good in Aristotle and Kant. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
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  32. The Cambridge History of Moral Philosophy.Sacha Golob & Jens Timmermann (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    With fifty-four chapters charting the development of moral philosophy in the Western world, this volume examines the key thinkers and texts and their influence on the history of moral thought from the pre-Socratics to the present day. Topics including Epicureanism, humanism, Jewish and Arabic thought, perfectionism, pragmatism, idealism and intuitionism are all explored, as are figures including Aristotle, Boethius, Spinoza, Hobbes, Hume, Kant, Hegel, Mill, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Sartre and Rawls, as well as numerous key ideas and schools of thought. Chapters (...)
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    Emerging Autonomy: Dealing with the Inadequacies of the “Canon” of the Critique of Pure Reason.Jens Timmermann - 2018 - In Stefano Bacin & Oliver Sensen (eds.), The Emergence of Autonomy in Kant’s Moral Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 102–121.
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    Laudatio auf Katharina Kraus.Jens Timmermann - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner (eds.), Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 57-60.
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    Equality and Reciprocity, or: The Primacy of the Practical.Jens Timmermann - 2024 - In Salomo Friedlaender (ed.), Kant for Children. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 141-144.
  36. The Unity of Reason - Kantian Perspectives.Jens Timmermann - 2009 - In Simon Robertson (ed.), Spheres of reason: new essays in the philosophy of normativity. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The ‘unity of reason’ is mentioned at several points in Kant's writings, but it is never systematically discussed or explained in any detail. Occasionally, this ‘unity’ seems something that we can take for granted. At other times, it appears to be a thesis that has just been implicitly established. However, for the most part it is presented as an extremely ambitious, all-encompassing research project that Kant feels he has to postpone until some indefinite time in the future. This chapter tries (...)
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  37. Das Creditiv des moralischen Gesetzes.Jens Timmermann - 2007 - Studi Kantiani 20 (1).
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    Kant über Mitleidenschaft.Jens Timmermann - 2016 - Kant Studien 107 (4):729-732.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 107 Heft: 4 Seiten: 729-732.
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    The Dutiful Lie: Kantian Approaches to Moral Dilemmas".Jens Timmermann - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 345-354.
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    V. Moralische Motivation: das Phänomen der Achtung.Jens Timmermann - 2003 - In Sittengesetz und Freiheit: Untersuchungen zu Immanuel Kants Theorie des freien Willens. New York: Walter de Gruyter.
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    Chapter 3. Respect, Moral Progress, and Imperfect Duty.Jens Timmermann - 2021 - In Samuel Stoner & Paul Wilford (eds.), Kant and the Possibility of Progress: From Modern Hopes to Postmodern Anxieties. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 47-61.
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    Divine Existence and Moral Motivation.Jens Timmermann - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 669-678.
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    Editorial foreword.Katrin Flikschuh & Jens Timmermann - 2007 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 4 (2):151-153.
    The present stage in the development of our society is marked by serious changes in social morality. The building of communism is entering a new stage. The man of the communist future is taking shape and being perfected before our eyes. Under these conditions, the Party - and this was emphasized at its Twenty-Fourth Congress - requires of a worker in the arts a thorough examination of contemporary life and of its hero to the full extent of his talent, and (...)
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    Agency and imputation: Comments on Reath.Jens Timmermann - 2008 - Philosophical Books 49 (2):114-124.
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    Danksagung.Jens Timmermann - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 33-36.
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    Depositum I: Zu Konrad Cramers Diskussion der logischen Struktur eines Kantischen Beispiels für moralisches Argumentieren.Jens Timmermann - 2003 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 57 (4):589 - 600.
    Kant vertritt in der Kritik der praktischen Vernunft und im Gemeinspruch die Auffassung, daß man eine Leihgabe auch dann nicht einfach einbehalten darf, wenn dies gefahrlos möglich wäre. Wie Konrad Cramer allerdings in seinem Aufsatz zum „Depositum“ zeigt, ist es gar nicht so leicht, auf der Grundlage der Kantischen Ethik ein gutes Argument für diese Auffassung zu rekonstruieren. Im Ausgang von Cramers Kritik wird hier der Versuch unternommen, Kants Position zu stärken: Die Maxime desjenigen, der das hinterlegte Gut einbehält, ist (...)
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    Einleitung.Jens Timmermann - 2003 - In Sittengesetz und Freiheit: Untersuchungen zu Immanuel Kants Theorie des freien Willens. New York: Walter de Gruyter.
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    III. Der Ausgleich zwischen Freiheit und Natur.Jens Timmermann - 2003 - In Sittengesetz und Freiheit: Untersuchungen zu Immanuel Kants Theorie des freien Willens. New York: Walter de Gruyter.
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    II. Der Wille als »das Vermögen, nach der Vorstellung von Gesetzen, d.i. nach Prinzipien, zu handeln«.Jens Timmermann - 2003 - In Sittengesetz und Freiheit: Untersuchungen zu Immanuel Kants Theorie des freien Willens. New York: Walter de Gruyter.
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    I. Freiheit und Indifferenz.Jens Timmermann - 2003 - In Sittengesetz und Freiheit: Untersuchungen zu Immanuel Kants Theorie des freien Willens. New York: Walter de Gruyter.
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