Results for 'J. Pérez-Soba'

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  1. J. J. Pérez Soba: ley natural y subjetivismo.José Antonio Sayés Bermejo - 2011 - Revista Agustiniana 52 (158):451-466.
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  2. San Agustín y Santo Tomás: la ley y los mandamientos, criterios objetivos que emanan del autor.Juan José Pérez-Soba Diez del Corral - 2010 - Revista Agustiniana 51 (155):427-496.
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  3. El dolor y el sufrimiento en las grandes religiones.José María Pérez-Soba Díez del Corral - 2012 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 62 (981):46-51.
    La piedra clave que sostiene el sistema simbólico de las religiones, es sin duda, la experiencia de salvación. F. Heiler afirmaba que el aroma de las religiones es la soteriología y R. Panikkar proponía definir el hecho religioso con tres simples palabras: "camino de salvación". Por ello, la realidad existencial del dolor y el sufrimiento son el gran reto lanzado a la experiencia religiosa: proponéis salvación, se puede decir a los creyentes, pero el dolor y el sufrimiento siguen existiendo. ¿Cómo (...)
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    Llamados a amar, reflexiones antropológicas.Juan José Pérez-Soba Diez del Corral - 2024 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Teórica y Práctica 1 (1):151-172.
    Solo el atrevimiento característico de la sabiduría nos impulsa a tomar el camino más complejo de pensar en el amor, pues nos hace conscientes del error de querer construir lo principal de la existencia en un sentimiento blando como la arena, incapaz de resistir cualquier contradicción de importancia. Encontrar el auténtico fundamento de esa pregunta, que en la actualidad no se puede dar por descontado, es la única manera de edificar la casa del hombre sobre roca, y apartarnos de la (...)
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  5. Contradicciones, contraintuiciones y paradojas.J. Perez Laraudogoitia - 1988 - Pensamiento 44 (174):233-240.
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  6. Paradojas lógico-físicas. El concepto de sistema físico.J. Perez Laraudogoitia - 1987 - Pensamiento 43 (170):197-205.
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  7. Compatibilidad cuántica desde una perspectiva lógica.J. Perez Laraudogoitia - 1989 - Pensamiento 45 (180):489-497.
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  8. Un amor sin criterios objetivos.José Antonio Sayés Bermejo & Juan José Pérez-Soba Diez del Corral - 2009 - Revista Agustiniana 50 (153):655-676.
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  9. A propósito-de Derrida.J. Pérez de Tudela Velasco - 1990 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 24:173.
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    música en las iglesias del arzobispado de Granada: el sínodo de 1572.Victoriano J. Pérez Mancilla - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-12.
    En este trabajo se extraen y estudian las referencias musicales que aparecen en las Constituciones del sínodo que celebró el arzobispado de Granada en 1572. Así, en primer término se hace una contextualización histórica al documento sinodal, pasando después a analizar los asuntos musicales recogidos en el mismo sobre la celebración de la misa y del oficio divino en los templos de la demarcación granadina, la mayor parte de ellos parroquiales. Tras esto se inserta un epígrafe dedicado a los intérpretes (...)
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  11. LASCO, J. L.: "Significado y experiencia". [REVIEW]J. Pérez de Tudela Velasco - 1984 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 19:266.
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    Nuclear alignment of147Nd.G. R. Bishop, M. A. Grace, C. E. Johnson, H. R. Lemmer & J. Perez Y. Jorba - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (16):534-540.
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    Residual stresses in ceramic-to-metal joints: diffraction measurements and finite element method analysis.M. Vila, C. Prieto, J. Zahr, J. L. Pérez-Castellanos, G. Bruno, M. Jiménez-Ruiz, P. Miranzo & M. I. Osendi - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (35):5551-5563.
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  14. Ambassador Ramon del Rosario, Sr.: A Lifetime Legacy.Ramon R. del Rosario Jr, Oscar J. Hilado & Jocelyn Perez - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):125-130.
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  15. Functional decomposition in large diagnosis problems'.S. Rementería, C. Rodríguez, C. Ruíz, A. Lafuente, J. I. Martín, J. Muguerza & J. Pérez - 1992 - Communication and Cognition-Artificial Intelligence 9 (2-3):237-251.
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    Ética y Teología Moral.Juan José Pérez Soba - 2020 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 7:77-115.
    La primera propuesta ética de corte aristotélico unía la racionalidad práctica con la búsqueda de un bien supremo que constituye la felicidad del hombre, realidades éticas fundamentales que iluminan la experiencia moral más básica. La racionalidad ética moderna, por un influjo neoestoico, ha volcado una sospecha respecto de esta propuesta por considerarla inadecuada para responder a una ética universal con la dificultad añadida de determinar la felicidad del hombre, por lo que ha centrado toda la visión ética en la relación (...)
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    Self-prioritization effect in the attentional blink paradigm: Attention-based or familiarity-based effect?Víctor Martínez-Pérez, Alejandro Sandoval-Lentisco, Miriam Tortajada, Lucía B. Palmero, Guillermo Campoy & Luis J. Fuentes - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 117 (C):103607.
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    Doctor-patient sexual relationships in medical oaths.S. G. Perez, R. J. Gelpi & A. M. Rancich - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (12):702-705.
    Background: Doctor–patient sexual relationship is considered to be unfair because the first party would be abusing the second party’s vulnerability. The prohibition of this relationship is noted in the Hippocratic oath. Currently, a reprise of the use of oaths in medical schools can be observed.Aim: To determine whether the prohibition has been maintained and how its expression has varied in the oaths during different periods.Methods: 50 oaths were studied: 13 ancient–medieval and 37 modern–contemporary. Of the 50 texts, 19 were versions (...)
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    Erik-Jon Gaizka, the magician of infinity.J. Perez Laraudogoitia - 2010 - Analysis 70 (3):451-456.
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    Panther Mystique.J. Lenore Wright & Edwardo Pérez - 2022 - In Edwardo Pérez & Timothy E. Brown (eds.), Black Panther and Philosophy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 107–122.
    Wakandan women can play stereotypically male roles because of the political construction of Wakandan identity. Wakandan women emerge, for starters, in a radically different cultural context than women of color in other countries and cultures. Despite their tacit representation of feminist ideals, Wakandan women resist the full‐throated feminism we associate with the modern era: the no‐husband, no‐children feminism championed by the French philosopher Simone de Beauvoir. In 1966 Black Panther, the Marvel comic superhero, made his debut during the height of (...)
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    Sampling Methodologies for Epidemiologic Surveillance of Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender Women in Latin America: An Empiric Comparison of Convenience Sampling, Time Space Sampling, and Respondent Driven Sampling.J. L. Clark, K. A. Konda, A. Silva-Santisteban, J. Peinado, J. R. Lama, L. Kusunoki, A. Perez-Brumer, M. Pun, R. Cabello, J. L. Sebastian, L. Suarez-Ognio & J. Sanchez - unknown
    Alternatives to convenience sampling (CS) are needed for HIV/STI surveillance of most-at-risk populations in Latin America. We compared CS, time space sampling (TSS), and respondent driven sampling (RDS) for recruitment of men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women (TW) in Lima, Peru. During concurrent 60-day periods from June-August, 2011, we recruited MSM/TW for epidemiologic surveillance using CS, TSS, and RDS. A total of 748 participants were recruited through CS, 233 through TSS, and 127 through RDS. The TSS (...)
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    Quantitative assessment of organism–environment couplings.J.-L. Torres, O. Pérez-Maqueo, M. Equihua & L. Torres - 2009 - Biology and Philosophy 24 (1):107-117.
    The evolutionary implications of environmental change due to organismic action remain a controversial issue, after a decades—long debate on the subject. Much of this debate has been conducted in qualitative fashion, despite the availability of mathematical models for organism–environment interactions, and for gene frequencies when allele fitness can be related to exploitation of a particular environmental resource. In this article we focus on representative models dealing with niche construction, ecosystem engineering, the Gaia Hypothesis and community interactions of Lotka–Volterra type, and (...)
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    Homogenization of a micro-periodic helix.J. M. Vivar-Pérez, J. Bravo-Castillero, R. Rodriguez-Ramos & M. Ostoja-Starzewski - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (33-35):4201-4212.
  24. The Modern Scottish Novel: Narrative and the National Imagination. By Cairns Craig.J. R. P. Perez - 2003 - The European Legacy 8 (6):832-832.
  25. Literature: An Embattled Profession. By Carl Woodring.J. R. Prado-Perez - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (1):137-137.
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    Adapting to Adversity: Effects of COVID-19 on Parenting in Chile.J. Carola Pérez, Daniela Aldoney, Anastassia Vivanco-Carlevari, Soledad Coo, Eugenio J. Guzmán & Jaime R. Silva - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The pandemic outbreak in March 2020 and its associated sanitary regulations and restrictions triggered an abrupt and significant change for society in general and for families’ organization in particular. In Chile, the Santiago Metropolitan District was under a strict lockdown that involved the closure of the entire educational system. From a systemic-family stress perspective, the impact of these changes might have consequences not only for each individual family member, but for the parental dynamic and, consequently, for children’s well-being. This paper (...)
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  27. Language, Knowledge, and Representation.J. M. Larrazabal & L. A. Perez Miranda (eds.) - 2004 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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    Self-Managed 5G Networks 1.Jorge Martín-Pérez, Lina Magoula, Kiril Antevski, Carlos Guimarães, Jorge Baranda, Carla Fabiana Chiasserini, Andrea Sgambelluri, Chrysa Papagianni, Andrés García-Saavedra, Ricardo Martínez, Francesco Paolucci, Sokratis Barmpounakis, Luca Valcarenghi, Claudio EttoreCasetti, Xi Li, Carlos J. Bernardos, Danny De Vleeschauwer, Koen De Schepper, Panagiotis Kontopoulos, Nikolaos Koursioumpas, Corrado Puligheddu, Josep Mangues-Bafalluy & Engin Zeydan - 2021 - In Ahmad Alnafessah, Gabriele Russo Russo, Valeria Cardellini, Giuliano Casale & Francesco Lo Presti (eds.), Communication Networks and Service Management in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Wiley. pp. 69-100.
    Meeting 5G high bandwidth rates, ultra-low latencies, and high reliabilities requires of network infrastructures that automatically increase/decrease the resources based on their customers’ demand. An autonomous and dynamic management of a 5G network infrastructure represents a challenge, as any solution must account for the radio access network, data plane traffic, wavelength allocation, network slicing, and network functions’ orchestration. Furthermore, federation among administrative domains (ADs) must be considered in the network management. Given the increased dynamicity of 5G networks, artificial intelligence/machine learning (...)
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  29. Computer-Based Training in Math and Working Memory Improves Cognitive Skills and Academic Achievement in Primary School Children: Behavioral Results.Noelia Sánchez-Pérez, Alejandro Castillo, José A. López-López, Violeta Pina, Jorge L. Puga, Guillermo Campoy, Carmen González-Salinas & Luis J. Fuentes - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  30. How do different components of Effortful Control contribute to children’s mathematics achievement?Noelia Sánchez-Pérez, Luis J. Fuentes, Violeta Pina, Jose A. López-López & Carmen González-Salinas - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Aesthetics of the Narrative Climax in Contemporary TV Serials.Héctor J. Pérez - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (2):214-223.
    This article draws on concepts from cognitive psychology to explore the significance of the narrative climax, focusing on the final climax of the series The Americans as a case study. Two aspects of the aesthetic experience are considered: the special intensity that climaxes elicit, and the diversity of the cognitive content they generate, which can include both aesthetic and non-aesthetic properties. The climax is experienced in a state of absorption triggered by a set of strategies of temporal prolongation related to (...)
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  32. (1 other version)L'orientation actuelle des sciences.J. Perrin, P. Langevin, G. Urbain, L. Lapicque, Ch Perez & L. Plantefol - 1931 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 38 (4):3-3.
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    Stakeholder Pressures as Determinants of CSR Strategic Choice: Why do Firms Choose Symbolic Versus Substantive Self-Regulatory Codes of Conduct? [REVIEW]Luis A. Perez-Batres, Jonathan P. Doh, Van V. Miller & Michael J. Pisani - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 110 (2):157-172.
    To encourage corporations to contribute positively to the environment in which they operate, voluntary self-regulatory codes (SRC) have been enacted and refined over the past 15 years. Two of the most prominent are the United Nations Global Compact and the Global Reporting Initiative. In this paper, we explore the impact of different stakeholders' pressures on the selection of strategic choices to join SRCs. Our results show that corporations react differently to different sets of stakeholder pressures and that the SRC selection (...)
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  34. Que entendemos por posições construtivistas na Educação em Ciência.D. Gil-Pérez, J. Guisasola, A. Moreno, A. Cachapuz, A. M. Pessoa de Carvalho, J. Martínez Torregrosa, J. Salinas, P. Valdés, E. González & A. Gene Duch - 2002 - Science & Education 11:557-571.
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    Diverse fasi di sviluppo nella crescita del gruppo di animazione.F. J. Perez - 2009 - Información Filosófica 6 (12):99.
    Il gruppo riveste una grande importanza nella crescita del singolo. I valori sociali si strutturano e consolidano attraverso i processi di socializzazione, la formazione di un legame emozionale tra individuo e società, e l’interiorizzazione delle norme, processi e legami questi che si danno nel gruppo. L’articolo offre un’analisi delle fasi, le dinamiche e i percorsi che si danno nello sviluppo del gruppo di animazione, con lo scopo di offrire agli educatori uno strumento valido per l’educazione dei ragazzi. A questo riguardo, (...)
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    Diseño de un modelo de publicidad de los servicios educativos que ofrece El Centro de Estudios Universitarios (Design of a publicity model of educational services offerred by El Centro de Estudios Universitarios).R. Pérez & J. L. Abreu - 2008 - Daena 3 (1):426-613.
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  37. Les glaçures et les premiers émaux sur la céramique islamique en al-Andalus (Espagne).J. Pérez-Arantegui - 1997 - Techne 6:21-24.
  38. Some relativistic and higher order supertasks.J. Pérez Laraudogoitia - 1998 - Philosophy of Science 65:502-517.
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    Defending a Phenomenological–Behavioral Perspective: Culture, Behavior, and Experience.Marino Pérez-Álvarez, José M. García-Montes, Adolfo J. Cangas & Louis A. Sass - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (3):281-285.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Defending a Phenomenological–Behavioral Perspective: Culture, Behavior, and ExperienceMarino Pérez-Álvarez (bio), José M. García-Montes (bio), Adolfo J. Cangas (bio), and Louis A. Sass (bio)KeywordsBehavior, contextual phenomenology, culture, experienceWe should like to express our sincere thanks to all the authors for their commentaries on our articles. Given the restrictions of space (a limitation they too had to contend with), we can only respond to a few aspects of their interesting (...)
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    José Ferreirós. 2016. Mathematical knowledge and the interplay of practices.Manuel J. García-Pérez - 2017 - Theoria : An International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science 32 (1):129-131.
    Review of: José Ferreirós. 2016. Mathematical knowledge and the interplay of practices. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
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  41. Los Comuneros.J. Pérez - 2008 - Revista Agustiniana 49 (148):333.
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    Los hospitales enredados.Carlos J. Jiménez Pérez - 2001 - Arbor 170 (670):383-394.
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  43. A solution based on ordinary language to the psychological objection.David Pérez-Chico & Juan J. Colomina-Almiñana - 2013 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 12:11-33.
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  44. Presencia asturiana en tres archivos parroquiales de la ciudad de La Habana durante el siglo XIX y sus relaciones matrimoniales.Jesús J. Guanche Pérez - 1989 - El Basilisco 1:75-84.
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    Evolutionary causes as mechanisms: a critical analysis.Saúl Pérez-González & Victor J. Luque - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (2):13.
    In this paper, we address the question whether a mechanistic approach can account for evolutionary causes. The last decade has seen a major attempt to account for natural selection as a mechanism. Nevertheless, we stress the relevance of broadening the debate by including the other evolutionary causes inside the mechanistic approach, in order to be a legitimate conceptual framework on the same footing as other approaches to evolutionary theory. We analyse the current debate on natural selection as a mechanism, and (...)
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    The Protectionist (Interventionist) Economic Model and the Liberal Economic Model in Peru: 1961-2021.J. Adolfo Hinojosa Pérez - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:484-499.
    The objective of this research is to conduct a comparative analysis of the two models of growth and development that were applied in Peru over the past six decades (1961-2021). The objective is to conduct a comparative analysis of the Import Substitution Model (ISM) and the Liberal Model (LM), to determine which of these models has demonstrated superior performance in terms of economic growth and social welfare for the country. In this instance, the documentary and systematic review of the material (...)
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    CSR, Sustainability and the Meaning of Global Reporting for Latin American Corporations.Luis A. Perez-Batres, Van V. Miller & Michael J. Pisani - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (2):193-209.
    We seek to add to the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development (SD) literature through the empirical study of Latin American firm membership in the United Nations Global Compact (GC) and Global Report Initiative (GRI). Within an institutional-based framework, we explore through three filters – commercial, state-signaling, and distinguished peers – the impact of normative and mimetic pressures associated with GC/gri membership. Our sample includes 207 public firms from six Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru). (...)
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  48. Allegories of Telling: Self-Referential Narrative in Contemporary British Fiction. By Lynn Wells.J. R. Prado-Perez - 2005 - The European Legacy 10 (6):665.
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  49. Introducción. La gobernanza de internet.J. Pérez & A. Olmos - 2009 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 89.
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  50. La fidelidad del padre Las Casas a su carisma profético.J. Pérez Fernández - 1976 - Studium : revista de filosofía y teología 16:65-109.
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