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  1.  23
    Feyerabend: philosophy, science, and society.John Preston - 1997 - Malden, Mass.: Polity Press.
    This book is the first comprehensive critical study of the work of Paul Feyerabend, one of the foremost twentieth-century philosophers of science. The book traces the evolution of Feyerabend's thought, beginning with his early attempt to graft insights from Wittgenstein's conception of meaning onto Popper's falsificationist philosophy. The key elements of Feyerabend's model of the acquisition of knowledge are identified and critically evaluated. Feyerabend's early work emerges as a continuation of Popper's philosophy of science, rather than as a contribution to (...)
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  2. Null.Doohwan Ahn, Sanda Badescu, Giorgio Baruchello, Raj Nath Bhat, Laura Boileau, Rosalind Carey, Camelia-Mihaela Cmeciu, Alan Goldstone, James Grieve, John Grumley, Grant Havers, Stefan Höjelid, Peter Isackson, Marguerite Johnson, Adrienne Kertzer, J.-Guy Lalande, Clinton R. Long, Joseph Mali, Ben Marsden, Peter Monteath, Michael Edward Moore, Jeff Noonan, Lynda Payne, Joyce Senders Pedersen, Brayton Polka, Lily Polliack, John Preston, Anthony Pym, Marina Ritzarev, Joseph Rouse, Peter N. Saeta, Arthur B. Shostak, Stanley Shostak, Marcia Landy, Kenneth R. Stunkel, I. I. I. Wheeler & Phillip H. Wiebe - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (6):731-771.
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  3. Views Into the Chinese Room: New Essays on Searle and Artificial Intelligence.John Mark Bishop & John Preston (eds.) - 2002 - London: Oxford University Press.
  4. Feyerabend: Philosophy, Science and Society.John Preston - 1998 - Philosophy 73 (286):634-638.
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  5.  66
    Paul Feyerabend.John Preston - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  6.  68
    Feyerabend's retreat from realism.John Preston - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64 (4):431.
    In attempting to assess the legacy of Paul Feyerabend's philosophical work, matters are complicated by the fact that there was a change in his basic orientation towards the philosophy of science around the end of the 1960s. Here I shall indicate one aspect of Feyerabend's divided legacy. My main aims are to sketch the principal themes in his (fairly extensive but little-known) 1990s output, to situate that later output insofar as it bears on the realism/antirealism debate, and (rather precipitously, perhaps) (...)
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  7.  59
    Neuroscience and the soul: Competing explanations for the human experience.Jesse Lee Preston, Ryan S. Ritter & Justin Hepler - 2013 - Cognition 127 (1):31-37.
  8. Science and God: An automatic opposition between ultimate explanations.Jesse Preston & Nicholas Epley - 2009 - Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 45 (1):238-241.
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  9. The Worst Enemy of Science?: Essays in Memory of Paul Feyerabend.John Preston, Gonzalo Munévar & David Lamb (eds.) - 2000 - New York: Oup Usa.
    This stimulating collection is devoted to the life and work of the most flamboyant of twentieth-century philosophers, Paul Feyerabend. Feyerabend's radical epistemological claims, and his stunning argument that there is no such thing as scientific method, were highly influential during his life and have only gained attention since his death in 1994. The essays that make up this volume, written by some of today's most respected philosophers of science, many of whom knew Feyerabend as students and colleagues, cover the diverse (...)
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  10.  27
    Kuhn's the structure of scientific revolutions: a reader's guide.John Preston - unknown
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  11.  80
    Wittgenstein, Hertz and Boltzmann.John Preston - unknown
    Many commentators agree that Wittgenstein took the idea that propositions are Bilder, or at least the terminology of Bilder, from Heinrich Hertz, or from Hertz and Ludwig Boltzmann. Boltzmann, the great Viennese theoretical physicist, was the founder of statistical thermodynamics, the modern theory of heat. The context within which Hertz and Boltzmann worked was one in which many prominent theoretical physicists accepted the Kantian restriction that our thought cannot access 'things in themselves', but works only with representations. Wittgenstein may have (...)
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  12. The idea of a pseudo-problem in Mach, Hertz, and Boltzmann.John Preston - 2023 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 54 (1):55-77.
    Identifications, diagnoses, and treatments of pseudo-problems form a family of classic methodologies in later nineteenth century philosophy and at least partly, as I shall argue, in the philosophy of science. They were devised, not by academic philosophers, but by three of the greatest of the philosopher-scientists. (Later, the idea was taken up by academic philosophers, of course. But I will not discuss that development). Here I show how Ernst Mach, Heinrich Hertz and Ludwig Boltzmann each deployed methods of this general (...)
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  13.  96
    Science as supermarket: `Post-modern' themes in Paul Feyerabend's later philosophy of science.John Preston - 1998 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 29 (3):425-447.
  14. Explanations Versus Applications The Explanatory Power of Valuable Beliefs.Jesse Preston & Nicholas Epley - 2005 - Psychological Science 16 (10):826-832.
  15.  23
    Paul Feyerabend's Ernst Mach.John Preston - unknown
  16. Feyerabend's Polanyian turns.J. Preston - 1997 - Appraisal 1:30-36.
  17. Elbow grease: The experience of effort in action.J. Preston, D. M. Wegner, E. Morsella, J. A. Bargh & P. M. Gollwitzer - 2009 - In Ezequiel Morsella, John A. Bargh & Peter M. Gollwitzer, Oxford handbook of human action. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  18.  1
    Feyerabend and Mach.John Preston - unknown
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  19.  47
    Gestalt Epistemology: From Gestalt Psychology to Phenomenology in the Work of Michael Polanyi.John Preston - 2022 - Philosophia Scientiae 26:233-254.
    Gestalt psychology of perception was one of the main inspirations behind the philosophical work of the Hungarian polymath Michael Polanyi. Seeing scientists and philosophers backing away from its implications, he proposed instead to take those implications seriously. I detail four ways in which he did so, the result of which was his theory of “tacit knowing”. This can be thought of as a Gestalt epistemology, because it takes the figure/ground relation as the model for all knowing. Polanyi took his Gestalt (...)
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  20. Externalism and first-person authority.Hans-Johann Glock & John M. Preston - 1995 - The Monist 78 (4):515-33.
    If God had looked into our minds he would not have been able to see there whom we were speaking of.
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  21.  49
    Frictionless philosophy: Paul Feyerabend and relativism.John Preston - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (4-6):963-968.
    The version of moral relativism that Paul Feyerabend discusses in his 1991 book "Three Dialogues on Knowledge" is evaluated. It is shown to be in conflict with an essential feature of appraisal vocabulary known as supervenience. This is enough to render this version of relativism untenable. But the way in which Feyerabend defends his relativist principle against the Platonic objection that relativist is self-refuting also involves that might be called semantic nihilism', the idea that nothing can be said to logically (...)
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  22. The rise of Western rationalism: Paul Feyerabend’s story.John Preston - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 57:79-86.
    I summarise certain aspects of Paul Feyerabend’s account of the development of Western rationalism, show the ways in which that account is supposed to run up against an alternative, that of Karl Popper, and then try to give a preliminary comparison of the two. My interest is primarily in whether what Feyerabend called his ‘story’ constitutes a possible history of our epistemic concepts and their trajectory. I express some grave reservations about that story, and about Feyerabend’s framework, finding Popper’s views (...)
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  23.  31
    Imagine no religion: Heretical disgust, anger and the symbolic purity of mind.Ryan S. Ritter, Jesse L. Preston, Erika Salomon & Daniel Relihan-Johnson - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (4).
  24.  21
    Interpreting Mach: Critical Essays.John Preston (ed.) - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    This volume presents new essays on the work and thought of physicist, psychologist, and philosopher Ernst Mach. Moving away from previous estimations of Mach as a pre-logical positivist, the essays reflect his rehabilitation as a thinker of direct relevance to debates in the contemporary philosophies of natural science, psychology, metaphysics, and mind. Topics covered include Mach's work on acoustical psychophysics and physics; his ideas on analogy and the principle of conservation of energy; the correct interpretation of his scheme of 'elements' (...)
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  25. Hertz, Wittgenstein and philosophical method.John Preston - 2007 - Philosophical Investigations 31 (1):48–67.
    There have recently appeared claims that the influence Heinrich Hertz exerted over Wittgenstein's later work was far more abiding than previously recognised. I critically evaluate such claims by Gordon Baker and Allan Janik. I first show that Hertz was indeed concerned with the same feature, clarity, which often exercised Wittgenstein. But I then argue that Wittgenstein should not be seen as having adopted the conception of philosophical method, which Hertz deployed in The Principles of Mechanics. I show that Hertz ‘clarifies’ (...)
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  26.  25
    Anthropocentric biases in teleological thinking : how nature seems designed for humans.Jesse L. Preston & Faith Shin - 2021 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 150 (5).
    People frequently see design in nature that reflects intuitive teleological thinking– that is, the order in nature that supports life suggests it was designed for that purpose. This research proposes that inferences are stronger when nature supports human life in particular. Five studies (total N = 1788) examine evidence for an anthro-teleological bias. People agreed more with design statements framed to aid humans (e.g., “trees produce oxygen so that humans can breathe”) than the same statements framed to aid other targets (...)
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  27.  71
    Bird, Kuhn and positivism.John Miles Preston - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 35 (2):327-335.
    I challenge Alexander Bird’s contention that the divergence between Kuhn’s views and recent philosophy of science is a matter of Kuhn having taken a wrong turn. Bird is right to remind us of Kuhn’s naturalistic tendencies, but these are not clearly an asset, rather than a liability. Kuhn was right to steer clear of extreme referential conceptions of meaning, since these court an unacceptable semantic scepticism. Although he eschewed the concepts of truth and knowledge as philosophers of science have tended (...)
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  28. Elbow grease: when action feels like work.Jesse Preston & Daniel M. Wegner - 2009 - In Ezequiel Morsella, John A. Bargh & Peter M. Gollwitzer, Oxford handbook of human action. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 569--586.
  29. Phenomenal and metacognitive. Elbow grease: when action feels like work.Jesse Preston & Daniel M. Wegner - 2009 - In Ezequiel Morsella, John A. Bargh & Peter M. Gollwitzer, Oxford handbook of human action. New York: Oxford University Press.
  30.  36
    The Instrument of Science: Scientific Anti-realism Revitalised, by Darrell P. Rowbottom.John Preston - 2021 - Mind 130 (519):1028-1032.
    The Instrument of Science: Scientific Anti-realism Revitalised, by RowbottomDarrell P.. Abingdon: Routledge, 2019. Pp. 216.
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  31. Knowledge, Science and Relativism. Philosophical Papers, Volume 3.P. K. Feyerabend & John Preston - 2001 - Philosophy 76 (295):158-161.
  32.  43
    Roles and representations of women in early Chinese philosophy: a survey.Sarah Craddock & John Preston - 2020 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 15 (2):198-222.
    An understanding of the roles and representations of women in classical Chinese philosophy is here derived from central texts such as the Analects, the Lienu Zhuan, and the I Ching. We argue that the roles of women during the classical period of Chinese philosophy tended to be as part of the “inner,” working domestically as a housewife and mother. This will be shown from three passages from the Analects. Women were represented as submissive and passive, as with the qualities ascribed (...)
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  33.  45
    Phenomenalism, or neutral monism, in Mach’s analysis of sensations?John Preston - 2020 - In J. Preston, Interpreting Ernst Mach: Critical Essays.
    I set out the factors which tempt people into reading Ernst Mach's book The Analysis of Sensations as putting forward either a version of phenomenalism or a version of neutral monism, and then assess the strengths and weaknesses of these two readings. I present an ‘internal’ view of that text, showing that it by no means mandates the phenomenalist reading, and that a case for something more like the neutral monist reading can be made from within that book, indeed largely (...)
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  34.  58
    Thought and Language.John Preston - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    The relationship between thought and language has been of central importance to philosophy ever since Plato characterised thinking as 'a dialogue the soul has with itself'. In this volume, several major twentieth-century philosophers of mind and language make further contributions to the debate. Among the questions addressed are: is language conceptually prior to thought, or vice versa? Must thought take place 'in' a medium? To what extent can creatures without language be credited with thoughts? Do we have to suppose that (...)
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  35.  53
    Harre on Hertz and the Tractatus.John Preston - unknown
    The literature on Heinrich Hertz’s influence on Wittgenstein goes back some way. Not all the main commentators discuss or even notice that influence, although it has been particularly emphasised by James Griffin, by Allan Janik and Stephen Toulmin, and by Leonard Goddard and Brenda Judge.
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  36.  29
    On some objections to relativism.John Preston - 1992 - Ratio 5 (1):57-73.
  37.  36
    Author's response.John Preston - 1999 - Metascience 8 (2):233-243.
  38.  56
    Feyerabend's final relativism.John M. Preston - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (4):615-620.
  39.  89
    Folk psychology as theory or practice? The case for eliminative materialism.John M. Preston - 1989 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):277-303.
    One foundation of Eliminative Materialism is the claim that the totality of our ordinary resources for explaining and predicting behaviour, ?Folk Psychology?, constitutes a theoretical scheme, potentially in conflict with other theories of behaviour. Recent attacks upon this claim, as well as the defence by Paul Churchland, are examined and found to be lacking in a suitably realistic conception of theory. By finding such a conception, and by correctly identifying the level of conceptual structures within which Folk Psychology is located, (...)
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  40. Ideal agency: The perception of self as an origin of action.Jesse Preston & Daniel M. Wegner - 2005 - In Abraham Tesser, Joanne V. Wood & Diederik A. Stapel, On Building, Defending, and Regulating the Self: A Psychological Perspective. Psychology Press. pp. 103--125.
  41.  6
    Feyerabend, Experts, and Dilettantes.John Preston - unknown
    Paul Feyerabend’s 1970 article “Experts in a Free Society” tries to make the case that scientific experts can only be tolerated if they are dilettantes. He uses Galileo, Newton and Kepler as examples of great scientists whose writing is nothing like that of contemporary “experts’, these latter being represented by the authors of the well-known book Human Sexual Response, Bill Masters and Virginia Johnson. He goes on to argue against the idea that the Scientific Revolution represented the triumph of empiricism. (...)
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  42. Belief and epistemic credit.John Preston - 2010 - In Richard Menary, The Extended Mind. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.
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  43. Preface to a new translation of Paul Feyerabend's Science in a Free Society.John Preston - 1978 - In Paul Feyerabend, Science in a free society. London: NLB.
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  44. Explication, Description and Enlightenment.Severin Schroeder & John Preston - 2019 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 22 (1):106-120.
    In the first chapter of his book Logical Foundations of Probability, Rudolf Carnap introduced and endorsed a philosophical methodology which he called the method of ‘explication’. P.F. Strawson took issue with this methodology, but it is currently undergoing a revival. In a series of articles, Patrick Maher has recently argued that explication is an appropriate method for ‘formal epistemology’, has defended it against Strawson’s objection, and has himself put it to work in the philosophy of science in further clarification of (...)
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  45.  56
    Thomas Kuhn's revolution: An historical philosophy of science – by James A. Marcum.John Preston - 2007 - Ratio 20 (3):352–354.
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  46.  22
    A Golden Age of Security and Education? Adult Education for Civil Defence in the United States 1950–1970.John Preston - 2015 - British Journal of Educational Studies 63 (3):387-411.
  47.  23
    PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE The Disorder of Things: Metaphysical Foundations of the Disunity of Science.John Preston - 1994 - Philosophical Books 35 (2):136-137.
  48. (1 other version)Thought and Language.John Preston - 1999 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 61 (4):834-835.
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  49. Kuhn, instrumentalism, and the progress of science.John Preston - 2003 - Social Epistemology 17 (2-3):259-265.
    Steve Fuller seeks to blame Kuhn for the present state of the philosophy of science. It has become ‘Kuhniferous’, he argues, both in structure and in content. I begin by taking issue with this judgement, suggesting that Kuhn wasn’t as influential as his realist and naturalist opponents. I then proceed to argue that Fuller fails to clinch one of his central charges, that Kuhn disconnected the philosophical defence of scientific progress from any substantive ends of science. Kuhn has a story (...)
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  50.  24
    (1 other version)Feyerabend.John Preston - 2000 - In W. Newton-Smith, A companion to the philosophy of science. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 143–148.
    Paul K. Feyerabend (1924–94) was an imaginative maverick philosopher of science, a critic of positivism, as well as, more recently, falsificationism, philosophy of science itself, and of “rationalist” attempts to lay down or discover rules of scientific method.
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