36 found
Julio Montero [20]Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero [8]Jaime Montero [2]José Ramòn Montero [1]
Jerónimo M. Sierra Montero [1]Jorge Horacio Raíces Montero [1]Juan A. Montero [1]J. Montero [1]

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  1.  35
    Resolving differing stakeholder perceptions of urban rooftop farming in Mediterranean cities: promoting food production as a driver for innovative forms of urban agriculture.Esther Sanyé-Mengual, Isabelle Anguelovski, Jordi Oliver-Solà, Juan Ignacio Montero & Joan Rieradevall - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (1):101-120.
    Urban agriculture (UA) is spreading within the Global North, largely for food production, ranging from household individual gardens to community gardens that boost neighborhood regeneration. Additionally, UA is also being integrated into buildings, such as urban rooftop farming (URF). Some URF experiences succeed in North America both as private and community initiatives. To date, little attention has been paid to how stakeholders perceive UA and URF in the Mediterranean or to the role of food production in these initiatives. This study (...)
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  2.  37
    Colonialism and rights supersession: a Kant-inspired perspective.Julio Montero - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (3):331-346.
  3.  32
    Human rights, international human rights, and sovereign political authority: a draft model for understanding contemporary human rights.Julio César Montero - 2014 - Ethics and Global Politics 7 (4).
  4.  7
    Persona, vacuidad y primera persona.Jaime Montero & Elizabeth Duvanca - 2024 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 23 (2):146-170.
    Este trabajo pretende examinar la relación entre persona y vacuidad, su incidencia en el pensamiento de Keiji Nishitani, especialmente, con su idea de primera persona. Igualmente, se reflexiona acerca del carácter problemático del concepto de realidad en relación con el yo, en donde se hace referencia a Descartes, Kant y Husserl y a algunas observaciones de filósofos de la antigüedad griega y romana. A su vez algunos estudiosos actuales de la escuela de Kioto. Esto con la intención de mostrar un (...)
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  5. Global Poverty, Human Rights and Correlative Duties.Julio Montero - 2009 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 22 (1):79-92.
    Does the fact that my actions cause someone to lack access to the objects of her human rights make me a human rights violator? Is behaving in such a way that we deprive someone of access to the objects of her human rights even when we could have avoided behaving in such a way, sufficient to maintain that we have violated her human rights? When an affluent country pursues domestic policies that will foreseeably cause massive deprivation abroad in order to (...)
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  6.  45
    Human Rights, Personal Responsibility, and Human Dignity: What Are Our Moral Duties to Promote the Universal Realization of Human Rights?Julio Montero - 2017 - Human Rights Review 18 (1):67-85.
    According to the orthodox or humanist conception of human rights, individuals have a moral duty to promote the universal realization of human rights. However, advocates of this account express the implications of this duty in extremely vague terms. What does it mean when we say that we must promote human rights satisfaction? Does it mean that we must devote a considerable amount of our time and resources to this task? Does it mean, instead, that we must make occasional donations to (...)
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  7. Por qué una concepción restrictiva de la razón pública viola la neutralidad estatal: una crítica interna al liberalismo político.Julio Montero - 2009 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 30:101-116.
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  8.  11
    Exploring collective agency: a methodological approach to becoming differently.Sebastian Alejandro Gonzalez Montero, Ana Mercedes Sarria-Palacio, Catalina López Gómez & Jerónimo M. Sierra Montero - 2024 - Journal for Cultural Research 28 (4):393-414.
    Our main objective here is to show the methodological usefulness of philosophical ideas. Concretely, drawing on theoretical analyses related to the concept of social structuring processes (Elder-Vass) and becoming differently (Gilles Deleuze), we argue that the social struggles of Afro-Latin American women can be interrogated in their role of transforming normative identities and fostering innovative communitarian dynamics that enable adaptation and transformation. The central thesis is that embracing a social construction perspective characterised by fluidity, adaptability, and solidarity can offer an (...)
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  9. ¿Es la pobreza global un problema de derechos humanos? Lo que el argumento cosmopolita no puede probar.Julio Montero - 2007 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 33 (2):223-246.
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  10. ¿qué Criterio De Igualdad Requiere Una Democracia Deliberativa?Julio Montero - 2005 - Dianoia 50 (55):120-135.
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  11.  10
    Nota sobre la presencia femenina en el tratado isidoriano De ortu et obitu Patrum.Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero - 2024 - Isidorianum 33 (1):125-143.
    El tratado exegético ort. et obit. de Isidoro incluye la presentación detallada de tres mujeres que representan, cada una según su historia, las virtudes femeninas más destacadas en la Escritura. Isidoro presenta sus perfiles basándose en el texto bíblico y en la tradición teológica que ya en su época si había ido configurando y asentando. Una atención especial merece el capítulo dedicado a María que no solamente sintetiza la reflexión mariológica anterior, sino que constituye una de las bases para su (...)
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  12.  12
    Presentación.Marcelo Alegre & Julio Montero - 2015 - Análisis Filosófico 35 (1):5-9.
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  13.  15
    Roads to democracy: a tribute to Juan J. Linz.Juan J. Linz, Joan Marcet, José R. Montero & Robert M. Fishman (eds.) - 2007 - Barcelona: Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials.
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  14. Agenda 21 dentro del sistema educativo de los centros. Reorientación de la educación hacia el desarrollo sostenible.Julio Javier Montero - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 40:71-74.
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  15. Adopción GLTTTBI.Jorge Horacio Raíces Montero - 2005 - In Alfredo Grande & Diana Coblier, Lo legal y lo legítimo. [ Buenos Aires]: Ediciones Sapiens.
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  16.  30
    Cambiamento religioso e cambiamento politico in Spagna.José Ramòn Montero - 1999 - Polis 13 (1):25-44.
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  17.  15
    (2 other versions)Do Affluent Countries Violate the Human Rights of the Global Poor?Julio Montero - 2010 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 3:22-41.
    In this article I consider Thomas Pogge’s thesis that affluent countries are violating the human rights of the global poor by contributing support to the current global institutional order. My claim is that affluent countries are not violating the human rights of the global poor in the ways suggested by Pogge. I start by defining a set of conditions that ought to obtain in order to say that a human rights violation has taken place. Then I consider two possible interpretations (...)
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  18.  14
    Deconstructing digit chondrogenesis.Juan A. Montero & Juan M. Hurlé - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (8):725-737.
    Chondrogenesis is a key process in skeletogenesis since endochondral ossification requires the formation of a cartilaginous template. Knowledge of molecular mechanisms regulating chondrogenesis is extremely valuable not only to understand many human disorders but also in regenerative medicine. Embryonic skeletogenesis is an excellent model to study this mechanism. Most cartilages share the cellular basis underlying chondrogenesis but the high heterogeneity in morphologies of the different skeletal elements appears to be generated by differential participation of a variety of chondrogenic signals. Here (...)
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  19. Democracia deliberativa y legitimidad política: Un argumento a favor de la concepción abierta de la razón pública.J. Montero - 2005 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 31 (1):121-142.
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  20.  42
    Derechos humanos: estatistas, no cosmopolitas.Julio Montero - 2013 - Isegoría 49:459-480.
    La visión imperante en el derecho internacional actual concibe los derechos humanos como normas relativas al trato que los Estados brindan a su propia población. Esta posición, que se conoce como la “perspectiva estatista” sobre los derechos humanos, es actualmente resistida por varios autores. En este artículo intentaré defender la perspectiva estatista contra una serie de críticas recientemente formuladas por Cristina Lafont en Isegoría y en otras importantes revistas especializadas. En particular, trataré de probar que, contrariamente a lo que Lafont (...)
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  21.  52
    Do Human Rights Derive From Natural Rights? The State of Nature, Political Authority and the Natural Right to Independence.Julio Montero - 2016 - Philosophical Forum 47 (2):151-169.
  22.  49
    Global deprivation—whose duties? Some problems with the contribution principle.Julio Montero - 2008 - Metaphilosophy 39 (4-5):612-620.
    Abstract: In this brief article, I claim that the Contribution Principle invoked by Christian Barry as a key principle for determining who owes what to the global destitute is mistaken as a definitive principle and unjustified as a provisional principle for dealing with global poverty. This principle assumes that merely causing, or contributing to the cause of, a state of affairs may be sufficient to have a special responsibility to bear the costs that this state of affairs entails. I argue (...)
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  23.  43
    Giuliano di Toledo, Prognosticum futuri saeculi = Il preannuncio del mondo che verrà, introduzione, traduzione dal latino, commento teologico di Tommaso Stancati, OP.Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero - 2013 - Augustinianum 53 (2):549-551.
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  24.  10
    Human rights as human independence: a philosophical and legal interpretation.Julio Montero - 2022 - Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
    Human Rights as Human Independence offers a comprehensive, systematic, and complete account of the nature, content, and scope of human rights to be used to interpret international documents and make informed decisions about how human rights practice must continue in the years to come.
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  25.  54
    International Human Rights Obligations within the States System: The Avoidance Account.Julio Montero - 2017 - Journal of Political Philosophy 25 (4):19-39.
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  26.  20
    Is the State-Centric Conception of Human Rights Suitable for a Globalized World? A Response to Cristina Lafont.Julio Montero - 2013 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía Política 2 (1).
    In her article “Human Rights and the Legitimacy of Global Governance Institutions” published in this volume of RLPF, Cristina Lafont argues that in order to impose human rights obligations to global governance institutions, the state-centric conception of human rights that pervades current international politics must be replaced by an alternative, pluralist account. In this response I claim that, when properly interpreted, the state-centric conception is not only perfectly compatible with imposing on global governance institutions the kind of obligations Lafont has (...)
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  27.  33
    La concepción institucional de los derechos humanos revisada.Julio Montero - 2012 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 17:68-91.
    En este artículo discuto dos tesis que Thomas Pogge deriva de su concepción institucional de los derechos humanos: la tesis de la culpa y la tesis de la violación global. La tesis de la culpa asevera que los ciudadanos que contribuyen a sostener un régimen institucional que viola derechos humanos sin realizar compensaciones en beneficio de las víctimas, se convierten ellos mismos en violadores de derechos humanos. Por su parte, la tesis de la violación global asevera que al imponer regulaciones (...)
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  28.  24
    Learning Christ: Ignatius of Antioch & the Mystery of Redemption.Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero - 2014 - Augustinianum 54 (2):567-569.
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  29. ¿Pueden los derechos naturales hacer alguna contribución a la filosofía de los derechos humanos?Julio Montero - 2016 - Critica 48 (144):61-88.
    Durante décadas, los filósofos han concebido los derechos humanos como una clase de derechos naturales de los que gozamos por el mero hecho de ser seres humanos. Sin embargo, esta interpretación ha sido severamente cuestionada en los últimos años. Toda una familia de autores, identificados con una concepción “práctico-dependiente”, asevera que los derechos humanos constituyen una práctica sui generis completamente ajena a la tradición del derecho natural. En contra de esta postura, este artículo argumenta que el discurso de los derechos (...)
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  30.  9
    (1 other version)The Philosophy of Social and Economic Human Rights.Julio Montero - 2019 - Law, Ethics and Philosophy 6.
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  31.  13
    Fuzzy multicriteria techniques: an application to transport planning.Alan D. Pearman, Javier Montero & Juan Tejada - 1991 - In Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier, Ronald R. Yager & Lotfi A. Zadeh, Uncertainty in Knowledge Bases: 3rd International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU'90, Paris, France, July 2 - 6, 1990. Proceedings. Springer. pp. 509--519.
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  32. Reflexiones sobre bioética y virtudes públicas Victoria Camps.David Rodríguez-Arias & Juan Montero - 2009 - Dilemata.
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  33.  17
    Juan Antonio Gaytán Luna, Fin del mundo y destino final del hombre. La exégesis escatológica de I ad Corinthios 7,31, y 15,50, en la literatura cristiana antigua. [REVIEW]Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero - 2014 - Augustinianum 54 (1):279-281.
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  34.  53
    Jesús M.ª Nieto Ibáñez, Cristianismo y profecías de Apolo: los oráculos paganos en la Patrística griega (siglos II-V). [REVIEW]Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero - 2012 - Augustinianum 52 (2):531-535.
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  35. Manuel Aróztegui Esnaola, La amistad del Verbo con Abraham según san Ireneo de Lyon. [REVIEW]Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero - 2009 - Augustinianum 49 (2):524-526.
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  36.  58
    Profeti e profezia: figure profetiche nel cristianesimo del II secolo, a cura di Anna Carfora ed Enrico Cattaneo.. Un altro Gesù?: i vangeli apocrifi, il Gesùu storico e il cristianesimo delle origini, a cura di Annalisa Guida ed Enrico Norelli. [REVIEW]Juan Antonio Cabrera Montero - 2013 - Augustinianum 53 (1):287-287.
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