Results for 'J. M. Dorfan'

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  1.  93
    Appearance and Reality in Heraclitus’ Philosophy.J. M. Moravcsik - 1991 - The Monist 74 (4):551-567.
    The questions that occupied early Ionian philosophers are very general in nature, and are not linked to the various skills and crafts that surface early in Greek civilization. The awe and wonder fuelling these questions were directed towards large scale phenomena, and—according to the interpretation presented in this essay—called for more than mere re-descriptions or re-labellings of various features of reality. They called for explanations, but the notion of an intellectually adequate explanation took a long time to develop. Conceptions of (...)
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  2. La pensée de la fin.J. -M. Maldame - 1996 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 84 (2):191-218.
    La pensée contemporaine est-elle accessible au concept biblique de fin de l'histoire ? Les sciences de l'univers et celles de la vie ont répandu, à l'aide de diverses notions de temps, des scénarios de fin du monde qui renvoient à la philosophie la question angoissante de l'avenir de l'humanité. Dans le passé, les gnoses avaient élaboré une représentation du temps brisé, que les philosophies modernes ont entrepris de démythologiser de bien des façons : morales purement rationalistes, qui tantôt acceptent tantôt (...)
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  3. Renouveaux en théologie fondamentale. A propos de deux livres récents.J. -M. Maldamé - 1991 - Revue Thomiste 91 (4):651-665.
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  4. Science et foi, conditions nouvelles du dialogue.J. -M. Maldame - 1997 - Revue Thomiste 97 (3):525-562.
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  5. 1.«La théologie face aux sciences religieuses».J. -M. Gle - 2000 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 88 (1):147-152.
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  6. Existentialism and Humanism.J. M. Thompson - 1948 - Hibbert Journal 47:170.
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  7. Theophilanthropy-An Experiment in Humanist Religion.J. M. Thompson - 1928 - Hibbert Journal 27:632.
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  8. The executivevisuospatial sketchpad interface in euthymic bipolar disorder: implications for visuospatial working memory architecture.J. M. Thompson, J. Gray, P. Mackin, I. N. Ferrier, A. H. Young & C. Hamilton - 2003 - In B. Kokinov & W Hirst, Constructive Memory. New Bulgarian University.
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    Animals in Roman Life and Art.J. H. Young & J. M. C. Toynbee - 1975 - American Journal of Philology 96 (4):445.
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  10. Quantum Mechanics: Symmetries.J. M. Eisenberg - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25:1387-1387.
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    The church as a moral agent: In dialogue with Bram van de Beek.J. M. Vorster - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (4):8.
    The latter part of the 20th century is known for a surge in the so-called ‘genitive theologies’. Usually, a genitive theology has an ulterior motive, aiming at the transformation of a society or the promotion of sound politics and economy. In recent years, this trend culminated in public theology. The issue of religion with an ulterior motive was raised by Van de Beek in a seminal article focusing on theology without gaining anything from it as an answer to the surging (...)
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    Filosofie der geneeskunst: medicosofie : een theoretisch onderzoek naar de betekenis van het begrip geneeskunst : een wijsgerige begripsontwikkeling in de trant van Hegels dialectiek.J. M. Mees - 1984 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
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  13. Conditional fallacies in probability judgment.J. M. Miyamoto, J. W. Lundell & Sf Tu - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):516-516.
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    Critical notice.J. M. E. Moravcsik - 1976 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 6 (4):737-744.
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    Ideals And Obligations In Plato's Ethics.J. M. E. Moravcsik - 1985 - Philosophical Inquiry 7 (3-4):129-145.
  16.  12
    Evidence against thermal activation as the cause of flux creep in type II superconductors.J. M. A. Wade - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 20 (168):1107-1114.
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    On Being in the World: Wittgenstein and Heidegger on Seeing Aspects, by Stephen Mulhall.J. M. Heaton - 1991 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 22 (2):102-104.
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  18. Tolerance, liberalism and human rights.J. M. Hernandez - 2004 - Filozofia 59 (3-4):201-220.
  19.  18
    British analytical philosophy.J. M. Hinton - 1967 - Philosophical Books 8 (3):26-29.
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    Groundless Belief.J. M. Hinton - 1980 - Philosophical Books 21 (1):59-61.
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    How I see philosophy.J. M. Hinton - 1969 - Philosophical Books 10 (2):27-30.
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  22. Hegel's Ladder.J. M. Bernstein - 2000 - Dialogue 39 (4):803-818.
    The goal of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit is to achieve absolute knowing. Minimally, knowing can be absolute only if it is unconditioned or unlimited; that is, only if it is not essentially contrasted with some other possible knowing—say, God's—or is not restricted such that it necessarily does not pertain to certain items—say, freedom of the will, the immortality of the soul, or God. Knowing can be absolute only if these items, appropriately interpreted, are within its scope. However, if it can (...)
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  23.  41
    XVII. The effect of free electrons on lattice conduction.J. M. Ziman - 1956 - Philosophical Magazine 1 (2):191-198.
  24.  32
    Psalmodiez intelligemment.J. -M. Auwers - 2006 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 37 (1):60-78.
    Présentation d’une quinzaine de publications récentes sur les psaumes et le Psautier. On passe en revue des introductions et ouvrages généraux, la traduction d’H. Meschonnic, trois commentaires , des monographies sur l’histoire et la réception du texte, des travaux abordant la méthode exégétique, des études de structures, et la thèse de D. Scaiola sur les psaumes apparentés.
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  25. Gracián y su época (Zaragoza, febrero-marzo 1985).J. M. Ayala - 1985 - Diálogo Filosófico 2:243-245.
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  26. Thought and things, a study of development and meaning of thought, or genetic Logic. Volume I : Functional Logic, or Genetic Theory of Knowledge.J. M. Baldwin - 1907 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 64:427-435.
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    Chapter 10. Remembering Isaac: On the Impossibility and Immorality of Faith.J. M. Bernstein - 2017 - In Paul A. Kottman, The Insistence of Art: Aesthetic Philosophy after Early Modernity. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 257-288.
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    Playing with words, working with concepts, testing ideas.J. M. Zanker - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):855-855.
    Gold & Stoljar 's attempt to disentangle the body-mind problem in time for the end of the decade of the brain deserves praise for its diligence and courage in moving onto the treacherous ground of interdisciplinary discourse. In making their point, they should not have stopped half-way: a more clearly defined experimental paradigm seems necessary to solve this exciting and substantial problem.
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    The effect of free electrons on lattice conduction.J. M. Ziman - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (14):292-292.
  30.  71
    B. Gentili, G. Cerri: Storia e biografia nel pensiero antico. Pp. xi + 125. Bari: Laterza, 1983. Paper, L. 13,000.J. M. Alonso-Núñez - 1984 - The Classical Review 34 (2):332-332.
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  31. G. G. Coulton, Five Centuries of Religion Vol. III, Getting and Spending. [REVIEW]J. M. Lloyd Thomas - 1936 - Hibbert Journal 35:146.
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  32. Oliver C. Quick, The Christian Sacraments. [REVIEW]J. M. Lloyd Thomas - 1927 - Hibbert Journal 26:560.
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  33. R. A. Knox, Some Loose Stones: Being a Consideration of certain Tendencies in Modern Theology. [REVIEW]J. M. Thompson - 1913 - Hibbert Journal 12:472.
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  34. R. F. Bennett, The Early Dominicans, Studies in Thirteenth-century Dominican History. [REVIEW]J. M. Lloyd Thomas - 1937 - Hibbert Journal 36:153.
  35. Sir Francis Younghusband, Modern Mystics. [REVIEW]J. M. Lloyd Thomas - 1934 - Hibbert Journal 33:625.
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  36. "Schiller's Writings on Aesthetics": S. S. Kerry. [REVIEW]J. M. Ellis - 1963 - British Journal of Aesthetics 3 (1):78.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]J. M. Moravcsik - 1993 - Mind 102 (405):206-210.
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    Greek Geometric Pottery. A Survey of Ten Local Styles and their Chronology. [REVIEW]J. M. Hemelrijk - 1971 - Mnemosyne 24 (4):444-445.
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    Küchenwesen und Mahlzeiten. [REVIEW]J. M. Hemelrijk - 1974 - Mnemosyne 27 (3):332-333.
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    Lo sport nella Grecia antica. [REVIEW]J. M. Hemelrijk - 1976 - Mnemosyne 29 (1):98-99.
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    Musik und Tanz. [REVIEW]J. M. Hemelrijk - 1973 - Mnemosyne 26 (1):98-100.
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    The Metopes of the Temple of Athena at Ilion. [REVIEW]J. M. Hemelrijk - 1967 - Mnemosyne 20 (2):212-213.
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    No Title available: New Books. [REVIEW]J. M. Hinton - 1973 - Philosophy 48 (183):91-92.
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    N. J. E. Austin: Ammianus on Warfare. An Investigation into Ammianus' Military Knowledge. (Collection Latomus, 165.) Pp. 171. Brussels: Latomus, 1979. Paper, 650 B. frs. [REVIEW]J. M. Alonso-Núñez - 1981 - The Classical Review 31 (1):123-123.
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    David Kolb, The Critique of Pure Modernity: Hegel, Heidegger and After. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1986, pp. xvii, 316. [REVIEW]J. M. Bernstein - 1986 - Hegel Bulletin 7 (2):41-47.
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    Robin Seager: Ammianus Marcellinus. Seven Studies in his Language and Thought. Pp. xii+162. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1986. £19.75. [REVIEW]J. M. Alonso-Núñez - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (1):157-157.
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    M.-M. Mactoux, E. Geny : Mélanges Pierre Lévêque, 7. Anthropologie et société. Pp. xxix+355. Paris: Les Belles Lettres/Université de Besançon, 1993. Paper. [REVIEW]J. M. Alonso-NɐɁez - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (1):192-193.
  48.  40
    Ways of Worldmaking.J. M. Moravcsik - 1978 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 37 (4):483-485.
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  49. (1 other version)Logic and Philosophy for Linguists a Book of Readings; Edited by J.M.E. Moravcsik. --.J. M. E. Moravcsik - 1974 - Humanities Press.
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  50. 'I Am a Christian and Cannot Fight' [Signed J.M.R.].M. R. J. & Christian - 1907
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