Results for 'J. Kievit'

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  1.  40
    Cognitive psychology meets psychometric theory: On the relation between process models for decision making and latent variable models for individual differences.Han L. J. van der Maas, Dylan Molenaar, Gunter Maris, Rogier A. Kievit & Denny Borsboom - 2011 - Psychological Review 118 (2):339-356.
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  2. Aristotle's Definitions of Psuche.J. L. Ackrill - 1973 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 73:119 - 133.
    J. L. Ackrill; VIII*—Aristotle's Definitions of Psuche, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 73, Issue 1, 1 June 1973, Pages 119–134,
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    Conservation of Energy: Missing Features in Its Nature and Justification and Why They Matter.J. Brian Pitts - 2020 - Foundations of Science 26 (3):559-584.
    Misconceptions about energy conservation abound due to the gap between physics and secondary school chemistry. This paper surveys this difference and its relevance to the 1690s–2010s Leibnizian argument that mind-body interaction is impossible due to conservation laws. Justifications for energy conservation are partly empirical, such as Joule’s paddle wheel experiment, and partly theoretical, such as Lagrange’s statement in 1811 that energy is conserved if the potential energy does not depend on time. In 1918 Noether generalized results like Lagrange’s and proved (...)
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  4. Body and Soul: Human Nature and the Crisis in Ethics.J. P. Moreland - 2000
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  5. Aristotle’s Distinction between Energeia and Kinesis.J. L. Ackrill - 1965 - In R. Bambrough ed (ed.), New Essays on Plato and Aristotle. Routledge. pp. 121-141.
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    Slavery in Early Christianity.J. A. Glancy - 2008 - HTS Theological Studies 64 (3):1560-1563.
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    Putting the puzzle together: Toward a general theory of the neural correlates of consciousness.J. B. Newman - 1997 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 4 (1):47-66.
    Part I of this two-part paper provided a broad overview of clinical and experimental findings bearing on the neural correlates of conscious processes. It was argued that several neurocognitive models related to: orienting to the outer world, dream sleep, and the integration of sensory-motor representations, converge upon a core ‘conscious system’, dubbed the extended reticular-thalamic activating system . The functions of the ERTAS, which shares extensive projections with the cerebral cortex, are mostly ‘implicit’, in contrast to the explicit representation of (...)
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    Baumgarten's Aesthetics: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives.J. Colin McQuillan (ed.) - 2021 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    With contributions by leading scholars in the field, this book is the first collection in the English language devoted to Baumgarten’s aesthetics.
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  9. Cole, J. 87 Collard, J. 54 Comito, T. 198 Condor, J. 205n2.E. Condry, J. Conrad, V. Crapanzano, M. Crick, J. Cripps, M. David, J. Davis, J. Derrida, N. B. Dirks & T. Docherty - 1997 - In Andrew Dawson, Jennifer Lorna Hockey & Andrew H. Dawson (eds.), After Writing Culture: Epistemology and Praxis in Contemporary Anthropology. Routledge.
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  10. Portraying Analogy.J. F. ROSS - 1981 - Linguistics and Philosophy 11 (1):107-124.
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  11. Irrealia: F. Suárez’s Concept of Being in the Formulation of Intentionality from F. Brentano to J. Patočka and Beyond.Piotr J. Janik - 2021 - In Piotr J. Janik & Carla Canullo (eds.), Intentionnalité comme idée. Phenomenon, between efficacy and analogy. Kraków, Poland: Księgarnia Akademicka Publishing. pp. 31-45.
    The language of phenomenology includes terms such as intentionality, phenom- enon, insight, analysis, sense, not to mention the key term of Edmund Husserl’s manifesto, “the things themselves” to return to . But what does the “things them- selves” properly mean? How come the term is replaced by the “findings” over time? And what are the findings for? The investigation begins by looking at the tricky legacy of the modern turn, trying to clarify ties to past masters, including Francis- co Suárez (...)
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  12. (1 other version)An Introduction to Husserl's Phenomenology (William S. Wilkerson).J. Patocka - 1996 - Human Studies 23 (1):91-97.
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  13. Kerngedachten van J. H. Newman.A. J. Boekraad & F. Sassen - 1967 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 29 (3):644-644.
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  14. About þ Belief þ Counterfactual.J. Perner - 2000 - In Peter Mitchell & Kevin John Riggs (eds.), Children's Reasoning and the Mind. Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis. pp. 367--400.
  15.  24
    A Tribute to Hans Morgenthau: [truth and tragedy]: with an intellectual autobiography by Hans J. Morgenthau.Hans J. Morgenthau & Kenneth W. Thompson (eds.) - 1977 - Washington: New Republic Book Co..
    With an intellectual autobiography by Hans J. Morgenthau.
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    Abstraction and Representation in Living Organisms: When Does a Biological System Compute?J. Young, Susan Stepney, Viv Kendon & Dominic Horsman - 2017 - In Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic & Raffaela Giovagnoli (eds.), Representation of Reality: Humans, Other Living Organism and Intelligent Machines. Heidelberg: Springer.
    Even the simplest known living organisms are complex chemical processing systems. But how sophisticated is the behaviour that arises from this? We present a framework in which even bacteria can be identified as capable of representing information in arbitrary signal molecules, to facilitate altering their behaviour to optimise their food supplies, for example. Known asion/Representation theory, this framework makes precise the relationship between physical systems and abstract concepts. Originally developed to answer the question of when a physical system is computing, (...)
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    Taking umpiring seriously: How philosophy can help umpires make the right calls.J. S. Russell - 2004 - In Eric Bronson (ed.), Baseball and Philosophy: Thinking Outside the Batter's Box. Open Court. pp. 87--103.
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    Asymmetrical Analogical Arguments.J. E. Adler - 2007 - Argumentation 21 (1):83-92.
    Analogies must be symmetric. If a is like b, then b is like a. So if a has property R, and if R is within the scope of the analogy, then b (probably) has R. However, analogical arguments generally single out, or depend upon, only one of a or b to serve as the basis for the inference. In this respect, analogical arguments are directed by an asymmetry. I defend the importance of this neglected – even when explicitly mentioned – (...)
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    Empirical philosophy and experimental philosophy.J. Prinz - 2008 - Experimental Philosophy.
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  20.  59
    Descartes. Philosophical Writings.J. N. Wright, Elizabeth Anscombe, Peter T. Geach & Alexander Koyre - 1957 - Philosophical Quarterly 7 (26):89.
  21.  46
    Agency and Autonomy in Food Choice: Can We Really Vote with Our Forks?J. M. Dieterle - 2022 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 35 (1):1-15.
    Ethical consumerism is the thesis that we should let our values determine our consumer purchases. We should purchase items that accord with our values and refrain from buying those that do not. The end goal, for ethical consumerism, is to transform the market through consumer demand. The arm of this movement associated with food choice embraces the slogan “Vote with Your Fork!” As in the more general movement, the idea is that we should let our values dictate our choices. In (...)
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    (1 other version)Lectures on Logic.J. Michael Young (ed.) - 1992 - Cambridge University Press.
  23.  6
    Collected Works of John Stuart Mill: Xvi. Later Letters 1848-1873 Vol C.J. M. Robson (ed.) - 2014 - Routledge.
    _The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill_ took thirty years to complete and is acknowledged as the definitive edition of J.S. Mill and as one of the finest works editions ever completed. Mill's contributions to philosophy, economics, and history, and in the roles of scholar, politician and journalist can hardly be overstated and this edition remains the only reliable version of the full range of Mill's writings. Each volume contains extensive notes, a new introduction and an index. Many of the (...)
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    (1 other version)Collected Works of John Stuart Mill: Xxi. Essays on Equality, Law and Education.J. M. Robson (ed.) - 2014 - Routledge.
    _The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill_ took thirty years to complete and is acknowledged as the definitive edition of J.S. Mill and as one of the finest works editions ever completed. Mill's contributions to philosophy, economics, and history, and in the roles of scholar, politician and journalist can hardly be overstated and this edition remains the only reliable version of the full range of Mill's writings. Each volume contains extensive notes, a new introduction and an index. Many of the (...)
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  25. Aristotle.J. M. E. Moravcsik - 1967 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Anchor Books.
    Aristotle and the sea battle, by G. E. M. Anscombe.--Aristotle's different possibilities, by K. J. J. Hintikka.--On Aristotle's square of opposition, by M. Thompson.--Categories in Aristotle and in Kant, by J. C. Wilson.--Aristotle's Categories, chapters I-V: translation and notes, by J. L. Ackrill--Aristotle's theory of categories, by J. M. E. Moravcsik.--Essence and accident, by I. M. Copi.--Tithenai ta phainomena, by G. E. L. Owen.--Matter and predication in Aristotle, by J. Owens.--Problems in Metaphysics Z, chapter 13, by M. J. Woods.--The meaning (...)
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  26.  24
    Modernity, praxis and the work of art: Contemporary themes in Eastern European critical theory.J. F. Dorahy - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 159 (1):3-8.
    Throughout the world, Eastern European critical theory is enjoying a moderate, yet exciting, resurgence. From its oppositional roots in praxis philosophy and critical sociology, this diffuse and dynamic tradition has expanded its field of concern to encompass, among other problems, the aporias of democracy, the Holocaust and legacies of totalitarianism, the vicissitudes of modern culture and the ethical imperatives of living after the grand narrative. In the process, Eastern European thought has come to figure as a vital alternative to the (...)
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  27.  38
    Conventional Logic and Modern Logic.J. D. Bastable - 1953 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 3:141-141.
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    Epistémologie Générale.J. D. Bastable - 1961 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 11:330-331.
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    Pascal.J. D. Bastable - 1954 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 4:111-113.
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    The Mind of Paul VI: On the Church and the World.J. D. Bastable - 1965 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 14:247-248.
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    Intellectual humility and assertion.J. Adam Carter & Emma C. Gordon - 2020 - In Mark Alfano, Michael Patrick Lynch & Alessandra Tanesini (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Humility. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 335-345.
    Recent literature suggests that intellectual humility is valuable to its possessor not only morally, but also epistemically-viz., from a point of view where epistemic aims such as true belief, knowledge and understanding are what matters. Perhaps unsurprisingly, epistemologists working on intellectual humility have focused almost exclusively on its ramifications for how we go about forming, maintaining and evaluating our own beliefs, and by extension, ourselves as inquirers. Less explored by contrast is how intellectual humility might have implications for how we (...)
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    Is it time to abandon institutional research ethics committees?J. Savulescu - 2002 - Monash Bioethics Review 21 (3):S74-S77.
    Research on human beings has significantly increased in ethical and scientific complexity. Ethics review is at a fork in the road. Either we significantly increase the resources we provide to support institutional research ethics committees. Or we abandon the institutional base of human research ethics review and move to model of expert suprainstitutional ethics committees.
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    Miscellaneous Lunar Tables from Babylon.J. M. Steele - 2006 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 60 (2):123-155.
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  34. Patricia Harkin James J. Sosnoski.James J. Sosnoski - forthcoming - Intertexts: Reading Pedagogy in College Writing Classrooms.
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  35. David I. Anderson, Joseph J. Campos, and Marianne A. Barbu-Roth.Joseph J. Campos - 2003 - In Gavin Bremner & Alan Slater (eds.), Theories of Infant Development. Blackwell. pp. 30.
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    Cerinthus' Pia Cura ([Tibullus] 3.17.1–2).J. C. Yardley - 1990 - Classical Quarterly 40 (02):568-.
    In a recent issue of CQ, N. J. Lowe refers to the ‘slyly Catullan appeal to the language of pietas’ in [Tib.] 3.7 1–2 . In this he follows Matthew Santirocco, who comments on these lines: ‘significantly, the expression for love here is not just cura as before [sc. in 3.16 [4.10] 3], but pia cura. We recall the pietas Catullus proclaimed in his affair with Lesbia and perhaps also pius Aeneas and all that pietas meant to the Augustan age, (...)
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    Differential Emotions Theory as a Theory of Personality Development.J. A. A. Abe - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (2):126-130.
    In The Face of Emotions, which was Carroll Izard’s first major attempt at elaborating his differential emotions theory (DET), he stated that the book “presents a theoretical framework for the study of emotions and their role in personality and interpersonal processes.” Yet, over the years, his contribution to personality theory has generally been overshadowed by the attention focused on his views on facial expressions and the structure of emotions. This article will begin with a brief overview of the DET perspective (...)
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  38. Acceptance without belief.J. Mosterin - 2002 - Manuscrito 25 (2):313-35.
    We often use the same word “belief” to refer to two different cognitive attitudes. Both of them are dispositions to behave in the same way, but one of these dispositions is involuntary and context independent , while the other one is voluntary and context dependent . Belief, like perception, is the result of the automatic workings of our biological cognitive apparatus. Acceptance is the result of a decision, which can be guided by a variety of goals. Acceptance can be accompanied (...)
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  39. The Ontological Argument in Plato.J. Prescott Johnson - 1963 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 44 (1):24.
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    (1 other version)The epigenesis of pure reason. A note on the critique of pure reason, b, sec. 27,165—168.J. Wubnig - 1969 - Kant Studien 60 (2):147-152.
  41. Beyond Narrativism: The historical past and why it can be known.J. Ahlskog & G. D'Oro - 2021 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 27 (1):5-33.
    This paper examines narrativism’s claim that the historical past cannot be known once and for all because it must be continuously re-described from the standpoint of the present. We argue that this claim is based on a non sequitur. We take narrativism’s claim that the past must be re-described continuously from the perspective of the present to be the result of the following train of thought: 1) “all knowledge is conceptually mediated”; 2) “the conceptual framework through which knowledge of reality (...)
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  42. Collision: Failed Aesthetics: Life as a Rupturing Narrative.J. Marie Griggs - 2013 - Evental Aesthetics 2 (2):64-77.
    For this collision, the role of nonhuman animals as woodland theater and naturalizing agents is questioned. In remediated sites, animals are actors that legitimize everyday pollution, oppression and violence. How can the lived realities of nonhuman animals be embraced without naturalizing the discourse that externalizes those lives? As life and industrial-nature cohere, how might aesthetics engender agency in recovery?
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  43. Decision-making models.J. Fodor, P. Perny & M. Roubens - 1998 - In Enrique H. Ruspini, Piero Patrone Bonissone & Witold Pedrycz (eds.), Handbook of fuzzy computation. Philadelphia: Institute of Physics. pp. 5--1.
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    (1 other version)The Study of Time.J. T. Fraser, F. C. Haber & G. H. Mueller (eds.) - 1972 - Springer Verlag.
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  45. (1 other version)Les communautés juives à Rome aux premiers temps de l’Eglise.J. Frey - 1930 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 20 (1):269.
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  46. Nouveaux développements de la théorie électronique des métaux. IIeme Partie: Les théories du réseau électronique solide et du liquide électronique; application de la mécanique ondulatoire.J. Frenkel - 1929 - Scientia 23 (46):87.
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  47. Ethics and aesthetics, a postmetaphysical attraction.J. Fruchtl - 1992 - Philosophische Rundschau 39 (1-2):13-28.
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  48. Du langage à Dieu: l'éminence chez Descartes.J. -P. Galibert - 1995 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 75 (3):309-319.
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  49. The relapse of Gadamer and Heidegger into the metaphysics of art of the young Nietzsche.J. F. Z. Garcia - 2005 - Pensamiento 61 (229).
  50. La détention collégiale de l'autorité pagarchique dans l'Égypte byzantine'.J. Gascou - 1972 - Byzantion 42:60-72.
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