  1. Postmodern environmental ethics: Ethics of bioregional narrative.Jim Cheney - 1989 - Environmental Ethics 11 (2):117-134.
    Recent developments in ethics and postmodemist epistemology have set the stage for a reconceptualization of environmental ethics. In this paper, I sketch a path for postmodemism which makes use of certain notions current in contemporary environmentalism. At the center of my thought is the idea of place: (1) place as the context of our lives and the setting in which ethical deliberation takes place; and (2)the epistemological function of place in the construction of our understandings of self, community, and world. (...)
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  2. Eco-feminism and deep Ecology.Jim Cheney - 1987 - Environmental Ethics 9 (2):115-145.
    l examine the degree to which the so-called “deep ecology” movement embodies a feminist sensibility. In part one I take a brief look at the ambivalent attitude of “eco-feminism” toward deep ecology. In part two I show that this ambivalence sterns largely from the fact that deep ecology assimilates feminist insights to a basically masculine ethical orientation. In part three I discuss some of the ways in which deepecology theory might change if it adopted a fundamentally feminist ethical orientation.
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    Feminism, Deep Ecology, and Environmental Ethics.Jim Cheney - 1987 - Environmental Ethics 9 (1):21-44.
    Deep ecologists have criticized reform environmentalists for not being sufficiently radical in their attempts to curb human exploitation of the nonhuman world. Ecofeminists, however, maintain that deep ecologists, too, are not sufficiently radical, for they have neglected the cmcial role played by patriarchalism in shaping the cultural categories responsible for Western humanity’s domination of Nature. According to eco-feminists, only by replacing those categories-including atomism, hierarchalism, dualism, and androcentrism - can humanity learn to dweIl in harmony with nonhuman beings. After reviewing (...)
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  4. Environmental Ethics as Environmental Etiquette.Jim Cheney & Anthony Weston - 1999 - Environmental Ethics 21 (2):115-134.
    An ethics-based epistemology is necessary for environmental philosophy—a sharply different approach from the epistemology-based ethics that the field has inherited, mostly implicitly, from mainstream ethics. In this paper, we try to uncover this inherited epistemology and point toward an alternative. In section two, we outline a general contrast between an ethics-based epistemology and an epistemology-based ethics. In section three, we examine the relationship between ethics and epistemology in an ethics-based epistemology, drawing extensively on examples from indigenous cultures. We briefly explore (...)
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  5. The neo-stoicism of radical environmentalism.Jim Cheney - 1989 - Environmental Ethics 11 (4):293-325.
    Feminist analysis has eonvineed me that certain tendencies within that form of radical environmentalism known as deep ecology-with its supposed rejection of the Western ethical tradition and its adoption of what looks to be a feminist attitude toward the environment and our relationship to nature-constitute one more chapter in the story of Western alienation from nature. In this paper I deepen my critique of these tendencies toward alienation within deep ecology by historicizing my critique in the light of a development (...)
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  6. Truth and Native American epistemology.Lee Hester & Jim Cheney - 2001 - Social Epistemology 15 (4):319-334.
  7. Ecological Feminism and Ecosystem Ecology1.Karen J. Warren & Jim Cheney - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (1):179-197.
    Ecological feminism is a feminism which attempts to unite the demands of the women's movement with those of the ecological movement. Ecofeminists often appeal to “ecology” in support of their claims, particularly claims about the importance of feminism to environmentalism. What is missing from the literature is any sustained attempt to show respects in which ecological feminism and the science of ecology are engaged in complementary, mutually supportive projects. In this paper we attempt to do that by showing ten important (...)
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    Universal consideration: An epistemological map of the terrain.Jim Cheney - 1998 - Environmental Ethics 20 (3):265-277.
    I offer an epistemologically grounded revisioning of Tom Birch’s ethical principle of universal consideration, suggesting that epistemologies have ethical dimensions and hence that universal moral consideration is intrinsic to the epistemological enterprise. I contrast epistemologies of domination with epistemologies in part constituted by the generosity of spirit that is the hallmark of Birch’s notion of universal consideration.
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    Truth, knowledge and the wild world.Jim Cheney - 2005 - Ethics and the Environment 10 (2):101-135.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 10.2 (2005) 101-135 [Access article in PDF] Truth, Knowledge and the Wild World Jim Cheney One ought not to put too much stock in the word 'philosophy'.... [T]here are alternative ways of intelligently engaging the world. To construe one's thinking in terms of belief is characteristic of a particular kind of world view and it remains to be seen whether those who share an indigenous (...)
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    Callicott’s “Metaphysics of Morals”.Jim Cheney - 1991 - Environmental Ethics 13 (4):311-325.
    In his campaign against moral pluralism, J. Baird Callicott has attempted to bring “theoretical unity and closure” to environmental ethics by providing a “metaphysics of morals” encompassing environmental, interpersonal, and social concems, as weIl as concems for domesticated animals. The central notion in this metaphysics is the community concept. I discuss two quite different, and separable, aspects of Callicott’s project. First, I argue that his metaphysics of morals does not provide ethical unity and closure. Second, and less specifically focused on (...)
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    Indigenous Worlds and Callicott’s Land Ethic.L. Hester, D. McPherson, A. Booth & J. Cheney - 2000 - Environmental Ethics 22 (3):273-290.
    We assess J. Baird Callicott’s attempt in Earth’s Insights to reconcile his land ethic with the “environmental ethics” of indigenous peoples. We critique the rejection of ethical pluralism that informs this attempted rapprochement. We also assess Callicott’s strategy of grounding his land ethic in a postmodern scientific world view by contrasting it with the roles of “respect” and narrative in indigenous “ethics.”.
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    Naturalizing the Problem of Evil.Jim Cheney - 1997 - Environmental Ethics 19 (3):299-313.
    I place my analysis and naturalization of the problem of evil in relation to (1) Holmes Rolston’s views on disvalues in nature and (2) the challenge posed to theology by environmental philosophy in the work of Frederick Ferré. In the analysis of the problem of evil that follows my discussion of Rolston and Ferré, I first discuss the transformative power for the religious believer of reflection on the problem of evil, using the biblical Job as a case study. I point (...)
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    Completeness and Herbrand Theorems for Nominal Logic.James Cheney - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (1):299 - 320.
    Nominal logic is a variant of first-order logic in which abstract syntax with names and binding is formalized in terms of two basic operations: name-swapping and freshness. It relies on two important principles: equivariance (validity is preserved by name-swapping), and fresh name generation ("new" or fresh names can always be chosen). It is inspired by a particular class of models for abstract syntax trees involving names and binding, drawing on ideas from Fraenkel-Mostowski set theory: finite-support models in which each value (...)
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    “Systematizing” Ethics Consultation Services.Courtenay R. Bruce, Margot M. Eves, Nathan G. Allen, Martin L. Smith, Adam M. Peña, John R. Cheney & Mary A. Majumder - 2015 - HEC Forum 27 (1):35-45.
    While valuable work has been done addressing clinical ethics within established healthcare systems, we anticipate that the projected growth in acquisitions of community hospitals and facilities by large tertiary hospitals will impact the field of clinical ethics and the day-to-day responsibilities of clinical ethicists in ways that have yet to be explored. Toward the goal of providing clinical ethicists guidance on a range of issues that they may encounter in the systematization process, we discuss key considerations and potential challenges in (...)
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  15. The journey home.Jim Cheney - 1998 - In Anthony Weston, An Invitation to Environmental Philosophy. Oup Usa. pp. 141--167.
  16. Intrinsic Value in Environmental Ethics.Jim Cheney - 1992 - The Monist 75 (2):227-235.
    It is widely held that all hope for a satisfactory environmental ethic rests on the question whether intrinsic value can be discovered in non-human nature, for it is also widely held that intrinsic value is what, if anything, grounds human obligations to non-human nature. The work of J. Baird Callicott on intrinsic value has been central to the contemporary discussion of environmental ethics and the present paper leads off with an overview of some aspects of his work in this area.
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    The Ethical Health Lawyer.Amy L. McGuire, Mary A. Majumder & J. Richard Cheney - 2005 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 33 (3):603-607.
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    Ecosystem Ecology and Metaphysical Ecology.Karen J. Warren & Jim Cheney - 1993 - Environmental Ethics 15 (2):99-116.
    We critique the metaphysical ecology developed by J. Baird Callicott in “The Metaphysical Implications of Ecology” in light of what we take to be the most viable attempt to provide an inclusive theoretical framework for the wide variety of extant ecosystem analyses—namely, hierarchy theory. We argue that Callicott’s metaphysical ecology is not consonant with hierarchy theory and is, therefore, an unsatisfactory foundation for the development of an environmental ethic.
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    Back to Earth.Jim Cheney - 1996 - Environmental Ethics 18 (1):89-92.
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    Cultural Cuts.Jean Cheney - 2007 - Teaching Ethics 7 (2):109-110.
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    The Dusty World: Wildness and Higher Laws in Thoreau's Walden.Jim Cheney - 1996 - Ethics and the Environment 1 (2):75 - 90.
    To the attentive reader, the high contrast between Thoreau's depiction of a life in conformity to "Higher Laws" and his depiction of Wildness can seem to be yet another endorsement of nature/culture dualism. I argue that while such a dualism frames much of Thoreau's "experiment" at Walden Pond, a deeper understanding of the relationship between Higher Laws and Wildness emerges which is decidedly nondualistic, an understanding for which I invoke the Buddhist image of the Dusty World. I conclude with some (...)
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  22. The intentionality of desire and the intentions of people.J. E. Cheney - 1978 - Mind 87 (October):517-532.
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    Arne Naess: Ecology, Community and Lifestyle: Outline of an Ecosophy. [REVIEW]Jim Cheney - 1991 - Environmental Ethics 13 (3):263-273.
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    In the Spirit of the Earth. [REVIEW]Jim Cheney - 1994 - Environmental Ethics 16 (3):321-327.
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  25. Review of Anthony Weston Back to Earth. [REVIEW]Jim Cheney & Anthony Weston - 1997 - Environmental Ethics 18:3.
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  26. Review of: Calvin Luther Martin, In the Spirit of the Earth. [REVIEW]Jim Cheney - 1994 - Environmental Ethics 16:6.
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