Jean Beaufays [3]J. Beaufays [2]
  1.  9
    A propos d'un projet de réforme du code électoral.J. Beaufays - 1974 - Res Publica 16 (3-4):537-545.
    People in Belgium want to simplify the electoral laws. The responsible department has a project which is presented as being neutral, having no political implications. The authors compare the results of the last elections computed according to several systems, including the new project. Their conclusion is that the new project is politically oriented : it favours the big parties.The authors propose a new system of ballot which is really neutral, and they show it by a simulation on the results of (...)
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  2.  11
    Le député catholique aux Pays-Bas 1918-1965.Jean Beaufays - 1971 - Res Publica 13 (2):275-284.
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  3.  24
    Les élections communales à Liège : cartels, polarisation et les écologistes au pouvoir.Jean Beaufays, Michel Hermans & Pierre Verjans - 1983 - Res Publica 25 (2-3):391-415.
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  4.  11
    Liège, une reconduction mouvementée.Jean Beaufays - 1976 - Res Publica 18 (3-4):363-381.
    The mergers of communes have modified the political circumstances resulting from the local elections of october 10, 1976. The two parties that shared the executive power since the former local elections had already in february 1976 decided to renew their alliance for the next term of office.They lay emphasis on problems concerning public education and on economic questions. The election campaign was quite agitated in political circles but rather calm as far as the general public was concerned.However, the creation - (...)
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  5.  13
    Le róle et la place de l'apparentement dans les élections législatives belges à la lumière du calcul de la dévolution des sièges selon différents modes.Henri Breny & J. Beaufays - 1973 - Res Publica 15 (2):205-217.
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