Results for 'Ivica Kisić'

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  1.  21
    Our daily soil.Ivica Kisić - 2020 - Disputatio Philosophica 21 (1):37-46.
    Sustainable soil management is imperative for agriculture development in any area of the planet Earth so that future generations can enjoy the benefits Earth provides, which is the production of sufficient quantities of healthy food on the soils with preserved natural fertility. Awareness of the need for sustainable development is already present to a certain degree. Therefore, it is necessary to use all of the scientific and professional potential to create appropriate research programs and the implementation of those results in (...)
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    Lucien Calvié, La question yougoslave et l’Europe, Édition de Cygne, Paris, 2018.Ivica Mladenović - 2020 - Filozofija I Društvo 31 (2):263-264.
    Lucien Calvié, La question yougoslave et l’Europe, Édition de Cygne, Paris, 2018. Ivica Mladenović.
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    Katolička akcija.Ivica Musa & Ivan Šestak - 2024 - Disputatio Philosophica 25 (1):51-64.
    Višestoljetni model Crkve kao zajednice laika i klerika koji ju inspiriraju i vode, ulazi u funkcionalnu krizu. U doba revolucija i liberalizma laici se nalaze u novim, često oprečnim ulogama: vjernika odanih Crkvi i građana lojalnih sekularnom društvu. Tražeći izlaz iz krize, Crkva se oslanja na sposobnost demokratskog djelovanja laika koji svojim društvenim nastupom promiču kršćanske vrijednosti, ali se i bore za politička prava Crkve. Uz političke stranke katoličke inspiracije posebnu ulogu ima organizirani katolički laikat, kulturno i moralno oblikujući laičke (...)
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    Suvremene tehnike endodontskog liječenja.Ivica Anić - forthcoming - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics.
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    Stepping into the World’ Martin Heidegger's remarks on the ‘Sistine Madonna.Ivica Žižić - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (5):807-819.
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    Attitudes of Local Population Towards the Impacts of Tourism Development: Evidence From Czechia.Ivica Linderová, Petr Scholz & Nuno Almeida - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Increasing the socio-economic effects caused by the tourism development in the local population, they adopt some attitudes according to the impacts directly or indirectly perceived. However, some of this impact can be considered positive or negative, according to different perspectives. The issue of the resident-tourist relationship has been much-discussed recently. Therefore, many case studies are being conducted that address the impacts on both residents and tourists. The goal of this manuscript is to analyze the attitudes of local residents to the (...)
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    Exhibition on the Polyhistor Ruder Bošković in Dubrovnik.Ivica Martinovic - 1994 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 2 (1):121-121.
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  8.  10
    Josip Franjo Domin’s Exam Thesauri De corpore universim (1785, 1786); Josip Franjo Domin.Ivica Martinović - 2019 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 39 (3):525-574.
    Two exam thesauri De corpore universim by Josip Franjo Domin, composed of 25 theses in the field of “experimental physics”, the last published in Györ in 1785 and the first published in Pecs in 1786, saw light soon after the printing of his treatise Dissertatio physica de aeris factitii genesi, natura, et utilitatibus, and expounded the core of natural philosophy in the form of a doctrine of the structure of matter, fundamental forces in nature, and general properties of physical bodies, (...)
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    Money in the Ancient Times and the Medieval Age.Ivica Musa - 2005 - Disputatio Philosophica 7 (1):13-26.
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  10. Mobil'nost' nauki.Oleg Michajlovič Sičivica - 1975 - Gor'kij: Volgo-Vjatskoe Kn. Izd..
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    Zur Kritik der Hegelschen Sprachkonzeption am Beispiel des Begriffs Aufheben.Ivica Tokić & Sanela Mešić - 2015 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2015 (1):501-506.
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    Kako spriječiti estetske komplikacije u endodonciji i izbjeljivanje zuba.Ivica Anić - forthcoming - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics.
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    Phenomenology and Theology. Phenomenological Aspects of the Eucharist by Jean-Luc Marion.Ivica Žižić - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (2):337-356.
    Fenomenologija Jean-Luc Mariona pojavljuje se pred teologijom kao ‘prva’ i nova filozofija. Ovaj prilog ispituje posljedice J. L. Marionove »fenomenologije dara« za teologiju, osobito za sakramentalnu teologiju. Razmatranje Marionove fenomenologije odnosi se samo na samo jedan vid, onaj kojega filozof artikulira iz ‘fenomenološkog gledišta’. Također želimo prikazati fenomenologiju J. L. Mariona i ispitati teološke kvalifikative Marionove fenomenologije.Jean-Luc Marion’s phenomenology appears as the new and »first« philosophy for theology. This paper examines the consequences for theology of Jean-Luc Marion’s “phenomenology of giving”, (...)
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    Theories and inter-theory relations in Bošković.Ivica Martinovi - 1990 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 4 (3):247 – 262.
    Abstract During 1745-1755 Bošković explicitly used the concept of scientific theory in three cases: the theory of forces existing in nature, the theory of transformations of geometric loci, and the theory of infinitesimals. The theory first mentioned became the famous theory of natural philosophy in 1758, the second was published in the third volume of his mathematical textbook Elementorum Universae Matheseos (1754), and the third theory was never completed, though Bošković repeatedly announced it from 1741 on. The treatment of continuity (...)
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  15. L'absolu et l'éternel dans la relativité d'Einstein.Ivica Picek - 2006 - Synthesis Philosophica 21 (2):209-221.
    Le fait d’avoir signalé l’importance du principe de l’invariance est considéré comme un des plus grands mérites d’Einstein. Les symétries sont présentées comme une nouvelle catégorie dans la description du monde physique, laquelle s’ajoute aux catégories des conditions initiales et des lois mêmes de la nature, définies par Newton. Certaines symétries de l’espace et du temps sont faciles à décrire: les lois de la physique doivent être les mêmes partout et indépendantes du temps, de même que ces lois ne changent (...)
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    Play and Liturgy Towards a Transcendental Sense of the Experience of the Mystery.Ivica Zizic - 2018 - New Blackfriars 101 (1093):248-265.
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    The French state and the church: Socio-historical context, structural conditionality and character of laicism.Ivica Mladenovic - 2014 - Filozofija I Društvo 25 (2):94-114.
    In the article, the author deals with the political and social influences of the relationship between the state and religious communities in France. The first part of the paper is an analysis of historical context and the construction of laicism in France through its local characteristics, values and social strengths, contributing to its formation. The fact that Catholic Church was one of the main legitimizing pillars of?the old regime?, permanently determined the relationship between church and state, most importantly - it?s (...)
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    The Importance of Biotic Sovereignty in the Context of Future Changes in the Legal Regulation of Genetically Modified Crops in the European Union and the Republic of Croatia.Ivica Kelam - 2022 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 42 (2):251-269.
    The “Lošinj Declaration on Biotic Sovereignty” is a novelty in the consideration of the environment and life in general and a unique document on a global scale. Until the advent of the Declaration, the environment was usually considered in an instrumentalist way, following the prevailing techno-scientific paradigm. The Declaration introduces biotic sovereignty as the starting point for the debate on GMOs, from which the harmfulness or potential benefits of genetic engineering can be assessed. The protection of biotic sovereignty should be (...)
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  19.  12
    Frane Petrić i renesansne filozofske tradicije. Uz temu.Ivica Martinović - 2010 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 30 (3):355-357.
  20.  22
    Petrićevi prigovori Aristotelovu pojmu neprekidnine.Ivica Martinović - 2010 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 30 (3):467-485.
    Druga knjiga Petrićeve Pancosmije potpuno nam otkriva što je Petrić mislio de continuo ili de divisibilitate quantitatis te nam ujedno nudi mnoge detalje Petrićeve neuspješne strategije pri osporavanju Aristotelovih pojmova neprekidnine i potencijalne beskonačnine. Prigovarajući Aristotelu, Petrić i ne htijući upozorava na glavne domete Aristotelova nauka o neprekidnini, ali nudi svoja, drugačija rješenja, poput zamisli o najmanjoj nedjeljivoj crti. Iako svojim rješenjima ne uspijeva postići ono što je Aristotel blistavo postigao pojmom neprekidnine u tumačenju prirode i matematike, Petrić unutar polemike (...)
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    Riječanin Josip Zanchi o Rabljaninu Marku Antunu de Dominisu.Ivica Martinović - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (4):689-707.
    Tijekom svoje kratke filozofske profesure na Bečkom sveučilištu i u plemićkom zavodu Collegium Theresianum , ali i potom dok je bio profesorom teologije u Beču, isusovac Josip Zanchi, riječki plemić, četiri je puta tiskao svoj udžbenik Physica particularis, koji je sadržavao raspravu iz meteorologije. U svim je tim izdanjima izlaganje o uzroku dúge započeo povijesnom bilješkom, u kojoj je sažeto prikazao de Dominisov, Descartesov i Newtonov doprinos objašnjenju dúge. Potraga za Zanchijevim izvorom u optičkim i prirodnofilozofskim djelima objavljenim nakon Newtonova (...)
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    Urban Road Infrastructure Maintenance Planning with Application of Neural Networks.Ivan Marović, Ivica Androjić, Nikša Jajac & Tomáš Hanák - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
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    Some aspects of lattice and generalized prelattice effect algebras.Zdenka Riečanová, Ivica Marinová & Michal Zajac - 2006 - In Harrie de Swart, Ewa Orlowska, Gunther Smith & Marc Roubens (eds.), Theory and Applications of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments II: International Workshops of COST Action 274, TARSKI, 2002-2005, Selected Revised Papers. Springer. pp. 290--317.
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    Alternative splicing and evolution.Stephanie Boue, Ivica Letunic & Peer Bork - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (11):1031-1034.
    Alternative splicing is a critical post‐transcriptional event leading to an increase in the transcriptome diversity. Recent bioinformatics studies revealed a high frequency of alternative splicing. Although the extent of AS conservation among mammals is still being discussed, it has been argued that major forms of alternatively spliced transcripts are much better conserved than minor forms.1 It suggests that alternative splicing plays a major role in genome evolution allowing new exons to evolve with less constraint. BioEssays 25:1031–1034, 2003. © 2003 Wiley (...)
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  25. Juraj Dragišić: život i djela.Erna Banić-Pajnić, Bruno Ćurko, Mihaela Girardi-Karšulin & Ivica Martinović (eds.) - 2016 - Institute of Philosophy.
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    Towards a Framework for Research Ethics Education for Physicians in Serbia.Tatjana Gazibara, Jelena Dotlic, Dejan Donev, Vida Jeremic Stojkovic & Darija Kisic-Tepavcevic - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1249-1266.
    With growing opportunities for medical doctors to work either in academia and industry, research ethics education for health sciences research, meaning research which includes humans and animals and/or their tissues and cells with the goal to understand underlying mechanisms of disease occurrence and disease treatment, is of paramount importance, especially in regions, such as Serbia, where comprehensive research ethics curricula for physician researchers are lacking. This article addresses the spectrum of research ethics topics that were identified through analysis of the (...)
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    Pierre Bourdieu and politics.Philip Golub, Frédéric Lebaron, Ivica Mladenovic, Franck Poupeau, Gisèle Sapiro & Zona Zaric - 2021 - Filozofija I Društvo 32 (4):567-586.
    This paper is the product of a roundtable discussion held at the international conference Horizons of Engagement: Eternalizing Bourdieu, organized by the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory of Belgrade, Serbia, the Centre for Advanced Studies of The University of Rijeka, Croatia, the?cole Normale Sup?rieure of Paris, France, and the French Institute in Serbia. The event was planned on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of one of the world?s leading sociologists - Pierre Bourdieu. The greatest indicator (...)
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