Results for 'Isdairi Isdairi'

  1. Development of a Strategic Partnership Model in Controlling Early Marriage for Stunting Prevention (Case Study in Kapuas Hulu District).Yulius Yohanes, Sri Haryaningsih, Isdairi Isdairi, S. Martinu & Nessa Cosella - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1898-1906.
    Early marriage rates in Indonesia, particularly in West Kalimantan, contribute significantly to the stunting problem. Progress is slow despite a decline from 11.21% in 2018 to 8.06% in 2022. Kapuas Hulu District has the second-highest stunting rate in the province. This research aims to develop a strategic partnership model to control early marriage and prevent stunting in Kapuas Hulu District. The model involves local government, health institutions, NGOs, the private sector, and local communities. Using the Four-Pillar Strategic Partnership Model by (...)
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