Results for 'Isabella Pistone'

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  1.  12
    Intensional Harmony as Isomorphism.Paolo Pistone & Luca Tranchini - 2024 - In Thomas Piecha & Kai F. Wehmeier (eds.), Peter Schroeder-Heister on Proof-Theoretic Semantics. Springer. pp. 315-337.
    In the present paper we discuss a recent suggestion of Schroeder-Heister concerning the possibility of defining an intensional notion of harmony using isomorphism in second-order propositional logic. The latter is not an absolute notion, but its definition is relative to the choice of criteria for identity of proofs. In the paper, it is argued that in order to attain a satisfactory account of harmony, one has to consider a notion of identity stronger than the usual one (based on β- and (...)
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    Kierkegaard duecento anni dopo.Isabella Adinolfi, Roberto Garaventa, Laura Liva & Ettore Rocca (eds.) - 2014 - Genova: Il melangolo.
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    Multitude Between Innovation and Negation.Isabella Bertoletti, James Cascaito & Andrea Casson (eds.) - 2008 - Semiotext(E).
    Multitude between Innovation and NegationPaolo Virnotranslated by James CascaitoThe publication of Paolo Virno's first book in English, Grammar of the Multitude, by Semiotext in 2004 was an event within the field of radical political thought and introduced post-'68 currents in Italy to American readers. Multitude between Innovation and Negation, written several years later, offers three essays that take the reader on a journey through the political philosophy of language."Wit and Innovative Action" explores the ambivalence inevitably arising when the semiotic and (...)
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    "Sprache ist Rede": ein Beitrag zur dynamischen und organizistischen Sprachauffassung Wilhelm von Humboldts.Isabella Ferron - 2009 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Filosofia della gioia: una cura per le malinconie del presente.Isabella Guanzini - 2021 - Milano: Ponte alle Grazie.
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  6. Crítica da modernidade política em Nietzsche.Isabella Vivianny Santana Heinen - 2015 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 3 (1):68-84.
    RESUMO: No presente artigo, o tema da política será pensado a partir das críticas às constituições morais valorativas delineadas por Nietzsche. Nesse sentido, pretende-se elucidar que o posicionamento deste autor, por um lado, indica uma leitura crítica da política a partir da sua formação democrática, por esta considerar o homem de maneira universal e rebaixar seus valores ligado a sua singularidade. E, por outro lado, possibilitar uma distinta percepção da organização política. Isto devido ao fato de se observar uma nova (...)
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  7. Giuseppe Mazzini and the Globalization of Democratic Nationalism, 1830-1920.Isabella Maurizio - 2008
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  8. Rule-Following and the Limits of Formalization: Wittgenstein’s Considerations Through the Lens of Logic.Paolo Pistone - 2014 - In Giorgio Venturi, Marco Panza & Gabriele Lolli (eds.), From Logic to Practice: Italian Studies in the Philosophy of Mathematics. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
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    Thomas Nagel: What Is It Like to Be a Bat? Wie ist es, eine Fledermaus zu sein?Rudolf Piston & Christine Eckhardt - 2017 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 70 (3):240-241.
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    Rudolf Lüthe: Heitere Aufklärung. Philosophische Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Komik, Skepsis und Humor.Piston Rudolf & Christine Eckhard - 2019 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 72 (3):229-234.
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    Platonisches Erbe, Byzanz, Orthodoxie und die Modernisierung Griechenlands: Schwerpunkte des kulturphilosophischen Werkes von Stelios Ramfos.Isabella Schwaderer - 2018 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Lektüre Platons aus orthodoxer Sicht - Byzantinische Spiritualität und christlich-orthodoxe Religionsphilosophie - Neugriechische Literatur und Sprache aus gesellschaftlicher Sicht - Problematik der Modernisierung Griechenlands und seiner Positionierung in Europa.
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    The Naturality of Natural Deduction (II): On Atomic Polymorphism and Generalized Propositional Connectives.Paolo Pistone, Luca Tranchini & Mattia Petrolo - 2021 - Studia Logica 110 (2):545-592.
    In a previous paper we investigated the extraction of proof-theoretic properties of natural deduction derivations from their impredicative translation into System F. Our key idea was to introduce an extended equational theory for System F codifying at a syntactic level some properties found in parametric models of polymorphic type theory. A different approach to extract proof-theoretic properties of natural deduction derivations was proposed in a recent series of papers on the basis of an embedding of intuitionistic propositional logic into a (...)
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    The association between the propensity to experience meaningful coincidence and brain anatomy in healthy females: The moderating role of coping skills.Isabella Unger, Albert Wabnegger & Anne Schienle - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 91 (C):103132.
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    Merging Inference and Conjecture by Information.Cornelia Burger Isabella & Heidema Johannes - 2002 - Synthese 131 (2):223 - 258.
    The intuitive notion of a binary relation on information-bearers, comparingthem with respect to their closeness to the available information, is oftenconstrued in terms of comparing their symmetric difference with, orcompositional similarity to, the available information. This happens forinstance in some treatments of verisimilitude. We expound an abstractmathematical rendering of the relevant data-dependent relation in theframework of Boolean algebras. For every element t of a Boolean algebra B we construct the t-modulated Boolean algebra Btin which the order relation represents `is at (...)
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    Artificial intelligence in fiction: between narratives and metaphors.Isabella Hermann - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (1):319-329.
    Science-fiction (SF) has become a reference point in the discourse on the ethics and risks surrounding artificial intelligence (AI). Thus, AI in SF—science-fictional AI—is considered part of a larger corpus of ‘AI narratives’ that are analysed as shaping the fears and hopes of the technology. SF, however, is not a foresight or technology assessment, but tells dramas for a human audience. To make the drama work, AI is often portrayed as human-like or autonomous, regardless of the actual technological limitations. Taking (...)
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  16.  66
    Classical Logic is not Uniquely Characterizable.Isabella McAllister - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (6):1345-1365.
    I show that it is not possible to uniquely characterize classical logic when working within classical set theory. By building on recent work by Eduardo Barrio, Federico Pailos, and Damian Szmuc, I show that for every inferential level (finite and transfinite), either classical logic is not unique at that level or there exist intuitively valid inferences of that level that are not definable in modern classical set theory. The classical logician is thereby faced with a three-horned dilemma: Give up uniqueness (...)
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  17. Lettera a me stesso. un inedito di giorgio del vecchio.Isabella Caridi - 2005 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 82 (1):1-16.
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  18. Il testo drammatico nel teatro-immagine. L'esempio del Re Lear di Mario Ricci.Isabella Consentino - 1997 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 18:459-478.
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    Lo spirito è un osso: postmodernità, materialismo e teologia in Slavoj Žižek.Isabella Guanzini - 2010 - Assisi: Cittadella.
  20.  38
    Aristocratic Liberalism and Risorgimento: Cesare Balbo and Piedmontese Political Thought after 1848.Maurizio Isabella - 2013 - History of European Ideas 39 (6):835-857.
    Summary The paper discusses the political thought of Cesare Balbo (1789?1853), a leading Risorgimento moderate liberal and politician, in the context of the efforts by the Piedmontese political elite to support and legitimise the constitutional regime introduced by King Charles Albert in 1848. Revising current interpretations of Risorgimento moderate liberalism as backward and provincial, it seeks to locate the political thought of Balbo and his colleagues at the heart of contemporary European, and particularly French, debates regarding liberty and aristocracy. In (...)
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  21.  4
    Una reflexión psicoanalítica sobre la segregación en tiempos de la Covid-19 y del discurso de la ciencia.Isabella Betancur Patiño & Samir Ahmed Dasuky Quiceno - 2024 - Escritos 32 (69):1-18.
    Debido a la contingencia por Covid-19, los Estados deciden frenar la economía y delimitar su espacio personal. Esto provocó como respuesta colectiva la segregación debida al apalabramiento al cual fue sometido el discurso por parte de la ciencia y el capitalismo. La pregunta investigativa ¿qué es lo estructural del sujeto que, apalabrado por el discurso de la ciencia, encuentra formas de segregar? que orientó la reflexión se respondió metodológicamente por el rigor en la conjetura. Para ello, se desarrollaron dos acápites: (...)
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  22. Persuasion and the expressivity of gestures in humans and machines.Isabella Poggi & Pelachaud & Catherine - 2008 - In Ipke Wachsmuth, Manuela Lenzen & Günther Knoblich (eds.), Embodied Communication in Humans and Machines. Oxford University Press.
  23. Determinismo e indeterminismo nella vecchia e nella nuova fisica.Matteo Renato Pistone - 1944 - Potenza,: Studio editoriale D. Mera.
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  24.  40
    Hannah Arendt: Wir Flüchtlinge.Rudolf Piston & Christine Eckhardt - 2018 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 71 (4):339-343.
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    Proof-Theoretic Aspects of Paraconsistency with Strong Consistency Operator.Victoria Arce Pistone & Martín Figallo - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-38.
    In order to develop efficient tools for automated reasoning with inconsistency (theorem provers), eventually making Logics of Formal inconsistency (_LFI_) a more appealing formalism for reasoning under uncertainty, it is important to develop the proof theory of the first-order versions of such _LFI_s. Here, we intend to make a first step in this direction. On the other hand, the logic _Ciore_ was developed to provide new logical systems in the study of inconsistent databases from the point of view of _LFI_s. (...)
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  26.  65
    Membership categories and time appraisal in interviews with family caregivers of disabled elderly.Isabella Paoletti - 2001 - Human Studies 24 (4):293-325.
    In this study caring is shown to be a membershipbound activity to kin and gender categories with strong moral connotations. Being a daughter or being a son are good enough reasons for becoming a caregiver, more so for women than for men. Caregivers were interviewed within the research project The role of women in family care of disabled elderly conducted by the Social and Economic Research Department of INRCA, Ancona, Italy. Transcripts of the interviews were analyzed through a detailed discourse (...)
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  27.  10
    Discipline algoritmiche. Come gli algoritmi fanno e disfano la storia.Isabella Consolati - 2024 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 36 (70):83-99.
    Il saggio discute il regime temporale algoritmico a partire da un inquadramento, esito di un con la teoria di Bruno Latour e di alcuni suoi critici, della tecnologia come costrutto non solo operativo, ma anche ideologico. Il saggio ricostruisce la storia concettuale del calcolo algoritmico riconoscendone le radici nella cibernetica e in una più risalente storia della quantificazione sociale che permette di misurare il modo in cui gli algoritmi ridefiniscono la logica e la direzione dell’intervento amministrativo. Attraverso gli algoritmi, l’amministrazione (...)
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  28. Comparing theories by their positive and negative contents.Isabella C. Burger & Johannes Heidema - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (2):605-630.
    relative to the actual world) of a propositional theory are defined. A theory is ‘closer to the truth’ the logically stronger its positive content and the logically weaker its negative content. This proposal delivers the same verisimilar preordering of theories that has been defined by Brink and Heidema as a ‘power ordering’. The preordering may be collapsed to a partial ordering and then embedded into a complete distributive lattice. The preordering may also be refined to a partial ordering by employing (...)
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  29.  40
    S-ketamine influences strategic allocation of attention but not exogenous capture of attention.Isabella Fuchs, Ulrich Ansorge, Christoph Huber-Huber, Anna Höflich & Rupert Lanzenberger - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 35:282-294.
  30.  24
    Polymorphism and the obstinate circularity of second order logic: A victims’ tale.Paolo Pistone - 2018 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 24 (1):1-52.
    The investigations on higher-order type theories and on the related notion of parametric polymorphism constitute the technical counterpart of the old foundational problem of the circularity of second and higher-order logic. However, the epistemological significance of such investigations has not received much attention in the contemporary foundational debate.We discuss Girard’s normalization proof for second order type theory or System F and compare it with two faulty consistency arguments: the one given by Frege for the logical system of the Grundgesetze and (...)
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  31.  12
    Il segreto di Abramo: una lettura mistica di Timore e tremore.Isabella Adinolfi - 2018 - Genova: Il melangolo.
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    Da Relação Entre Autonomia da Vontade e Autocracia.Isabella Oliveira Holanda - 2023 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 14 (37):64-78.
    O presente trabalho visa analisar de forma circunscrita a relação entre os conceitos de autonomia da vontade (Autonomie des Willens) e autocracia do arbítrio (Autokratie der Willkür) na filosofia prática de Kant. Já que o filósofo Immanuel Kant foi responsável pela inovação no campo da moral ao apresentar uma concepção para “autonomia da vontade”, a qual é a faculdade da autodeterminação legislativa obrigante da razão prática pura. O problema desse conceito se encontra na sua aplicação para ações específicas. Para resolver (...)
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    The mutuality account of parenthood: a subjective approach to parent-child relationships.Isabella Holmes & Rosalind McDougall - 2024 - Monash Bioethics Review 42 (1):87-98.
    Stimulated by development of reproductive technologies, many current bioethical accounts of parenthood focus on defining parenthood at or around birth. They tend to exclude from their scope some parent-child relationships that develop later in a child’s life. In reality, a parent-child relationship can emerge or dissolve over time: the parents of person A as an adolescent or adult may be different to her parents when she is a young child. To address this aspect of parenthood, we propose a new ‘mutuality (...)
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    Visual Attention to Novel Products – Cross-Cultural Insights From Physiological Data.Isabella Rinklin, Marco Hubert, Monika Koller & Peter Kenning - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The study aims to investigate visual attention and perceived attractiveness to known versus unknown products above and beyond self-report applying physiological methods. A cross-cultural exploratory approach allows for comparing results gathered in the United States and China. We collected field data on physiological parameters accompanied by behavioral data. Mobile eye-tracking was employed to capture attention by measuring gaze parameters and electrodermal activity serves as indicator for arousal at an unconscious level. A traditional scale approach measuring perceived attractiveness of known versus (...)
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    The Naturality of Natural Deduction.Luca Tranchini, Paolo Pistone & Mattia Petrolo - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (1):195-231.
    Developing a suggestion by Russell, Prawitz showed how the usual natural deduction inference rules for disjunction, conjunction and absurdity can be derived using those for implication and the second order quantifier in propositional intuitionistic second order logic NI\. It is however well known that the translation does not preserve the relations of identity among derivations induced by the permutative conversions and immediate expansions for the definable connectives, at least when the equational theory of NI\ is assumed to consist only of (...)
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    Disability as an Interpersonal Experience: A Systematic Review on Dyadic Challenges and Dyadic Coping When One Partner Has a Chronic Physical or Sensory Impairment.Isabella C. Bertschi, Fabienne Meier & Guy Bodenmann - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Chronically disabling health impairments affect an increasing number of people worldwide. In close relationships, disability is an interpersonal experience. Psychological distress is thus common in patients as well as their spouses. Dyadic coping can alleviate stress and promote adjustment in couples who face disabling health impairments. Much research has focused on dyadic coping with cancer. However, other health problems such as physical and sensory impairments are also common and may strongly impact couple relationships. In order to promote couples' optimal adjustment (...)
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  37.  32
    Integration by Parts: Collaboration and Topic Structure in the CogSci Community.Isabella DeStefano, Lauren A. Oey, Erik Brockbank & Edward Vul - 2021 - Topics in Cognitive Science 13 (2):399-413.
    DeStefano, Oey, Brockbank, and Vul explore interdisciplinary collaboration using data‐driven measures of research topics and co‐authorship, constructed from a rich dataset of over 11,000 Cogsci conference papers. Findings suggest the cognitive science research community has become increasingly integrated in the last 19 years.
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  38.  75
    The goals of persuasion.Isabella Poggi - 2005 - Pragmatics and Cognition 13 (2):297-336.
    This paper presents a model of persuasion in terms of goals and beliefs. Among the various ways to influence people, that is, to raise or lower the likelihood for them to pursue some goal, ranging from threat to suggestion, persuasion is viewed as a case of communicative non-coercive goal hooking. A persuader leads a persuadee to pursue some goal out of a free choice, i.e., by convincing him/her that the proposed goal is useful for some other goal that the persuadee (...)
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  39.  57
    Ethics and the Social Dimension of Research Activities.Isabella Paoletti - 2014 - Human Studies 37 (2):257-277.
    This study identifies some of the ethical issues that arise in the everyday practice of researching in collecting interactional data. A form of conceptualizing ethics in research is proposed as awareness of the social dimension of research practices and their transformative nature. The collection of ethnographic data—including interviewing, observing, audiovisual recording, and other methods—is achieved by means of social interactions that necessarily imply issues of face, relevance, appropriateness, politeness, and identity, to name a few. Research activities have an impact on (...)
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  40.  46
    A Grammar of the Multitude: For an Analysis of Contemporary Forms of Life.Isabella Bertoletti, James Cascaito & Andrea Casson (eds.) - 2004 - Semiotext(E).
    Globalization is forcing us to rethink some of the categories -- such as "the people" -- that traditionally have been associated with the now eroding state. Italian political thinker Paolo Virno argues that the category of "multitude," elaborated by Spinoza and for the most part left fallow since the seventeenth century, is a far better tool to analyze contemporary issues than the Hobbesian concept of "people," favored by classical political philosophy. Hobbes, who detested the notion of multitude, defined it as (...)
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  41. Feeling Offended: A Blow to Our Image and Our Social Relationships.Isabella Poggi & Francesca D’Errico - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  42.  30
    A partire da Rashômon: Riflessioni filosofiche sulla credenza in Pascal e Kierkegard.Isabella Adinolfi - 2008 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 64 (2/4):1067 - 1098.
    O argumento do filme Rashômon de Akira Kurosawa suscita de um modo provocatório o problema a que o presente artigo pretende dar uma resposta. Como é possível discernir, em relação a um facto histórico, o verdadeiro do falso? Existe um saber capaz de nos ajudar a regular e a orientar o nosso juízo nas experiências humanas? Mostra-se, com efeito, que tanto para Pascal como para Kierkegaard existe um saber específico que tem por objecto o mundo histórico; este saber é a (...)
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    Making Sense of the Unique Pain of Survivors: A Psychoeducational Approach for Suicide Bereavement.Isabella Berardelli, Denise Erbuto, Elena Rogante, Salvatore Sarubbi, David Lester & Maurizio Pompili - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Appartenersi: verso un modello complesso di interpretazione del riconoscimento.Isabella Corvino - 2021 - Milano: Meltemi.
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  45. Alexander von Humboldt-Carl Ritter, Briefwechsel, hrsg. von Ulrich Päßler.Isabella Ferron - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 66 (3):599.
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    Growth, heredity and nutrition.Isabella Leitch - 1959 - The Eugenics Review 51 (3):155.
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    Visualizing the Fragmenta's poetic systems.Isabella Magni - 2017 - Humanist Studies and the Digital Age 5 (1):70-81.
    Digital tools offer new dimensions and additional contexts both in teaching and in researching Petrarch’s Rerum vulgarium fragmenta, providing users with visual insights into his carefully planned work. This essay investigates interactive and visual representations of material and spatial systems of the Fragmenta and the deep interaction between the digital code created to build the Petrarchive’s visual indexes and the original Medieval forms.
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    Not All Dead White Men: Classics and Misogyny in the Digital Age, written by Donna Zuckerberg.Amy Pistone - 2020 - Polis 37 (2):352-355.
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  49. What Makes Free Riding Wrongful? The Shared Preference View of Fair Play.Isabella Trifan - 2019 - Journal of Political Philosophy 28 (2):158-180.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    State and Trait Anxiety Among University Students: A Moderated Mediation Model of Negative Affectivity, Alexithymia, and Housing Conditions.Isabella Giulia Franzoi, Maria Domenica Sauta & Antonella Granieri - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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