Results for 'Isa Lohmann-Siems'

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  1.  69
    Concerning the role of consciousness in linguistics.Isa Itkonen - 2008 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 15 (6):15-33.
    Discussions of the relationship between consciousness and language are troubled by simplistic views of both. Denying a central role of consciousness in linguistics is commonplace in generative linguistics, but self-contradictory. On the other hand, a defence of consciousness by some cognitive and functional linguists is marred by a conflation of consciousness with 'introspection'. I argue for the need to distinguish (at least) between three kinds of acts of consciousness: observation, introspection and intuition, where the last one is based on intersubjectively (...)
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    Stacking faults, ribbons and the formation of extended jogs in tin-disulphide.R. Siems, P. Delavignette & S. Amelinckx - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 9 (97):121-152.
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    Islamic Perspectives on CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Human Germline Gene Editing: A Preliminary Discussion.Noor Munirah Isa, Nurul Atiqah Zulkifli & Saadan Man - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (1):309-323.
    The recent development of CRISPR/Cas9 technology has rekindled the ethical debate concerning human germline modification that has begun decades ago. This inexpensive technology shows tremendous promise in disease prevention strategies, while raising complex ethical concerns about safety and efficacy of the technology, human dignity, tampering with God’s creation, and human genetic enhancement. Germline gene editing may result in heritable changes in the human genome, therefore the question of whether it should be allowed requires deep and careful discussion from various perspectives. (...)
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    Foundations of modernity: human agency and the imperial state.Isa Blumi - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    Investigating how a number of modern empires transform over the long century (1789-1914) as a consequence of their struggle for ascendancy in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East, Foundations of Modernity: Human Agency and the Imperial State moves the study of the modern empire towards a comparative, trans-regional analysis of events along the Ottoman frontiers: Western Balkans, the Persian Gulf and Yemen. This inter-disciplinary approach of studying events at different ends of the Ottoman Empire challenges previous emphasis on Europe as (...)
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  5. Kitāb al-ʻuqūd al-durrīyah fī aqwāl aʼimmat al-Naṣrānīyah: yashtamil ʻalá muqaddimah wa-tisʻ ajzāʼ.Sīmūn ʻIsá (ed.) - 1911 - al-Miksīk: [Publisher Not Identified].
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  6. Pascal und Nietzsche..Elise Lohmann - 1917 - Borna-Leipzig,: Druck von R. Noske.
  7.  16
    Zwischen Naturrecht und Partikularismus: Grundlegung christlicher Ethik mit Blick auf die Debatte um eine universale Begründbarkeit der Menschenrechte.Friedrich Lohmann - 2002 - New York: De Gruyter.
    Die Universalität der Menschenrechte wird seit Jahren zwischen den verschiedenen Kulturkreisen kontrovers diskutiert. Die vorliegende Untersuchung geht der Frage nach, ob ethische Normen, wie z.B. die Menschenrechte, universal oder nur partikular (für eine bestimmte Wertgemeinschaft) begründbar sind. Zur Klärung werden Beiträge aus dem Protestantismus (u.a. W. Herrmann, E. Troeltsch, K. Barth und T. Rendtorff) und der Philosophie (Naturrechtstradition, R. Alexy, O. Höffe) analysiert. Der Verfasser kommt zu dem Ergebnis, daß ethische Normen immer in einem bestimmten, etwa dem christlichen, Menschenbild fundiert (...)
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  8. Die idee des neoliberalen im deutschen Recht.Mathias M. Siems - 2004 - Rechtstheorie 35 (1):1-18.
  9.  49
    Legal Originality.Mathias M. Siems - 2008 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 28 (1):147-164.
    In legal academia it is highly controversial how to ‘be original’ in legal research. This article will try to maintain an attitude of tolerance in not promoting or discrediting one particular methodology. Instead, it will identify four different ways of ‘being original’. Perhaps the most common approach is to deal with ‘micro-legal questions’. Many legal academics also pursue research in ‘macro-legal questions’. Less common but growing is the importance of ‘scientific legal research’ and research in ‘non-legal topics’.
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    Melting of embedded anisotropic particles: PbIn inclusions in Al.E. J. Siem * & E. Johnson - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (12):1273-1290.
  11.  25
    La Conservación Integral Alternativa desde el Sur. Una visión diferente de la conservación.Isa Torrealba & Fabricio Carbonell - 2008 - Polis 21.
    Esbozamos los elementos de un nuevo modelo conceptual para entender desde la perspectiva latinoamericana qué ocasiona el desbalance entre naturaleza y sociedad y vislumbrar así las verdaderas oportunidades y amenazas de soslayar el abismo entre lo ambiental y lo social al integrar efectivamente desarrollo y conservación. Como propuesta teórica endógena compatible con la perdurabilidad del bienestar humano y producto de 10 años de investigación en el medio rural latinoamericano (sur), presentamos al enfoque Conservación Integral Alternativa. En este artículo además de (...)
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    Ethical aspects of vulnerability in research.Elisabeth Weisser-Lohmann - 2012 - Poiesis and Praxis 9 (1):157-162.
    In connection with research on humans, the term “vulnerability” is only appropriate to identify the special need for protection of certain sections of the population and individuals, if this term refers to the additional risk of certain groups of subjects. Authors who focus on the additional risk suffering of a subject group when defining vulnerability succeed in considering the specific worthiness of protection in a context-sensitive way. The attempt to define the risk–benefit assessment for vulnerable subject groups on a binding (...)
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  13.  7
    Hegels Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Weltgeschichte.Elisabeth Weisser-Lohmann & Dietmar Köhler (eds.) - 1998 - Bonn: Bouvier Verlag.
  14. The concepts of morality and constitution in Hegel (in the context of Hegel's' Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts', 1920).E. Weisser-Lohmann - forthcoming - Hegel-Studien.
  15.  77
    Darurah (Necessity) and Its Application in Islamic Ethical Assessment of Medical Applications: A Review on Malaysian Fatwa.Noor Munirah Isa - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (5):1319-1332.
    The discovery and invention of new medical applications may be considered blessings to humankind. However, some applications which might be the only remedy for certain diseases may contain ingredients or involve methods that are not in harmony with certain cultural and religious perspectives. These situations have raised important questions in medical ethics; are these applications completely prohibited according to these perspectives, and is there any room for mitigation? This paper explores the concept of darurah and its deliberation in the formulation (...)
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    Bioethics in the Malay‐Muslim Community in Malaysia: A Study on the Formulation of Fatwa on Genetically Modified Food by the National Fatwa Council.Noor Munirah Isa, Azizan Baharuddin, Saadan Man & Lee Wei Chang - 2014 - Developing World Bioethics 15 (3):143-151.
    The field of bioethics aims to ensure that modern scientific and technological advancements have been primarily developed for the benefits of humankind. This field is deeply rooted in the traditions of Western moral philosophy and socio-political theory. With respect to the view that the practice of bioethics in certain community should incorporate religious and cultural elements, this paper attempts to expound bioethical tradition of the Malay-Muslim community in Malaysia, with shedding light on the mechanism used by the National Fatwa Council (...)
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    “First Things First”: Application of Islamic Principles of Priority in the Ethical Assessment of Genetically Modified Foods.Noor Munirah Isa & Saadan Man - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (5):857-870.
    Advancement of modern agricultural biotechnology has brought various potential benefits to humankind, but at the same time ethical concerns regarding some applications such as genetically modified foods have been raised among the public. Several questions are being posed; should they utilize such applications to improve quality of their life, or should they refrain in order to save themselves from any associated risk? What are the ethical principles that can be applied to assess these applications? By using GMF as a case (...)
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    Rauprich O, Marckmann G, Vollmann J: Gleichheit und Gerechtigkeit in der modernen Medizin.Elisabeth Weisser-Lohmann - 2007 - Poiesis and Praxis 5 (1):71-75.
    Rauprich O, Marckmann G, Vollmann J: Gleichheit und Gerechtigkeit in der modernen Medizin Content Type Journal Article Pages 71-75 DOI 10.1007/s10202-007-0032-0 Authors Elisabeth Weisser-Lohmann, Institut für Philosophie FernUniversität Hagen 58084 Hagen Germany Journal Poiesis & Praxis: International Journal of Technology Assessment and Ethics of Science Online ISSN 1615-6617 Print ISSN 1615-6609 Journal Volume Volume 5 Journal Issue Volume 5, Number 1.
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    Heart-Centered Paths.İsa Babur - 2023 - Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review 7 (2):35-61.
    The comparative analysis of Hesychasm in the late Byzantine Orthodox Church and Sufism in the Islamic tradition illuminates intriguing parallels and distinctions in their spiritual frameworks. Emphasizing the significance of spiritual experiences through prayer, Hesychasm, rooted in Orthodox spirituality, focuses on hesychia and the prayer of the heart. Sufism, within the Islamic tradition, centers on dhikr, the continuous remembrance of Allah. Despite shared teachings on the heart and continuous prayer, the traditions diverge in practices, such as the Jesus Prayer in (...)
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    Human Germline Gene Editing from Maslahah Perspective: The Case of the World’s First Gene Edited Babies.Noor Munirah Isa - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (2):349-355.
    This paper describes maslahah, a fundamental concept in Islam and its application in deliberating permissibility of human germline gene editing from an Islamic perspective. This paper refers to He Jiankui’s research that led to the birth of the world’s first gene edited babies, who were edited to be protected from HIV. The objective, procedure, and output of the research were assessed against the conditions of maslahah. It can be concluded that the experiment did not meet the conditions; it is inconsistent (...)
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  21. Bhāratīya darśana ke sandarbha meṃ Īśa-darśana: Īsāī dr̥shṭikoṇa se.Yohana Fāisa - 1988 - Rān̐cī: Satya Bhāratī.
    Theism in Indic philosophy from the point of view of Christianity.
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    Le rapport de l'homme occidental au langage.Johannes Lohmann - 1974 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 72 (16):721-766.
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    Turkish Language Hand Book for Universities.Isa Sari - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:1517-1521.
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    The equilibrium shape of anisotropic interfacial particles.Ellen J. Siem, W. Craig Carter ‡ & Dominique Chatain § - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (10):991-1010.
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  25. Why do we do what we do? : comparing legal methods in five law schools through survey evidence.Mathias M. Siems & Daithí Mac Síthigh - 2017 - In Rob van Gestel, Hans-W. Micklitz & Edward L. Rubin (eds.), Rethinking legal scholarship: a transatlantic dialogue. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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    Neurophysiological Correlates of the Rubber Hand Illusion in Late Evoked and Alpha/Beta Band Activity.Isa S. Rao & Christoph Kayser - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Ethical Concerns About Human Genetic Enhancement in the Malay Science Fiction Novels.Noor Munirah Isa & Muhammad Fakhruddin Hj Safian Shuri - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (1):109-127.
    Advancements in science and technology have not only brought hope to humankind to produce disease-free offspring, but also offer possibilities to genetically enhance the next generation’s traits and capacities. Human genetic enhancement, however, raises complex ethical questions, such as to what extent should it be allowed? It has been a great challenge for humankind to develop robust ethical guidelines for human genetic enhancement that address both public concerns and needs. We believe that research about public concerns is necessary prior to (...)
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    Zur Philosophie der Gefühle.Hinrich Fink-Eitel & Georg Lohmann (eds.) - 1993 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    (1 other version)A Confucian Farewell to Human Rights?Georg Lohmann - 2020 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2020 (5):257-271.
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    La vie bienheureuse comme t'che de l’architecture.Petra Lohmann & Jean Quétier - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie 2:145-160.
    L’éducation à la vie, entendue en son sens le plus haut comme libre réalisation de soi, constitue la finalité constante de l’œuvre philosophique de Fichte. Au sens spéculatif, Fichte combine le concept d’image et la possibilité de proposer des visions du futur dans lesquelles l’image idéale ne vise pas à dépeindre la réalité, mais à l’inverse représente le futur. La transcription de ces images ou idées dans la réalité ne saurait s’effectuer qu’au moyen de l’art, offrant ainsi une vision sensuelle (...)
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    Versuch einer methodologischen Erörterung der Radbruchschen Rechtsphilosophie.Wolfgang Lohmann - 1964 - Esslingen a. N.,: Druckerei F. & W. Mayer.
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    Wohin führt die Biologie?: ein interdisziplinäres Kolloquium.Michael Lohmann (ed.) - 1970 - München: Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag.
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  33. Der Staat und die Kunst: Zur öffentkichen funktion der Kunst bei Hegel.Elisabeth Weisser-Lohmann - forthcoming - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft.
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    Der Begriff des Gefühls in der Philosophie Johann Gottlieb Fichtes.Petra Lohmann (ed.) - 2004 - Rodopi.
    "Das Leben zu erkennen" (II,5,112) bestimmt Fichte als Gegenstand der "Wissenschaftslehre" (1794 ff.). Die Aufgabe der Philosophie besteht fur ihn nicht darin, "durch die Kraft (der) Syllogismen neue Objekte des naturlichen Denkens" (II,5,112) zu erschaffen. Er gewichtet seine Philosophie dergestalt, dass sie "das Leben, das System der Gefuhle und das Begehren zum Hochsten (macht) und. der Erkenntnis uberall nur das Zusehen (lasst)" (II,5,137). Die herausragende Stellung des Gefuhls besteht darin, dass es einerseits als begrifflich explizierbarer Teilaspekt der Reflexionen uber die (...)
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    Colóquios Habermas à luz do regime de informação.Isa Maria Freire - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10:563-582.
    Compartilha resultados de pesquisa exploratória para aplicação do modelo de regime de informação ao conjunto das 14 edições dos Anais do Colóquio Habermas, evento de comunicação científica na área de Ciência da Informação. Trata-se de pesquisa descritiva e documental, apoiada no método indiciário (Ginzburg) e na técnica do brauseio (Araújo), realizada nos arquivos dos Anais dos Colóquios no período de 2009 a 2022. Adota a abordagem do regime de informação na perspectiva de González de Gómez, apresentando seus elementos — atores (...)
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    Um olhar sobre Historiografia e Epistemologia no campo da Ciência da Informação.Isa Maria Freire & Tiago José da Silva - 2020 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 7 (1):133-164.
    Investiga a produção científica na temática Epistemologia e Historiografia da Ciência da informação a partir dos Anais do Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da informação, de dados da Plataforma Lattes e da literatura indexada na Base de Dados da Ciência da informação. Identifica o coletivo de pesquisadores que dão continuidade e consistência ao trabalho epistemológico e historiográfico da área. Destaca, na temática abordada, um grupo que consegue produzir mais que a maioria dos demais pesquisadores. Pesquisadores com alunos na pós-graduação (...)
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    presença de Habermas na ciência da informaçao no Brasil.Isa Maria Freire - 2022 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9:222-237.
    Esta é a terceira vez que tenho a honra de participar dos Colóquios Habermas, o qual tem propiciado aos pesquisadores da Ciência da Informação, no Brasil, um encontro com o pensamento do filósofo e sociólogo Jürgen Habermas. No processo, aprendi com meus colegas pesquisadores e entrei na rede de conexões conceituais que tece o fio de Habermas no tear conceitual da Ciência da Informação, no Brasil. Começou em 2020, quando compartilhei o resultado de exercício sobre o conceito de esfera pública (...)
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    Linguistic nature of reality in Richard Rorty.Isa Mousazadeh, Muhammad Asghari & Mohammadreza Abdollahnejat - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 23 (4):103-120.
    In this article, our aim is to examine the place of “reality” in Richard Rorty’s thought in view of the important and key discussion of language in the philosophy of this thinker. In other words, we know that with the occurrence of the “linguistic turn” in the middle of the twentieth century, the relationship between language and reality has become one of the central debates of philosophy, especially analytical philosophy, and has become of particular importance. Is it language that determines (...)
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    Rechtsphilosophie als praktische Philosophie: Hegels Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts und die Grundlegung der praktischen Philosophie.Elisabeth Weisser-Lohmann - 2011 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
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  40. Dreams and ethnography.Roger Ivar Lohmann & D. Barrett - 2007 - In Deirdre Barrett & Patrick McNamara (eds.), The New Science of Dreaming. Praeger Publishers. pp. 35-69.
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    Philosophie der Menschenrechte [Philosophy of Human Rights].Stefan Gosepath & Georg Lohmann - 1998 - Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland: Suhrkamp.
    Collection of original essays on human rights Content: Höffe, Otfried: Transzendentaler Tausch. Eine Legimitationsfigur für Menschenrechte? Tugendhat, Ernst: Die Kontroverse um die Menschenrechte. Lohmann, Georg: Menschenrechte zwischen Moral und Recht. Koller, Peter: Der Geltungsbereich der Menschenrechte. Wildt, Andreas: Menschenrechte und moralische Rechte. Gosepath, Stefan: Zu Begründungen sozialer Menschenrechte. O'Neill, Onora: Transnationale Gerechtigkeit. Böckenförde, Ernst-Wolfgang: Ist Demokratie eine notwendige Forderung der Menschenrechte?. Alexy, Robert: Die Institutionalisierung der Menschenrechre im demokratischen Verfassungsstaat. Wellmer, Albrecht: Menschenrechte und Demokratie. Dworkin, Ronald: Freiheit, Selbstregierung und (...)
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    (1 other version)The poverty of green and Shapiro.Susanne Lohmann - 1995 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 9 (1-2):127-154.
    Donald Green and Ian Shapiro argue that rational choice scholarship in political science is excessively theory?driven: too few of its theoretical insights have been subjected to serious empirical scrutiny and survived. But rational choice theorizing has the potential to identify and correct logical inconsistencies and slippages. It is thus valuable even if the resulting theories are not tested empirically. When Green and Shapiro's argument concerning collective dilemmas and free riding is formalized, it turns out to be deeply flawed and in (...)
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    Complexity Results for Modal Dependence Logic.Peter Lohmann & Heribert Vollmer - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (2):343-366.
    Modal dependence logic was introduced recently by Väänänen. It enhances the basic modal language by an operator = (). For propositional variables p 1, . . . , p n , = (p 1, . . . , p n-1, p n ) intuitively states that the value of p n is determined by those of p 1, . . . , p n-1. Sevenster (J. Logic and Computation, 2009) showed that satisfiability for modal dependence logic is complete for nondeterministic (...)
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  44. Ethical issues of the human genome project.M. Nizam Isa - 2002 - In Abu Bakar Abdul Majeed (ed.), Bioethics: ethics in the biotechnology century. Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia.
  45. Justicia y reparación para las víctimas de violaciones graves y sistemáticas de los Derechos Humanos.Felipe Gómez Isa - 2008 - Critica 58 (954):51-55.
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  46. Susila agama.L. M. Isa - 1955 - Djakarta,: Kementerian Agama bg. Penerbitan.
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    Luck, Hypothetical Insurance, and the Costs of Children.Isa Trifan - 2021 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 39 (2):233-252.
    Journal of Applied Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Normative und rechtsstaatliche Kapitalismuskritiken und ihre Verdrängung bei Marx.Georg Lohmann - 2018 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 66 (4):429-465.
    The essay is a critical revision of various of Marx’s approaches in his analysis of capitalism in “Das Kapital”. One can distinguish immanent, normative critiques from transcendental and objectivistic ones. The review of the normative standards used in each case leads to the questions of how Marx determined and used the relationships of justice and law and the capitalist mode of production. Orthodox Marxist views (most recently C. Menke) claim that Marx did not criticise capital as unjust and understood the (...)
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    Sobre a temática "Responsabilidade social" na literatura da Ciência da Informação indexada pela Brapci.Isa Maria Freire - 2014 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 1 (1):59-76.
    Apresenta resultados de pesquisa sobre emergência de produção científica publicada em periódicos sobre a temática no campo da Ciência da Informação, no Brasil. Discorre sobre o contexto teórico das ciências sociais e o modelo de rede conceitual proposto por Wersig (1993) para a Ciência da Informação. Relata o processo de pesquisa, que adotou o método indiciário e o brauseio como instrumentos para a identificação dos indícios de produção sobre a temática na literatura indexada pela Base de Dados Referencial de Artigos (...)
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    AbŪ Lahab.Theodor Lohmann - 1966 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 18 (4):326-348.
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