Results for 'Irrigation'

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  1. Irrigating Blood: Plato on the Circulatory System, the Cosmos, and Elemental Motion.Douglas R. Campbell - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (4):519-541.
    This article concerns the so-called irrigation system in the Timaeus' biology (77a–81e), which replenishes our body’s tissues with resources from food delivered as blood. I argue that this system functions mainly by the natural like-to-like motion of the elements and that the circulation of blood is an important case study of Plato’s physics. We are forced to revise the view that the elements attract their like. Instead, similar elements merely tend to coalesce with each other in virtue of their (...)
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    Sub-irrigation in wetland agriculture.Phil L. Crossley - 2004 - Agriculture and Human Values 21 (2/3):191-205.
    Much has been written about the chinampas of central Mexico. One of the commonly repeated themes is that these wetland fields were self-irrigated from below in a process known as sub-irrigation. According to this model, water infiltrates the planting platforms from adjacent canals and then rises to the root zone by capillary action. Thus, chinampas are thought to have needed little supplemental irrigation, and produced dependable and high yields. Here I report the results of field and lab studies (...)
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    Dujiangyan irrigation system: A case of East Asia local knowledge with universal significance.Peng Bangben - 2008 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 3 (4):533-550.
    Dujiangyan irrigation system of more than 2000 years history is a symbol of originality of Chinese ancestors both in its conception and project mode. It is still working well and benefit Chengdu Plain nowadays while other comparable water conservancy projects of the same or later age have vanished and been forgotten. More than just a world-famous cultural heritage, it shows the harmonious relationship between man and nature. And it also reveals us how to solve problems in the era of (...)
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    Irrigation systems as multiple-use commons: Water use in Kirindi Oya, Sri Lanka. [REVIEW]Ruth Meinzen-Dick & Margaretha Bakker - 1999 - Agriculture and Human Values 16 (3):281-293.
    Irrigation systems are recognized as common pool resources supplying water for agricultural production, but their role in supplying water for other uses is often overlooked. The importance of non-agricultural uses of irrigation water in livelihood strategies has implications for irrigation management and water rights, especially as increasing scarcity challenges existing water allocation mechanisms. This paper examines the multiple uses of water in the Kirindi Oya irrigation system in Sri Lanka, who the users are, and implications for (...)
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    Irrigation and Society in Medieval Valencia.George T. Scanlon & Thomas F. Glick - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (2):387.
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    Irrigated Agricultural Lands, Territory and Rural Development.Fernando E. Garrido Fernández & Eduardo Moyano Estrada - 2008 - Arbor 184 (729).
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    Irrigation.John Wilkinson - 2000 - Angelaki 5 (1):129-130.
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  8. Irrigation among the Greeks and the Romans.C. Knapp - 1918 - Classical Weekly 12:81-82.
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    Irrigation on the orange river.F. B. Parkinson - 1903 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 14 (1):76-78.
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  10. Irrigation and drainage in the early Ptolemaic Fayyum.Dorothy J. Thompson - 1999 - In Thompson Dorothy J. (ed.), Agriculture in Egypt, From Pharaonic to Modern Times. pp. 107-122.
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    Gender, irrigation, and environment: Arguing for agency. [REVIEW]Cecile Jackson - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (4):313-324.
    This paper is not a critique of waterpolicies, or an advocacy of alternatives, but rathersuggests a shift of emphasis in the ways in whichgender analysis is applied to water, development, andenvironmental issues. It argues that feministpolitical ecology provides a generally strongerframework for understanding these issues thanecofeminism, but cautions against a reversion tomaterialist approaches in reactions to ecofeminismthat, like ecofeminism, can be static and ignore theagency of women and men. The paper draws attention tothe subjectivities of women and their embodiedlivelihoods as (...)
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    Intelligent and Smart Irrigation System Using Edge Computing and IoT.M. Safdar Munir, Imran Sarwar Bajwa, Amna Ashraf, Waheed Anwar & Rubina Rashid - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-16.
    Smart parsimonious and economical ways of irrigation have build up to fulfill the sweet water requirements for the habitants of this world. In other words, water consumption should be frugal enough to save restricted sweet water resources. The major portion of water was wasted due to incompetent ways of irrigation. We utilized a smart approach professionally capable of using ontology to make 50% of the decision, and the other 50% of the decision relies on the sensor data values. (...)
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    Fairness in irrigation development.E. Walter Coward - 1988 - Agriculture and Human Values 5 (1-2):61-68.
    There is in much of contemporary irrigation development a large paradox. Irrigation development, while contributing to productivity, frequently thwarts social justice—it either introduces incipient inequalities in access or it reinforces those that exist. More progressive irrigation development policies are being developed and tested in several countries. These new approaches give more attention to the role of local groups in governing irrigation systems while reducing the heavy-handed involvement of state agencies. These new approaches are seen as both (...)
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    Building on tradition: Indigenous irrigation knowledge and sustainable development in Asia. [REVIEW]David Groenfeldt - 1991 - Agriculture and Human Values 8 (1-2):114-120.
    Indigenous irrigation systems have been a central feature of Asian agriculture since prehistoric times, and reflect technical knowledge with a proven record of sustainability. Modern agricultural development efforts often ignore this indigenous knowledge, replacing traditional infrastructure with new construction, and replacing indigenous management arrangements with state bureaucracies. For reasons of environmental conservation as well as institutional stability, indigenous irrigation systems should be intelligently assisted, rather than mindlessly replaced.
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  15. Agriculture and Irrigation Systems in Andalusia.Kadir Erbil - 2025 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (2):837-874.
    The agricultural lands established by emirs, caliphs, and high-ranking officials in al-Andalmade significant contributions to the development of agriculture. These areas essentially served as research and experimentation centers, where new plant species were tested, and different seeds and plants were cultivated. Through these areas, trials of new species brought from different regions were conducted, and their production was subsequently expanded. With the attention and support given to agriculture in al-Andalus, irrigation systems also advanced, leading to an increase in crop (...)
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    Xvii.—Irrigation on the visch and Zak Rivers, calvinia and fraseburge divisions.J. A. Balfour - 1881 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 3 (2):61-64.
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  17. Irrigation in contemporary Egypt.Nicholas S. Hopkins - 1999 - In Hopkins Nicholas S. (ed.), Agriculture in Egypt, From Pharaonic to Modern Times. pp. 367-385.
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    Participatory rural appraisal of spate irrigation systems in eastern Eritrea.Mehretab Tesfai & Jan de Graaff - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (4):359-370.
    In the Sheeb area in eastern Eritrea a Participatory Rural Appraisal(PRA) was carried out in two villages, one upstream and one downstreamof the ephemeral rivers Laba and Mai-ule. The objectives of the studywere to obtain a better understanding of farmer-managed spate irrigationsystems and to enable the local people to perform their own farmingsystem analysis. This paper describes the various PRA activities, suchas mapping, diagramming and ranking of problems, that were undertakenwith the participation of local people. The resource mapping revealedthat lack (...)
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    Identifying gender aspects of new irrigation management policies.Margreet Z. Zwarteveen - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (4):301-312.
    Instead of technological policyprescriptions, the search for solutions to managementproblems in irrigation systems is increasingly soughtin organizational and institutional reforms. Thereseems to be an emerging consensus that water and moneysavings can be brought about by (1) treating water asan economic good; and (2) decentralizing themanagement of irrigation water. Policies based on thisconsensus are being implemented in a large number ofcountries. On the basis of insights derived fromfeminist economics, the paper identifies and discussesgender biases of new irrigation management (...)
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  20. 37. A Low Cost Irrigation Technology.S. K. Gupta - 1992 - In B. C. Chattopadhyay (ed.), Science and technology for rural development. New Delhi: S. Chand & Co.. pp. 280.
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    Water rights, gender, and poverty alleviation. Inclusion and exclusion of women and men smallholders in public irrigation infrastructure development.Barbara van Koppen - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (4):361-374.
    Governmental and non-governmentalagencies worldwide have devoted considerablefinancial, technical, and organizational efforts toconstruct or rehabilitate irrigation infrastructure inthe last three decades. Although rural povertyalleviation was often one of their aims, evidenceshows that rights to irrigated land and water wererarely vested in poor men, and even less in poorwomen. In spite of the strong role of irrigationagencies in vesting rights to irrigated land and waterin some people and not in others, the importance ofagencies‘ targeting practices is still ignored.This article disentangles how (...)
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    The human dimensions of water saving irrigation: lessons learned from Chinese smallholder farmers.Morey Burnham, Zhao Ma & Delan Zhu - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (2):347-360.
    Water saving irrigation is promoted as a strategy to mitigate future water stresses by the Chinese government and irrigation scientists. However, the dissemination of WSI in China has been slow and little is understood with respect to why farmers adopt WSI or how WSI interacts with the social and institutional contexts in which it is embedded. By analyzing qualitative data from 37 semi-structured and 56 unstructured interviews across 13 villages in northwest China, this paper examines smallholder farmers’ knowledge (...)
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    Kuno Fischers irrige erklärung der poetik Bacons.Gustav Holzer - 1909 - Karlsruhe,: F. Gutsch.
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  24. Rightful Measures : Irrigation, Land, and the Shari 'ah in the Algerian Touat'.Judith Scheele - 2012 - In Paul Dresch & Hannah Skoda (eds.), Legalism: anthropology and history. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
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    What happens after technology adoption? Gendered aspects of small-scale irrigation technologies in Ethiopia, Ghana, and Tanzania.Sophie Theis, Nicole Lefore, Ruth Meinzen-Dick & Elizabeth Bryan - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (3):671-684.
    Diverse agricultural technologies are promoted to increase yields and incomes, save time, improve food and nutritional security, and even empower women. Yet a gender gap in technology adoption remains for many agricultural technologies, even for those that are promoted for women. This paper complements the literature on gender and technology adoption, which largely focuses on reasons for low rates of female technology adoption, by shifting attention to what happens within a household after it adopts a technology. Understanding the expected benefits (...)
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    Understanding women’s participation in irrigated agriculture: a case study from Senegal. [REVIEW]Marcia L. Nation - 2010 - Agriculture and Human Values 27 (2):163-176.
    As climate change in West Africa poses profound limitations on rainfed agriculture, policymakers and practitioners may again turn to irrigated agriculture to provide food for a growing population. Gendered analyses of irrigation projects reveal that in many cases women’s participation in irrigated agriculture has been limited due to a lack of access to land and water. Past research in the Upper Valley of the Senegal River suggests that variables other than access to land and water condition women’s participation in (...)
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    Understanding the pathways to women’s empowerment in Northern Ghana and the relationship with small-scale irrigation.Elizabeth Bryan & Elisabeth Garner - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (3):905-920.
    Women’s empowerment is often an important goal of development interventions. This paper explores local perceptions of empowerment in the Upper East Region of Ghana and the pathways through which small-scale irrigation intervention targeted to men and women farmers contributes to women’s empowerment. Using qualitative data collected with 144 farmers and traders through 28 individual interviews and 16 focus group discussions, this paper innovates a framework to integrate the linkages between small-scale irrigation and three dimensions of women’s empowerment: resources, (...)
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    IoT-enabled edge computing model for smart irrigation system.A. N. Sigappi & S. Premkumar - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):632-650.
    Precision agriculture is a breakthrough in digital farming technology, which facilitates the application of precise and exact amount of input level of water and fertilizer to the crop at the required time for increasing the yield. Since agriculture relies on direct rainfall than irrigation and the prediction of rainfall date is easily available from web source, the integration of rainfall prediction with precision agriculture helps to regulate the water consumption in farms. In this work, an edge computing model is (...)
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    The Decline of Iranshahr: Irrigation and Environments in the History of the Middle East, 500 B. C. to A. D. 1500.Elton L. Daniel, Peter Christensen & Steven Sampson - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (2):336.
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    Women‘s land rights in Gambian irrigated rice schemes: Constraints and opportunities. [REVIEW]Judith A. Carney - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (4):325-336.
    This paper discusses the significance of gender-based conflicts for thefailure of Gambian irrigated rice projects. In particular, it illustrateshow resource control of a gendered crop, rice, shifts from females to maleswith the development of pump-irrigated rice projects. Irrigation imposes aradically different labor regime on household producers, demanding thatthey intensify labor for year-round cultivation. Yet, the Gambian farmingsystem evolved for a five month agricultural calendar, in which women wereaccorded specific land and labor rights. The need to restructure familylabor, specifically skilled (...)
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    Dutch engineering overseas: The creation of a modern irrigation system in Colonial Java.Wim Ravesteijn - 2002 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 14 (4):126-144.
    This article describes and analyses the development of modern irrigation in Java within the context of the establishment and transformation of the colonial state in the Dutch East Indies / Indonesia. In order to make this relationship comprehensible the concept “large technical system” has been adopted. The colonial socio-technical irrigation system was built between 1830 and 1942. Engineers, civil servants and agricultural experts were the main system builders and they formed specific coalitions practising specific irrigation approaches. After (...)
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    Crop water requirements revisited: The human dimensions of irrigation science and crop water management with special reference to the FAO approach. [REVIEW]Dirk Zoebl - 2002 - Agriculture and Human Values 19 (3):173-187.
    Halfway through the 20thcentury, a curious shift took place in theconcept and definition of the agronomic term“crop water requirements.” Where these cropneeds were originally seen as the amount ofwater required for obtaining a certain yieldlevel, in the second half of the 20thcentury, the term came to mean the water neededto reach the potential or maximum yield in acertain season and locality. Some of themultiple academic, economic, social, andgeopolitical aspects of this conceptual shiftare addressed here. The crucial role of theproduction ecologist (...)
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  33. Response of rice crop to nitrogen and silicon in two irrigation systems.Hassan Jafari, Hamid Madani, Salman Dastan & Abbas Ghanbari Malidarreh - 2013 - Scientia (Misc) 1 (3):76-81.
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  34. (1 other version)Libraries, publishers and booksellers: Joint guardians of freedomâ–™s fragile irrigation system.Aad Nuis - 1999 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 10 (1):13-17.
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    Emergent simplicity: The social and cultural complexity of irrigation networks in Bali.C. Michael Barton - 2006 - Complexity 12 (2):64-66.
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    Erratum to: The human dimensions of water saving irrigation: lessons learned from Chinese smallholder farmers.Morey Burnham, Zhao Ma & Delan Zhu - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (2):361-362.
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  37. Sustainability and sensitivity to climatic change of (Pre-Inca) Wari irrigated terrace agricultural systems in the southern Peruvian Andes.Rob Kemp - forthcoming - Laguna.
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    Reflection on reflection in action: a case study of growers conception of irrigation strategies in pot plant production. [REVIEW]Beatrix W. Alsanius, Klara Löfkvist, Göran Kritz & Adrian Ratkic - 2009 - AI and Society 23 (4):545-558.
    A case study of growers conception of irrigation strategies indicates that pot plant growers in Scandinavia base their management approaches on experientially based art. The study also indicates that there is a gap between experientially based art and available greenhouse technology. In order to standardize production and produce quality, both the grower’s experience and available technology should be taken into account. In order to achieve this, the present study proposes to arrange reflection on reflection in action with a group (...)
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  39. Path Dependence and the Long-term Trajectory of Prehistoric Hohokam Irrigation in Arizona.Michelle Hegmon, Jerry B. Howard, Michael O'Hara & Matthew Peeples - 2016 - In Lindsay Der & Francesca Fernandini (eds.), Archaeology of entanglement. Walnut Creek, California: Left Coast Press.
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    Policy reforms and water market development in irrigation systems: The example of pakistan.Pierre Strosser - 1998 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 8 (4):455-478.
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    (1 other version)El Archivo Histórico del Agua del Departamento General de Irrigación de la Provincia de Mendoza, ArgentinaThe Historical Archive of Water of the General Department of Irrigation of the Province of Mendoza, Argentina.Facundo Martín, Mark Healey, Juan Pablo Fili, Nicolás Parise & Anabella Engelman - 2020 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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    Gender discrimination and its impact on income, productivity, and technical efficiency: evidence from Benin. [REVIEW]Florent M. Kinkingninhoun-Mêdagbé, Aliou Diagne, Franklin Simtowe, Afiavi R. Agboh-Noameshie & Patrice Y. Adégbola - 2010 - Agriculture and Human Values 27 (1):57-69.
    This paper examines the occurrence and impact of gender discrimination in access to production resources on the income, productivity, and technical efficiency of farmers. Through an empirical investigation of farmers from Koussin-Lélé, a semi-collective irrigated rice scheme in central Benin, we find that female rice farmers are particularly discriminated against with regard to scheme membership and access to land and equipment, resulting in significant negative impacts on their productivity and income. Although women have lower productivity, they are as technically efficient (...)
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    Gender and property rights in the commons: Examples of water rights in South Asia. [REVIEW]Margreet Zwarteveen & Ruth Meinzen-Dick - 2001 - Agriculture and Human Values 18 (1):11-25.
    In many countries and resource sectors, the state is devolving responsibility for natural resource management responsibility to ``communities'' or local user groups. However, both policymakers and researchers in this area have tended to ignore the implications of gender and other forms of intra-community power differences for the effectiveness and equity of natural resource management. In the irrigation sector, despite the rhetoric on women's participation, a review of evidence from South Asia shows that organizations often exclude women through formal or (...)
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    Linking research and public engagement: weaving an alternative narrative of Moroccan family farmers' collective action. [REVIEW]Nicolas Faysse, Mostafa Errahj, Catherine Dumora, Hassan Kemmoun & Marcel Kuper - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (3):413-426.
    Rural development policies are often inspired by narratives that are difficult to challenge because they are based on an apparently obvious and coherent reading of reality. Research may confront such narratives and trigger debates outside the academic community, but this can have a feedback effect and lead to a simplistic or biased posture in research. This article analyzes a research-based initiative that questioned a commonly held narrative in large-scale irrigation schemes in Morocco concerning the structural weaknesses of farmer-led collective (...)
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    Intensified rice production negatively impacts plant biodiversity, diet, lifestyle and quality of life: transdisciplinary and gendered research in the Middle Senegal River Valley.Danièle Clavel, Hélène Guétat-Bernard & Eric O. Verger - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (2):745-760.
    A major programme of irrigated rice extension in the Middle Senegal River Valley has further limited the river’s natural flooding in the floodplain (Waalo), initially reduced by drought. We conducted a transdisciplinary (TD) and gendered study in the region to explore links between agricultural biodiversity and family diets using a social analysis of women’s practices. The results showed how rice expansion impacts local agrobiodiversity, diet quality and the cultural way of life. Disappearance of the singular agropastoral and fishing system of (...)
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  46. Scientific representation.Roman Frigg & James Nguyen - 2016 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Science provides us with representations of atoms, elementary particles, polymers, populations, genetic trees, economies, rational decisions, aeroplanes, earthquakes, forest fires, irrigation systems, and the world’s climate. It's through these representations that we learn about the world. This entry explores various different accounts of scientific representation, with a particular focus on how scientific models represent their target systems. As philosophers of science are increasingly acknowledging the importance, if not the primacy, of scientific models as representational units of science, it's important (...)
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    Reflexive Water Management in Arid Regions: The Case of Iran.Mohammed Reza Balali, Josef ~Keulartz & Michiel Korthals - 2009 - Environmental Values 18 (1):91-112.
    To illuminate the problems and perspectives of water management in Iran and comparable (semi-) arid Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries, three paradigms can be distinguished: the traditional, the industrial and the reflexive paradigm. Each paradigm is characterised by its key technical system, its main social institution and its ethico-religious framework. Iran seems to be in a state of transition from the ‘hydraulic mission’ of industrial modernity to a more reflexive approach to water management. This article sketches the contours (...)
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  48. Anosognosia in parietal lobe syndrome.Vilayanur S. Ramachandran - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 4 (1):22-51.
    Patients with right parietal lesions often deny their paralysis , but do they have "tacit" knowledge of their paralysis? I devised three novel tests to explore this. First, the patients were given a choice between a bimanual task vs a unimanual one . They chose the former on 17 of 18 trials and, surprisingly, showed no frustration or learning despite repeated failed attempts. I conclude that they have no tacit knowledge of paralysis . Second, I used a "virtual reality box" (...)
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    (1 other version)Scientific representation.Edward N. Zalta - 2012 - In Ed Zalta (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Science provides us with representations of atoms, elementary particles, polymers, populations, genetic trees, economies, rational decisions, aeroplanes, earthquakes, forest fires, irrigation systems, and the world’s climate. It's through these representations that we learn about the world. This entry explores various different accounts of scientific representation, with a particular focus on how scientific models represent their target systems. As philosophers of science are increasingly acknowledging the importance, if not the primacy, of scientific models as representational units of science, it's important (...)
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    Einführung in die mathematische logik und in die methodologie der mathematik.Alfred Tarski - 1937 - Wien,: J. Springer.
    Der Laie spricht manchmal die Ansicht aus, die Mathematik ware heutzutage schon eine tote Wissenschaft: nachdem sie einen ungemein hohen Grad der Entwicklung erreicht hat, sei sie in ihrer steinernen Vollkommenheit erstarrt. Dies ist ein vollig irriges Bild der Situation: nur wenige Wissenschaftsgebiete befinden sich heute in der Phase einer solch intensiven Entwicklung wie die Mathematik. Diese Entwicklung ist dabei auBerordentlich vie1seitig: die Mathematik erweitert ihre Domane nach allen moglichen Richtungen, sie wachst in die Rohe, in die Weite und in (...)
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