Results for 'International law and relations'

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  1. International Law and International Relations: An International Organization Reader.Beth A. Simmons & Richard H. Steinberg (eds.) - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    This 2007 volume is intended to help readers understand the relationship between international law and international relations. As a testament to this dynamic area of inquiry, new research on IL/IR is now being published in a growing list of traditional law reviews and disciplinary journals. The excerpted articles in this volume, all of which were first published in International Organization, represent some of the most important research since serious social science scholarship began in this area more (...)
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  2. International law and the limits of global justice.S. Meckled-Garcia - 2011 - Review of International Studies 37 (5):2073-2088.
    There are limits to what can be achieved using the means and medium of international law. This article explores those limits by providing an innovative theory of the nature of international law and how we should understand its limits in terms of value theory. A "four functions" theory is proposed, and these functions are used to interpret areas of international law in terms of their distinctive and valuable contribution to a specific area of human relations. On (...)
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    International Rules: Approaches from International Law and International Relations.Robert J. Beck & Robert D. Vander Lugt - 1996 - Oxford University Press on Demand.
    International Rules brings together exemplary works from the most prominent approaches to international rules of International Law and International Relations disciplines. Included are chapters on Natural Law, Legal Positivism, Classical Realism, the New Haven School, Institutionalism, Structural Realism, the New Stream, and Feminist Voices. Each of the eight chapters begins with a brief overview, offers a representative work or works, and concludes with a selected bibliography. From Hugo Grotius to David Kennedy, from George Kennan to (...)
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  4. International Law and its Others.Anne Orford (ed.) - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    Institutional and political developments since the end of the Cold War have led to a revival of public interest in, and anxiety about, international law. Liberal international law is appealed to as offering a means of constraining power and as representing universal values. This book brings together scholars who draw on jurisprudence, philosophy, legal history and political theory to analyse the stakes of this turn towards international law. Contributors explore the history of relations between international (...)
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    International Law and the Possibility of a Just World Order: An Essay on Hegel's Universalism.Steven V. Hicks (ed.) - 1999 - Rodopi.
    This book examines the concepts of international law and international relations as they are developed in the social and political philosophy of G.W.F. Hegel. Hegel has a vision of a single modern social world, in which peoples and nation-states can co-exist under conditions of peace, justice, mutual respect, and prosperity.
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    Terrorism / Anti-Terrorism Dialectics and its Impact onto the Principles of International Law and International Relations.Alexander Nikitin - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 40:83-90.
    Consequences of world-scale anti-terrorism campaign (which included pre-emptive and coercive regime changes in Afghanistan and Iraq) equaled to or even exceeded consequences of the terrorist challenge itself, and must be analyzed as dialectically interfaced dual factor influencing international politics and law. This dual factor changes basic rules of international relations through wider employment of the principle of pre-emption (retaliation against perceived intentions, rather than against actions), and further blurring of national sovereignty resulting from more coercive interference of (...)
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    International Law’ and ‘International Relations’ in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. 서정혁 - 2021 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 149:89-112.
    지금까지 헤겔의 『법철학』은 주권 국가 내의 문제들에 한정해서만 주로 다루어져 왔고, ‘국제법’과 ‘국제관계’에 관련해서는 대부분 부정적 관점에서 논의되었다. 그러나 ‘국제법’과 ‘국제관계’에 관한 헤겔의 논의는 긍정적인 관점에서 새롭게 이해될 필요가 있다. 이러한 관점에서 주목해야 할 핵심 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 헤겔은 『법철학』에서 실정적 조약들과 국제법을 분명하게 구분한다. 둘째, 국제법은 국가 간 인정관계를 전제로 하며 이 인정관계는 ‘보편적 당위의 형식적 측면’과 ‘인륜의 내용적 측면’을 필요로 한다. 셋째, 헤겔은 국제관계를 개별 주권 국가들의 대립적이며 적대적인 관계로만 보지 않고, 인륜의 관점에서 그들의 상호 인정과 연대도 (...)
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    International Law and World Order: A Critique of Contemporary Approaches.B. S. Chimni - 1993 - Cambridge University Press.
    In International Law and World Order, B. S. Chimni articulates an integrated Marxist approach to international law combining the insights of Marxism, socialist feminism and postcolonial theory. The book uses IMAIL to systematically and critically examine the most influential contemporary theories of international law including new, feminist, realist and policy-oriented approaches. In doing so, it discusses a range of themes relating to the history, structure and process of international law. The book also considers crucial world order (...)
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    International Law and International Relations: a Problematic and/or a Harmonious Relationship.Biljana Vankovska - 2018 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 71:299-307.
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    International Law and International Relations: a Problematic and/or a Harmonious Relationship.Билјана Ванковска - 2018 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 71:289-307.
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    International Law and Inter-State Relations in Ancient India.D. MacKenzie Brown & Hiralal Chatterjee - 1959 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 79 (3):193.
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    Internationalization of Law: Globalization, International Law and Complexity.Marcelo Dias Varella - 2014 - Berlin, Heidelberg: Imprint: Springer.
    The book provides an overview of how international law is today constructed through diverse macro and microprocesses that expand its traditional subjects and sources, with the attribution of sovereign capacity and power to the international plane (moving the international toward the national). Simultaneously, national laws approximate laws of other nations (moving among nations or moving the national toward the international), and new sources of legal norms emerge, independent of states and international organisations. This expansion occurs (...)
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  13. Charity Law and Social Policy: National and International Perspectives on the Functions of the Law Relating to Charities [Book Review].Brian Lucas - 2009 - The Australasian Catholic Record 86 (4):505.
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  14. The Relative Authority of International Law and Courts in the Human Rights and Trade Regimes: A Survey Experiment.Oisin Suttle - manuscript
    This paper presents preliminary results of a survey experiment examining the effects of international illegality on public support for proposed public policies. It adds three specific dimensions to the existing literature. First, it tests whether the effects of international illegality differ depending on the international regime whose rules are violated, testing the effects of violations of both human rights and trade regimes. Second, it tests how far the involvement of international courts vary these effects. And third, (...)
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    The power of legality: practices of international law and their politics.Nikolas Rajkovic, Tanja E. Aalberts & Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen (eds.) - 2016 - Cambridge, United Kingdom : New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Legality, interdisciplinarity and the study of practice -- Re-thinkinking interdisciplinarity by re-reading hume -- Tainted love : the struggle over legality in international relations and international law -- The power of legality, legitimacy and the (im)possibility of interdisciplinary research -- Moving while standing still : law, politics and hard cases -- International law, Kelsen and the aberrant revolution : excavating the politics and practices of revolutionary legality in Rhodesia and beyond -- Juris dicere : custom as (...)
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    Kant and the Law of Peace: A Study in the Philosophy of International Law and International Relations.Charles Covell - 1998 - St. Martin's Press.
    Charles Covell examines the jurisprudential aspects of Kant's international thought, with particular reference to the argument of the treatise Perpetual Peace (1795). The book begins with a general outline of Kant's moral and political philosophy. In the discussion of Perpetual Peace that follows, it is explained how Kant saw law as providing the basis for peace among men and states in the international sphere, and how, in his exposition of the elements of the law of peace, Kant broke (...)
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    The sentimental life of international law: literature, language, and longing in world politics.Gerry J. Simpson - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The Sentimental Life of International Law is about our age-old longing for a decent international society and the ways of seeing, being, and speaking that might help us achieve that aim. This book asks how international lawyers might engage in a professional practice that has become, to adapt a title of Janet Malcolm's, both difficult and impossible. It suggests that international lawyers are disabled by the governing idioms of international lawyering, and proposes that they may (...)
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    Utopian Relations: A Literary Perspective on International Law and Justice.Kelly De Luca - 2014 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 27 (2):521-534.
    This article posits an interpretation of Thomas More’sUtopiathat focuses on the ways in which the nature of justice within a putatively ideal state is illuminated by references to international relations and the law of nations. Like Plato’sRepublic,Utopiauses differences of scale to provide a lens through which to examine the operation in one context of a unitary concept that is more visible elsewhere. Justice is constructed as a single concept; thus, in the same way that Plato uses the justice (...)
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  19. Global social justice and international law.S. Meckled-Garcia - 2009 - In Basak Cali (ed.), International Law for International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 351-378.
    This chapter considers the key values underlying and explaining important features of international law as a system of law. It uses that value analysis as a way of interpreting international law and of asking whether, within those values, international law can be made to serve certain 'global cosmopolitan' re-distributive aims. The chapter argues that the constraints of international law mean that it is not an appropriate medium for global re-distributive goals commonly associated with theories of societal (...)
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  20. The Rule of Law and the Rule of Reason in International Legal Relations.Ilmar Tammelo - 1963 - Logique Et Analyse 6 (21):335.
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  21.  13
    Ethics, Law and Governance of Biobanking: National, European and International Approaches.Deborah Mascalzoni (ed.) - 2015 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    Biobank research and genomic information are changing the way we look at health and medicine. Genomics challenges our values and has always been controversial and difficult to regulate. In the future lies the promise of tailored medical treatments and pharmacogenomics but the borders between medical research and clinical practice are becoming blurred. We see sequencing platforms for research that can have diagnostic value for patients. Clinical applications and research have been kept separate, but the blurring lines challenges existing regulations and (...)
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    Realism and international law: the challenge of John H. Herz.Casper Sylvest - 2010 - International Theory 2 (3):410--445.
    The proliferation, globalization, and fragmentation of law in world politics have fostered an attempt to re-integrate International Law and International Relations scholarship, but so far the contribution of realist theory to this interdisciplinary perspective has been meagre. Combining intellectual history, the jurisprudence of IL and IR theory, this article provides an analysis of John H. Herz’s classical realism and its perspective on international law. In retrieving this vision, the article emphasizes the political and intellectual context from (...)
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    Invisible victims? Where are male victims of conflict-related sexual violence in international law and policy?Ellen Anna Philo Gorris - 2015 - European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (4):412-427.
    In this article the author argues that men and boys have been historically and structurally rendered an invisible group of victims in international human rights and policy responses towards conflict-related sexual violence stemming from the United Nations. The apparent female-focused approach of instruments on sexual violence is criticized followed by a discussion – through analysis and interviews with legal scholars and champions for the recognition of male survivors’ experiences – of the first ‘emergence’ of male victims in these instruments (...)
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    Irresolvable norm conflicts in international law: the concept of a legal dilemma.Valentin Jeutner - 2017 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Conventionally, international legal scholarship concerned with norm conflicts focuses on identifying how international law can or should resolve them. This book adopts a different approach. It focuses on identifying those norm conflicts that law cannot and should not resolve. The book offers an unprecedented, controversial, yet sophisticated, argument in favour of construing such irresolvable conflicts as legal dilemmas. Legal dilemmas exist when a legal actor confronts a conflict between at least two legal norms that cannot be avoided or (...)
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    Normative pluralism and international law: exploring global governance.Jan Klabbers & Touko Piiparinen (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book addresses conflicts involving how law relates normative orders. The assumption behind the book is that law no longer automatically claims supremacy, but that actors can pick and choose which code to follow.
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  26. Justice, legitimacy, and self-determination: moral foundations for international law.Allen E. Buchanan - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book articulates a systematic vision of an international legal system grounded in the commitment to justice for all persons. It provides a probing exploration of the moral issues involved in disputes about secession, ethno-national conflict, "the right of self-determination of peoples," human rights, and the legitimacy of the international legal system itself. Buchanan advances vigorous criticisms of the central dogmas of international relations and international law, arguing that the international legal system should make (...)
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    Reframing the International: Law, Culture, Politics.Richard A. Falk, Lester Edwin J. Ruiz & R. B. J. Walker - 2002 - Psychology Press.
    This volume insists that, if we are to properly face the challenges of the coming century, we need to re-examine international politics and development through the prism of ethics and morality. International relations must now contend with a widening circle of participants reflecting the diversity and unevenness of status, memory, gender, race, culture and class. Contributors to this volume challenge North America's privileged position in world politics, suggest initiatives for improving the quality of human existence in tangible (...)
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    Human dignity and the foundations of international law.Patrick Capps - 2009 - Portland, Or.: Hart.
    International lawyers have often been interested in the link between their discipline and the foundational issues of jurisprudential method, but little that is systematic has been written on this subject. In this book, an attempt is made to fill this gap by focusing on issues of concept-formation in legal science in general with a view to their application to the specific concerns of international law. In responding to these issues, the author argues that public international law seeks (...)
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    Anticipatory self-defence and international law - a re-evaluation.Amos N. Guiora - unknown
    Traditional state v. state war is largely a relic. How then does a nation-state protect itself - preemptively - against the unseen enemy? Existing international law - the Caroline Doctrine, UN Charter Article 51, Security Council Resolutions 1368 and 1373 - do not provide sufficiently clear guidelines regarding when a state may take preemptive or anticipatory action against a non-state actor. This article proposes rearticulating international law to allow a state to act earlier provided sufficient intelligence is available. (...)
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    When is it Right to Fight? International Law and Jus ad Bellum.Alex J. Bellamy - 2009 - Journal of Military Ethics 8 (3):231-245.
    James Turner Johnson has played a pivotal role in bringing just war thinking to the fore in international relations. This has brought with it increased interest in the relationship between the just war tradition and the laws of war. Whilst Johnson maintains that the legal rules relating to the conduct of war correspond with the requirements of jus in bello, he is more critical of the legal regime relating to recourse to force and has occasionally argued in favour (...)
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    Interactional International Law as Theoretical Legal Framework for ASEAN Integration.Jose S. Samson - 2015 - Iamure International Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Religion 7 (1).
    Using the Rule of Law as the theoretical framework in his paper, the author proceeds to discuss ASEAN integration. His ultimate objective is to examine the applicability of Brunnée and Toope’s Interactional International Law to ASEAN integration. To provide the background to the process of ASEAN integration, the author cites selected works of scholars and experts in the fields of international law and international relations. The most important factor to be considered is the ASEAN Charter’s inclusion (...)
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    Conflicting Lineages of International Law: Cicero, Hugo Grotius and Adam Smith on Global Property Relations.Tarik Kochi - 2017 - Jurisprudence 8 (2):257-286.
    This essay presents an interpretation of the juridical thought of Cicero, Hugo Grotius and Adam Smith. Focussing upon questions of property, capital accumulation and violence, the essay traces a tension within their writings between a social ethic of human fellowship and compassion, and, a theory of the utility of ‘unsocial’ commercial self-interest. This tension forms a key problem for the tradition of liberal international law. For Grotius and Smith one response to this tension is to attempt to reign in (...)
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    Unconditional Life: The Postwar International Law Settlement.Yoriko Otomo - 2016 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    Drawing on philosophy, history, and critical theory, Unconditional Life introduces a new perspective on the significance of post-war international law developments. The book examines the public discourse regarding technological risk in World War II texts of unconditional surrender, in the World Trade Organisation's EC-Biotech dispute, and in the International Court of Justices' Nuclear Weapons Advisory Opinion. The volume describes international law in terms of its management of, and relation to, the risks associated with technological innovation in war (...)
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  34. Morality, care, and international law.Virginia Held - 2011 - Ethics and Global Politics 4 (3):173-194.
    Whether we should respect international law is in dispute. In the United States, international law is dismissed by the left as merely promoting the interests of powerful states. It is attacked by the right as irrelevant and an interference with the interests and mission of the United States. And it follows from the arguments of many liberals that in the absence of world government the world is in a Hobbesian state of nature and international law inapplicable. This (...)
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    The Semiotics of Torture: Provisions of International Law and its Implementation in Vietnam.Trinh Duy Thuyen - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-32.
    Torture is unequivocally prohibited under all circumstances, whether in peacetime, wartime, or during a state of national emergency. Any justification for the use of torture is indefensible under international law. The prohibition of torture constitutes a peremptory norm (jus cogens) of international law, binding upon all states that have ratified the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT). This paper examines the provisions of the CAT in relation to Vietnam’s legal framework governing (...)
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    A world safe for Catholicism: interwar international law and Neo-Scholastic universalism.Paolo Amorosa - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (2):411-427.
    This article recounts how Neo-Scholastic international lawyers navigated the complex political landscape of the 1920s and 30s, combining universalism, nationalism and religious belief. Participating in the contemporary re-engagement of Catholics with modern politics, they re-imagined the international legal order in Catholic terms. They argued that a universal morality, overruling the extremes of state sovereignty, was the only solid basis for just and stable global legal relations. While the contribution of Catholics to the establishment of the post-war world (...)
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    Natural Law Reasoning between Statism and Dystopia: International Law and the Question of Authority.Esther D. Reed - 2010 - Jurisprudence 1 (2):169-196.
    This essay argues that a restatement of Thomistic natural law reasoning is increasingly necessary in jurisprudential debate about international law. Mindful of Pope John Paul II's call for a renewal of international law, the essay engages with the present-day tension between Morgenthau-type realism and neo-Kantian discourse-oriented cosmopolitanism. The essay addresses whether the former is sufficiently realistic in our global 21st century context, and whether the latter is adequately cosmopolitan. Attention is drawn to Aquinas's understanding of the relation between (...)
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    What is a fair international society?: international law between development and recognition.Emmanuelle Tourme Jouannet - 2013 - Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
    Today's world is post-colonial and post-Cold War. These twin characteristics explain why international society is also riddled with the two major forms of injustice which Nancy Fraser identified as afflicting national societies. First, the economic and social disparities between states caused outcry in the 1950s when the first steps were taken towards decolonisation. These inequalities, to which a number of emerging states now contribute, are still glaring and still pose the problem of the gap between formal equality and true (...)
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    The Strategic Use of International Law by the United Nations Security Council: An Empirical Study.Rossana Deplano - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    The book offers insights on whether international law can shape the politics of the Security Council and, conversely, the extent to which the latter contribute to the development of international law. By providing a systematic analysis of the quantity and quality of international legal instruments referred to in the text of resolutions, the book reconstructs patterns of the Security Council's behavioural regularities and assesses them against the provisions of the United Nations Charter, which establishes its mandate. The (...)
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    The Evolving Dimensions of International Law: Hard Choices for the World Community.John F. Murphy - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book examines recent developments in sources of public international law, such as treaties and custom operating among nations in their mutual relations, as well as developments in some of the primary rules of law international institutions created by these processes. It finds that public international law has become increasingly dysfunctional in dealing with some of the primary problems facing the world community, such as the maintenance of international peace and security, violations of international (...)
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    The Concept and Legal Personality of National Minorities in International Law.Saulius Katuoka - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (3):1187-1199.
    The study analyses the issues of protection of national minorities from the perspective of international law. The study consists of three parts. In the first part, the author reveals the understanding of a national minority on the basis of objective and subjective features. This part focuses on such problematic issues as national minorities and citizenship, non-dominant position of a national minority. The second part of the study concentrates on international minorities as subjects of international law. The author (...)
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    The Natural Law and International Relations.Joseph B. Mcallister - 1950 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 24:169-169.
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    The Natural Law and International Relations.Charles J. Mcmanus - 1950 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 24:97-102.
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    The Natural Law and International Relations.Harry V. Mcneill - 1950 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 24:81-89.
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    Grotius and the 'Grotian heritage' in international law and international relations; the quatercentenary and its aftermath (circa 1980-1990). [REVIEW]C. G. Roelofsen - 1990 - Grotiana 11 (1):6-28.
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    The Natural Law and International Relations. Foley, S. M. Foley & Natalie Lincoln - 1950 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 24:167-168.
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    Rethinking the Relationship between International, EU and National Law: Consent-Based Monism.Lando Kirchmair - 2024 - Cambridge University Press.
    The interdisciplinary embedding and novel conceptual approach offered in the book to address the relationship between legal orders offers a significant and original contribution to the literature. The first part of the book provides a critical account of dominant approaches to explain this relationship where theories of Kelsenian monism, dualism, legal pluralism and constitutionalism are criticized. In the second part, Kirchmair engages with an innovative idea by applying insights from social contract theory to the relationship between international, EU and (...)
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    The Natural Law and International Relations.Michael V. Murray - 1950 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 24:90-96.
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    The Natural Law and International Relations.Daniel O’Grady - 1950 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 24:70-77.
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    The Natural Law and International Relations.Frank O’Malley - 1950 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 24:123-132.
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