Results for 'International law and human rights. '

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  1. Unilateral Economic Sanctions, International Law, and Human Rights.Idriss Jazairy - 2019 - Ethics and International Affairs 33 (3):291-302.
    As part of the roundtable “Economic Sanctions and Their Consequences,” this essay examines unilateral coercive measures. These types of sanctions are applied outside the scope of Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, and were developed and refined in the West in the context of the Cold War. Yet the eventual collapse of the Berlin Wall did not herald the demise of unilateral sanctions; much to the contrary. While there are no incontrovertible data on the extent of these measures, one (...)
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  2. Globalization, International Law, and Human Rights, by Jeffrey F. Addicott, Md. Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan, Tareq M.R. Chowdhury (eds.), 2012. [REVIEW]Deepa Kansra - 2013 - Journal of the Indian Law Institute 55:245-248.
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    International Relations and Human Rights.V. Kartashkin - 1977 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 16 (3):78-95.
    Human rights have always been an acute ideological issue. The peaceful coexistence of states with different social systems does not imply any relaxation of ideological struggle; but this struggle has to be carried on within a definite framework, without slander or interference in the domestic affairs of other states. Otherwise, it will undermine international détente, which is incompatible with any spread of suspicion, mistrust, or hostility in relations among nations. Détente implies mutual respect for the sovereignty and the (...)
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    International Law and Voter Preferences: the Case of Foreign Human Rights Violations.Tonya L. Putnam & Jacob N. Shapiro - 2017 - Human Rights Review 18 (3):243-262.
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    The law and ethics of medical research: international bioethics and human rights.Aurora Plomer - 2005 - Portland, Or.: Cavendish.
    This book examines the controversies surrounding biomedical research in the twenty-first century from a human rights perspective, analyzing the evolution and ...
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    The Law and Ethics of Medical Research: International Bioethics and Human Rights.S. Holm - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (4):246-246.
  7.  15
    Perspectivas de la violencia de género en la era de la Teoría Neoconstitucional como el nuevo paradigma del Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos = Perspectives of gender violence in the age of Neoconstitutional Theory as the new paradigm of the International Law of Human Rights.María Belén Redondo - 2018 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 28:38-58.
    RESUMEN: Los cambios en la nueva concepción del Estado Democrático de Derecho que surgen a partir de la toma de conciencia de la existencia de determinados derechos que se consideran como fundamentales por la comunidad internacional, influyen de modo directo en el diseño de políticas públicas, de creación de normas jurídicas y en el modo de resolver los casos judiciales. Es así que se presenta a la Teoría Neoconstitucional como una nueva teoría del derecho que permite integrar los derechos con (...)
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  8. Discrepancies Between the Best Philosophical Account of Human Rights and the International Law of Human Rights.James Griffin - 2001 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 101 (1):1-28.
    The best philosophical account of human rights regards them as protections of the values we attach to human agency. The international law of human rights is embodied in a large number of declarations, conventions, covenants, charters, and judicial decisions. There are many discrepancies between the lists of human rights that emerge from these two authoritative sources. This lecture explores the significance of these discrepancies.
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    (1 other version)Human Rights, the Right to Food, Legal Philosophy, and General Principles of International Law.Felix Ekardt & Anna Hyla - 2017 - Latest Issue of Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 103 (2):221-238.
    This article examines the following questions: Is there a human right to food and water in the international sphere? Is it possible to derive such human rights as “general principles of law” within the meaning of public international law, which are independent from contractual agreement or recognition by States? What exactly would such a right to food and water comprise? Is there a constitutional rank relationship evolving between human rights and public international law which (...)
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    Negotiating the Rule of Law and Human Rights in Interfaith Marriage Registration in Contemporary Indonesia.Nor Salam & Jamrud Qomaruz Zaman - 2024 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 19 (1):117-145.
    The Supreme Court Circular Letter Number 2 of 2023, which prohibits the registration of interfaith marriages in Indonesia, aims to provide legal clarity following longstanding debates fueled by the abstract nature of existing norms. While the circular seeks to enforce uniformity in marriage regulations, it raises concerns regarding human rights, especially the rights to freedom, equality, and the pursuit of happiness, which are central to democratic governance. This article seeks to examine interfaith marriage registration by utilizing normative and (...) rights perspectives to explore its legal foundations and implications within Indonesia’s modern context. The analysis highlights tensions between national law and international human rights conventions, suggesting that interfaith marriage registration should be recognized as a legal right that upholds citizens’ freedoms, religious autonomy, and equality before the law. By situating interfaith marriage within Indonesia’s framework of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), legal statutes, and human rights conventions, this article highlights the importance of balancing legal uniformity with the protection of individual rights in a democratic, constitutional state. (shrink)
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  11. Culture as an Activity and Human Right: An Important Advance for Indigenous Peoples and International Law.Cindy Holder - 2008 - Alternatives 33:7-28.
    Historically, culture has been treated as an object in international documents. One consequence of this is that cultural rights in international law have been understood as rights of access and consumption. Recently, an alternative conception of culture, and of what cultural rights protect, has emerged from international documents treating indigenous peoples. Within these documents culture is treated as an activity rather than a good. This activity is ascribed to peoples as well as persons, and protecting the capacity (...)
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    Ideas in conflict: international law and the global war on terror.Eric Engle - 2013 - The Hague, The Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing.
    Contemporary international law. Methodology -- The origin of sovereignty in Roman and medieval law -- The transformation of sovereignty and international law in late modernity -- The transformation of international law by human rights -- The UN convention system and US foreign policy -- IR realism and the positivity of international law -- Containment and disengagement -- Assassination and international law -- Humanitarian intervention and international law -- Lawfare, Wikileaks, and the rule of (...)
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    Business and Human Rights, from Theory to Practice and Law to Morality: Taking a Philosophical Look at the Proposed UN Treaty.Ana-Maria Pascal - 2021 - Philosophy of Management 20 (2):167-200.
    This paper considers the UN efforts to introduce a legally binding Treaty on corporate accountability for human rights impacts in the context of other proposed legislation at country level, on the one hand, and existing voluntary initiatives like the UN Guiding Principles (2011), on the other. What we are interested in is whether the proposed Treaty signals a transition from voluntary initiatives (based on moral commitments) to law (that is, a focus on compliance), and the extent to which it (...)
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    International Human Rights Law.Martin Scheinin - 2015 - In Dennis Patterson, A Companion to European Union Law and International Law. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 439–457.
    Consistent with Article 38 of the Statute of International Court of Justice, the primary sources of international human rights law can be identified as treaty, custom, and general principles of law derived from national legal systems. Treaty provisions in human rights law are often textually fairly open‐ended and hence will need to be read in the light of institutionalized practices of interpretation, such as the jurisprudence by regional human rights courts and international human (...)
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    Human Rights and Personal Self-Defense in International Law.Jan Arno Hessbruegge - 2017 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Based on author's thesis, Germany, 2016) isued under title: The right to personal self-defence as a general principle of law and its general application in international human rights law.
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    International Law and the Humanization of Warfare.Mitt Regan - 2023 - Ethics and International Affairs 37 (4):375-390.
    The trend toward the “humanization” of international law reflects a greater emphasis on individuals rather than simply states as objects of concern. The advance of human rights law (HRL) has been an important impetus for this trend. Some observers suggest that humanization can be furthered even more by applying HRL rather than international humanitarian law (IHL) to hostilities between states and nonstate armed groups, unless a state explicitly declares that it is engaged in an armed conflict. This (...)
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  17. The Relative Authority of International Law and Courts in the Human Rights and Trade Regimes: A Survey Experiment.Oisin Suttle - manuscript
    This paper presents preliminary results of a survey experiment examining the effects of international illegality on public support for proposed public policies. It adds three specific dimensions to the existing literature. First, it tests whether the effects of international illegality differ depending on the international regime whose rules are violated, testing the effects of violations of both human rights and trade regimes. Second, it tests how far the involvement of international courts vary these effects. And (...)
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    Global Responsibility for Human Rights: World Poverty and the Development of International Law.Margot E. Salomon - 2007 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Challenges to the exercise of the basic socio-economic rights of half the global population give rise to some of the most pressing issues today. This timely book focuses on world poverty, providing a systematic exposition of the evolving legal responsibility of the international community of states to cooperate in addressing the structural obstacles that contribute to this injustice. This book analyzes the approach, contribution, and current limitations of the international law of human rights to the manifestations of (...)
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    The Revolutionary Past: Decolonizing Law and Human Rights.Peter Fitzpatrick - 2014 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 2 (1):117-133.
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    Natural Law and Human Rights: Toward a Recovery of Practical Reason. By Pierre Manent. Translated by Ralph C. Hancock. Foreword by Daniel J. Mahoney. [REVIEW]Joseph W. Koterski - 2020 - International Philosophical Quarterly 60 (3):363-365.
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    Reproductive Health and Human Rights: Integrating Medicine, Ethics, and Law.Rebecca J. Cook, Bernard M. Dickens & Mahmoud F. Fathalla - 2003 - Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    The concept of reproductive health promises to play a crucial role in improving health care provision and legal protection for women around the world. This is an authoritative and much-needed introduction to and defence of the concept of reproductive health, which though internationally endorsed, is still contested. The authors are leading authorities on reproductive medicine, women's health, human rights, medical law, and bioethics. They integrate their disciplines to provide an accessible but comprehensive picture. They analyse 15 cases from different (...)
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  22. Proportionality and human rights protection in international investment arbitration what's left hanging in the balance?Daria Davitti - 2021 - In Ulf Linderfalk & Eduardo Gill-Pedro, Revisiting proportionality in international and European law: interests and interest- holders. Leiden, The Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill NV.
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    Correction to: Conceptualizing Corporate Accountability in International Law: Models for a Business and Human Rights Treaty.Nadia Bernaz - 2022 - Human Rights Review 23 (1):101-101.
  24. Global Responsibility for Human Rights: World Poverty and the Development of International Law.Margot E. Salomon & Foreword by Stephen P. Marks - 2007 - Oxford University Press.
    Challenges to the exercise of the basic socio-economic rights of half the global population give rise to some of the most pressing issues today. This timely book focuses on world poverty, providing a systematic exposition of the evolving legal responsibility of the international community of states to cooperate in addressing the structural obstacles that contribute to this injustice. This book analyzes the approach, contribution, and current limitations of the international law of human rights to the manifestations of (...)
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    Conceptualizing Corporate Accountability in International Law: Models for a Business and Human Rights Treaty.Nadia Bernaz - 2020 - Human Rights Review 22 (1):45-64.
    This article conceptualizes corporate accountability under international law and introduces an analytical framework translating corporate accountability into seven core elements. Using this analytical framework, it then systematically assesses four models that could be used in a future business and human rights treaty: the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights model, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights model, the progressive model, and the transformative model. It aims to contribute to the BHR treaty negotiation process (...)
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    The international financial institutions and human rights: Law and practice. [REVIEW]Koen De Feyter - 2004 - Human Rights Review 6 (1):56-90.
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  27. International human rights and islamic law - by mashood A. baderin.Farid Abdel-Nour - 2006 - Ethics and International Affairs 20 (3):388–390.
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    The Limits of Ethics in International Relations: Natural Law, Natural Rights, and Human Rights in Transition.David Boucher - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    In his major new work, David Boucher surveys the history of thinking about human rights and shows that far from being seen as universal and emancipatory, they have almost always privileged certain groups in relation to others.
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    Patents and Human Rights: A Heterodox Analysis.E. Richard Gold - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (1):185-198.
    Patents and free trade make strange bedfellows. For most of their history, patents have been instruments deployed to resist trade with other countries, not to enhance it. Whether one looks at Venetian laws that punished citizens who practiced local crafts outside the city, the Mercantilist uses to which patents were put in Elizabethan England, or the cartels of the 19th and 20th centuries created on a foundation of interlocking patent rights, patents have had a distinctly protectionist function. It is thus (...)
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    Poverty and Human Rights: Sen's 'Capability Perspective' Explored.Polly Vizard - 2006 - Oxford University Press.
    This book provides a major new cross-disciplinary framework for thinking about poverty and human rights. Drawing on the fields of ethics, economics, and international law, Vizard demonstrates how the work of Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen has expanded and deepened human rights discourse across traditional disciplinary divides.
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  31. Human Rights, Legitimacy, and International Law.John Tasioulas - 2013 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 58 (1):1-25.
    The article begins with reflections on the nature, and basis, of human rights considered as moral standards. It recommends an orthodox view of their nature, as moral rights possessed by all human beings simply in virtue of their humanity and discoverable through the workings of natural reason, that makes them strongly continuous with natural rights. It then offers some criticisms of recent attempts to depart from orthodoxy by explicating human rights by reference to the supposedly constitutive connection (...)
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    The Common Core between Human Rights Law and International Criminal Law: A Structural Account.Alain Zysset - 2019 - Ratio Juris 32 (3):278-300.
    Legal scholars and theorists have recently drawn a more sustained attention to the link between international human rights law (hereafter IHRL) and international criminal law (hereafter ICL). This concerns both positive and more normative accounts of the link. Whether positive or normative, the predominant approach to constructing the link issubstantive. This overlap is normatively justified in similar terms by reference to a subset of moral human rights. In this paper, I offer an alternative to the substantive (...)
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    Law and Institutional Legitimacy in the Practice of Human Rights.Matthew Lister - 2017 - Law and Philosophy 36 (2):155-168.
    The Heart of Human Rights develops an account of human rights as legal entities that serve important moral purposes in a legitimate international human rights practice. This paper examines Allen Buchanan’s general concept of institutional legitimacy and aims to expand that concept by emphasizing its connection with several ideas developed in the book about the nature and function of a system of international human rights. When it incorporates those ideas, Buchanan’s ‘Metacoordination View’ can be (...)
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    (1 other version)Human Rights, the Laws of War, and Reciprocity.Eric A. Posner - 2012 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 6 (2):147-171.
    Human rights law does not appear to enjoy as high a level of compliance as the laws of war, yet is institutionalized to a greater degree. This Article argues that the reason for this difference is related to the strategic structure of international law. The laws of war are governed by a regime of reciprocity, which can produce selfenforcing patterns of behavior, whereas the human rights regime attempts to produce public goods and is thus subject to collective (...)
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    International Law and World Order: A Critique of Contemporary Approaches.B. S. Chimni - 1993 - Cambridge University Press.
    In International Law and World Order, B. S. Chimni articulates an integrated Marxist approach to international law combining the insights of Marxism, socialist feminism and postcolonial theory. The book uses IMAIL to systematically and critically examine the most influential contemporary theories of international law including new, feminist, realist and policy-oriented approaches. In doing so, it discusses a range of themes relating to the history, structure and process of international law. The book also considers crucial world order (...)
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    Issues of private international law and civil procedure arising out of the U.s. Civil suits for forced labor duringworld war II: To what extent do U.s. Conflict and procedural rules obstruct private liability for wartime human rights violations? [REVIEW]Paul Volken & Petar Sarcevic - 2009 - In Paul Volken & Petar Sarcevic, Yearbook of Private International Law: Volume Iii. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    International law and posthuman theory.Matilda Arvidsson & Emily Jones (eds.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Assembling a series of voices from across the field, this book demonstrates how posthuman theory can be employed to better understand and tackle some of the challenges faced by contemporary international law. With the vast environmental devastation being caused by climate change, the increasing use of artificial intelligence by international legal actors, and the need for international law to face up to its colonial past, international law needs to change. But in regulating and preserving a stable (...)
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    International Human Rights Protections Find Support in Hobbes’ Leviathan.Hege Cathrine Finholt - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (3):47.
    In her paper “Sovereignty and the International Protection of Human rights”, Cristina Lafont argues that “The obligation of respecting human rights in the sense of not contributing to their violation seems to be a universal obligation and thus one that binds states just as much as non-state actors.” In this paper, I argue that one can find support for this claim in Thomas Hobbes’ _Leviathan._ This requires a different reading of _Leviathan_ than the one that is typically (...)
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    La protección de los derechos humanos en la justicia penal internacional: el caso particular del Tribunal Penal Internacional para la ex-Yugoslavia en relación con el derecho consuetudinario y el principio de legalidad = The protection of human rights in international Criminal Justice: the particular case of the international criminal tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in relation to customary law and the principle of legality.Elena C. Díaz Galán & Harold Bertot Triana - 2018 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 29:70-100.
    RESUMEN: La labor del Tribunal Penal Internacional para la Ex-Yugoslavia tuvo un momento importante en la compresión del principio de legalidad, como principio básico en la garantía de los derechos humanos, al enfrentar no sólo el derecho consuetudinario como fuente de derecho sino también diferentes modos o enfoques en la identificación de este derecho consuetudinario. Esta relación debe ser analizada a la luz de las limitaciones que tiene el derecho internacional y, sobre todo, de los procedimientos de creación de normas. (...)
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    Technology and Human Rights, Friends or Foes?: Highlighting Innovations Applying to Natural Resources and Medicine.Hans Morten Haugen - 2012 - Rol.
    Hans Morten Haugen offers an analysis of the intersection of intellectual property with health, traditional knowledge and biodiversity against a backdrop of established and emerging human rights. How those rights interface and who decides are among the most difficult issues in international intellectual property, and there is no doubt that there is room for fresh ideas on how to simultaneously achieve the goals of innovation, development and access. 0Also part of series: Library of Human Rights; 2.
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    Equality in International Law and Its Social Ontological Discontent.Ka Lok Yip - 2023 - Jus Cogens 5 (1):111-124.
    This article examines, through a theoretical lens, two issues concerning equality under international law thrown up by the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War: the equal treatment of belligerents on different sides under international humanitarian law (IHL), which is being contested by revisionist just war theorists, and the unequal treatment of Ukrainians with different genders assigned at birth who are trying to flee Ukraine, which is being contested under international human rights law (IHRL). By examining different conceptions of equality (...)
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    Legal realism and human rights.William J. Novak - 2011 - History of European Ideas 37 (2):168-174.
    This essay uses Schmitt's work to cast new light on the relevance of the American legal tradition known as ‘legal realism’ for the history and analysis of human rights. It does so by exploring several of Schmitt's most famous criticisms of international law and human rights, and then suggests how they might correspond with a widespread critical legal tradition in the 1920s and 1930s. This essay describes in detail two fundamental features of this tradition: historicism and realism. (...)
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    Questioning Non-Discrimination, Equality, and Human Rights in Contemporary Turkey from the Perspective of the Alevi Religious Community.Melih Uğraş Erol - 2015 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 12 (1):75-97.
    For several decades, the international community has criticized Turkey for failing to uphold the human rights and freedoms of its citizens and for not realizing the principles of non-discrimination and equality within its borders. As Turkey’s European Union candidacy proceeds, religious groups such as the Alevis claim to face discrimination and violations of their human rights and freedoms by the Turkish state. The Justice and Development Party debated the Alevis’ problems and structured the Alevi Initiative, which conducted (...)
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    Human Rights in Political Law and in International Law. [REVIEW]Günther Küchenhoff - 1971 - Philosophy and History 4 (1):18-19.
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    Plomer, Aurora. The Law and Ethics of Medical Research: International Bioethics and Human Rights (Cavendish Publishing, 2005). [REVIEW]Kevin Wm Wildes - 2008 - Human Rights Review 9 (1):155-156.
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    The Judicial Application of Human Rights Law: National, Regional and International Jurisprudence.Nihal Jayawickrama - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    Since the proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, over 165 countries have incorporated human rights standards into their legal systems: the resulting jurisprudence from diverse cultural traditions creates new dimensions to concepts first articulated in 1948. In this revised second edition, Nihal Jayawickrama draws on extensive sources to encapsulate the judicial interpretation of human rights law in one comprehensive volume. Jayawickrama covers the case law of the superior courts of 103 countries in America, Europe, Africa, (...)
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  47. Intersections of International Human Rights Law and Criminal Law (Conference Report).Deepa Kansra - 2021 - Indian Law Institute Law Review 1 (Winter):377-379.
    The Human Rights Studies Programme, School of International Studies (JNU), in collaboration with the Centre for Inner Asian Studies, School of International Studies (JNU), and the Indian Law Institute (Delhi), organized a Human Rights Day Webinar on the Intersections of Human Rights and Criminal Law on December 9-10, 2021. Experts and young scholars from the field shared their insights and research on the webinar theme. The presentations were organized under four sessions, including Session I on (...)
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    International Human Rights Law and Domestic Violence: The Effectiveness of International Human Rights Law by Ronagh J.A. McQuigg: Oxon and New York: Routledge, 2011. [REVIEW]Stephanie Chaban - 2014 - Human Rights Review 15 (1):111-113.
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    New technologies and human rights.Thérèse Murphy (ed.) - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The first IVF baby was born in the 1970s. Less than 20 years later, we had cloning and GM food, and information and communication technologies had transformed everyday life. In 2000, the human genome was sequenced. More recently, there has been much discussion of the economic and social benefits of nanotechnology, and synthetic biology has also been generating controversy. This important volume is a timely contribution to increasing calls for regulation - or better regulation - of these and other (...)
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    Health and human rights: epistemological status and perspectives of development.Emmanuel Kabengele Mpinga, Leslie London & Philippe Chastonay - 2011 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 14 (3):237-247.
    The health and human rights movement (HHR) shows obvious signs of maturation both internally and externally. Yet there are still many questions to be addressed. These issues include the movement’s epistemological status and its perspectives of development. This paper discusses critically the conditions of emergence of HHR, its identity, its dominant schools of thought, its epistemological postures and its methodological issues. Our analysis shows that: (a) the epistemological status of HHR is ambiguous; (b) its identity is uncertain in the (...)
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