Results for 'Institutions (Philosophy)'

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  1.  9
    Leksykon logików polskich. 1900–1939.Gabriela Besler Sebastian Stokłosa A. Institute of Philosophy, Polandgabrielabesler@Useduplb Institute Of Philosophy & Polandemail: Sebastoklosast@Gmailcom - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-3.
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    In Memoriam Elena Mamchur 8 July, 1935–14 December, 2023.Andrei Paramonov Ras Institute Of Philosophy, Moscow & Russia - 2024 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 37 (1):69-73.
    Volume 37, Issue 1-2, March - June 2024, Page 69-73.
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    Blumenberg and the Mythology of the Lifeworld: A Deconstructive Reading of Husserl’s Phenomenology.Belgium Yutong Li K. U. Leuvenyutong Li is A. Phd Student at the Institute of Philosophy of K. U. Leuven - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):101-118.
    This paper argues that Hans Blumenberg’s theory illuminates a novel interpretation of the phenomenological concept of the lifeworld—as a world sustained by myths and their receptions. This paper combines two central themes in Blumenberg’s philosophy: his interpretation of Edmund Husserl and his aesthetics, especially his theory of the novel and of myth. My claim to originality is to offer a mythology of the lifeworld with the help of one of Blumenberg’s less-known texts, “Wirklichkeitsbegriff und Wirkungspotential des Mythos.” In the (...)
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  4. Toward a Post-Institutional Philosophy of Education.Kip Kline & Jean-François Lyotard - 2012 - Philosophical Studies in Education 43:11.
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    There Is No Ethical Automation: Stanislav Petrov’s Ordeal by Protocol.Technology Antón Barba-Kay A. Center on Privacy, Usab Institute for Practical Ethics Dc, Usaantón Barba-Kay is Distinguished Fellow at the Center on Privacy Ca, Hegel-Studien Nineteenth Century European Philosophy Have Appeared in the Journal of the History of Philosophy, Among Others He has Also Published Essays About Culture The Review of Metaphysics, Commonweal Technology for A. Broader Audience in the New Republic & Other Magazines A. Web of Our Own Making – His Book About What the Internet Is The Point - 2024 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):277-288.
    While the story of Stanislav Petrov – the Soviet Lieutenant Colonel who likely saved the world from nuclear holocaust in 1983 – is often trotted out to advocate for the view that human beings ought to be kept “in the loop” of automated weapons’ responses, I argue that the episode in fact belies this reading. By attending more closely to the features of this event – to Petrov’s professional background, to his familiarity with the warning system, and to his decisions (...)
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    Thinking and doing: the philosophical foundations of institutions.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1975 - Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co..
    Philosophy is the search for the large patterns of the world and of the large patterns of experience, perceptual, theoretical, . . . , aesthetic, and practical - the patterns that, regardless of specific contents, characterize the main types of experience. In this book I carry out my search for the large patterns of practical experience: the experience of deliberation, of recognition of duties and their conflicts, of attempts to guide other person's conduct, of deciding to act, of influencing (...)
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    The Institution of philosophy: a discipline in crisis?Avner Cohen & Marcelo Dascal (eds.) - 1989 - La Salle, Ill.: Open Court.
    Book jacket: From postmodernist and post-philosophical quarters we now hear that philosophy is at the end of its rope, that modern philosophy is just another modernist product which has outlived its usefulness. Whatever the precise merits of the various postmodernist critiques, they have certainly compelled many philosophers to take notice, and to concede that their enterprise has reached an impasse. The essays in this volume mark a new stage in the debate. Though divergent in their philosophical -- or (...)
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    (1 other version)Institutes of moral philosophy.Adam Ferguson - 1769 - London: Routledge/Thoemmes Press.
    INSTITUTES OF Moral Philosophy. INTRODUCTION. » SECTION I. Of Knoivledge in general. * AL L knowledge is either of particular facts, or of general rules. ...
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    The Institution of Philosophy: Escaping Disciplinary Capture.Adam Briggle & Robert Frodeman - 2016 - Metaphilosophy 47 (1):26-38.
    Philosophers view themselves as critical thinkers par excellence. But they have overlooked the institutional arrangements that govern their lives. The early twentieth-century research university disciplined philosophers, placing them in departments, where they wrote for and were judged by their disciplinary peers. Oddly, this change has been unremarked upon, or has been treated as simply part of the necessary professionalization of an academic field of research. The department has been tacitly assumed to be a neutral space from which thought germinates; it (...)
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    Institutional Challenges to Public Philosophy.Michael D. Burroughs - 2022 - In Lee C. McIntyre, Nancy Arden McHugh & Ian Olasov (eds.), A companion to public philosophy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 419–427.
    Public philosophy is diverse in orientation, methodology, and practice. This chapter addresses challenges to supporting and sustaining public philosophy initiatives as professional philosophers. It also addresses institutional challenges that public philosophers face as they develop, lead, and expand public‐facing projects. Many of us discovered philosophy through a public philosophy program or resource, in a K–12 classroom, or through the philosophically minded mentorship of someone who took our questioning seriously. Far from a supererogatory good, public engagement is (...)
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    The philosophy of history: talks given at the Institute of Historical Research, London, 2000-2006.Alexander Lyon Macfie (ed.) - 2006 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The Philosophy of History contains a selection of the talks given at the Philosophy of History seminar in the Institute of Historical Research, London, in the period 2000-6. It puts students of the Philosophy of History, historians, teachers of History and anyone else interested in the subject in touch with what is being researched and discussed today at the cutting edge of Philosophy of History studies. With contributions from, among others, Robert Burns, Keith Jenkins, James Connelly, (...)
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  12. A Conventionalist Theory of Institutions.Eerik Lagerspetz - 1993 - Law and Philosophy 12 (2):233-247.
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    THE INSTITUTIONAL and PERSONAL NEED for PHILOSOPHY.Ulrich De Balbian - 2017 - Oxford: Academic Publishers.
    She has always existed and is more than a citizen of multiverses,‭ ‬most likely the ground of all.‭ ‬In the West she was introduced around C.570‭ ‬and since then many individuals have searched for her,‭ ‬tried to become familiar with her and created all sorts of,‭ ‬frequently ridiculous,‭ ‬things in her name. Once someone has a passion for her it cannot be extinguished but increases.‭ ‬Objectively this need for her is referred to as‭ ‘‬love of wisdom‭’‬,‭ ‬the need for wisdom,‭ (...)
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  14. Trust and distrust in institutions and governance.Mark Alfano & Nicole Huijts - forthcoming - In Judith Simon (ed.), Handbook of Trust and Philosophy. Routledge.
    First, we explain the conception of trustworthiness that we employ. We model trustworthiness as a relation among a trustor, a trustee, and a field of trust defined and delimited by its scope. In addition, both potential trustors and potential trustees are modeled as being more or less reliable in signaling either their willingness to trust or their willingness to prove trustworthy in various fields in relation to various other agents. Second, following Alfano (forthcoming) we argue that the social scale of (...)
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    (1 other version)Historical dictionary of medieval philosophy and theology.Stephen F. Brown - 2007 - Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press. Edited by Juan Carlos Flores.
    The Middle Ages is often viewed as a period of low intellectual achievement. The name itself refers to the time between the high philosophical and literary accomplishments of the Greco-Roman world and the technological advances that were achieved and philosophical and theological alternatives that were formulated in the modern world that followed. However, having produced such great philosophers as Anselm, Peter Abelard, John Duns Scotus, William of Ockham, Peter Lombard, and the towering Thomas Aquinas, it hardly seems fair to label (...)
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    Philosophy and its Institutions: Politics at the Heart of the Canon.Giulia Valpione - 2022 - Hegel Bulletin 43 (3):353-370.
    This article highlights the importance of new research on women philosophers and addresses some methodological issues to be taken in consideration. The thesis presented here is that through this new line of research it is possible to analyse the close connection between philosophy, politics and institutions. The paper opens with a critique of the assumption that philosophy has until recently been the exclusive property of men, giving the example of some forgotten women philosophers who lived in Hegel's (...)
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    The impact on patients of objections by institutions to assisted dying: a qualitative study of family caregivers’ perceptions.Ben P. White, Ruthie Jeanneret, Eliana Close & Lindy Willmott - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-12.
    Background Voluntary assisted dying became lawful in Victoria, the first Australian state to permit this practice, in 2019 via the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017 (Vic). While conscientious objection by individual health professionals is protected by the Victorian legislation, objections by institutions are governed by policy. No research has been conducted in Victoria, and very little research conducted internationally, on how institutional objection is experienced by patients seeking assisted dying. Methods 28 semi-structured interviews were conducted with 32 family caregivers (...)
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    Three Conceptions of a Theory of Institutions.N. Emrah Aydinonat & Petri Ylikoski - 2018 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 48 (6):550-568.
    We compare Guala’s unified theory of institutions with that of Searle and Greif. We show that unification can be many things and it may be associated with diverse explanatory goals. We also highlight some of the important shortcomings of Guala’s account: it does not capture all social institutions, its ability to bridge social ontology and game theory is based on a problematic interpretation of the type-token distinction, and its ability to make social ontology useful for social sciences is (...)
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    The Possibility of Analytic Philosophy in United Kingdom Madrasas.Abbas Ahsan - 2021 - Journal of Islamic and Muslim Studies 6 (1):56-83.
    In the course of this article, I address the following question: why does analytic philosophy, which predominates throughout higher education in the United Kingdom, not feature prominently in UK madrasas (Islamic schools)? I provide two responses to this question. The first focuses on a possible intellectual conflict between the types of philosophy that are practiced in madrasas and in mainstream institutions of higher education. The second response focuses on the kind of philosophy that various organizations promote (...)
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  20.  15
    Beyond Gridlock: Reshaping Liberal Institutions for a Pluralist Global Order?Kate Macdonald - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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  21. You Can’t Tell Me What to Do! Why Should States Comply with International Institutions?Antoinette Scherz - 2022 - Journal of Social Philosophy (4):450-470.
    The tension between the authority of states and the authority of international institutions is a persistent feature of international relations. Legitimacy assessments of international institutions play a crucial role in resolving such tensions. If an international institution exercises legitimate authority, it creates binding obligations for states. According to Raz’s well-known service conception, legitimate authority depends on the reasons for actions of those who are subject to it. Yet what are the practical reasons that should guide the actions of (...)
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    Understanding Institutions: The Science and Philosophy of Living Together.Francesco Guala - 2016 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Understanding Institutions proposes a new unified theory of social institutions that combines the best insights of philosophers and social scientists who have written on this topic. Francesco Guala presents a theory that combines the features of three influential views of institutions: as equilibria of strategic games, as regulative rules, and as constitutive rules. -/- Guala explains key institutions like money, private property, and marriage, and develops a much-needed unification of equilibrium- and rules-based approaches. Although he uses (...)
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  23.  16
    The Institute of Philosophy in Communist Romania Under the Regime of Gheorghiu-Dej, 1949-65.Cristian Vasile - 2018 - History of Communism in Europe 9:161-186.
    This paper examines some aspects of the institutional history of post-war Romanian philosophy, with a special focus on the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of People’s Republic of Romania. The aim of this article is to shed more light on the main aspects of philosophical research during cultural Stalinism, and to underline the inflexion points within Romanian “philosophical” writings between 1948 and 1965. I examined the lack of human resources and its impact on the emergence of Marxist-Leninist (...)
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    Between Institutional and Moral Discourse: On Alexy's Legal Philosophy.John Adenitire - 2013 - Jurisprudence 4 (2):358-364.
    Between Institutional and Moral Discourse: On Alexy's Legal Philosophy. A review of Matthias Klatt, Institutionalized Reason: The Jurisprudence of Robert Alexy.
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  25. Administrative Law and Democratic Institutions.Milton R. Konvitz - 1937 - Journal of Social Philosophy and Jurisprudence 3:139.
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    Who Asks Questions and Who Benefits from Answers: Understanding Institutions in Terms of Social Epistemic Dependencies.Konrad Werner - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-31.
    The paper develops the idea that institutions are enablers. However, they do not only enable individuals and collectives to achieve their goals; first and foremost, they enable individuals and collectives to have a goal, to select and recognize certain possible states of affairs as targets of action, and as a result, to have a demand – especially a demand for further institutions. I make the case that properly functioning institutions are dedicated to making these states of affairs (...)
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  27. Invisible Connections, Instruments, Institutions and Science.R. Bud, S. Cozzens & Brian J. Ford - 1995 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 17 (1):173-206.
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    The Unrealized Potential of National Human Rights Institutions in Business and Human Rights Regulation: Conditions for Effective Engagement and Proposal for Reform.René Wolfsteller - 2021 - Human Rights Review 23 (1):43-68.
    While National Human Rights Institutions are widely regarded as particularly promising tools in the emerging transnational regime for the regulation of business and human rights, we still know little about their potential and actual contribution to this field. This article bridges the gap between business and human rights research and NHRI scholarship, proceeding in three steps: Firstly, I analyze the structural conditions for NHRIs to tackle business-related human rights abuses effectively, focusing on the key conditions of legitimacy and competences. (...)
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    To institute, to primally institute : Husserl’s first readers and translators in France: A possible origin of continental philosophy.Petar Bojanic - 2007 - Filozofija I Društvo 18 (2):235-245.
    In diesem Text wird die Bedeutung von Husserls ph?nomenologischen Forschungen zur Institution und zur Institutionalisierung. Es wird angenommen, dass die Bedeutung dieser nicht ausreichend bekannten Strategien nur in den unver?ffentlichten Handschriften gefunden werden kann, dass die unterschiedlichen Generationen der Konsultanten von Husserls Archiven eine identische?berzeugung von der Bedeutung der Husserlschen Entdeckungen bezeugt, dass Merleau- Pontys?bersetzung von Stiftung als "institution" dominiert und dass eben diese?bersetzung bewirkt hat, dass Husserl zu einer franz?sischen Angelegenheit wurde. Die Idee des Artikels ist, dass diese Theater (...)
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    Marxist Philosophy and Religious Organizations: Analysing the Marxist Contribution to the Structure and Function of Religious Institutions.Jiabin Yue - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (1):1-14.
    This paper explores the relevance of Karl Marx's philosophy to contemporary research on religious organizations. Despite Marx's primary association with political economy, his insights offer valuable perspectives for understanding the structure and function of religious institutions today. Marx's analysis of societal structures highlights the entrepreneurial nature of modern society, which is also reflected in the dynamics of religious organizations. This study revisits Marx's core philosophical and historical hypotheses, particularly his critique of political economy, and applies them to the (...)
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    Agency in historical institutionalism: Coalitional work in the creation, maintenance, and change of institutions.Patrick Emmenegger - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (4):607-626.
    Institutionalism gives priority to structure over agency. Yet institutions have never developed and operated without the intervention of interested groups. This paper develops a conceptual framework for the role of agency in historical institutionalism. Based on recent contributions following the coalitional turn and drawing on insights from sociological institutionalism, it argues that agency plays a key role in the creation and maintenance of social coalitions that stabilize but also challenge institutions. Without such agency, no coalition can be created, (...)
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    Ricœur and Just Institutions.George H. Taylor - 2014 - Philosophy Today 58 (4):571-589.
    In Oneself as Another, Ricœur famously writes of the ethical intention as “aiming at the ‘good life’ with and for others, in just institutions.” This article explores the potential meaning of “just institutions,” a theme underdeveloped in Ricœur’s work. While many have argued that institutions necessarily reify and so cannot aim toward just ends, the article draws on Ricœur’s differentiation between objectification and reification to show why this need not be the case. While reification destroys human value (...)
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  33.  56
    Social justice and social institutions.Hugo Adam Bedau - 1978 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 3 (1):159-175.
  34.  32
    Contradictions in Educational Thought and Practice: Derrida, Philosophy, and Education.Emile Bojesen - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (2):165-182.
    Through readings of Jacques Derrida's Of Grammatology and 'The Age of Hegel', attention is given to two of the problematic types of relationships that philosophy can have with education. These engagements, alongside a reading of 'The Antinomies of the Philosophical Discipline: Letter Preface', show how Derrida’s thought can prescribe no educational programme and instead troubles educational proclamations and certainties. Throughout his life, Derrida negotiated his relationships to the educational systems and institutions to which he was responsible, these negotiations, (...)
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  35.  21
    The Institute of Philosophy Is One of the Centers of Our Culture.V. A. Lektorskii - 2009 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 48 (1):41-55.
    A retrospective look at the development of philosophy in Russia in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods through the prism of the author's own fifty-year experience with philosophical research and its organization within and beyond the institutional establishment. Recognizing the significance of the accumulated philosophical riches, the author advocates for not merely preserving and multiplying those riches, but also for making them available to the society and establishing active collaboration with researchers in other disciplines as well as with cultural and (...)
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    The Discourses of Identity in Hellenistic Erythrai: Institutions, Rhetoric, Honour and Reciprocity.Peter Liddel - 2021 - Polis 38 (1):74-107.
    Recent research in the field of New Institutionalist analysis has developed the view that institutions are grounded not only upon authoritative rules but also upon accepted practices and narratives. In this paper I am interested in the ways in which honorific practices and accounts of identity set out in ancient Greek inscriptions contribute towards the persistence of polis institutions in the Hellenistic period. A diachronic survey of Erythraian inscriptions of the classical and Hellenistic periods gives an impression of (...)
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  37. The institutional stabilization of philosophy of science and its withdrawal from social concerns after the Second World War.Fons Dewulf - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (5):935-953.
    In this paper, I criticize the thesis that value-laden approaches in American philosophy of science were marginalized in the 1960s through the editorial policy at Philosophy of Science and funding practices at the National Science Foundation. I argue that there is no available evidence of any normative restriction on philosophy of science as a domain of inquiry which excluded research on the relation between science and society. Instead, I claim that the absence of any exemplary, professional philosopher (...)
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    Kant on Ethical Institutions.James J. DiCenso - 2019 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 57 (1):30-55.
    This paper analyzes the ethical-political dilemma in Kant’s work, sometimes expressed through the metaphor of the “crooked wood of humanity.” Kant separates external and internal freedom and the types of legislation each form of freedom requires (coercive and noncoercive). Yet, he also argues that corrupt political institutions adversely affect individual ethical development, and, reciprocally, corrupt inner dispositions of a populace adversely affect the establishment of just political institutions. I argue that a major way in which Kant addresses this (...)
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    The Wire and Philosophy.David Bzdak Joanna Crosby & Seth Vannatta (eds.) - 2013 - Open Court.
    By many accounts, HBO’s The Wire was and remains the greatest and most important television drama of all time. Conceived by writers David Simon and ex-Baltimore homicide detective Ed Burns, this five-season, sixty-episode tour de force has raised the bar for compelling, intelligent television production. With each season addressing a different arena of life in the city of Baltimore, and each season’s narratives tapping into those from previous seasons, The Wire was able to reveal the overlapping, criss-crossing, and colliding realities (...)
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    Who Are Our Hairdressers? A Plea for Institutions and Action.John W. Dienhart - 2003 - Business Ethics Quarterly 13 (3):391-401.
    This 2001 Presidential Address critically examines the mission of SBE and how it can be fulfilled. I begin with Brother Leo Ryan’s1994 Presidential Address, in which he asked how the SBE mission can be accomplished given the growing number of organizations that focus on business ethics. I take up his challenge by focusing on one objective of our stated mission: To help develop ethical business organizations. I examine two ways we might promote this objective: the Moral Market Model advocated by (...)
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  41. Philosophy and public policy: A role for social moral epistemology.Allen Buchanan - 2009 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 26 (3):276-290.
    abstract Part 1 of this essay argues that one of the most important contributions of philosophers to sound public policy may be to combat the influence of bad Philosophy (which includes, but is not limited to, bad Philosophy produced by accredited academic philosophers). Part 2 argues that the conventional conception of Practical Ethics (CPE) that philosophers bring to issues of public policy is defective because it fails to take seriously the phenomenon of the subversion of morality, the role (...)
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    Business ethics and the management of non-profit institutions.Luk Bouckaert & Jan Vandenhove - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (9-10):1073-1081.
    The core of business ethics literature is based upon the stakeholder theory of the firm. The normative function of this theory is to internalise the concept of social responsibility into the definition of the firm (the firm as a social contract) and into the managerial practice (participative management, social and ethical audit). But why should we introduce this business ethics approach into the field of the non-profit sector, which by its origin and mission has already a strong social dimension? Is (...)
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  43. Beliefs in Action: Economic Philosophy and Social Change.Eduardo Giannetti da Fonseca - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is concerned with the role of economic philosophy in the processes of belief-formation and social change. Its aim is to further our understanding of the behaviour of the individual economic agent by bringing to light and examining the function of non-rational dispositions and motivations in the determination of the agent's beliefs and goals. Drawing on the work of David Hume and Adam Smith the book spells out the particular ways in which the passions come to affect our (...)
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    (1 other version)Institutions of Art: Reconsiderations of George Dickie's Philosophy.Robert J. Yanal (ed.) - 1993 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    George Dickie has been one of the most innovative, influential, and controversial philosophers of art working in the analytical tradition in the past twenty-five years. Dickie's arguments against the various theories of aesthetic attitude, aesthetic perception, and aesthetic experience virtually brought classical theories of the aesthetic to a halt. His institutional theory of art was perhaps the most discussed proposal in aesthetics during the 1970s and 1980s, inspiring both supporters who produced variations on the theory as well as passionate detractors (...)
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    Philosophy of Education: Overcoming the Theory-Practice Divide.Megan Laverty - 2006 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 15 (1):31-44.
    I argue that philosophy has a dual role in teacher education: first, it prompts teachers to take individual responsibility for and become more reflective about the values expressed by their teaching practices so as to enable them to teach with greater authenticity; second, it provides teachers with a disciplinary technique that is useful in the facilitation of student reflection and dialogue so as to enable students to think and live more authentically. In this paper, I focus on the former (...)
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  46. Does Global Business Have a Responsibility to Promote Just Institutions?Nien-hê Hsieh - 2009 - Business Ethics Quarterly 19 (2):251-273.
    ABSTRACT:Drawing upon John Rawls's framework inThe Law of Peoples,this paper argues that MNEs have a responsibility to promote well-ordered social and political institutions in host countries that lack them. This responsibility is grounded in a negative duty not to cause harm. In addition to addressing the objection that promoting well-ordered institutions represents unjustified interference by MNEs, the paper provides guidance for managers of MNEs operating in host countries that lack just institutions. The paper argues for understanding corporate (...)
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    Understanding coevolution of mind and society: institutions-as-rules and institutions-as-equilibria.Shinji Teraji - 2017 - Mind and Society 16 (1):95-112.
    Theories of institutions can be classified into two broad approaches: institutions-as-rules and institutions-as-equilibria. According to the first approach, institutions are conceived as rules that guide the actions of individuals engaged in social interactions. On the other hand, the second approach views institutions as behavioral patterns. In order to have a complete picture of institutions, we need to take both approaches into consideration. Individuals construct mental models to produce expectations about institutions, while institutions (...)
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    Philosophy Graduates and Jobs: A Report Prepared for the Royal Institute of Philosophy.Peter Ratcliffe & Martin Warner - 1986 - The Institute & the University of Warwick.
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    Intellectuals, Power, and Knowledge: Studies in the Philosophy of Culture and Education.Marek Kwiek - 2004 - Peter Lang.
    Two modern achievements, the modern figure of the intellectual and the modern institution of the university, have been undergoing a radical crisis of identity. The decline of the philosophical project of modernity is turning out to be a painful process for modern culture: once again it has to reformulate the aims of its social institutions (the university) and the tasks of its cultural heroes (the intellectual). The traditional modern figure of the intellectual seems untenable in our increasingly postmodern cultural (...)
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    The case for post-scholasticism as an internal period indicator in Medieval philosophy.Johann Beukes - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):13.
    This article responds to a critical research challenge in Medieval philosophy scholarship regarding the internal periodisation of the register. By arguing the case for ‘post-scholasticism’ as an internal period indicator (1349–1464, the era between the deaths of William of Ockham and Nicholas of Cusa), defined as ‘the transformation of high scholasticism on the basis of a selective departure thereof’, the article specifies a predisposition in the majority of introductions to and commentaries in Medieval philosophy to proceed straight from (...)
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