Results for 'Institute for Research on Unlimited Love'

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  1.  6
    Is Ultimate Reality Unlimited Love?: In Humble Response to a Request Made by Sir John Marks Templeton in His Last Days That a Book Be Written to Faithfully Consolidate His Thought on His Quintessential Question Using a Title He Designated.Stephen Garrard Post - 2014 - West Conshohocken, PA: Templeton Press. Edited by John Templeton.
    This book draws from previously unpublished letters and interviews with physicists, theologians, and Sir John’s close associates and family to present Sir John’s ideas on pure unlimited love. Post, who was in dialogue with Sir John for fifteen years on this topic and who had founded the Institute for Research on Unlimited Love, addresses how John Templeton arrived at his philosophy as a youth growing up in Tennessee. Post also shares how classical Presbyterian ideas (...)
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  2. The love racket: Defining love and agapefor the love-and-science research program.Thomas Jay Oord - 2005 - Zygon 40 (4):919-938.
    Scholars of religion and science have generated remarkable scholarship in recent years in their explorations of love. Exactly how scholars involved in this budding field believe that love and science should relate and/or be integrated varies greatly. What they share in common is the belief that issues of love are of paramount importance and that the various scientific disciplines—whether natural, social, or religious—must be brought to bear upon how best to understand love. I briefly introduce the (...)
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    Love—A Higher Form of Human Energy in the Work of Teilhard de Chardin and Sorokin.Ursula King - 2004 - Zygon 39 (1):77-102.
    Contemporary debates concerning a universal theory about the praxis of love in human society and culture can benefit greatly from the works of two twentieth‐century thinkers, the French paleontologist and religious writer Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and the Russian‐American sociologist Pitirim A. Sorokin. Although from very different personal and disciplinary backgrounds, they share amazingly similar views on the power of love as transformative energy for transcending the individual self and for creating radically new, collaborative, and cooperative ways of (...)
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  4. Philosophy in the Trenches: Reflections on The Eugenic Mind Project.Alan C. Love - 2018 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 10.
    Robert Wilson’s The Eugenic Mind Project is a major achievement of engaged scholarship and socially relevant philosophy and history of science. It exemplifies the virtues of interdisciplinarity. As principal investigator of the Living Archives on Eugenics in Western Canada project, while employed in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Alberta, Wilson encountered a proverbial big ball of mud with questions and issues that involved local individuals living through a painful set of memories and implicated his institutional home in (...)
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    Diversity in feminist economics research methods: trends from the Global South.U. T. Salt Lake City, Annandale-On-Hudson USAb Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, C. O. Fort Collins, Markets Including Care Work, History of Economic Thought Public Policy, Labor Economics Currently Development, Macroeconomic Implications of Social Reproduction Her Research Focuses on the Micro-, Finance She is A. Labor Associate Editor for the African Review of Economics, Research Interests Related to the Division Feminist Economist, Definition of Both Paid Quality, How Households Unpaid Work, Formed Around These Types of Work Families Are Structured, Households How the State Interacts, Development The Editor of Feminist Economics She Was Recently Senior Economist at the United Nations Conference on Trade, Including the International Labour Organization Has Done Consulting Work for A. Number of International Development Institutions, the United Nations Research Institute on Social Development the World Bank & Macroeconomic Asp U. N. Women Her Work Focuses on the International - forthcoming - Journal of Economic Methodology:1-25.
  6.  51
    Love and the State: Gay Marriage in Spain: Spanish Law no. 13/2005, 1 July 2005, concerning, through a change in the Civil Code, the access of lesbians and gay men to the institution of marriage. [REVIEW]Raquel Platero - 2007 - Feminist Legal Studies 15 (3):329-340.
    On 30 June 2005, the Spanish Parliament approved Law 13/2005, which amends the Civil Code to permit same-sex marriage. This formal equality measure put Spain in the spotlight of the international media. It is the culmination of a series of developments spanning from the last years of the Franco regime (which ended in 1975), through the enactment of anti-discrimination measures in 1995, to the recent fight for kinship recognition. It also follows a recent shift, from 1998 to 2005, towards the (...)
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  7.  76
    Systematic Assessment of Research on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Mercury Reveals Conflicts of Interest and the Need for Transparency in Autism Research.Mark R. Geier, Boyd E. Haley, Carmen G. Chaigneau, Geir Bjørklund, James M. Love, Brian S. Hooker, Lisa K. Sykes, Richard C. Deth, David A. Geier & Janet K. Kern - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6):1691-1718.
    Historically, entities with a vested interest in a product that critics have suggested is harmful have consistently used research to back their claims that the product is safe. Prominent examples are: tobacco, lead, bisphenol A, and atrazine. Research literature indicates that about 80–90% of studies with industry affiliation found no harm from the product, while only about 10–20% of studies without industry affiliation found no harm. In parallel to other historical debates, recent studies examining a possible relationship between (...)
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    The Department of Religious Studies is the leading institution of Ukraine for research on religious phenomena.Anatolii M. Kolodnyi - 1998 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 8:65-70.
    The Department of Religious Studies is formed on an autonomous basis in the structure of the Institute of Philosophy by the decision of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in June 1991 with the prospect of its transformation into an independent academic institution. The first director of the Department was Dr. Philos. Mr., O.S. Onischenko, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The Department includes departments of the philosophy of religion, sociology of (...)
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    THE INSTITUTIONAL and PERSONAL NEED for PHILOSOPHY.Ulrich De Balbian - 2017 - Oxford: Academic Publishers.
    She has always existed and is more than a citizen of multiverses,‭ ‬most likely the ground of all.‭ ‬In the West she was introduced around C.570‭ ‬and since then many individuals have searched for her,‭ ‬tried to become familiar with her and created all sorts of,‭ ‬frequently ridiculous,‭ ‬things in her name. Once someone has a passion for her it cannot be extinguished but increases.‭ ‬Objectively this need for her is referred to as‭ ‘‬love of wisdom‭’‬,‭ ‬the need for (...)
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    The Institute for Social Research on its 100th birthday. A former director's perspective.Axel Honneth - 2023 - Constellations 30 (4):372-377.
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    Ethical Issues of Using CRISPR Technologies for Research on Military Enhancement.Marsha Greene & Zubin Master - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (3):327-335.
    This paper presents an overview of the key ethical questions of performing gene editing research on military service members. The recent technological advance in gene editing capabilities provided by CRISPR/Cas9 and their path towards first-in-human trials has reinvigorated the debate on human enhancement for non-medical purposes. Human performance optimization has long been a priority of military research in order to close the gap between the advancement of warfare and the limitations of human actors. In spite of this focus (...)
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  12.  13
    (1 other version)Research on Improving Online Purchase Intention of Poverty-Alleviation Agricultural Products in China: From the Perspective of Institution-Based Trust.Xianghua Wu & Chao Yuan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Poverty alleviation by consumption is a powerful way to help the poor people get rid of poverty, which plays a significant role in China's rural revitalization. However, the achievement of poverty alleviation by consumption mostly depends on government procurement, and the enthusiasm of customers to participate is low, facing the severe challenge of poor sustainability. Helping the poor is the most common motivation for customers to buy poverty-alleviation agricultural products. However, as the negative events of poverty alleviation such as “tragic (...)
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  13. Toward ethical norms and institutions for climate engineering research.David R. Morrow, Robert E. Kopp & Michael Oppenheimer - 2009 - Environmental Research Letters 4.
    Climate engineering (CE), the intentional modification of the climate in order to reduce the effects of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations, is sometimes touted as a potential response to climate change. Increasing interest in the topic has led to proposals for empirical tests of hypothesized CE techniques, which raise serious ethical concerns. We propose three ethical guidelines for CE researchers, derived from the ethics literature on research with human and animal subjects, applicable in the event that CE research progresses (...)
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  14.  26
    Organizing interdisciplinary research on purpose.A. C. Love & M. Dresow - 2022 - BioScience 72 (4):321–323.
    The star-nosed mole is aptly named. Its distinctive snout consists of 22 tendrils ringing a pair of nostrils and, from some angles, the entire setup resembles a misshapen star. The tendrils are fleshy and look a bit like fingers, and, like fingers, they have a certain dexterity. But why? Why does the mole have such a singular appendage as opposed to something more ordinary? What is the function or purpose of this bizarre structure? From the dedicated work of Ken Catania, (...)
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  15.  66
    Ethical considerations for HIV cure-related research at the end of life.Karine Dubé, Sara Gianella, Susan Concha-Garcia, Susan J. Little, Andy Kaytes, Jeff Taylor, Kushagra Mathur, Sogol Javadi, Anshula Nathan, Hursch Patel, Stuart Luter, Sean Philpott-Jones, Brandon Brown & Davey Smith - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):83.
    The U.S. National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases and the National Institute of Mental Health have a new research priority: inclusion of terminally ill persons living with HIV in HIV cure-related research. For example, the Last Gift is a clinical research study at the University of California San Diego for PLWHIV who have a terminal illness, with a prognosis of less than 6 months. As end-of-life HIV cure research is relatively new, the scientific (...)
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    Positioning an Agenda on a Loving Pedagogy in Second Language Acquisition: Conceptualization, Practice, and Research.Yongliang Wang, Ali Derakhshan & Ziwen Pan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Second/foreign language teaching has been found as one of the most emotional professions worldwide. To generate optimal academic outcomes and run an effective education, teachers and students’ emotions and feelings must be positively cared for. Given the significance of emotions in L2 education, many studies have followed positive psychology and examined various positive constructs. Nevertheless, love, as a PP variable, has been ignored in education due to its cultural/religious sensitivities. Trying to dispel the myths, recently, a new trend called (...)
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    (1 other version)Contemplating Edith Stein.Joyce Avrech Berkman (ed.) - 2006 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    "A valuable contribution to the existing literature on Edith Stein. These quality essays are written by a well-established international network of commentators and translators of Stein." —_Elisabeth Young-Bruehl, author of _Hannah Arendt: For Love of the World__ "We badly need this new book on Edith Stein, so that we may ponder how a brilliant Jewish woman in Weimar Germany could become a Carmelite nun, yet retain a vivid Jewish identity and close ties to her family. The essays help us (...)
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    A pilot seminar on ethical issues in clinical trials for cancer researchers in Vietnam.Richard R. Love & Norman Fost - 2003 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 25 (6):8.
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    Love and the sharing of ends.Andrea C. Westlund - 2008
    The Center for 21st Century Studies, a UW System Center of Excellence at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee campus, is a postdoctoral research institute founded in 1968 to foster crossdisciplinary research in the humanities. This series of occasional, on-line Working Papers provides a forum for rapid distribution of ideas in texts that are not yet ready or suitable for publication in more formal academic publications, but still offer valuable content. Usually the authors of Center Working Papers (...)
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  20. Gonzo Strategies of Deceit: An Interview with Joaquin Segura.Brett W. Schultz - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):117-124.
    Joaquin Segura. Untitled (fig. 40) . 2007 continent. 1.2 (2011): 117-124. The interview that follows is a dialogue between artist and gallerist with the intent of unearthing the artist’s working strategies for a general public. Joaquin Segura is at once an anomaly in Mexico’s contemporary art scene at the same time as he is one of the most emblematic representatives of a larger shift toward a post-national identity among its youngest generation of artists. If Mexico looks increasingly like a foreclosed (...)
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  21.  39
    Retracted article: Systematic assessment of research on autism spectrum disorder and mercury reveals conflicts of interest and the need for transparency in autism research.Janet K. Kern, David A. Geier, Richard C. Deth, Lisa K. Sykes, Brian S. Hooker, James M. Love, Geir Bjørklund, Carmen G. Chaigneau, Boyd E. Haley & Mark R. Geier - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6):1689-1690.
    Historically, entities with a vested interest in a product that critics have suggested is harmful have consistently used research to back their claims that the product is safe. Prominent examples are: tobacco, lead, bisphenol A, and atrazine. Research literature indicates that about 80–90 % of studies with industry affiliation found no harm from the product, while only about 10–20 % of studies without industry affiliation found no harm. In parallel to other historical debates, recent studies examining a possible (...)
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  22.  22
    Morphological and paleontological perspectives for a history of evo-devo.A. C. Love - 2007 - In M. Laubichler & J. Maienschein, From Embryology to Evo-Devo: A History of Developmental Evolution. MIT Press. pp. 267–307.
    Exploring history pertinent to evolutionary developmental biology (hereafter, Evo-devo) is an exciting prospect given its current status as a cutting-edge field of research. The first and obvious question concerns where to begin searching for materials and sources. Since this new discipline adopts a moniker that intentionally juxtaposes ‘evolution’ and development’, individuals, disciplines, and institutional contexts relevant to the history of evolutionary studies and investigations of ontogeny prompt themselves. Each of these topics has received attention from historians and thus there (...)
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  23.  29
    An educational workshop designed for research ethics consultants to educate investigators on ethical considerations.Hiroaki Yanagawa, Masayuki Chuma, Kenshi Takechi, Kenta Yagi, Yasutaka Sato, Chikako Kane, Satoshi Sakaguchi, Kaori Doi, Yusuke Inoue & Kenji Matsui - 2020 - International Journal of Ethics Education 6 (1):87-96.
    The role of research ethics consultants in biomedical research has increased to the point that they have an advisory capacity at all research institutes. For such professionals, we have established an educational system, which includes teaching materials, training methods, and nationwide educational workshops. These workshops have served to examine the developed system’s usefulness and to provide realistic training for consultant candidates. In addition, we have used the current workshop to encourage clinical research investigators to participate. Subsequently, (...)
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    Ethical international research on human subjects research in the absence of local institutional review boards.S. B. Bhat - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (9):535-536.
    International health-related research on human subjects entails unique ethical responsibilities and difficulties. Often, these difficulties are augmented by the lack of a local ethical review infrastructure. In a recent cross-national study conducted by us, three critical components of ethical regulation were identified—external oversight, local oversight and subject involvement—and integrated into the study design. These three concepts are outlined and established as an important aspect of ensuring ethical coherence in the local context, particularly when reviews by the local institutional review (...)
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    Institutional Barriers to Research on Sensitive Topics: Case of Sex Communication Research Among University Students.Carey M. Noland - 2012 - Journal of Research Practice 8 (1):Article - M2.
    When conducting research on sensitive topics, it is challenging to use new methods of data collection given the apprehensions of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs). This is especially worrying because sensitive topics of research often require novel approaches. In this article a brief personal history of navigating the IRB process for conducting sex communication research is presented, along with data from a survey that tested the assumptions long held by many IRBs. Results support some of the assumptions IRBs (...)
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  26. Civic Tenderness: Love's Role in Achieving Justice.Justin Clardy - 2017 - Dissertation, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
    Martha Nussbaum’s work Political Emotions: Why Love Matters for Justice identifies the role that compassion plays in motivating citizens in a just society. I expand on this discussion by considering how attitudes of indifference pose a challenge to the extension of compassion in our society. If we are indifferent to others who are in situations of need, we are not equipped to experience compassion for them. Building on Nussbaum’s account, I develop an analytic framework for the public emotion of (...)
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    Wise therapy: philosophy for counsellors.Tim LeBon - 2001 - New York: Continuum.
    Independent on Sunday October 2nd One of the country's lead­ing philosophical counsellers, and chairman of the Society for Philosophy in Practice (SPP), Tim LeBon, said it typically took around six 50 ­minute sessions for a client to move from confusion to resolution. Mr LeBon, who has 'published a book on the subject, Wise Therapy, said philoso­phy was perfectly suited to this type of therapy, dealing as it does with timeless human issues such as love, purpose, happiness and emo­tional challenges. (...)
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    Consensual qualitative research on free associations for compassion and self-compassion.Júlia Halamová, Martina Baránková, Bronislava Strnádelová & Jana koróniová - 2018 - Human Affairs 28 (3):253-270.
    The aim of our study was to explore the first three associations for the following two stimulus words: compassion and self-compassion. In addition, we were interested in whether the participants would conceptualise these words more in terms of emotions, cognitions, or behaviours. The sample consisted of 151 psychology students. A consensual qualitative research approach was adopted. Three members of the core team and an auditor analysed the free associations of compassion and self-compassion. The data showed that there were four (...)
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    Graduate Student Member Spotlights Blog for SBCS: Chera Jo Watts.Chera Jo Watts - 2023 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 43 (1):273-274.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Graduate Student Member Spotlights Blog for SBCS:Chera Jo WattsChera Jo WattsMy name is Chera Jo Watts, and I am a first-year doctoral student at the University of Georgia in the Department of Religion and Institute for African American Studies. I am a mother, writer, gardener, yoga practitioner, and artist striving toward what Darlene Clark Hines labels a "Black Studies Mindset." As a first-generation college graduate from a poverty-class (...)
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    Effects of Confucian values and national culture on business ethics in China: an empirical examination.Rafik I. Beekun, Jim Westerman, Ji Guo, Daniel Jones & Jennifer Westerman - forthcoming - Asian Journal of Business Ethics:1-31.
    China’s business sector has been described as facing serious ethical challenges, including corruption and bribery, distributive injustice, environmental pollution, and misspending of public funds. Unethical decision-making in business represents a potentially destabilizing force for government, business, and society. Recent calls for research that is detailed, nuanced, contemporary, and context-specific on the effects of Asian national business systems on ethical business practices, according to Pereira et al. (2017), are particularly relevant for countries including China that possess the entanglement of a (...)
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    Effects of gender-based violence on students’ well-being: A case of Mufulira College.Misheck Samakao & Hellen Manda - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (3):7.
    Institutions of higher learning have continued to record high cases of gender-based violence (GBV) despite all efforts put in place to fight the vice. The most common forms of GBV are physical, sexual assault and psychological violence. Women and girls make up the majority of the GBV victims worldwide. For many years, institutions of higher learning have proved to be fertile environments for GBV cases. The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of GBV on the well-being of students (...)
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  32.  20
    Love and Christian Ethics: Tradition, Theory, and Society eds. by Frederick V. Simmons and Brian C. Sorrels.Michael Le Chevallier - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (2):210-211.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Love and Christian Ethics: Tradition, Theory, and Society eds. by Frederick V. Simmons and Brian C. SorrelsMichael Le ChevallierLove and Christian Ethics: Tradition, Theory, and Society Edited by Frederick V. Simmons and Brian C. Sorrels WASHINGTON, DC: GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2016. 400 pp. $119.00 / $39.95Fredrick Simmons and Brian Sorrels present an impressive, cohesive volume of essays by twenty-two leading scholars who engage different facets of (...) and theological ethics. although dedicated to gene outka—thus setting the broad theme and establishing his work as a privileged point of reference throughout the volume—Love and Christian Ethics should not be confused with a Festschrift. it accomplishes far more in intellectual diversity and depth, making a significant contribution to scholarship.The volume is organized into three sections: tradition, theory, and society. across the first section, the authors address love within major sources and figures, treating scripture, greek philosophy, augustine, aquinas, Kant, and Kierkegaard. Far from a textbook presentation, each essay marks out its own argument regarding the place of love in the respective subject. The second section is devoted to major theoretical questions raised within scholarship on love and ethics, addressing topics like the relation of eudaimonism to love (a running thread that emerges in the book), forgiveness, friendship, and evolution. The final section moves into the field of practice, application, and society, including an essay critically engaging implicit presentations of love found in the law, another treating love and international development, and one poignant essay by Mark D. Jordan calling for a moratorium on strong pronouncements in sexual ethics until ethicists can cultivate a loving knowledge of sex. This final section also includes reflections on love in the Jewish and Muslim traditions. Simmons's introduction and William Werpehowksi's afterword provide useful bookends. although no single thesis blandly governs this volume as a whole—incorporating complementary, divergent, and competing positions—in constructing this volume, Simmons and Sorrels argue that love is not eclipsed in Christian ethics but has a rich and variegated tradition. Werpehowski appraises [End Page 210] the volume as a whole, identifying key threads that emerge, like relations of love to eudaimonism and the theme of neighbor love.The volume is admirable in its breadth and depth. It offers a robust encounter with major figures and questions, providing historical recovery as well as critical and constructive engagement. That said, depth can work against breadth, with essays like Oliver O'Donovan's demanding a familiarity with Augustine Confessions that will send the reader back to his or her bookcases. Missing too are other notable figures and topics, such as the Protestant Reformers, Christian mystics, and feminist ethicists. Nevertheless, these gaps do not diminish the volume as a whole. I found myself again and again excited by the insights offered by the contributors, unsettling easy assumptions regarding the relation between eudaimonia and love, illustrating the depths of accounts of friendship for thinking about polity and mediating institutions, and cautioning against overconfidence in sexual ethics as its boundaries destabilize.Love and Christian Ethics would benefit scholars, teachers, and students alike. Its broad engagement with contemporary scholarship on love makes it a useful starting point for any researcher dipping or diving into this field. Introducing professors to key and sometimes obscured questions within figures and topics, it can round out lectures and help introduce students to the growing edge of scholarship on love. It would serve as a useful reference for any upper division or graduate course engaging with this significant, but often ignored, theme in Christian ethics.Rare is it to find a book that embodies the very theme it presents. These essays on love are a scholarly gift of the best sort—one not diminished but enhanced in its sharing.Michael Le ChevallierUniversity of ChicagoCopyright © 2018 Society of Christian Ethics... (shrink)
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    On the foundation of the austrian institute for business cycle research and some methodological problems of economic forecasting.Kurt R. Leube - 1999 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 9 (2-3):321-340.
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  34. Celebrating Jürgen Habermas and the Institute for Social Research: Reflections on the history of critical theory from a jubilee year.Peter J. Verovšek - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    2024 was a jubilee year for the Frankfurt School. On July 24, the Institute for Social Research ( Institut für Sozialforschung), the birthplace of critical theory, marked its centennial. A month earlier, Jürgen Habermas, who is often seen as the intellectual leader of the second generation of the Frankfurt School, celebrated his 95th birthday. In Germany, these overlapping anniversaries have been met with the publication of a number of books on Habermas and the critical theory tradition more generally. (...)
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    Perspectives on integrating genetic and physical explanations of evolution and development.Alan Love, Thomas Stewart, Gunter Wagner & Stuart Newman - 2017 - Integrative and Comparative Biology:icx121.
    In the 20th century, genetic explanatory approaches became dominant in both developmental and evolutionary biological research. By contrast, physical approaches, which appeal to properties such as mechanical forces, were largely relegated to the margins, despite important advances in modeling. Recently, there have been renewed attempts to find balanced viewpoints that integrate both biological physics and molecular genetics into explanations of developmental and evolutionary phenomena. Here we introduce the 2017 SICB symposium “Physical and Genetic Mechanisms for Evolutionary Novelty” that was (...)
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  36. Evaluating institutional capacity for research ethics in Africa: a case study from Botswana. [REVIEW]Adnan A. Hyder, Waleed Zafar, Joseph Ali, Robert Ssekubugu, Paul Ndebele & Nancy Kass - 2013 - BMC Medical Ethics 14 (1):31.
    The increase in the volume of research conducted in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMIC), has brought a renewed international focus on processes for ethical conduct of research. Several programs have been initiated to strengthen the capacity for research ethics in LMIC. However, most such programs focus on individual training or development of ethics review committees. The objective of this paper is to present an approach to institutional capacity assessment in research ethics and application of this (...)
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    Co-creating Research Integrity Education Guidelines for Research Institutions.Krishma Labib, Natalie Evans, Daniel Pizzolato, Noémie Aubert Bonn, Guy Widdershoven, Lex Bouter, Teodora Konach, Miranda Langendam, Kris Dierickx & Joeri Tijdink - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (4):1-23.
    To foster research integrity (RI), research institutions should develop a continuous RI education approach, addressing various target groups. To support institutions to achieve this, we developed RI education guidelines together with RI experts and research administrators, exploring similarities and differences in recommendations across target groups, as well as recommendations about RI education using approaches other than formal RI training. We used an iterative co-creative process. We conducted four half-day online co-creation workshops with 16 participants in total, which (...)
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    Marine invertebrates, model organisms, and the modern synthesis: epistemic values, evo-devo, and exclusion.Alan C. Love - 2009 - Theory in Biosciences 128:19–42.
    A central reason that undergirds the significance of evo-devo is the claim that development was left out of the Modern synthesis. This claim turns out to be quite complicated, both in terms of whether development was genuinely excluded and how to understand the different kinds of embryological research that might have contributed. The present paper reevaluates this central claim by focusing on the practice of model organism choice. Through a survey of examples utilized in the literature of the Modern (...)
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    Research on prisoners – a comparison between the iom committee recommendations (2006) and european regulations.Bernice S. Elger & Anne Spaulding - 2009 - Bioethics 24 (1):1-13.
    The Institute of Medicine (IOM) Committee on Ethical Considerations for Revisions to DHHS Regulations for Protection of Prisoners Involved in Research published its report in 2006. It was charged with developing an ethical framework for the conduct of research with prisoners and identifying the safeguards and conditions necessary to ensure that research with prisoners is conducted ethically. The recommendations contained in the IOM report differ from current European regulations in several ways, some being more restrictive and (...)
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    Conceptual Change in Biology: Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives on Evolution and Development.Alan C. Love (ed.) - 2014 - Berlin: Springer Verlag, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
    This volume explores questions about conceptual change from both scientific and philosophical viewpoints by analyzing the recent history of evolutionary developmental biology. It features revised papers that originated from the workshop "Conceptual Change in Biological Science: Evolutionary Developmental Biology, 1981-2011" held at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin in July 2010. The Preface has been written by Ron Amundson. In these papers, philosophers and biologists compare and contrast key concepts in evolutionary developmental biology and (...)
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    Action research on alternative land tenure arrangements in Wenchi, Ghana: learning from ambiguous social dynamics and self-organized institutional innovation. [REVIEW]Samuel Adjei-Nsiah, Cees Leeuwis, Ken E. Giller & Thom W. Kuyper - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (3):389-403.
    This study reports on action research efforts that were aimed at developing institutional arrangements beneficial for soil fertility improvement. Three stages of action research are described and analyzed. We initially began by bringing stakeholders together in a platform to engage in a collaborative design of new arrangements. However, this effort was stymied mainly because conditions conducive for learning and negotiation were lacking. We then proceeded to support experimentation with alternative arrangements initiated by individual landowners and migrant farmers. The (...)
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    Introduction: Reusing Research Film and the Institute for Scientific Film.Anja Sattelmacher, Mario Schulze & Sarine Waltenspül - 2021 - Isis 112 (2):291-298.
    This introduction outlines the threefold contribution that this Focus section on research film offers. First, it introduces the vast collection of films from the former Institute for Scientific Film (Institut für den Wissenschaftlichen Film [IWF]), arguably the most ambitious endeavor ever undertaken to manage the distribution, production, and archiving of research films. At the same time, the institute’s questionable roots in the National Socialist education system and in war research are addressed. Second, the introduction points (...)
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    Privacy and Confidentiality Practices for Research with Health Information in Canada.Janet Hagey - 1997 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 25 (2-3):130-138.
    Health information by its nature is personal and sensitive. At the same time, significant public value has resulted from research with health records about determinants of health and effective provision of health services. In Canada, certain legislation and processes have been established to balance the individual's right to privacy and the public good associated with analysis of health information.My purpose is to describe privacy and confidentiality practices in Canada with respect to access to health data for research purposes. (...)
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    Forbidden knowledge: A case study with commentaries exploring ethical issues and genetic research.Brian Schrag, Latisha Love-Gregory, Karen M. T. Muskavitch & Jennifer McCafferty - 2003 - Science and Engineering Ethics 9 (3):409-418.
    This case is part of a series of case studies used as an exercise within a program on research ethics education. The case involves research on genetic birth defects in a culturally distinct, closed religious community in which elders speak for the community. The case raises ethical issues of informed consent in such a setting; of collaboration with the community; of conflicts between the researchers’ responsibilities to the community as a whole and to individual subjects; of the impact (...)
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    How Do Psychological Cognition and Institutional Environment Affect the Unsafe Behavior of Construction Workers?—Research on fsQCA Method.Beifei Yuan, Shuitai Xu, Li Chen & Muqing Niu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The frequent occurrence of safety accidents is a global problem, and unsafe behavior is the main cause of accidents, which has been unanimously recognized by academia and industry. However, the previous research on unsafe behavior focused on analyzing the linear effects of variables on the results, and it was difficult to systematically analyze the complex mechanism of the results generated by the coupling of each variable. The problem of how to avoid unsafe behavior of construction workers has not been (...)
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    When Tongzhi Marry: Experiments of Cooperative Marriage between Lalas and Gay Men in Urban China.Stephanie Yingyi Wang - 2019 - Feminist Studies 45 (1):13-35.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 45, no. 1. © 2019 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 13 Stephanie Yingyi Wang When Tongzhi Marry: Experiments of Cooperative Marriage between Lalas and Gay Men in Urban China Ang Lee’s film The Wedding Banquet could be classic introductory material for tongzhi studies and, particularly, for research on cooperative marriage.1 In the film, Wai-Tung, a Taiwanese landlord who lives happily with his American boyfriend Simon in New (...)
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    Evolutionary morphology and evo-devo: hierarchy and novelty.A. C. Love - 2006 - Theory in Biosciences 124:317–333.
    Although the role of morphology in evolutionary theory remains a subject of debate, assessing the contributions of morphological investigation to evolutionary developmental biology (Evo-devo) is a more circumscribed issue of direct relevance to ongoing research. Historical studies of morphologically oriented researchers and the formation of the Modern Synthesis in the Anglo-American context identify a recurring theme: the synthetic theory of evolution did not capture multiple levels of biological organization. When this feature is incorporated into a philosophical framework for explaining (...)
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    Institutional globalization as a system of integration the phenomenon of the postmodern development.Viktor Zinchenko - 2015 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 8:74-85.
    Purpose. Institutionalism is gaining strength as a dominant point of view on the world. Its philosophical basis is the postulate of the uncertainty of the development, which comes to replace the neoclassical certainty characteristic of industrial society. The postulate of uncertainty is closely connected with the idea of subjectivization and individualization of post-industrial society. All these were very important components of the new paradigm, although they do not exhaust the problem. In the heart of postmodernism is a mass identity as (...)
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    Benefits and payments for research participants: Experiences and views from a research centre on the Kenyan coast. [REVIEW]Sassy Molyneux, Stephen Mulupi, Lairumbi Mbaabu & Vicki Marsh - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1):13-.
    BackgroundThere is general consensus internationally that unfair distribution of the benefits of research is exploitative and should be avoided or reduced. However, what constitutes fair benefits, and the exact nature of the benefits and their mode of provision can be strongly contested. Empirical studies have the potential to contribute viewpoints and experiences to debates and guidelines, but few have been conducted. We conducted a study to support the development of guidelines on benefits and payments for studies conducted by the (...)
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    A commentary on Dr. Kennedy's perception of the impact of Institutional Review Boards on cancer research.Herman Wigodsky - 1984 - Journal of Bioethics 5 (1):33-40.
    The Institutional Review Board is a committee of the institution responsible for carrying out the institution's responsibilities for the protection of human research subjects. Since it is a local committee, most of the complaints about the IRB can be resolved locally provided it is borne in mind that the IRB is the champion not only of the human research subject but also of the investigator. National or regional cooperative research protocols present problems that are not insurmountable.
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