Results for 'Infon'

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  1.  47
    Infons as mathematical objects.Keith J. Devlin - 1992 - Minds and Machines 2 (2):185-201.
    I argue that the role played by infons in the kind of mathematical theory of information being developed by several workers affiliated to CSLI is analogous to that of the various number systems in mathematics. In particular, I present a mathematical construction of infons in terms of representations and informational equivalences between them. The main theme of the paper arose from an electronic mail exchange with Pat Hayes of Xeroxparc. The exposition derives from a talk I gave at theTheories of (...)
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    Transitive primal infon logic.Carlos Cotrini & Yuri Gurevich - 2013 - Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (2):281-304.
    Primal infon logic was introduced in 2009 in connection with access control. In addition to traditional logic constructs, it contains unary connectives p said indispensable in the intended access control applications. Propositional primal infon logic is decidable in linear time, yet suffices for many common access control scenarios. The most obvious limitation on its expressivity is the failure of the transitivity law for implication: \$$ \to \$$ and \$$ \to \$$ do not necessarily yield \$$ \to \$$. Here (...)
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  3. 1. Infon Logic Based On Constructive Logic.Seiki Akama - 2006 - Logique Et Analyse 49.
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    Extração de infons em lógicas sentenciais polivalentes finitas.Frank Thomas Sautter & Amanda Lazzarotto Piccoli - 2022 - Cognitio 23 (1):e58525.
    Autor (2020) desenvolveu duas semânticas informacionais para a Lógica Sentencial Clássica, decorrentes da utilização de formais normais. A abordagem informacional em questão utiliza unidades mínimas de informação (infons) para realizar o trabalho lógico. Neste artigo, expandiremos a aplicação da abordagem informacional às lógicas sentenciais polivalentes finitas mediante um procedimento dedicado à extração de unidades mínimas de informação (infons). Tal procedimento decorre do trabalho com tablôs semânticos para Lógicas Sentenciais Polivalentes Finitas desenvolvido por Carnielli (1982).
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    Transitive Primal Infon Logic–ERRATUM.C. Cotrini & Y. Gurevich - 2013 - Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (2):366-366.
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    Informação.Frank Thomas Sautter - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 65 (3):e37290.
    Formulações da validade dedutiva clássica costumam recorrer explicitamente a modalidades: por exemplo, um argumento é classicamente dedutivamente válido se, e somente se, necessariamente se as premissas forem verdadeiras, a conclusão também é verdadeira. Não é possível abolir completamente esse apelo ao discurso modal, porque a lógica clássica é o domínio das possibilidades. Não obstante, pode-se, por intermédio de uma semântica informacional, evitar que o usuário da lógica clássica tenha de manipular modalidades, ainda que elas estejam, de algum modo, imbricadas nos (...)
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  7. Perspectival thought.Jesper Kallestrup - 2009 - Analysis 69 (2):347-352.
    Many philosophers of language and mind have recognized the existence of two distinct kinds of content assigned to our linguistic and mental representations. Thus following Kaplan , the character is the linguistic meaning of an expression-type, while the content is the propositional content expressed by a token of that expression in a context. Perry applied Kaplan's distinction in the analysis of belief: the proposition p is what a subject S believes, and the belief state is that in virtue of which (...)
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    A Variant of Thomason's First-Order Logic CF Based on Situations.Xuegang Wang & Peter Mott - 1998 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39 (1):74-93.
    In this paper, we define a first-order logic CFʹ with strong negation and bounded static quantifiers, which is a variant of Thomason's logic CF. For the logic CFʹ, the usual Kripke formal semantics is defined based on situations, and a sound and complete axiomatic system is established based on the axiomatic systems of constructive logics with strong negation and Thomason's completeness proof techniques. With the use of bounded quantifiers, CFʹ allows the domain of quantification to be empty and allows for (...)
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  9. Austinian propositions Davidsonian events and perception complements.Robin Cooper - unknown
    Intuitively Austinian propositions are propositions that tell us something about a situation In this paper we will consider Austinian propositions and the associated notion that situations support infons which are to be found in situation theory and situation semantics We will try to tease out the consequences of taking the Austinian approach advocated in situation semantics as opposed to a very similar approach originally proposed by Davidson That is that event predicates where events are to be generally conceived so as (...)
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