Results for 'Idmun Kohen'

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  1. Ish ṿe-ishah zakhu Shekhinah sheruyah benehem.Idmun Kohen - 1994 - Yerushalayim: Agudat Shalom la-arets, ḳeliṭat ruḥanit li-Yehude Suryah be-Yiśraʼel.
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  2.  52
    Hommage à Alberto Kohen Alberto Kohen, sa recherche pour enrichir le marxisme Sa rencontre avec Actuel Marx et ses espoirs.Jorge Kohen - 2002 - Actuel Marx 31 (1):215-223.
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  3. Śiḥot Ha-Rav Zamir Kohen, Sheliṭa: Be-ʻinyene Ha-Adam Ṿe-ʻolamo: Otsar Śiḥot, Divre Hagut U-Maḥshavah ..Zamir Kohen - 2013 - Hafatsh, Yefeh Nof. Edited by Yaʻaḳov Yiśraʼ Pozen & el.
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  4. Sefer Leḥem Shelomoh ben Daṿid ha-Kohen - 2008 - In Yaʼ Mah-Ṭov, ir ben Avraham & Shalom ben Yosef, Sifre ḳabalah u-musar. Bene Beraḳ: Yaʼir ben Avraham Mah-Ṭov.
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  5. Kinor Daṿid: kamah me-ʻiḳre mishnato shel... Rabi Daṿid Kohen zatsal: meluḳaṭim mi-tokh sifro ha-gadol "Ḳol-ha-nevuʼah--ha-higayon ha-ʻIvri ha-shimʻi".David Cohen, Zvi Grundman & She®Ar-Yashuv Kohen - 1993 - Yerushalayim: Nezer-Daṿid. Edited by Zvi Grundman & Sheʼar-Yashuv Kohen.
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  6. Kinor Daṿid: kamah me-ʻiḳre mishnato shel... Rabi Daṿid Kohen zatsal: meluḳaṭim mi-tokh sifro ha-gadol "Ḳol-ha-nevuʼah--ha-higayon ha-ʻIvri ha-shimʻi".David Cohen, Zvi Grundman & She Ar-Yashuv Kohen - 1993 - Yerushalayim: Nezer-Daṿid. Edited by Zvi Grundman & Sheʼar-Yashuv Kohen.
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  7. Ḳovets zikaron Beʼer Miryam: yotse le-or ʻa. y. Irgun Torah ṿa-ḥesed "Beʼer Miryam" bi-melot 5 shanim li-feṭirat... Helenah Miryam Kohen Tsemaḥ...: kolel ḳaṿim li-demutah, hespedim, ḥidushe Torah be-halakhah uve-agadah ṿe-ʻod.Helenah Miryam Kohen Tsemaḥ (ed.) - 1998 - Yerushalayim: Irgun Torah ṿa-ḥesed Beʼer Miryam.
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  8.  24
    Untangling Heroism: Classical Philosophy and the Concept of the Hero.Ari Kohen - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    The idea of heroism has become thoroughly muddled today. In contemporary society, any behavior that seems distinctly difficult or unusually impressive is classified as heroic: everyone from firefighters to foster fathers to freedom fighters are our heroes. But what motivates these people to act heroically and what prevents other people from being heroes? In our culture today, what makes one sort of hero appear more heroic than another sort? In order to answer these questions, Ari Kohen turns to classical (...)
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  9. Sefer Ṭov meʼod.Ḥayim Berish bha-R. Yaʻaḳov ha-Kohen - 1862 - In Avraham Abeli Rozanos, Ḥayim Berish ben Yaʻaḳov & Jonah ben Abraham Gerondi, Sefer Sheloshah sifre musar. [Brooklyn, N.Y.?: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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    A non-religious basis for the idea of human rights.Ari Kohen - 2012 - In Thomas Cushman, Handbook of human rights. New York: Routledge. pp. 266.
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  11. Bet Raban: halakhot, halikhot u-minhagim be-ḥinukh: le-anshe ḥinukh u-menahalim, morim ṿe-talmidim, horim ṿi-yeladim.Shelomoh Kohen-Doras - 1994 - Bat-Yam: Sh. Kohen Doras.
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  12. Sefer Marpe lashon: ʻam H. shimʻu le-musaro ule-tokhaḥto..Raphael ben Jekuthiel Suesskind Kohen - 1790 - Bruḳlin: Ṿaʻad ṿe-shav ha-Kohen.
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  13. Haguto ha-filosofit shel R. Avraham Ibn-ʻEzra.Yosef Kohen - 1996 - Rishon le-Tsiyon: Shai.
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  14. Madrikh refuʼot ha-Rambam li-veriʼut ha-guf ṿeha-nefesh.Ḳeren Kohen - 2017 - Rishon le-Tsiyon: Asṭrolog. Edited by Refaʼel Ben Yedidyah.
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  15.  35
    The Heart of Human Rights By Allen Buchanan.Ari Kohen - 2016 - Analysis 76 (1):113-115.
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  16. Sefer maʻadanim le-nafshekha: śihọt ḳodesh ṿe-sipure tsadiḳim ha-shaṿim le-khol nefesh, ʻarvim le-shomʻehem ha-meʻorerim levav ṿe-nefesh ha-adam la-ʻavodat boreʼo ule-tikụn ha-midot. Gros, Yoʼel & $C. ha-Kohen (eds.) - 2012 - Bruḳlin, Nyu Yorḳ: hotsaʼat Maʻadanim le-nafshekha.
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  17. Sefer Ḳol musar: ḥamishim shaʻare shirah.Shimshon Kohen Modon - 1844 - [Brooklyn, N.Y.?: Ḥ .Mo .L..
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  18. Kisufe ha-Bośem: ʻal shem ha-Rav Binyamin Shaʼuli Mosheh, zatsal: ʻarakhim be-Yiśraʼel ṿe-goral ha-adam.Mosheh Kohen Shaʼuli - 1985 - Ashdod: ha-Merkaz ha-ruḥani-ḳehilati u-Vet keneset "Shaʼuli".
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  19. Reaḥ ha-Bośem: ʻa. sh. ha-Rav Binyamin Shaʼuli Mosheh zatsal: hagigim ṿa-halikhot be-ḥaye ha-mishpaḥah.Mosheh Kohen Shaʼuli - 1977 - Ashdod: ha-Merkaz ha-ruḥani-ḳehilati u-Vet keneset "Shaʼuli".
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  20.  23
    In Defense of Human Rights: A Non-Religious Grounding in a Pluralistic World.Ari Kohen - 2007 - Routledge.
    This book establishes a defence of human rights that can be shared by both non-religious and religious people.
  21. Sefer Mifʻalot Eloḳim: ṿe-hu ḥibur ʻamoḳ hafle ṿa-fele..Isaac Abravanel & Pinhas Kohen Sikili - 1992 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon "Otsar ha-posḳim". Edited by Pinḥas Kohen Siḳili.
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  22.  37
    The possibility of secular human rights: Alan gewirth and the principle of generic consistency.Ari Kohen - 2005 - Human Rights Review 7 (1):49-75.
    This article explores Alan Gewirth’s argument for a secular foundation for the idea 2 of human rights as a possible response to Michael J. Perry’s claim “that the idea of 3 human rights is…ineliminably religious.” I examine Gewirth’s reasoning for constructing 3 a theory, namely that existing theories are fundamentally flawed and leave the idea of human rights without a logically consistent foundation, before considering in detail his claims for the Principle of Generic Consistency (PGC). Having looked at his critique (...)
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  23.  61
    Plato’s Heroic Vision: The Difficult Choices of the Socratic Life.Ari Kohen - 2011 - Polis 28 (1):45-73.
    Faced with charges of impiety and corruption of the youth, Socrates attempts a defence designed to vindicate the philosophic way of life. In this he seems to be successful, as Socrates is today highly regarded for his description of the good life and for his unwillingness to live any other sort of life, a position that is most obviously exemplified by his defence in the Apology. After his sentencing, Socrates’ arguments and actions—in the Crito and the Phaedo—also lend considerable support (...)
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    The Effects of Reducing Preparation Time on the Execution of Intentionally Curved Trajectories: Optimization and Geometrical Analysis.Dovrat Kohen, Matan Karklinsky, Yaron Meirovitch, Tamar Flash & Lior Shmuelof - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  25. Shene sefarim niftaḥim: Sefer Yosef la-Ḥok: leḳeṭ divre musar me-rabotenu ha-ḳedoshim, z.y. ʻa. a.Hayyim Joseph David Azulai & Shemuʼel Kohen (eds.) - 1992 - Yerushalayim: Sh. Kohen, Y. Naḳi.
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  26. Be-shalom uve-mishor: midot ṿe-deʻot be-ferush ha-Torah shel Rabi Avraham ben ha-Rambam.Karmiʼel Kohen - 1998 - Yerushalayim: Maʻaliyot.
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  27. Emet ḳeneh.Avraham Kohen - 2020 - [Israel]: [Publisher Not Identified].
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  28. Human Rights and Human Well-Being * By WILLIAM J. TALBOTT.A. Kohen - 2012 - Analysis 72 (3):632-634.
  29. Hevrah Ve-Historyah Ha-Kinus Ha-Shenati le-Mahashevet Ha-Yehudit.Yehezkel Kohen, Israel & Kinus le-Mahashevet Ha-Yahadut - 1979 - Srad Ha-Hinukh Veha-Tarbut, Ha-Mahlakah le-Tarbut Toranit.
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  30. Kan ṿe-ʻakhshaṿ.Gilah Kohen - 1992 - Kef. S. [z.o. Kefar-Sava]: G. Kohen-Ḳeshet.
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  31. Mah ahavti Toratkha kol ha-yom hi śiḥati.Yehudit Kohen - 2001 - [Israel: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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  32. Otsrot ha-Torah: Purim: penine ḥokhmah u-musar be-shiluv maʻaśim u-meshalim mi-gedole ha-dorot.Eliyahu Ḥayim Kohen - 2007 - B.B. [z.o. Bene Beraḳ]: Eliyahu Ḥayim Kohen.
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  33. Otsrot ha-Torah: sefirat ha-ʻOmer, 33 ba-ʻOmer, Shavuʻot: penine ḥokhmah u-musar be-shiluv maʻaśim u-meshalim mi-gedole ha-dorot.Eliyahu Ḥayim Kohen - 2006 - B.B [z.o. Bene Beraḳ]: Eliyahu Ḥayim Kohen.
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  34. Sefer Akh ṭov ṿa-ḥesed: ha-kolel pesuḳim meforashim be-shevaḥ ha-midot ha-ṭovot u-genut ha-reʻut ʻim beʼurim ṿe-ʻetsot: ṿe-nilṿeh elaṿ ḳunṭres "Ḥesed Mosheh": heʻarot ʻal Hagadah shel Pesaḥ.Avraham Kohen - 1987 - Bene-Beraḳ: A. Kohen. Edited by Avraham Kohen.
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  35. Sefer Ketav emet: śiḥot u-maʻamarim, divre hitʻorerut ṿe-ḥizuḳ be-ʻinyene limud ha-Torah ha-ḳ., musar, hashḳafah ṿe-yirʼat Shamayim.Refaʼ Kohen & el ben Yitsḥaḳ - 2006 - Bene-Beraḳ: Refaʼel ben Yitsḥaḳ Kohen.
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  36. Sefer Ketav emet: śiḥot u-maʻamarim, divre hitʻorerut ṿe-ḥizuḳ be-ʻinyene limud ha-Torah ha-ḳ., musar, hashḳafah ṿe-yirʼat Shamayim.Refaʼel ben Yitsḥaḳ Kohen - 2006 - Bene-Beraḳ: Refaʼel ben Yitsḥaḳ Kohen.
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  37. Sefer Ḳeneh ḥokhmah: ḥidushim u-veʼurim be-ʻinyene Talmud Torah ṿe-khevod talmide ḥakhamim... sovevim ṿe-holkhim ʻal seder divre ha-Rambam be-Hilkhot Talmud Torah.Ḥanokh ben Y. Kohen - 2000 - Yerushalayim: Makhon Torani di-Yeshivat Yaḳire Yerushalayim.
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  38. Sefer Milel le-Avraham.Avraham Kohen - 1991 - [Yerushalayim: Mekhon Bene Yiśakhar. Edited by Avraham Kohen.
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  39. Sefer Maśkil le-Daṿid: maʼamarim be-hilkhot deʻot ṿe-ḥovot ha-levavot ha-mevaʼarim et Sefer Derekh ha-Shem.Neriyah Kohen (ed.) - 2016 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼah la-or Tsuf.
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  40. Sefer Yeḳar ha-ʻerekh: bo yavo ḥidushe u-veʼure harbeh pesuḳe Torah Neviʼim Ketuvim u-maʼamre Razal..Maʻtuḳ ʻAtugi Kohen - 1939 - Gerbah: Ḥevrat Zohar ha-raḳiʻa. Edited by Mosheh Kohen.
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  41. Tsiyon ḥemdati: derashot u-maʼamarim ʻal hafṭarot parashiyot ha-shavuʻa ṿeha-moʻadim.Tsiyon Mikhaʼel Kohen - 2015 - Or Yehudah: [Tsiyon Mikhaʼel Kohen]. Edited by Mosheh Amar.
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  42.  66
    The personal and the political: forgiveness and reconciliation in restorative justice.Ari Kohen - 2009 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 12 (3):399-423.
    At the center of this paper are three questions: in the absence of a religious worldview, can one gain access to the concepts of forgiveness and reconciliation, can reconciliation be achieved in the absence of forgiveness or does the former depend in some way upon the latter, and can we make sense of a restorative approach to justice in the absence of either forgiveness or reconciliation? To answer these questions, I look closely at the concept of forgiveness in the first (...)
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  43.  19
    Sensory Qualities. [REVIEW]Glen Kohen - 1995 - Review of Metaphysics 48 (4):889-890.
    Talk of sensory qualities soon runs into puzzles, both about the nature of properties and about the status of mental predicates. Clark wishes to prepare the way for an eventual reduction of qualia-talk to neurophysiology, while postponing or taking an indirect approach to some of the large philosophical questions involved. Thus, for instance, rather than wading directly into the debate about what color is, he concentrates on the problem of why a particular stimulus looks colored to a particular observer.
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  44. Sefer Banekha limude H.: hanhagot yesharot, minhagim ṭehorim ṿe-orḥot ḥayim li-zekot le-vanim talmide ḥakhamim ṿe-yirʼe H. ; ṿe-nilṿeh elaṿ Beʼur "Shalom banekha": meḳorot u-veʼurim ha-ḥatsuvim..Yinon ben Avner Kohen - 2008 - Yerushalayim: Yinon Yeḥezḳel ben Avner Hakohen. Edited by Yinon ben Avner Kohen.
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  45. Sefer Emet le-Yaʻaḳov: huṿa matsḥaf ʻaziz yatkallim ʻala... emunat ḥakhamim, mifʻalot ha-tsadiḳim... musarim... u-maʻaśiyot... ṿa-Taʻanit ha-dibur..Meʾir ibn Shaʾul Kohen (ed.) - 1944 - Gerbah: ʻAidan, Kohen ṿa-Tsaban.
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  46. Sefer Leḳeṭ Teshuvah u-tsedaḳah: u-vo sheʼelot u-teshuvot... be-ʻinyene mitsṿot ha-teshuvah, tsedaḳah u-maʻśar kesafim, Ṭaʻamehem ṿe-dinehem u-meḳorotehem... maʻaśiyot be-ʻinyene teshuvah u-tsedaḳahah.Menasheh ben Tsiyon Kohen (ed.) - 2005 - Yerushalayim: Menasheh Kohen.
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  47.  40
    Morality and Justice: Reading Boylan's a Just Society.John-Stewart Gordon, Michael Boylan, Robert Paul Churchill, James A. Donahue, Marcus Duwell, Dale Jacquette, Tanja Kohen, Christopher Lowry, Seumas Miller, Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez, Johann-Christian Poder, Edward H. Spence, Udo Schuklenk, Wanda Teays & Rosemarie Tong (eds.) - 2009 - Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
    The essays in this book engage the original and controversial claims from Michael Boylan's A Just Society. Each essay discusses Boylan's claims from a particular chapter and offers a critical analysis of these claims. Boylan responds to the essays in his lengthy and philosophically rich reply.
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  48. Hagadah shel Pesaḥ Tevuʼot shemesh: maʼamre ḥokhmah, musar ṿe-hashḳafah mi-torat rabenu ha-gadot rosh ha-Yeshivah maran Rabi Mosheh Shemuʼel Shapira.Yiśraʼel Meʼir ben Refaʼel Kohen Arazi (ed.) - 2014 - Beʼer Yaʻaḳov: Yiśraʼel Meʼir ben Refaʼel Kohen Arazi.
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    Cross-modal priming facilitates production of low imageability word strings in a case of deep-phonological dysphasia.Martin Nadine, Mccarthy Laura, Kohen Francine, Kalinyak-Fliszar Michelene & Berkowitz Rebecca - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    A Case of Moral Heroism: Sympathy, Personal Identification, and Mortality in Rwanda. [REVIEW]Ari Kohen - 2010 - Human Rights Review 11 (1):65-82.
    What sort of person chooses to remain in a place like Rwanda when an easy exit is offered, when leaving seems the only safe or sane option, and when one is not directly connected to the would-be victims? And how does this person come to develop a circle of care that is expansive enough to include those who are radically Other? In what follows, I consider these questions through a detailed examination of the recent example of Paul Rusesabagina, the Hutu (...)
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