Ignacio Yarza [10]I. Yarza [9]Iñaki Yarza [4]
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    Ética y dialéctica. Sócrates, Platón y Aristóteles.Ignacio Yarza - 1996 - Acta Philosophica 5 (2).
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    Anotaciones sobre la relación en Plotino.Ignacio Yarza - 2000 - Anuario Filosófico 33 (66):279-290.
    At first sight, while taking into account the harmony of sensible reality, relation would seem to be a fundamental category of Plotinian thought. However, when one considers the references within the Enneades to relation, one discovers that this way of being should remain excluded from the supersensible realm and that, in last analysis, it only represents a weak surrogate within the sensible world for the unity proper to intelligible reality. The connection between the hypostases and between them and sensitive reality (...)
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    El problematicismo aristotélico de P. Aubenque.Ignacio Yarza - 1983 - Anuario Filosófico 16 (2):177-195.
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  4. Estética para principiantes.Ignacio Yarza - 2024 - Pamplona: EUNSA, Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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    Historia de la filosofía antigua.Iñaki Yarza - 1983 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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    KRÄMER, HANS, Platone e i fondamenti della metafisica, Ed. Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 1982, 471 págs.I. Yarza - 1985 - Anuario Filosófico:231-233.
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  7. L'attualità della Poetica di Aristotele. La mimesi artistica.Ignacio Yarza - 2007 - Acta Philosophica 16 (2).
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    La razionalità dell'Etica Nicomachea.Ignacio Yarza - 1994 - Acta Philosophica 3 (1).
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    Ma in che modo si dice il bene? Sull'omonimia- analogia del bene in EN I, 4.Ignacio Yarza - 2017 - Acta Philosophica 26 (1):123-145.
    The article attempts to answer the question raised by Aristotle in NE I, 4 1096 b 26 by presenting, in a synthetic way, the meaning and scope of homonymy in Aristotle’s thought. The categorial argument deployed by Aristotle to criticize Plato’s position regarding the good is subsequently analyzed. However, that argument does not lead to affirm conclusively the real homonymy of the good, as Aristotle himself seems to admit. The fact that the good appears in diverse domains of reality does (...)
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  10. Sobre la praxis aristotélica.Ignacio Yarza - 1986 - Anuario Filosófico 19 (1):135-156.
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  11. Il Platonismo e l'Antropologia Filosofica di Gregorio di Nissa. Con Particolare Riferimento agli Influssi di Platone, Plotino e Porfirio. [REVIEW]Ignacio Yarza - 1995 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (2):422-425.
    Just after my return from a symposium at the University of Navarre on the dialogue between faith and culture in Christian antiquity, I had the opportunity to read Peroli's book. His approach is strikingly in accord with many of the claims made at Navarre. The overall approach of his study may be summed up with the following words: early Christian thought effected an authentic inculturation, [[sic]] not just by expressing the faith in the dominant philosophical categories of the time, but (...)
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  12. Daniele Guastini, Genealogia dell’immagine cristiana. Studi sul cristianesimo antico e le sue raffigurazioni. [REVIEW]Ignacio Yarza - 2015 - Acta Philosophica 24 (2).
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