Ilsetraut Hadot [29]I. HAdoT [3]
  1.  35
    Seneca Und Die Griechisch-Römische Tradition der Seelenleitung.Ilsetraut Hadot - 1969 - De Gruyter.
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    Arts libéraux et philosophie dans la pensée antique: contribution à l'histoire de l'éducation et de la culture dans l'Antiquité.Ilsetraut Hadot - 2005 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    Depuis le milieu du XIXe siecle, on a generalement considere qu'un cycle de sept disciplines scolaires (grammaire, dialectique, rhetorique, musique, astronomie, geometrie et arithmetique), connu au Moyen Age sous le nom des sept arts liberaux, avait constitue la base de l'instruction habituelle et cela depuis l'epoque hellenistique jusqu'a l'epoque imperiale et au Moyen Age. Cette these, largement vulgarisee par le livre Histoire de l'education dans l'Antiquite d'Henri-Irenee Marrou, est fondamentalement remise en question dans le present ouvrage, qui montre que ce (...)
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    Athenian and Alexandrian Neoplatonism and the Harmonization of Aristotle and Plato.Ilsetraut Hadot - 2014 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Michael Chase.
    Athenian and Alexandrian Neoplatonism and the Harmonization of Aristotle and Plato by Ilsetraut Hadot deals with the Neoplatonist tendency to harmonize the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle.
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  4. Arts libéraux et philosophie dans la pensée antique.Ilsetraut Hadot - 1986 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 176 (1):101-104.
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    Sénèque: direction spirituelle et pratique de la philosophie.Ilsetraut Hadot - 2014 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    English summary: The idea of spiritual guidance as a philosophical practice lies at the center of Senecas thought, and can provide us with a new perspective on our own moral conduct, as well as the meaning of philosophy itself. Through a close philological, historical, and philosophical study, Ilsetraut Hadot breathes new life into Senecas work and restores it to its place at the heart of western philosophy. French description: Seneque et la philosophie du present : la distance qui les separe (...)
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    Simplicius. Sa vie, son oeuvre, sa survie: Actes du colloque international de Paris (28. Sept. - 1er Oct. 1985).Ilsetraut Hadot (ed.) - 1987 - De Gruyter.
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  7. Le problème du néoplatonisme Alexandrin, Hiéroclès et Simplicius.Ilsetraut Hadot - 1980 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 42 (3):606-608.
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    Getting to Goodness: Reflections on Chapter 10 of Brad Inwood, Reading Seneca.Ilsetraut Hadot - 2014 - In Jula Wildberger & Marcia L. Colish, Seneca Philosophus. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 9-42.
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  9. Aspects de la théorie de la perception chez les néoplatoniciens: sensation (aïo&naiç), sensation commune (Koivr| a'io&r| aiç), sensibles communs (Koivà aioOr| trx) et conscience de soi (owaiaônoiç).I. HAdoT - 1997 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 8 (1997):33-85.
    Dopo uno sguardo generale alla dottrina dell'anima nel tardo neoplatonismo e alla tradizione dei commentari al De anima di Aristotele, l'A. esamina il tema della sensazione, della sensazione comune, dei sensibili comuni e della coscienza soprattutto in Simplicio, Prisciano e Filopono. L'A. propone inoltre un esame critico dello studio di P. Lautner Rival Theories of Self-Awareness in Late Neoplatonism in «Bullettin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London» 29 107-16. L'ultima parte del saggio è centrata sul (...)
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  10. Aristote dans l'enseignement philosophique néoplatonicien. Les préfaces des commentaires sur les «Catégories».I. Hadot - 1992 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 4 (124):407-425.
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  11. The Role of the Commentaries on Aristotle in the Teaching of Philosophy according to the Prefaces of the Neoplatonic Commentaries on the Categories.Ilsetraut Hadot - 1991 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy:175-189.
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    La division néoplatonicienne des écrits d’Aristote.Ilsetraut Hadot - 1985 - In Vivian Nutton, Jutta Kolesh, H. J. Lulofs & Jürgen Wiesner, Kommentierung, Überlieferung, Nachleben. De Gruyter. pp. 249-285.
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    Le néoplatonicien Simplicius à la lumière des recherches contemporaines: un bilan critique.Ilsetraut Hadot - 2014 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag. Edited by Philippe Vallat.
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    Bemerkungen zur Textgestaltung und zum Literaturverzeichnis.Ilsetraut Hadot - 1969 - In Seneca Und Die Griechisch-Römische Tradition der Seelenleitung. De Gruyter.
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    Dans quel lieu le néoplatonicien Simplicius a-t-il fondé son école de mathématiques, et où a pu avoir lieu son entretien avec un manichéen?Ilsetraut Hadot - 2007 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 1 (1):42-107.
    The historian Agathias (Hist. II 30.3-31.4) relates that under the Emperor Justinian seven philosophers (Damascius, Simplicius, Eulamius, Priscianus, Hermeias, Diogenes, and Isidorus) sought refuge in Persia because of their own country's anti-pagan laws but that they ultimately returned in 532 to the Roman Empire. There have been many hypotheses about the fate of these philosophers after their return. Most recently M. Tardieu has argued that these philosophers went to Harran, a town that was located on the Persian frontier and that (...)
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    Die Stellung Des Neuplatonikers Simplikios Zum Verhältnis der Philosophie Zu Religion Und Theurgie.Ilsetraut Hadot - 2002 - In Theo Kobusch & Michael Erler, Metaphysik und Religion: Zur Signatur des spätantiken Denkens / Akten des Internationalen Kongresses vom 13.-17. März 2001 in Würzburg. München: De Gruyter. pp. 323-342.
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  17.  39
    Die Widerlegung des Manichäismus im Epiktetkommentar des Simplikios.Ilsetraut Hadot - 1969 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 51 (1):31-57.
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    Einführung.Ilsetraut Hadot - 1969 - In Seneca Und Die Griechisch-Römische Tradition der Seelenleitung. De Gruyter. pp. 1-4.
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    Erster Teil: Historische und philosophische Grundlagen für die Theorie der Seelenleitung bei Seneca.Ilsetraut Hadot - 1969 - In Seneca Und Die Griechisch-Römische Tradition der Seelenleitung. De Gruyter. pp. 5-96.
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    Inhaltsverzeichnis.Ilsetraut Hadot - 1969 - In Seneca Und Die Griechisch-Römische Tradition der Seelenleitung. De Gruyter. pp. 224-224.
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    Indices.Ilsetraut Hadot - 1969 - In Seneca Und Die Griechisch-Römische Tradition der Seelenleitung. De Gruyter. pp. 191-234.
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  22. La doctrine de Simplicius sur l'âme raisonnable humaine dans le commentaire sur le Manuel d'epictète.I. Hadot - 1982 - In H. J. Blumenthal & Antony C. Lloyd, Soul and the structure of being in late neoplatonism: Syrianus, Proclus, and Simplicius: papers and discussions of a colloquium held at Liverpool, 15-16 April 1982. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
  23.  58
    Remarque complémentaire à mon article "dans quel lieu le néoplatonicien Simplicius a-t-il fondé son école de mathémathiques, et où a pu avoir lieu son entretien avec un manichéen ?".Ilsetraut Hadot - 2007 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 1 (2):263-269.
    Concerning the book by R. Arnzen Abū l-'Abbās an-Nayrīzīs Exzerpte aus (Ps.-?) Simplicius' Kommentar zu den Definitionen, Postulaten und Axiomen in Euclids Elementa I, the present paper offers a survey of the way the late Neoplatonists used to conceive and compose their commentaries. Far from trying to be original, each commentary is largely based on the works of predecessors.
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    Schlußbetrachtung.Ilsetraut Hadot - 1969 - In Seneca Und Die Griechisch-Römische Tradition der Seelenleitung. De Gruyter. pp. 177-190.
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  25.  62
    Studies on the Neoplatonist Hierocles.Ilsetraut Hadot - 2004 - Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society.
    Preface The Neoplatonist Hierocles, who lived in the fifth century ad and taught at Alexandria, has not yet received his due place in the history of ...
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    Vorwort.Ilsetraut Hadot - 1969 - In Seneca Und Die Griechisch-Römische Tradition der Seelenleitung. De Gruyter.
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    Zweiter Teil: Ziele und Aussichten der Seelenleitung in der Auffassung Senecas.Ilsetraut Hadot - 1969 - In Seneca Und Die Griechisch-Römische Tradition der Seelenleitung. De Gruyter. pp. 97-176.
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  28. Greek Philosophy and Encyclopedic Knowledge.Ilsetraut Hadot, Janine Alexandra Treves & Jennifer Curtiss Gage - 1997 - Diogenes 45 (178):33-47.
    What does “encyclopedic knowledge” mean to us today? I believe that, as in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, what we mean by this term is a knowledge that strives to embrace in detail the greatest possible number of sciences and bodies of knowledge. As Sainte-Beuve said in 1850 regarding Madame de Genlis:All these tastes, all these diverse talents, all these pleasurable arts, all these trades (for she didn't even omit the trades), made her a living Encyclopedia that prided itself upon (...)
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    Seneca und die griechisch-romische Tradition der Seelenleitung.August A. Imholtz & Ilsetraut Hadot - 1972 - American Journal of Philology 93 (3):505.
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  30. Commentaire sur les Catégories Fascicule I : Introduction, Première partie. Fascicule III : Préambule aux Catégories. Commentaire au premier chapitre des Catégories. Simplicius & Ilsetraut Hadot - 1994 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 56 (2):358-359.
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    Commentaire Sur les Catégories: Traduction Commentée Sous la Direction de Ilsetraut Hadot. Fascicule I: Introduction, Première Partie.Ilsetraut Hadot - 1989 - New York: E.J. Brill. Edited by Ilsetraut Hadot & Aristotle.
    The French translation with commentary, the first in a modern language, allows historians of philosophy access to a fundamental work for the understanding of medieval and modern thought. They could also explore more easily the great variety of information contained in the commentary of Simplicius on the history of the exegis of the _Catégories of Aristotle_, and more generally on the history of comparative philosophy of Simplicius. They will discover some important aspects in the actual thought of Simplicius, which so (...)
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  32. Commentaire Sur les Catégories: Traduction Commentée Sous la Direction de Ilsetraut Hadot. Fascicule Iii: Préambule aux Catégories / Commentaire aux Premier Chapitre des Catégories.Ilsetraut Hadot (ed.) - 1990 - Brill.
    The French translation with commentary, the first in a modern language, allows historians of philosophy access to a fundamental work for the understanding of medieval and modern thought. They could also explore more easily the great variety of information contained in the commentary of Simplicius on the history of the exegis of the Catégories of Aristotle, and more generally on the history of comparative philosophy of Simplicius. They will discover some important aspects in the actual thought of Simplicius, which so (...)
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