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Hywel David Lewis [18]Hywel D. Lewis [15]Hywel Lewis [1]
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    The Elusive Self.Hywel David Lewis - 2014 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  2. Morals and the new theology.Hywel David Lewis - 1947 - London,: V. Gollancz.
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    The elusive mind: based on the first series of the Gifford lectures delivered in the University of Edinburgh, 1966-68.Hywel David Lewis - 1969 - New York,: Humanities P..
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  4. (1 other version)Contemporary British Philosophy Personal Statements.Richard I. Aaron & Hywel David Lewis - 1956 - Allen & Unwin.
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    Contemporary British Philosophy: Personal Statements Third Series.Hywel David Lewis (ed.) - 2004 - London, England: Psychology Press.
    This volume is a comprehensive collection of critical essays on The Taming of the Shrew, and includes extensive discussions of the play's various printed versions and its theatrical productions. Aspinall has included only those essays that offer the most influential and controversial arguments surrounding the play. The issues discussed include gender, authority, female autonomy and unruliness, courtship and marriage, language and speech, and performance and theatricality.
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  6. Clarity is Not Enough: Essays in Criticism of Linguistic Philosophy.Hywel David Lewis (ed.) - 1963 - New York: Routledge.
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    Freedom and Alienation: The Third Volume Based on the Gifford Lectures Delivered in the University of Edinburgh, 1966-68.Hywel David Lewis - 1985
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  8. Freedom and Alienation.Hywel D. Lewis - 1987 - Religious Studies 23 (3):423-425.
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  9. (1 other version)Jesus in the Faith of Christians.Hywel D. Lewis - 1982 - Philosophy 57 (222):555-557.
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  10. L'esprit et le corps selon O'Shaughnessy.Hywel D. Lewis - 1986 - Archives de Philosophie 49 (1):75.
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  11. Logic, ontology, and action.Hywel David Lewis (ed.) - 1979 - Delhi: Macmillan.
  12.  27
    Morals and Revelation.Hywel David Lewis - 1951 - London,: Routledge.
    Originally published in 1951, this book discusses morality and religion, with special attention being paid to the theologian Emil Brunner. It critically examines the state of ethical thinking in the first half of the twentieth century and examines the question of freedom and guilt particularly in relation to psychological theories. The issue of collective guilt is also subjected to close analysis. The problem of our knowledge of God is also discussed with the focus on mysticism and revelation.
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    Our Experience of God.Hywel David Lewis - 1959 - New York,: Routledge.
    First published in 1959, Our Experience of God examines the relationship between philosophy and religion. The author argues that, we cannot construct a religion for ourselves out of merely philosophical elements, and that the attempt to provide some philosophical or similar substitute for religion, as it normally presents itself, is misconceived. It brings themes like religion and belief; belief and mystery; religion and transcendence; history and dogma; material factors in religion; symbolism and tradition; art and religion; religion and morality; and (...)
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  14.  14
    Persons and life after death: essays.Hywel David Lewis - 1978 - New York: Barnes & Noble.
    Realism and metaphysics.--Ultimates and a way of looking.--Religion and the paranormal.--Quinton, A., Lewis, H. D., Williams, B. Life after death.--Lewis, H. D., Flew, A. Survival.--Shoemaker, S., Lewis, H. D. Immortality and dualism.--The belief in life after death.--The person of Christ.
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  15. (1 other version)Persons and Life after Death.Hywel D. Lewis - 1979 - Religious Studies 15 (1):122-124.
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    Religion, reason, and the self: essays in honour of Hywel D. Lewis.Hywel David Lewis, Stewart R. Sutherland & T. A. Roberts (eds.) - 1989 - Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
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    Reply to Professor Bertocci.Hywel Lewis - 1979 - Religious Studies 15 (3):407 - 409.
    I am deeply grateful to Professor Bertocci for his exceptionally valuable comments. In requesting that I should accept them for publication in Religious Studies , Professor Bertocci also urged me to reply in the same journal. This is, in itself, a very welcome suggestion, but it is with great reluctance that I take up space, in the journal I edit myself, to set forth my own ideas, even as replies to criticism.
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    Survival.Hywel D. Lewis & Antony G. N. Flew - 1975 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 49 (1):211 - 247.
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    (1 other version)Solitude in Philosophy and Literature: The H. B. Acton Memorial Lecture.Hywel D. Lewis - 1983 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 16:1-13.
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    The Distinctness of Persons.Hywel D. Lewis - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 5:11-22.
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    The Elusive Self: Based on the Gifford Lectures Delivered in the University of Edinburgh, 1966-68.Hywel David Lewis - 1982 - Westminster John Knox Press.
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    The Elusive Self.Selfless Persons.Hywel D. Lewis & Steven Collins - 1985 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 45 (3):461-465.
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    The logical limits of willing.Hywel D. Lewis - 1983 - Mind 92 (368):585-589.
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    Philosophy of Religion.Hywel David Lewis - 1975 - Teach Yourself.
    This book sets out to be just what its title says. It is addressed mainly to those who are not very familiar with philosophy, and the chief purpose has been to help such persons to make their own way into the subject.
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    Philosophy, East and West: essays in honour of Dr. T. M. P. Mahadevan.T. M. P. Mahadevan & Hywel David Lewis (eds.) - 1976 - Bombay: Blackie & Son (India).
    Bhattacharyya, K. The Advaita concept of subjectivity.--Deutsch, E. Reflections on some aspects of the theory of rasa.--Nakamura, H. The dawn of modern thought in the East.--Organ, T. Causality, Indian and Greek.--Chatterjee, M. On types of classification.--Lacombe, O. Transcendental imagination.--Bahm, A. J. Standards for comparative philosophy.--Herring, H. Appearance, its significance and meaning in the history of philosophy.--Chang Chung-yuan. Pre-rational harmony in Heidegger's essential thinking and Chʼan thought.--Staal, J. F. Making sense of the Buddhist tetralemma.--Enomiya-Lassalle, H. M. The mysticism of Carl Albrecht (...)
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    Beyond Death: The Rebirth of ImmortalityLife after LifeThe Human Encounter with DeathLife after DeathDeath and Eternal LifeThe Self and Immortality.Michael Marsh, Raymond A. Moody, Stanislaf Grof, Joan Halifax, Arnold Toynbee, Arthur Koestler, John H. Hick & Hywel D. Lewis - 1977 - Hastings Center Report 7 (5):40.
  27. (2 other versions)Contemporary British Philosophy Personal Statements. 1st-[3d] Ser.John H. Muirhead & Hywel David Lewis - 1924 - Allen & Unwin.
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    Reflection and Action By Nathan Rotenstreich The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1985, vii + 214 pp., £26.75. [REVIEW]Hywel D. Lewis - 1986 - Philosophy 61 (238):541-.
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    (1 other version)The Vindication of Absolute Idealism By Timothy Sprigge Edinburgh University Press, 1983, xiv + 291 pp., £ 17.50. [REVIEW]Hywel D. Lewis - 1985 - Philosophy 60 (234):546-.
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    I. M. Greengarten, "Thomas Hill Green and the Development of Liberal-Democratic Thought". [REVIEW]Hywel David Lewis - 1983 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 21 (3):411.