Results for 'Hypertextuality'

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  1. Hypertextualizing Autobiography.Laura Sullivan - 1995 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 1 (3).
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  2. Integrating hypertextual subjects: Combining modern academic essay writing with postmodern web zines.Robert Samuels - 2006 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 10 (2).
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  3. A Hypertextual Novel That Dramatizes the Process of Its Creation and Proposes Techniques to Increase Creativity.Raffaele Calabretta - 2010 - Biological Theory 5 (2):102-105.
    ABSTRACT "Why can’t I decide to be happy?" This is the question that encapsulates the meaning behind Gabriele’s story, the main character of the novel Il film delle emozioni (The Movie of Emotions; Calabretta 2007a, in Italian). Gabriele is a victim of his negative emotions, and is completely in the power of his self-blame and self-devaluative thinking, which he learns to change only at the end of the novel, thanks to creativity and to the artistic expression of his own traumatic (...)
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  4. Hypertextual Thoughts.Jordi Vallverdú - 2007 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 63 (1/3):703 - 720.
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    Hypertextuality and literary translation.Augusto Ponzio - 2007 - Semiotica 2007 (163):289-309.
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    Rhizomatic cyborgs: hypertextual considerations in a posthuman age.Gordon Calleja & Christian Schwager - 2004 - Technoetic Arts 2 (1):3-15.
    Recent work in the theoretical humanities has given increasing importance to what has been termed posthumanism and hypertextuality. For many within the humanities, posthumanism and hypertextuality have become accessible as a result of studies which have interdisciplinarily explored concerns that have evident implications for the humanities interest in aesthetics, ethics, politics, mind, cognition, identity, subjectivity and language. The work of Donna Haraway, N. Katherine Hayles, Elaine Graham, George P. Landow and others has been at the forefront of these (...)
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  7. "Hegelian Buddhist Hypertextual Media Inhabitation, or, Criticism in the Age of Electronic Immersion".David Kolb - 2002 - Bucknell Review 46 (2):90--108.
    What can it mean to criticize when you are inside the work itself? In a immersive electronic or digital environment critic is not distanced on a platform based on firm principles. Yet criticism self-awareness and commentary remain possible. This essay examines various techniques for dealing with immersive environments critically.
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    Existential signs as primordial data: An enigma wrapped in hypertextuality.Ronald C. Arnett, David DeIuliis & Susan Mancino - 2015 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 6 (1):3-20.
    This article employs Umberto Eco’s 2004 novel The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana as an exemplar of the hypertextuality of Eco’s semiotic theory. Eco’s project illustrates existential semiotics, providing a corrective to Euro Tarasti. For Tarasti signs reveal possibilities for transcendence in the lived world with ‘omnipresent’ meaning in an enunciative dialogue between signs and a semiotic subject. Tarasti’s existential signs are communicative alerts that illuminate a semiotic subject’s journey of transcendence, creating meaning via infusion of signs with signification. (...)
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    Here is the author! Hyperlinks as constitutive rules of hypertextual communication.Sabrina Mazzali-Lurati - 2007 - Semiotica 2007 (167):135-168.
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    The University of Iowa Tractatus Map.David G. Stern - 2016 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 5 (2):203-220.
    Drawing on recent work on the nature of the numbering system of the _Tractatus_ and Wittgenstein’s use of that system in his composition of the _Prototractatus_, the paper sets out the rationale for the online tool called__ __ The University of Iowa Tractatus Map. The map consists of a website with a front page that links to two separate subway-style maps of the hypertextual numbering system Wittgenstein used in his _Tractatus_. One map displays the structure of the published _Tractatus_; the (...)
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    Javanese cosmology: Symbolic transformation of names in Javanese novels.Onok Y. Pamungkas, Sahid T. Widodo, Suyitno Suyitno & Suwardi Endraswara - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-7.
    In the past, no research has been found on onomastics from a mystical perspective in literature. This study investigated onomastics in the tetralogy of novels by Ki Padmasusastra. The main point of view is the meaning of Javanese cosmology. Qualitative methods are used as research guidelines. The primary data are four Javanese novels. Hermeneutic techniques and content analysis are applied to analytical strategies. The results showed that the onomastics in TNKP are symbols of Javanese cosmology. This element of Javanese cosmology (...)
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    On Cosmic: A Reflection on one Semantic Concentration in the Noosphere.Pavel Krupkin - manuscript
    This essay explores the discoved place in human noosphere called as "Cosmos-not-Here," encompassing the speculative realms of science fiction, religious eschatology, and theoretical astrophysics. The content of "Cosmos-not-Here" contrasts with the same of "Cosmos-Here," representing humanity's tangible explorations and mastery of the physical universe. The text delves into how the Cosmos-not-Here operates as a mental construct, offering humanity an imaginative escape into utopian visions and hypertextual narratives, while disregarding the constraints of established physical laws. -/- The discussion emphasizes humanity's innate (...)
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    Rethinking ethics through hypertext.Dominic Garcia - 2019 - Bingley: Emerald Publishing.
    This book is a formidably compelling source of insights for those who are interested in subjects ranging from moral philosophy, social justice, hermeneutics and education. It reconciles traditional theories of ethics by re-framing them through hypertextual techniques, bringing together contrasting and contradictory ethical views.
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  14. „Dasselbe ist niemals das Gleiche“, Heidegger auf Italienisch und die Debatte im letzten Jahrzehnt.Nicola Curcio - 2005 - Studia Phaenomenologica 5:317-326.
    There are two main tendencies regarding the recent Italian translations from Heidegger: on the one hand there is a tendency of making his thought comprehensible to the Italian public by any means; on the other hand there is the determination to render the text so faithfully as to risk stretching the limits of the Italian language – and having to resort to references to the glossary, as is the case of the latest translation of Holzwege. The admirable thinking efforts that (...)
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    Politics and decadence in Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy: Toynbee, Spengler and Polybius.José Luis Arroyo Barrigüete - 2020 - Alpha (Osorno) 50:74-94.
    Resumen: Diversos académicos han analizado la influencia de Toynbee y Spengler en la conocida saga Foundation, escrita por Isaac Asimov y considerada una de las más importantes de la ciencia ficción. Sin embargo, nuestra hipótesis es que, si bien existe un cierto diálogo transtextual con los trabajos de ambos autores, es en la obra del historiador griego Polibio, Historias, donde se halla la principal relación de tipo hipertextual. Comparando la anaciclosis descrita por Polibio con la evolución política que Asimov narra (...)
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    Evaluating Search Engine Models for Scholarly Purposes.Anthony F. Beavers - unknown
    The Internet allows for the efficient dissemination of texts, thereby creating a rich hypertextual environment that is potentially conducive to stimulating the free exchange of ideas in a manner worthy of the modern scholar. However, the fact that any user whatsoever may disseminate texts in this manner presents two distinct problems. First, finding relevant resources on the Internet may take a fair amount of time and, second, once resources are found, determining their reliability is often difficult if the user is (...)
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    Cinematic Intertextuality and the Aesthetics of Ambiguity from Antonioni to Aldridge.Gerrard Carter - 2018 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 11 (2):63-73.
    In order to interpret the work of British photographer Miles Aldridge and gain insight into the semiotic ambiguity of his photographs, this paper relies on the capacity to decipher the photographs’ relationship to other arts such as Italian cinema and in particular, to the work of Italian film director Michelangelo Antonioni. From the perspective of this present study, the decisive role of semiotics in relation to photography is that it promotes an interactive process between artist and spectator. The methodology employed (...)
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    Digital Publishing: Humans Write, God Reads.Carlos Reis - 2003 - Diogenes 50 (2):75-81.
    Literary writing in the digital era is evolving using languages that have a much greater dynamic potential than those known hitherto. The very phrase `text processing' implies the notion of writing `in process', which has very recently been joined by another possibility, the unrestricted circulation of texts on networks on a worldwide scale, without spatial limits and in real time. In the arena of writing that is no longer simply textual but hypertextual, literary writing is becoming highly dynamic, intertextual, fragmentary, (...)
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    Lectura virtualmente digital: el reto colectivo de interpretación textual.Anastasio García-Roca - 2020 - Cinta de Moebio 67:65-74.
    Resumen: Este artículo trata sobre la construcción de significados e interpretación conjunta de la obra literaria por medios digitales. Para ello, se hace una revisión a la realidad digital de la literatura y sus procesos de recepción: la lectura digital no viene determinada tanto por la naturaleza del texto como por el comportamiento del lector digital. Internet ha facilitado la creación de espacios de afinidad en los que los usuarios pueden reunirse en torno a sus aficiones, intereses u objetivos. Se (...)
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  20. Wittgenstein's Paperwork. An Example from the "Big Typescript".Herbert Hrachovec - unknown
    The edition of the Nachlass from the early thirties by Michael Nedo and the completion of the "Bergen Electronic Edition" (BEE) have provided Wittgenstein scholars with all the material required to investigate the author's philosophical development starting with his auto-criticism of the "Tractatus" and leading to his later views. Wittgenstein's strategy of dictating from his notebooks and cutting up the typescripts to rearrange paragraphs into sequences of remarks is well documented in Nedo's edition and the BEE provides convenient facsimile access (...)
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    After the Last Man: Excurses to the Limits of the Technological System.Toivo Koivukoski - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    The meditations in this book map out the hypertextual pathways of our global techonological system, looking for its limits and ours, by drawing on the philosophy of German idealism and Homeric and pre-Socratic views on identity, substance, hospitality, and homecoming.
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    Pamięć lekturowa a tożsamość czytelnika na przykładzie powieści "Tajemniczy płomień królowej Loany" Umberta Eco.Anna Lubińska - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 61 (2):59-81.
    The subject of this article is bibliological reflection on Umberto Eco’s novel. Its storyline is a pretext for asking the questions about the reader’s identity. Is human the sum of all the texts one has read? What is the importance of books for constructing the self? How does the printed text influence its reception, given the location of literature in the context of mass culture? Moreover, the article reflects on the role of illustrations in literature as well as on the (...)
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    Subjects and reading strategies in hypermedia: The re-emergence of the author.Sabrina Mazzali-Lurati - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (173):525-555.
    Following the much-vaunted ‘death of the author,’ this article investigates the re-emergence of the author's subjectivity (and the relation of this to readers' strategies) in electronic texts. Specifically, it looks at the design of ‘hypertextual transpositions’ — a particular kind of information-intensive hypermedial application presenting a ‘classic’ literary text by providing an electronic version and a series of multimedial added materials that can be used in reading, enjoying, and/or studying the literary text. By closely analyzing a sample of ‘hypertextual transpositions,’ (...)
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    Space, Place and Capitalism: The Literary Geographies of “The Unknown Industrial Prisoner” by Brett Heino.David McLaughlin - 2022 - Environment, Space, Place 14 (2):132-135.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Space, Place and Capitalism: The Literary Geographies of “The Unknown Industrial Prisoner” by Brett HeinoDavid McLaughlinSpace, Place and Capitalism: The Literary Geographies of “The Unknown Industrial Prisoner” BY BRETT HEINO Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021I would not be the first to describe Brett Heino’s new book as timely. Its publication in 2021 coincided with the fiftieth anniversary of the first publication of David Ireland’s The Unknown Industrial Prisoner (1971). (...)
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    Filologia digitale (a partire dal lavoro per l'edizione informatica dello Zibaldone Laurenziano di Boccaccio).Raul Mordenti - 2012 - Humanist Studies and the Digital Age 2 (1):37-56.
    The transformation of the text from the pre-information technology and Gutenberg modes to the model marked by information or digital technology is such that it substantially changes not only the concept of the text but also the nature of philology itself. This paper presents and discusses the problems encountered in producing a digital edition of the Zibaldone Laurenziano, Giovanni Boccaccio’s handwritten manuscript conserved in the Laurenziana Library in Florence (Pluteo XXIX, 8). The Medieval text in general, and even more with (...)
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    From Text on Paper to Digital Poetry: Creativity and Digital Literary Reading Practices in Initial Teacher Education.Moisés Selfa Sastre & Enric Falguera Garcia - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The new contexts of literary education allow for the creation of digital reading and writing practices related to what specialised literature calls digital literature. Among these practices and with an eminently theoretical content and with an example of this content, in this paper, we want to focus our gaze on cyberpoetry, conceived as an exercise in literary creativity that firstly involves use of technology and specific software for the digital creation of poetic texts and, last but not least, knowledge and (...)
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    New Media Technology, Interculturalism, and Intermediality.Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek - 2009 - Dialogue and Universalism 19 (1-2):121-128.
    Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek discusses in his paper “New Media Technology, Interculturalism, and Intermediality” the importance of new media technology and the concept of intermediality with regard to the relevance of interculturalism in today's society. Intermediality refers to the blurring of generic and formal boundaries among different forms of cultural practices and in the field of pedagogy. The trajectories of intermedial spaces, actions, and processes of types of new media including the world wide web, hypertextuality, online publishing, blogs, interactive (...)
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    The Nature of Culture. Towards a Realist Phenomenology of Material, Animal and Human Nature.Frederic Vandenberghe - 2003 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 33 (4):461-475.
    In an ironic rejoinder to the postmodern politics of nature, I will adopt an anthropological perspective on culture, which is conspicuous by its absence in the latest wave of science studies, and reformulate the distinction between nature and culture as a reflexive distinction within culture that emerges with modernity. In order to countering the hypertextualism of the constructivists, I will next sketch out a realist theory of nature. Combining the transcendental realism of Roy Bhaskar with the transcendental phenomenology of Edmund (...)
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    The cambridge companion to Wittgenstein.Douglas G. Winblad - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (4):643-644.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein ed. by Hans Sluga, David G. SternDouglas G. WinbladHans Sluga and David G. Stern, editors. The Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. Pp. ix + 509. Cloth, $59.95. Paper, $18.95.There is a disconcerting lack of agreement about how to interpret Wittgenstein’s texts. The introduction and fourteen essays in this book are cases in point. Stern claims that the phenomenon is (...)
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  30. Toward an Aesthetics of New-Media Environments.Eran Guter - 2016 - Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics.
    In this paper I suggest that, over and above the need to explore and understand the technological newness of computer art works, there is a need to address the aesthetic significance of the changes and effects that such technological newness brings about, considering the whole environmental transaction pertaining to new media, including what they can or do offer and what users do or can do with such offerings, and how this whole package is integrated into our living spaces and activities. (...)
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    Renewing the Speech of Lawyers in the Postmodern Society.Tetiana Mishenina, Oksana Romanenko, Larysa Dzevytska, Tetіana Ternavska & Ivan Lytvyn - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (3):284-309.
    The article considers the issue of legal discourse evolution in the context of today’s civilization informatization in the postmodern era and intercultural dialogue which determines the understanding of fundamental judicial notions relative to the consciousness of an individual as a subject of legal and economic operations, as well as an implementer of social-economic and cultural rights. Given that the Internet environment in the 21st century is characterized by hypertextual discourse, this raises the matter of differentiation between objective and axiological scientific (...)
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    Digital era: from mass media towards a mass of media.Žygintas Pečiulis - 2016 - Filosofija. Sociologija 27 (3).
    We live in a digital era, which can be described in various aspects: the digitalization of analogue information storage, the emergence of web society, the replacement of the vertical mass communication model with horizontal social networks, the decrease in the influence of traditional media. The article deals with the main characteristics of the digital era: interactivity, momentariness, hypertextuality, and convergence. The discussion of social network phenomenon and traditional media crisis serves in revealing the following relevant issues of the information (...)
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    Philosophy of Education in the Digital Age: Transformation of Knowledge and Learning.Марина ШУЛЬГА, Інна КУЗНЄЦОВА & Наталія ПОЛІЩУК - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 7 (2):115-123.
    The article examines the transformational process in the philosophy of education driven by digitalization, which necessitates a critical re-evaluation of traditional epistemological and ontological categories. The study addresses the dichotomy between classical educational paradigms and emerging approaches that respond to digital innovations. This research aims to analyze the impact of digital technologies on the structure of knowledge, educational institutions, and cognitive interaction methods. It applies poststructuralist and relational analysis methods to conceptualize knowledge as a contingent and variable phenomenon. By employing (...)
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  34. Figures of Speech Figure retoriche Verbal and Visual in Brett Whiteley.Margherita Zanoletti - 2007 - Literature & Aesthetics 17 (2):192-208.
    In this paper, translation engages not only with metaphors, but the ‘consistent multiplicity’ (Alliez & Feher 1986: 41) of figures of speech that intersemiotically animate Australian artist Brett Whiteley’s (1939-92) verbal and pictorial language. The aim is to address some ‘formative questions […] concerning language, medium and meaning’ (Harrison 2004: 5) by studying the rhetoric devices featuring in two texts: a letter written by Whiteley to his mother in 1979, and the painting Art, life and the other thing (1978). The (...)
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  35. E-text.Niels Finnemann - 2018 - Oxford Researech Encyclopedia - Literature.
    Electronic text can be defined on two different, though interconnected, levels. On the one hand, electronic text can be defined by taking the notion of “text” or “printed text” as the point of departure. On the other hand, electronic text can be defined by taking the digital format as the point of departure, where everything is represented in the binary alphabet. While the notion of text in most cases lends itself to being independent of medium and embodiment, it is also (...)
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    From fragment to hypertext: Adding layers of reading.Ernesto Priani & Ana María Guzman Olmos - 2015 - Humanist Studies and the Digital Age 4 (1):108-115.
    In this paper we will suggest that a hypertextual representation of the text allows us to show different temporal layers of reading and lets us add new ones. We use the notion “layers of reading” as a metaphor to explain how, historically, each reading of a text creates a new layer, an independent “stratum of meaning” -to use a geological term-, that is superimposed to a previous reading. We think the digital edition and the digital reading could create a philosophical (...)
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  37. The Author and other Avatars on digital Media Platforms: Mediatization reconfigured.Niels Finnemann - 2012 - Niels Ole Finnemann.
    The notion of authorship has been widely discussed since the proclamation of the Death of the Author in mid 20th century. Authors are still writing, but a variety of new forms of authorship and new kinds of relations between authors, texts and readers have emerged. Many new forms of authorship are enabled by the use of digital media, which provide a new layer of hypertextual and interactive software in between the ‘author’ as a representation of the human creator and the (...)
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  38. Ornamentality in the New Media.Eran Guter - 2010 - In Anat Biletzki, Hues of Philosophy. Essays in Memory of Ruth Manor. College Publications. pp. 83-96.
    Ornamentality is pervasive in the new media and it is related to their essential characteristics: dispersal, hypertextuality, interactivity, digitality and virtuality. I utilize Kendall Walton's theory of ornamentality in order to construe a puzzle pertaining to the new media. the ornamental erosion of information. I argue that insofar as we use the new media as conduits of real life, the excessive density of ornamental devices which is prevalent in certain new media environments, forces us to conduct our inquiries under (...)
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    Das palimpsestische Selbst. Zur Genese, Struktur, Darstellung und Vermittlung von personaler Identität nach Sören Kierkegaard.Matthias Engmann - 2019 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 24 (1):103-135.
    This article examines the subjective structure and genesis of personal identity in (some of) Kierkegaard’s pseudonymous writings. Based on a structural analysis of self-awareness (here, in particular, the category of existential becoming, the social embeddedness of the individual and the irreducible fact of mediation of personal identity), the main thesis is that, according to Kierkegaard, personal identity can best be described as a constant interweaving of hypertextual and intertextual layers. Accordingly, the central metaphor of palimpsest is used in order to (...)
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    Interaktywne słuchowisko „Alicja 0700” jako dzieło po wielokroć otwarte. Analiza i interpretacja.Eliza Matusiak - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 61 (2):101-111.
    Radio art evolves due to technological changes. Radio drama is becoming an interactive piece of artwork which exists on the borderland of genres. An interactive audio play uses characteristic features of the classical radio art and unites them with the hypertextual structure. Due to these modifications, there emerges not only a new type of audio play, but also a lot of alternative ways of listening and interpretation. The aim of the article is to present interactive radio drama Alicja 0700, its (...)
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  41. Ever Since the World Began: A Reading & Interview with Masha Tupitsyn.Masha Tupitsyn & The Editors - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):7-12.
    "Ever Since This World Began" from Love Dog (Penny-Ante Editions, 2013) by Masha Tupitsyn continent. The audio-essay you've recorded yourself reading for continent. , “Ever Since the World Began,” is a compelling entrance into your new multi-media book, Love Dog (Success and Failure) , because it speaks to the very form of the book itself: vacillating and finding the long way around the question of love by using different genres and media. In your discussion of the face, one of the (...)
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    Structuring Writing for Reading: Hypertext and the Reading Body. [REVIEW]Paul ten Have - 1999 - Human Studies 22 (2/4):273-298.
    This paper examines some textual devices that writers may use to pre-structure the activities of their readers. HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is used as an 'explicating device' to explore how writers can provide reading instructions, and how these can be experienced by readers. Structuring devices like paragraphs and sections, and hypertextual elements like notes and references are investigated in detail. In this way, the paper aspires to contribute to 'an ethnomethodology of textual practices'.
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    The worldview and philosophical foundations of K. D. Ushynskyi’s pedagogical ideas.Natalia Dichek - 2024 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 29 (2):105-129.
    The article is dedicated to the memory of Kostiantyn Dmytrovych Ushynskyi (1823-1871), an outstanding Ukrainian teacher-philosopher, founder and developer of the theoretical foundations of education based on the cooperation of pedagogy and psychology (the middle of the 19th century). In general, the purpose of the article is to update the scientific achievements of prominent compatriot. The article’s goal is detailed in such tasks: the assertion of Ukrainianness as the source or origin of K. Ushynskyi’s personality and creativity; the substantiation of (...)
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    El libro electrónico en el entorno universitario: Problemática para su adopción.José Antonio Domínguez Hernández, Enrique Ruiz-Velasco Sánchez, Josefina Bárcenas López, José Santos Tolosa Sánchez & Amairani Ixchel Reyes García - 2019 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 8 (1):23-31.
    La integración de libros electrónicos como elementos destinados a favorecer la construcción de aprendizajes en los procesos educativos, supone una serie de conocimientos previos concernientes a las tendencias hipertextuales del e-book que los estudiantes universitarios deberían poseer, dadas las características de la sociedad actual en la que los jóvenes hacen uso cotidiano de ese tipo de tecnología para llevar a cabo diversas tareas. En ese tenor, el presente trabajo da cuenta de una investigación realizada con una población estudiantil de la (...)
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