Results for 'Hybrid Logic'

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  1.  50
    Intuitionistic hybrid logic.Torben Braüner & Valeria de Paiva - 2006 - Journal of Applied Logic 4 (3):231-255.
    Hybrid logics are a principled generalization of both modal logics and description logics, a standard formalism for knowledge representation. In this paper we give the first constructive version of hybrid logic, thereby showing that it is possible to hybridize constructive modal logics. Alternative systems are discussed, but we fix on a reasonable and well-motivated version of intuitionistic hybrid logic and prove essential proof-theoretical results for a natural deduction formulation of it. Our natural deduction system is (...)
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    Hybrid logics of separation axioms.Dmitry Sustretov - 2009 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 18 (4):541-558.
    We study hybrid logics in topological semantics. We prove that hybrid logics of separation axioms are complete with respect to certain classes of finite topological models. This characterisation allows us to obtain several further results. We prove that aforementioned logics are decidable and PSPACE-complete, the logics of T 1 and T 2 coincide, the logic of T 1 is complete with respect to two concrete structures: the Cantor space and the rational numbers.
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  3. Characterization, Interpolation and Complexity, by Carlos Areces, Patrick Blackburn and Maarten Marx.Patrick Blackburn & Maarten Marx Hybrid Logic - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (3):977-1010.
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    Hybrid logics with Sahlqvist axioms.Balder Cate, Maarten Marx & Petrúcio Viana - 2005 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 13 (3):293-300.
    We show that every extension of the basic hybrid logic with modal Sahlqvist axioms is complete. As a corollary of our approach, we also obtain the Beth property for a large class of hybrid logics. Finally, we show that the new completeness result cannot be combined with the existing general completeness result for pure axioms.
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    Hybrid-Logical Reasoning in the Smarties and Sally-Anne Tasks.Torben Braüner - 2014 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 23 (4):415-439.
    The main aim of the present paper is to use a proof system for hybrid modal logic to formalize what are called false-belief tasks in cognitive psychology, thereby investigating the interplay between cognition and logical reasoning about belief. We consider two different versions of the Smarties task, involving respectively a shift of perspective to another person and to another time. Our formalizations disclose that despite this difference, the two versions of the Smarties task have exactly the same underlying (...)
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  6. Hybrid Logics: Characterization, Interpolation and Complexity.Carlos Areces, Patrick Blackburn & Maarten Marx - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (3):977-1010.
    Hybrid languages are expansions of propositional modal languages which can refer to worlds. The use of strong hybrid languages dates back to at least [Pri67], but recent work has focussed on a more constrained system called $\mathscr{H}$. We show in detail that $\mathscr{H}$ is modally natural. We begin by studying its expressivity, and provide model theoretic characterizations and a syntactic characterization. The key result to emerge is that $\mathscr{H}$ corresponds to the fragment of first-order logic which is (...)
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  7.  66
    Hybrid logic meets if modal logic.Tero Tulenheimo - 2009 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 18 (4):559-591.
    The hybrid logic and the independence friendly modal logic IFML are compared for their expressive powers. We introduce a logic IFML c having a non-standard syntax and a compositional semantics; in terms of this logic a syntactic fragment of IFML is singled out, denoted IFML c . (In the Appendix it is shown that the game-theoretic semantics of IFML c coincides with the compositional semantics of IFML c .) The hybrid logic is proven (...)
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  8.  50
    A hybrid logic for reasoning about knowledge and topology.Bernhard Heinemann - 2007 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 17 (1):19-41.
    We extend Moss and Parikh’s bi-modal system for knowledge and effort by means of hybrid logic. In this way, some additional concepts from topology related to knowledge can be captured. We prove the soundness and completeness as well as the decidability of the extended system. Special emphasis will be placed on algebras.
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  9.  33
    Hybrid logics with infinitary proof systems.Rineke Verbrugge, Gerard Renardel de Lavalette & Barteld Kooi - unknown
    We provide a strongly complete infinitary proof system for hybrid logic. This proof system can be extended with countably many sequents. Thus, although these logics may be non-compact, strong completeness proofs are provided for infinitary hybrid versions of non-compact logics like ancestral logic and Segerberg’s modal logic with the bounded chain condition. This extends the completeness result for hybrid logics by Gargov, Passy, and Tinchev.
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  10.  82
    Modal Hybrid Logic.Andrzej Indrzejczak - 2007 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 16 (2-3):147-257.
    This is an extended version of the lectures given during the 12-thConference on Applications of Logic in Philosophy and in the Foundationsof Mathematics in Szklarska Poręba. It contains a surveyof modal hybrid logic, one of the branches of contemporary modal logic. Inthe first part a variety of hybrid languages and logics is presented with adiscussion of expressivity matters. The second part is devoted to thoroughexposition of proof methods for hybrid logics. The main point is (...)
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  11.  20
    (1 other version)Hybrid Logic as extension of Modal and Temporal Logic.Daniel Álvarez Domínguez - 2019 - Humanities Journal of Valparaiso 13:34-67.
    Developed by Arthur Prior, Temporal Logic allows to represent temporal information on a logical system using modal operators such as P, F, H or G, whose intuitive meaning is “it was sometime in the Past...”, “it will be sometime in the Future...”, “it Has always been in the past...” and “it will always Going to be in the future...” respectively. Valuation of formulae built from these operators are carried out on Kripke semantics, so Modal Logic and Temporal (...) are consequently related. In fact, Temporal Logic is an extension of Modal one. Even when both logics mechanisms are able to formalize modal-temporal information with some accuracy, they suffer from a lack of expressiveness which Hybrid Logic can solve. Indeed, one of the problems of Modal Logic consists in its incapacity of naming specific points inside a model. As Temporal Logic is based on it, it cannot make such a thing neither. But First-Order Logic does can by means of constants and equality relation. Hybrid Logic, which results from combining Modal Logic and First-Order Logic, may solve this shortcoming. The main aim of this paper is to explain how Hybrid Logic emanates from Modal and Temporal ones in order to show what it adds to both logics with regard to information representation, why it is more expressive than them and what relation it maintains with the First-Order Correspondence Language. (shrink)
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    Using Hybrid Logic for Coping with Functions in Subset Spaces.Bernhard Heinemann - 2010 - Studia Logica 94 (1):23-45.
    We extend Moss and Parikh’s modal logic for subset spaces by adding, among other things, state-valued and set-valued functions. This is done with the aid of some basic concepts from hybrid logic. We prove the soundness and completeness of the derived logics with regard to the class of all correspondingly enriched subset spaces, and show that these logics are decidable.
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  13.  48
    The complexity of hybrid logics over equivalence relations.Martin Mundhenk & Thomas Schneider - 2009 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 18 (4):493-514.
    This paper examines and classifies the computational complexity of model checking and satisfiability for hybrid logics over frames with equivalence relations. The considered languages contain all possible combinations of the downarrow binder, the existential binder, the satisfaction operator, and the global modality, ranging from the minimal hybrid language to very expressive languages. For model checking, we separate polynomial-time solvable from PSPACE-complete cases, and for satisfiability, we exhibit cases complete for NP, PS pace , NE xp T ime , (...)
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  14.  71
    Justification logics and hybrid logics.Melvin Fitting - 2010 - Journal of Applied Logic 8 (4):356-370.
    Hybrid logics internalize their own semantics. Members of the newer family of justification logics internalize their own proof methodology. It is an appealing goal to combine these two ideas into a single system, and in this paper we make a start. We present a hybrid/justification version of the modal logic T. We give a semantics, a proof theory, and prove a completeness theorem. In addition, we prove a Realization Theorem, something that plays a central role for justification (...)
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  15.  60
    Terminating tableau systems for hybrid logic with difference and converse.Mark Kaminski & Gert Smolka - 2009 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 18 (4):437-464.
    This paper contributes to the principled construction of tableau-based decision procedures for hybrid logic with global, difference, and converse modalities. We also consider reflexive and transitive relations. For converse-free formulas we present a terminating control that does not rely on the usual chain-based blocking scheme. Our tableau systems are based on a new model existence theorem.
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  16.  4
    Hybrid Logic of the Hide and Seek Game.Katsuhiko Sano, Fenrong Liu & Dazhu Li - forthcoming - Studia Logica.
    The logic of the hide and seek game $$\textbf{LHS}$$ was proposed to capture interactions between agents in pursuit-evasion environments. In this paper, we explore a hybrid extension of $$\textbf{LHS}$$ and show that such an extension is beneficial in several aspects. We will show that it improves the technical properties of the resulting logical system, and expands the potential applications of the system. Specifically, we will investigate the expressive power of the hybrid logic of the hide and (...)
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  17.  20
    Hybrid logics with Sahlqvist axioms.ten Cate Balder, Marx Maarten & Viana Petrúcio - 2005 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 13 (3):293-300.
  18.  9
    Algorithmic correspondence for hybrid logic with binder.Zhiguang Zhao - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (1):39-67.
    In the present paper, we develop the algorithmic correspondence theory for hybrid logic with binder |$\mathcal {H}(@, \downarrow )$|⁠. We define the class of Sahlqvist inequalities for |$\mathcal {H}(@, \downarrow )$|⁠, and each inequality of which is shown to have a first-order frame correspondent effectively computable by an algorithm |$\textsf {ALBA}^{\downarrow }$|⁠.
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  19.  17
    Hybrid Logic and its Proof-Theory.Torben Braüner - 2010 - Dordrecht and New York: Springer.
    This is the first book-length treatment of hybrid logic and its proof-theory. Hybrid logic is an extension of ordinary modal logic which allows explicit reference to individual points in a model. This is useful for many applications, for example when reasoning about time one often wants to formulate a series of statements about what happens at specific times. There is little consensus about proof-theory for ordinary modal logic. Many modal-logical proof systems lack important properties (...)
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  20.  88
    Natural deduction for first-order hybrid logic.Torben BraÜner - 2005 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 14 (2):173-198.
    This is a companion paper to Braüner where a natural deduction system for propositional hybrid logic is given. In the present paper we generalize the system to the first-order case. Our natural deduction system for first-order hybrid logic can be extended with additional inference rules corresponding to conditions on the accessibility relations and the quantifier domains expressed by so-called geometric theories. We prove soundness and completeness and we prove a normalisation theorem. Moreover, we give an axiom (...)
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  21.  21
    Axiomatizing hybrid logic using modal logic.Ian Hodkinson & Louis Paternault - 2010 - Journal of Applied Logic 8 (4):386-396.
  22. Arthur Prior and Hybrid Logic.Patrick Blackburn - 2006 - Synthese 150 (3):329-372.
    Contemporary hybrid logic is based on the idea of using formulas as terms, an idea invented and explored by Arthur Prior in the mid-1960s. But Prior’s own work on hybrid logic remains largely undiscussed. This is unfortunate, since hybridisation played a role that was both central to and problematic for his philosophical views on tense. In this paper I introduce hybrid logic from a contemporary perspective, and then examine the role it played in Prior’s (...)
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  23.  31
    Hybrid logic with the difference modality for generalisations of graphs.Robert S. R. Myers & Dirk Pattinson - 2010 - Journal of Applied Logic 8 (4):441-458.
  24.  33
    A Hilbert-Style Axiomatisation for Equational Hybrid Logic.Luís S. Barbosa, Manuel A. Martins & Marta Carreteiro - 2014 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 23 (1):31-52.
    This paper introduces an axiomatisation for equational hybrid logic based on previous axiomatizations and natural deduction systems for propositional and first-order hybrid logic. Its soundness and completeness is discussed. This work is part of a broader research project on the development a general proof calculus for hybrid logics.
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  25.  29
    Many-valued hybrid logic.Jens Ulrik Hansen, Thomas Bolander & Torben Braüner - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 111-132.
    In this paper we define a family of many-valued semantics for hybrid logic, where each semantics is based on a finite Heyting algebra of truth-values. We provide sound and complete tableau systems for these semantics. Moreover, we show how the tableau systems can be made terminating and thereby give rise to decision procedures for the logics in question. Our many-valued hybrid logics turn out to be "intermediate" logics between intuitionistic hybrid logic and classical hybrid (...)
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    Axioms for classical, intuitionistic, and paraconsistent hybrid logic.Torben Braüner - 2006 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 15 (3):179-194.
    In this paper we give axiom systems for classical and intuitionistic hybrid logic. Our axiom systems can be extended with additional rules corresponding to conditions on the accessibility relation expressed by so-called geometric theories. In the classical case other axiomatisations than ours can be found in the literature but in the intuitionistic case no axiomatisations have been published. We consider plain intuitionistic hybrid logic as well as a hybridized version of the constructive and paraconsistent logic (...)
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  27.  36
    Many-valued hybrid logic.Jens Ulrik Hansen, Thomas Bolander & Torben Braüner - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 111-132.
    In this paper we define a family of many-valued semantics for hybrid logic, where each semantics is based on a finite Heyting algebra of truth-values. We provide sound and complete tableau systems for these semantics. Moreover, we show how the tableau systems can be made terminating and thereby give rise to decision procedures for the logics in question. Our many-valued hybrid logics turn out to be "intermediate" logics between intuitionistic hybrid logic and classical hybrid (...)
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  28.  22
    Hybrid logics with Sahlqvist axioms.B. ten Cate - 2005 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 13 (3):293-300.
  29.  45
    A proof–theoretic study of the correspondence of hybrid logic and classical logic.H. Kushida & M. Okada - 2006 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 16 (1):35-61.
    In this paper, we show the equivalence between the provability of a proof system of basic hybrid logic and that of translated formulas of the classical predicate logic with equality and explicit substitution by a purely proof–theoretic method. Then we show the equivalence of two groups of proof systems of hybrid logic: the group of labelled deduction systems and the group of modal logic-based systems.
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  30. The bounded fragment and hybrid logic with polyadic modalities.Ian Hodkinson - 2010 - Review of Symbolic Logic 3 (2):279-286.
    We show that the bounded fragment of first-order logic and the hybrid language with and operators are equally expressive even with polyadic modalities, but that their fragments are equally expressive only for unary modalities.
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    Sahlqvist Completeness Theory for Hybrid Logic with Downarrow Binder.Zhiguang Zhao - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    In the present paper, we continue the research in Zhao (2021, Logic J. IGPL) to develop the Sahlqvist completeness theory for hybrid logic with satisfaction operators and downarrow binders |$\mathcal {L}( @, {\downarrow })$|⁠. We define the class of restricted Sahlqvist formulas for |$\mathcal {L}( @, {\downarrow })$| following the ideas in Conradie and Robinson (2017, J. Logic Comput., 27, 867–900), but we follow a different proof strategy which is purely proof-theoretic, namely showing that for every (...)
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  32.  51
    An efficient approach to nominal equalities in hybrid logic tableaux.Serenella Cerrito & Marta Cialdea Mayer - 2010 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 20 (1-2):39-61.
    Basic hybrid logic extends modal logic with the possibility of naming worlds by means of a distinguished class of atoms (called nominals) and the so-called satisfaction operator, that allows one to state that a given formula holds at the world named a, for some nominal a. Hence, in particular, hybrid formulae include “equality” assertions, stating that two nominals are distinct names for the same world. The treatment of such nominal equalities in proof systems for hybrid (...)
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  33.  41
    Why does the proof-theory of hybrid logic work so well?Torben Braüner - 2007 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 17 (4):521-543.
    This is primarily a conceptual paper. The goal of the paper is to put into perspective the proof-theory of hybrid logic and in particular, try to give an answer to the following question: Why does the proof-theory of hybrid logic work so well compared to the proof-theory of ordinary modal logic?Roughly, there are two different kinds of proof systems for modal logic: Systems where the formulas involved in the rules are formulas of the object (...)
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  34.  23
    Deductive Systems and the Decidability Problem for Hybrid Logics.Michał Zawidzki - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book stands at the intersection of two topics: the decidability and computational complexity of hybrid logics, and the deductive systems designed for them. Hybrid logics are here divided into two groups: standard hybrid logics involving nominals as expressions of a separate sort, and non-standard hybrid logics, which do not involve nominals but whose expressive power matches the expressive power of binder-free standard hybrid logics.The original results of this book are split into two parts. This (...)
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  35. A dynamic-epistemic hybrid logic for intentions and information changes in strategic games.O. Roy - 2009 - Synthese 171 (2):291 - 320.
    In this paper I present a dynamic-epistemic hybrid logic for reasoning about information and intention changes in situations of strategic interaction. I provide a complete axiomatization for this logic, and then use it to study intentions-based transformations of decision problems.
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  36.  82
    Constructive interpolation in hybrid logic.Patrick Blackburn & Maarten Marx - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (2):463-480.
    Craig's interpolation lemma (if φ → ψ is valid, then φ → θ and θ → ψ are valid, for θ a formula constructed using only primitive symbols which occur both in φ and ψ) fails for many propositional and first order modal logics. The interpolation property is often regarded as a sign of well-matched syntax and semantics. Hybrid logicians claim that modal logic is missing important syntactic machinery, namely tools for referring to worlds, and that adding such (...)
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  37.  10
    A Twosoted Hybrid Logics Including Guarded Jumps.Bernhard Heinemann - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 73-92.
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  38.  62
    Decision procedures for some strong hybrid logics.Andrzej Indrzejczak & Michał Zawidzki - 2013 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 22 (4):389-409.
    Hybrid logics are extensions of standard modal logics, which significantly increase the expressive power of the latter. Since most of hybrid logics are known to be decidable, decision procedures for them is a widely investigated field of research. So far, several tableau calculi for hybrid logics have been presented in the literature. In this paper we introduce a sound, complete and terminating tableau calculus T H(@,E,D, ♦ −) for hybrid logics with the satisfaction operators, the universal (...)
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  39.  30
    Complexity of hybrid logics over transitive frames.Martin Mundhenk, Thomas Schneider, Thomas Schwentick & Volker Weber - 2010 - Journal of Applied Logic 8 (4):422-440.
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    Proof-Theoretic Functional Completeness for the Hybrid Logics of Everywhere and Elsewhere.Torben Braüner - 2005 - Studia Logica 81 (2):191-226.
    A hybrid logic is obtained by adding to an ordinary modal logic further expressive power in the form of a second sort of propositional symbols called nominals and by adding so-called satisfaction operators. In this paper we consider hybridized versions of S5 (“the logic of everywhere”) and the modal logic of inequality (“the logic of elsewhere”). We give natural deduction systems for the logics and we prove functional completeness results.
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  41.  11
    The Complexity of Monotone Hybrid Logics over Linear Frames and the Natural Numbers.Stefan Göller, Arne Meier, Martin Mundhenk, Thomas Schneider, Michael Thomas & Felix Weiß - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 261-278.
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  42. From Description to Hybrid Logics, and Back.Carlos Areces & Maarten de Rijke - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 17-36.
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  43.  14
    A family of Gödel hybrid logics.Didier Galmiche & Yakoub Salhi - 2010 - Journal of Applied Logic 8 (4):371-385.
  44.  61
    Model checking for hybrid logic.Martin Lange - 2009 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 18 (4):465-491.
    We consider the model checking problem for Hybrid Logic. Known algorithms so far are global in the sense that they compute, inductively, in every step the set of all worlds of a Kripke structure that satisfy a subformula of the input. Hence, they always exploit the entire structure. Local model checking tries to avoid this by only traversing necessary parts of the input in order to establish or refute the satisfaction relation between a given world and a formula. (...)
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    A Tableau system for a first-order hybrid logic.Jens Ulrik Hansen - 2007 - In Jørgen Villadsen, Thomas Bolander & Torben Braüner (eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Hybrid Logic 2007 (HyLo 2007).
    In this paper a first-order version of hybrid logic is presented. The language is obtained by adding nominals, satisfaction operators and the down-arrow binder to classical first-order modal logic. The satisfaction operators are applied to both formulas and terms. Moreover adding the universal modality is discussed. This first-order hybrid language is interpreted over varying domains and a sound and complete, fully internalized tableau system for this logic is given.
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  46. HyLoTab — Tableau-based Theorem Proving for Hybrid Logics.Jan van Eijck - unknown
    This paper contains the full code of a prototype implementation in Haskell [5], in ‘literate programming’ style [6], of the tableau-based calculus and proof procedure for hybrid logic presented in [4].
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    A bisimulation characterization theorem for hybrid logic with the current-state Binder.Ian Hodkinson & Hicham Tahiri - 2010 - Review of Symbolic Logic 3 (2):247-261.
    We prove that every first-order formula that is invariant under quasi-injective bisimulations is equivalent to a formula of the hybrid logic . Our proof uses a variation of the usual unravelling technique. We also briefly survey related results, and show in a standard way that it is undecidable whether a first-order formula is invariant under quasi-injective bisimulations.
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    Third International Workshop on Hybrid Logic.Patrick Blackburn - 2001 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 9 (5):735-737.
  49.  24
    First-order hybrid logic: introduction and survey.T. Brauner - 2014 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (1):155-165.
  50.  9
    An Axiom System for Basic Hybrid Logic with Propositional Quantifiers.Patrick Blackburn, Torben Braüner & Julie Lundbak Kofod - 2023 - In Helle Hvid Hansen, Andre Scedrov & Ruy J. G. B. De Queiroz (eds.), Logic, Language, Information, and Computation: 29th International Workshop, WoLLIC 2023, Halifax, NS, Canada, July 11–14, 2023, Proceedings. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 118-134.
    We present an axiom system for basic hybrid logic extended with propositional quantifiers (a second-order extension of basic hybrid logic) and prove its (basic and pure) strong completeness with respect to general models.
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