Results for 'Humanism, Religious'

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  1.  43
    Humanism and Religious Naturalism in Carol Wayne White’s “Sacred Humanity”: A Span Too Wide to Bridge?Scot Yoder - 2018 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 39 (2):19-32.
    In Black Lives and Sacred Humanity: Toward an African American Religious Naturalism, Carol Wayne White sets out to develop a new religious ideal for African American culture by bringing two unlikely partners, African American religiosity and religious naturalism, into conversation. This is an ambitious project given the prominent role that supernaturalistic theism plays in African American religiosity and the paucity of attention that contemporary religious naturalism has given to cultural issues such as race. She attempts to (...)
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    The religious Renaissance of the German humanists.Lewis William Spitz - 1963 - Cambridge,: Harvard University Press.
    No detailed description available for "The Religious Renaissance of the German Humanists".
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  3. Experience of nothingness, a form of humanistic religious-experience.Mm Raymond - 1989 - Journal of Dharma 14 (2):173-189.
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    Pluralistic Humanism: Democracy and the Religious.Tibor Solymosi - 2015 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 23 (1):25-43.
    I propose we discuss pluralistic humanism as an alternative to both atheism and traditional theism in an effort to establish a democratic faith to which we, despite our differences, can bind ourselves. I draw on the thought of American pragmatists to articulate a constructive criticism of new atheists. This criticism primarily focuses on the unacknowledged affinities between religion and scientific atheism – namely, a naive realism and a conversion experience – with the hope of using such common ground as a (...)
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    Some Humanistic Characteristics of Chinese Religious Thought: JOSEPH S. WU.Joseph S. Wu - 1969 - Religious Studies 5 (1):99-103.
    The main purpose of this paper is to bring out some significant humanistic characteristics of Chinese religious thought. My account is limited to what is originally and typically Chinese. That is to say, it will exclude what has been influenced by Buddhism from India or Christianity from the Western world. Some of the theses of this paper are based on scholarly works, while others are drawn from the author's primary experience.
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    The religious tendencies of humanistic-naturalism.Royal Glenn Hall - 1926 - [n.p.]:
  7. Religious and Secular Humanism.Robert Price - 2002 - Free Inquiry 22.
  8. Humanism as a religious orientation?William Hart - 2021 - In Anthony B. Pinn, The Oxford handbook of humanism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Intellectual, humanist, and religious commitment: acts of assent.Peter Forrest - 2019 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Between innocence and commitment: speculation and experience -- Reasonable commitment -- Some comparisons -- Commitment to reason and to scientific realism -- Humanist commitment -- Humanism and the cosmic agent -- Commitment to God -- Corollaries.
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  10. American Religious Humanism (1916-1936) and Its Leading Ideas Functioning as Metaphors of Ultimate Reality and Meaning.J. Ronald Engel - 1985 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 8 (4):262-276.
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  11.  57
    Religious naturalism or theological humanism?David E. Klemm - 2007 - Zygon 42 (2):357-368.
  12.  24
    Humanistic effects of the value synergy of religious ethical ideas: the methodological platform and applied horizons.Oleksandr Brodetsky - 2019 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 89:13-25.
    . The article substantiates the relevance of complex researches aimed at expert understanding of the humanistic potential of ethical ideas of different religious traditions and clarifying the conditions of their effectiveness in modern reality. Methodological guidelines for such studies are Kant's ethicotheology; ethical doctrine of N. Hartmann; Berdyaev's ethics of creativity; E.Fromm’s demarcation of the foundations of authoritarian and humanistic religiosity; D.Ikeda's ideas about the primacy of cultural dialogue of religions over their dogmatic or corporate isolationism. The author models (...)
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  13.  31
    Chapter 8: A Personalistic Religious Humanism.Dwayne A. Tunstall - 2011 - In Cheikh Guèye, Ethical Personalism. Ontos Verlag. pp. 117-126.
    Ethical personalism is normally associated with three of the central personalist movements in the twentieth century: the Boston personalism of Borden Parker Bowne, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rufus Burrow, Jr.; the French personalism of Emmanuel Mounier; and the personalism of Pope John Paul II. In the twenty-first century, there are a growing number of people living in North America and Europe who are not affiliated with any religious tradition, yet are still sympathetic to the Christian ethical ideas associated (...)
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  14.  23
    The promise of scientific humanism toward a unification of scientific, religious, social and economic thought.Oliver Leslie Reiser - 1940 - New York,: O. Piest.
  15. Humanist tradition and religious dissidence in the first half of the xvith century: Ciceronian and Lucian dialog.Stefano Prandi - 2011 - Rinascimento 51:201-221.
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  16.  59
    Humanism and Religious Belief in Martin Buber.Eugene B. Borowitz - 1978 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 53 (3):320-328.
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    Humanism and the Death of God: Searching for the Good After Darwin, Marx, and Nietzsche.Ronald E. Osborn - 2017 - New York, New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    Humanism and the Death of God is a critical exploration of secular humanism and its discontents. Through close readings of three exemplary nineteenth-century philosophical naturalists or materialists, who perhaps more than anyone set the stage for our contemporary quandaries when it comes to questions of human nature and moral obligation, Ronald E. Osborn argues that "the death of God" ultimately tends toward the death of liberal understandings of the human as well. Any fully persuasive defense of humanistic values--including the core (...)
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  18.  21
    Humanistic Teaching and the Place of Ethical and Religious Values in Higher Education.Edwin E. Aubrey - 1959 - British Journal of Educational Studies 8 (1):92-92.
  19.  64
    John Dewey: religious faith and democratic humanism.Steven C. Rockefeller - 1991 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Rockefeller (religion and philosophy, Middlebury College) combines biography and intellectual history in an introduction to the philosophy of Dewey (1859-1952) which emphasizes the evolution of the religious faith and moral vision at the heart of his thought. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Po.
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  20. Meeting of humanistic and religious goals in theory of growth orientation of Rogers, Carl.Jm Manickanamparambil - 1989 - Journal of Dharma 14 (2):190-199.
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  21. Religious naturalism: Humanistic versus theistic.J. Wesley Robbins - manuscript
    We Americans put a lot of stock in ingenuity. We admire people who come up with better mousetraps or with better ways to predict economic cycles. William James, in his early essay "Great Men and Their Environment," was the first American pragmatist to suggest that there are interesting analogies between the roles that ingenious people play in social change and bearers of genetic variations play in biological evolution.(1) He proposed that the categories in terms of which we conduct various cultural (...)
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  22.  22
    Emotional bonds: Bridging the gap between evolutionary and humanistic accounts of religious belief.Léon Turner - 2020 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 42 (1):6-28.
    Recent years have seen a growing willingness in the evolutionary cognitive science of religion (ECSR) to embrace an inclusive, theoretically pluralistic approach and the emergence of a broad consensus around some key themes that collectively constitute a central theoretical core of the field. Nevertheless, ECSR still raises serious problems for some in the humanities. In exploring the reasons for the perception of conflict between humanistic and cognitive evolutionary approaches to religion, I suggest that both ECSR’s default account of the origins (...)
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  23.  3
    Humanism as the next step.Lloyd Morain - 1954 - Boston,: Beacon Press. Edited by Mary S. Morain.
  24.  56
    Renaissance humanism and the religious culture of the first jesuits.John W. O'malley - 1990 - Heythrop Journal 31 (4):471–487.
  25.  4
    Humanism, positive and negative.Donald MacCrimmon MacKay - 1966 - London,: Inter-Varsity Fellowship.
  26.  15
    Humanism and Education.John White - 2015 - In Andrew Copson & A. C. Grayling, The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Humanism. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 234–254.
    Humanist education, within families and at school, is best understood in its historical context. It involves a shedding, over time, of religion‐dependent features belonging to a more devout age. This chapter focuses on British history, although many of the points apply more widely, especially to other countries with a Protestant background, like the USA. Liberal humanist approaches to children's education in the home are best understood in terms of the rejection, over time, of the religious setting within which it (...)
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  27.  2
    Pluralizing humanism: religions and secularisms beyond power.Slavica Jakelic - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Humanism is appealed to today whenever we want to tackle the conditions of dehumanization in the contemporary world. But for humanism to be viable in the twenty first century, this book argues, it needs to be pluralized. Employing theoretical, historical and sociological arguments, the book moves beyond the discourse of critique. It engages theories of religion and secularism, as well as postmodern, postcolonial, and decolonial critiques of Western humanist projects, to uncover the ideas and practices of religious and secular (...)
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  28.  42
    Humanism and Religion: A Call for the Renewal of Western Culture.Jens Zimmermann - 2012 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Jens Zimmermann suggests that the West can rearticulate its identity and renew its cultural purpose by recovering the humanistic ethos that originally shaped Western culture. He traces the religious roots of humanism, and combines humanism, religion and hermeneutic philosophy to re-imagine humanism for our current cultural and intellectual climate.
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  29.  19
    Humanist Pioneer.W. Creighton Peden - 2006 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 14:9-28.
    Essay outlining the life and work of Albert Eustace Haydon born in Brampton, Ontario, Canada in 1880, one of the founders of 'religious humanism' and of the humanist movement in America.
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  30. Faith beyond humanism.David Rhys Williams - 1963 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
  31.  23
    Martabat Tembung Wali of Sunan Gunung Jati: As the value of religious humanism for the people of Cirebon.Linda E. Pradita, Sumarlam Sumarlam, Kundharu Saddhono & Muhammad Rohmadi - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (3):5.
    This study discusses the teachings of Sunan Gunung Jati as the value of religious humanism in education and history for the people of Cirebon. The teachings of Sunan Gunung Jati are still tightly grasped by the people of Cirebon from ancient times to the present, namely martabat tembung wali because they contain moral teachings and noble cultural values. The teachings of Sunan Gunung Jati have the concept of religious humanism as a form of history. The concept of (...) humanism has implications for the educational process, with an orientation to developing human aspects. The purpose of this study is to explore the values of life reflected in the teachings of Sunan Gunung Jati’s life as the value of religious humanism in education and history for the people of Cirebon. This research uses an anthropolinguistic theoretical framework to examine the value of religious humanism in education and history for the people of Cirebon. This study uses a qualitative research paradigm. The results showed that the teachings of Sunan Gunung Jati contained the value of life in social rules. Sunan Gunung Jati has relevance to the process of human development. Humans have a personal side that continues to grow in line with the social side. Human development is also surrounded by spiritual components as a form of emotional intelligence. Contribution: This article contributes to the objective of HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies to investigate the history of religions, as well as phenomenology, psychology, philosophy and sociology of religions. (shrink)
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    The Renewal and Reform of the Catholic Church's Relationship with the Religious Others: Prospects and Challenges for a Theological Humanistic Turn in Christian‐Muslim Dialogue.MariaOlisaemeka Rosemary Okwara - 2018 - New Blackfriars 99 (1080):206-218.
    This article aims at exploring some recent developments in Catholic Church's recent relationship with religious others. It does so by exploring the theological-anthropological sources behind Vatican II and some subsequent Papal teachings concerning the Church's mission of dialogue. Specifically, it discusses the notion of common origin, destiny and common humanity as sources for praxis-oriented and faith-based initiatives in a Christian-Muslim dialogue. This article is divided into three sub-sections. First, it considers the Catholic Church's renewed dialogue with non-Christian believers, with (...)
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    The Promise of Scientific Humanism. Toward a Unification of Scientific, Religious, Social and Economic Thought.V. J. McGill - 1941 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 2 (1):108-111.
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  34.  44
    My Humanist Detour from China to the United States.Wendy Liu - 2012 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 20 (1):57-68.
    I would describe myself as an accidental humanist, if not atheist. That was very much how I felt when I found myself on June 4, 2010, standing at the podium of the sixty-ninth annual conference of the American Humanist Association. I was receiving the Humanist Pioneer Award. But what did I do to deserve the honor? The golden letters on the beautifully crafted award said: “To Wendy Liu for her pioneering work that advances Humanist values and critical thought through cross (...)
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  35.  48
    Secular virtue and Christian religious virtue in renaissance humanism: Moral norms vs. realpolitik.Charles R. Dechert - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (4):737-741.
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  36. Why Is Religious Humanism?Thomas Flynn - 1996 - Free Inquiry 16.
  37.  2
    Living as a humanist.Harold John Blackham - 1950 - London,: Chaterson.
  38.  8
    When colorblindness isn't the answer: humanism and the challenge of race.Anthony B. Pinn - 2017 - Washington, DC: Institute for Humanist Studies.
    The future of the United States rests in many ways on how the ongoing challenge of racial injustice in the country is addressed. Yet, humanists remain divided over what if any agenda should guide humanist thought and action toward questions of race. In this volume, Anthony B. Pinn makes a clear case for why humanism should embrace racial justice as part of its commitment to the well-being of life in general and human flourishing in particular. As a first step, humanists (...)
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  39.  12
    Humanism: essays on race, religion and cultural production.Anthony B. Pinn - 2015 - London: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    Provides a much-needed humanities-based analysis and description of humanism in relation to theses cultural markers. Whereas most existing analysis attempts to explain humanism through the natural and social sciences (the "what" of life), Anthony B. Pinn explores humanism in relation to "how" life is arranged, socialized, ritualized, and framed. This ground-breaking publication brings together old and new essays on a wide range of topics and themes, from the African-American experience, to the development of humanist churches, and the lyrics of Jay-Z.
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    Humanist anthology: from Confucius to Attenborough.Margaret Knight & Jim Herrick (eds.) - 1995 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    A compilation of international humanist thought spans centuries and includes the writings of skeptics, novelists, philosophers, and religious critics.
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  41.  32
    Theistic Humanism and the Hermeneutic Appraisal of the Doctrine of Salvation.Chiedozie Okoro - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):264.
    This essay uses theistic humanism as a super structure to do a hermeneutic appraisal of the doctrine of salvation in a pluralistic world. It operates on the assumption that reality is multidimensional, just as human belief systems and cultural perspectives are diverse. More importantly, is the point that most countries on the African continent house a potpourri of belief systems, prominent among which are Christianity, Islam and Traditional African Religion (ATR). Thus, theistic humanism offers us the opportunity to do a (...)
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  42.  9
    A History of Modern Jewish Religious Philosophy: Volume Iii: The Crisis of Humanism. A Historial Crossroads.Eliezer Schweid - 2019 - Brill.
    Volume Three, “The Crisis of Humanism,” commences with an important essay on the challenge to the humanist tradition posed in the late 19th century by historical materialism, existentialism and positivism. These Jewish thinkers of the late 19th and early 20th century addressed the general European value crisis while laying foundations for Jewish renewal: Hess, Lazarus, Cohen, Ahad Ha-Am, Dubnow, Berdiczewski, and the theorists of Yiddishism and Labor Zionism.
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  43.  32
    John Dewey: Religious Faith and Democratic Humanism. [REVIEW]Robert J. Roth - 1993 - International Philosophical Quarterly 33 (1):117-122.
  44.  14
    Is Humanism Too Optimistic? An Analysis of Religion as Religion.Paul Cliteur - 2015 - In Andrew Copson & A. C. Grayling, The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Humanism. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 374–402.
    A widespread complaint about humanism is that it is ‘too optimistic’. It is a nice and open attitude towards life but as a philosophy it cannot be taken seriously. This chapter shows that although people pay lip service to religion as the foundation of morals, in fact it is morals that are increasingly seen as the basis of religion. There is a strange psychological process at work: on the one hand people repeatedly state that morals are in need of a (...)
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  45. (1 other version)Humanism.Tony Davies - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    Humanism offers students a clear and lucid introductory guide to the complexities of Humanism, one of the most contentious and divisive of artistic or literary concepts. Showing how the concept has evolved since the Renaissance period, Davies discusses humanism in the context of the rise of Fascism, the onset of World War II, the Holocaust, and their aftermath. Humanism provides basic definitions and concepts, a critique of the religion of humanity, and necessary background on religious, sexual and political themes (...)
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  46.  20
    Humanist Ceremonies.Matthew Engelke - 2015 - In Andrew Copson & A. C. Grayling, The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Humanism. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 216–233.
    This chapter explores the making of a humanist ceremony, and discusses why self‐identified humanists and secularists, who often define themselves within the tradition of ‘free thought’, want to foster ceremonies, given that ceremonies so often connote the routine, discipline, and authority associated with religion. It focuses on funerals provided by celebrants in the British Humanist Association (BHA), the most important non‐religious organization in the United Kingdom, and one of the world leaders in the development of such ceremonies. A ‘non‐ (...)’ funeral, then, is one in which a conscious decision has been made to ground the event and its importance within ‘the immanent frame’. Anthropologists often observe that ritual speech and action carry particular meaning and force. Ritual frames a social world, and it communicates and validates a particular way of looking at the world. (shrink)
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  47.  21
    Humanism and Secularization: From Petrarch to Valla.Riccardo Fubini - 2003 - Duke University Press.
    The Renaissance movement known as humanism eventually spread from Italy through all of western Europe, transforming early modern culture in ways that are still being felt and debated. Central to these debates—and to this book—is the question of whether the humanist movement contributed to the secularization of Western cultural traditions at the end of the Middle Ages. A preeminent scholar of Italian humanism, Riccardo Fubini approaches this question in a new way—by redefining the problem of secularization more carefully to show (...)
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  48.  19
    Humanism in Intercultural Perspective: Experiences and Expectations.Jörn Rüsen (ed.) - 2009 - Columbia University Press.
    This book is a breakthrough in illuminating humanism. For the first time it is presented in an intercultural perspective. It introduces Chinese, Indian, African, Islamic, and Western traditions into the intercultural discussion about basic issues of understanding the human world. By this means it recognizes different disciplinary perspectives: history, philosophy as well as religious, literary and gender studies. Special emphasis is put on the controversial relationship between humanism and religion. This complex network of argumentations is an answer to the (...)
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  49.  53
    On Humanism.Richard Norman - 2004 - Routledge.
    humanism /'hju:menizm/ n. an outlook or system of thought concerned with human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Albert Einstein, Isaac Asimov, E.M. Forster, Bertrand Russell, and Gloria Steinem all declared themselves humanists. What is humanism and why does it matter? Is there any doctrine every humanist must hold? If it rejects religion, what does it offer in its place? Have the twentieth century's crimes against humanity spelled the end for humanism? On Humanism is a timely and powerfully argued philosophical (...)
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  50. On the possibilities of spirituality and religious humanism in gerontology or reflections of one aging American cultural historian.T. R. Cole - 2002 - In Lars Andersson, Cultural Gerontology. Greenwood Publishing Group. pp. 25--44.
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