21 found
Huaiyu Wang [19]Huaiyu Henry Wang [3]Huaiyuhenry Wang [1]
  1. Ren and Gantong: Openness of Heart and the Root of Confucianism.Huaiyu Wang - 2012 - Philosophy East and West 62 (4):463-504.
  2. The way of heart: Mencius' understanding of justice.Huaiyu Wang - 2009 - Philosophy East and West 59 (3):pp. 317-363.
    Through a comparative study of the meanings and origins of justice symbolized in the Greek word dikē and the Chinese word yi 毅, this essay explores an alternative understanding of justice exemplified in Mencius' teaching and illuminates a possibility of social and political justice that originates in the human heart instead of reason. On the basis of a genealogical study of yi that identifies its root meanings as "the dignity of the self" and "amity and affinity," this study recovers and (...)
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  3.  51
    Piety and Individuality Through a Convoluted Path of Rightness: Exploring the Confucian Art of Moral Discretion via Analects 13.18.Huaiyu Wang - 2011 - Asian Philosophy 21 (4):395 - 418.
    This essay presents an in-depth interpretation of the controversial dialogue in Analects 13.18 through careful and critical investigation of its historical background and philosophical significations. With a clarification of the multifaceted connotations of the word zhi (?, upright, forthright), my study brings out the play of irony in Confucius's words in Analects 13.18. According to my interpretation, not only is Confucius's reaction not inappropriate but it also demonstrates the art of early Confucian moral discretion that was informed by the teaching (...)
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  4. A Genealogical Study of De: Poetical Correspondence of Sky, Earth, and Humankind in the Early Chinese Virtuous Rule of Benefaction.Huaiyu Wang - 2015 - Philosophy East and West 65 (1):81-124.
  5. On Ge Wu: Recovering the Way of the Great Learning.Huaiyu Wang - 2007 - Philosophy East and West 57 (2):204 - 226.
    By rethinking the meaning of a central idiom in the Great Learning, this essay intends to open up a new horizon for the hermeneutics of early Confucian thinking, which has little to do with metaphysics. Through a careful etymological study of ge wu and a dialogue between the Great Learning and Heidegger's phenomenology of human affection, I demonstrate the critical position of the human heart in early Chinese thinking. This new interpretation of early Confucian moral teachings also recovers an invigorating (...)
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  6. The Lost Confucian Philosopher: Gu Hongming and the Chinese Religion of Good Citizenship.Huaiyu Wang - 2021 - Philosophy East and West 71 (1):217-240.
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  7.  72
    What is the Matter with Conscience?: A Confucian Critique of Modern Imperialism.Huaiyu Wang - 2011 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 10 (2):209-229.
    Through a Confucian critique of modern colonial politics and the failure of Western conscience in a number of historical and literary settings (including the Opium Wars, the Holocaust and the modern slavery), the article criticizes the illusory foundation and inexorable predicaments of modern imperialism. The goal of my investigation is to break open the normative authority of modern Western ideologies so as to initiate a new horizon for the hermeneutics of Confucianism and to suggest an alternative vision of humanity and (...)
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  8. Between Hierarchy of Oppression and Style of Nourishment: Defending the Confucian Way of Civil Order.Huaiyu Wang - 2016 - Philosophy East and West 66 (2):559-596.
    Despite a growing interest in and sympathy with Confucianism, there remains a stereotyped conception of Confucian civil order as a form of authoritarian hierarchy that is responsible for various oppressions in ancient China and is reprehensible from a modern egalitarian perspective. One central target of this modern criticism is the Confucian maxim of sangang 三綱, whose underlying idea is essential for regulating the relationship between sovereign and subject, father and son, and husband and wife in traditional Confucian society. Tu Wei-ming (...)
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  9. From the Principle of Rational Autonomy to the Virtuosity of Empathetic Embodiment: Reclaiming the Modern Significance of Confucian Civilization.Huaiyu Wang - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (4):1222-1247.
    By laying bare the philosophical prejudices underlying certain modern deprecations of Confucianism, this article defends the integrity of Confucian civilization and reclaims its significance for the modern world. Taking on a typical criticism of Confucian Ethics by Alsadire MacIntyre, I argue that the ideal of Confucian self can be defined neither in terms of Western concepts of autonomy nor heteronomy; it consists rather in a kind of virtuosity as inspired by the empathetic openness of the self. Through a comparative study (...)
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  10.  54
    Ritual, Harmony and Freedom: Rediscovering the Modern Value of Confucianism.Huaiyu Wang - 2020 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 47 (3-4):271-282.
    Journal of Chinese Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  11.  61
    Care and reverence: Exploring the origin of early confucian thinking.Huaiyu Wang - 2008 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35 (1):139–157.
  12.  28
    Beyond transcendence: In law and philosophy – by Louis E. wolcher.Huaiyu Henry Wang - 2008 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35 (3):525-528.
  13.  93
    Conscience and the aporia of being and time.Huaiyu Wang - 2007 - Research in Phenomenology 37 (3):357-384.
    In this article, I establish first the critical role of conscience in Heidegger's Being and Time . As the call of care, conscience attests to the authenticity of Da-sein as it discloses and "accomplishes" Da-sein as the being it is delivered over to be. Heidegger's interpretation of conscience also epitomizes the central aporias of Being and Time , which, with a view to revoking the Western metaphysical tradition, ultimately recalls it. At the heart of such aporias is the hermeneutic circle (...)
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  14.  31
    Gongfu Philosophy and the Confucian Way of Freedom: Critical Reflections on N i Peimin’s Confucius: The Man and the Way of Gongfu.Huaiyu Wang - 2018 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 17 (2):257-265.
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  15. Jiang, Wenye 江文也, A Discourse on Confucius’s Music 孔子的樂論. Translated from 上代支那正樂考—孔子の音樂論 by Yang Rubin 楊儒賓: Taibei 臺北: Center of Publication of Taiwan University 臺灣大學出版中心, 2004, 10+172 pages.Huaiyu Wang - 2010 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 9 (1):115-119.
    Jiang, Wenye 江文也, A Discourse on Confucius’s Music 孔子的樂論. Translated from 上代支那正樂考—孔子の音樂論 by Y ang Rubin 楊儒賓 Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s11712-009-9148-3 Authors Huaiyu Wang, Georgia College & State University Department of History, Geography, and Philosophy Campus Box 47 Milledgeville GA 31061 USA Journal Dao Online ISSN 1569-7274 Print ISSN 1540-3009 Journal Volume Volume 9 Journal Issue Volume 9, Number 1.
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  16.  55
    Mesotēs, Energeia, and Alētheia.Huaiyu Wang - 2007 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 11 (2):409-420.
    Drawing upon John Burnet’s interpretation of mesotēs, I explore the original meanings of this important Greek word and its inherent relations to the conceptsof formal cause, final cause, and actuality (energeia). My investigation reveals the concept of mesotēs as an Ariadne’s thread running through the whole system ofAristotle’s moral and natural philosophy. It also throws a new light on the implications of Aristotle’s definition of moral virtue and the essential role it plays in the truth of human existence.
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  17.  28
    On.Huaiyu Wang - 2007 - Philosophy East and West 57 (2).
    : By rethinking the meaning of central idiom in the Great Learning, this essay intends to open up new horizon for the hermeneutics of early Confucian thinking, which has little to do with metaphysics. Through careful etymological study of ge wu and dialogue between the Great Learning and Heidegger’s phenomenology of human affection, I demonstrate the critical position of the human heart in early Chinese thinking. This new interpretation of early Confucian moral teachings also recovers an invigorating possibility for contemporary (...)
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  18.  80
    Book reviews and response. [REVIEW]Hans-Georg Moeller, Chen Derong, Lin Ma, Jay Goulding, Travis Smith, Zong Desheng, Li-Hsiang Lisa Rosenlee, Huaiyu Henry Wang, Huang Yong & Ellen Zhang - 2005 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 5 (1):173-206.
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  19.  53
    Zhang, Xianglong 張祥龍, refuge of thinking: Ancient chinese philosophy in the age of globalization 思想避難:全球化中的中國古代哲理. [REVIEW]Huaiyu Wang - 2008 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 7 (2):233-235.
  20.  36
    Confucius: Making the Way Great. By Peimin Ni. (Shanghai: Shanghai Yiwen Chubanshe, 2010. 278 Pp. Paperback, ISBN 978-7-5327-5055-9. [REVIEW]Huaiyu Wang - 2012 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39 (3):453-457.
  21.  35
    Yingyu Shijie Zhong de Zhongguo Zhexue《英語世界中的中國哲學》. Edited by Jiang Xinyan 姜新艷. Beijing: Renmin University of China Press, 2009. xvii, 628 Pp. Paperback, ISBN 978‐7‐300‐11366‐1. [REVIEW]Huaiyu Wang - 2014 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 41 (3-4):527-530.
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