Results for 'Houy Nicolas'

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  1.  44
    A characterization of majority voting rules with quorums.Nicolas Houy - 2009 - Theory and Decision 67 (3):295-301.
    We give a characterization of majority voting rules with quorums in the framework of May (Econometrica 20:680–684, 1952)’s seminal article. According to these voting rules, an alternative is socially chosen if and only if it obtains the relative majority of votes and the total number of voters not abstaining reaches the quorum.
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    Choice Functions with States of Mind.Nicolas Houy - 2008 - Theory and Decision 65 (1):1-26.
    An agent is rational by dominance then states of mind (DSM) if he makes his decisions by, first, preselecting the alternatives that are not dominated by any other alternative in the choice set, and second, by choosing the preselected alternative corresponding to his state of mind. This state of mind is dependent on the previous choices he made. An agent is rational by states of mind then dominance (SMD) if he makes his decisions by, first, preselecting the alternatives corresponding to (...)
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    Always doing your best? Effort and performance in dynamic settings.Nicolas Houy, Jean-Philippe Nicolaï & Marie Claire Villeval - 2020 - Theory and Decision 89 (3):249-286.
    Achieving an ambitious goal frequently requires succeeding in a sequence of intermediate tasks, some being critical for the final outcome, and others not. However, individuals are not always able to provide a level of effort sufficient to guarantee success in all such intermediate tasks. The ability to manage effort throughout the sequence of tasks is, therefore, critical when resources are limited. In this paper, we propose a criterion of importance that is person- and context-specific, as it is based on how (...)
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    Common characterizations of the untrapped set and the top cycle.Nicolas Houy - 2011 - Theory and Decision 70 (4):501-509.
    We give some characterizations for both the untrapped set and the top cycle choice functions. We link these characterizations with the well-known characterization of the maximal elements choice function. Our characterizations strongly rely on the notion of “two-tier domination”.
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  5. Rationality and Order-Dependent Sequential Rationality.Houy Nicolas - 2007 - Theory and Decision 62 (2):119-134.
    We show that an individual using a choice function is sequentially rational and the decisions he makes are independent of the order of implementation of the rationales if and only if he is rational with the union of the rationales as a base binary relation. When he makes his decisions following a choice correspondence, the sufficiency part of this claim still holds, the necessity part of it does not.
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  6. Collective nouns and the distribution problem.David Nicolas & Jonathan D. Payton - forthcoming - Synthese.
    Intuitively, collective nouns are pseudo-singular: a collection of things (a pair of people, a flock of birds, etc.) just is the things that make ‘it’ up. But certain facts about natural language seem to count against this view. In short, distributive predicates and numerals interact with collective nouns in ways that they seemingly shouldn’t if those nouns are pseudo-singular. We call this set of issues ‘the distribution problem’. To solve it, we propose a modification to cover-based semantics. On this semantics, (...)
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    Afred Schmidt, Le concept de nature chez Marx. Traduit de l'allemand par Jacqueline Bois.Nicolas Février - 1995 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 93 (1-2):197-199.
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    Les usages de l'intentionnalité: recherches sur le première réception de Husserl en France.Nicolas Monseu - 2005 - Dudley, MA: Peeters.
    Ce livre apporte un nouvel eclairage sur ce qu'il conviendrait d'appeler les commencements de la phenomenologie en France et donc, plus particulierement, sur la ...
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    Psychedelic Therapy as Form of Life.Nicolas Langlitz & Alex K. Gearin - 2024 - Neuroethics 17 (1):1-19.
    In the historical context of a crisis in biological psychiatry, psychedelic drugs paired with psychotherapy are globally re-emerging in research clinics as a potential transdiagnostic therapy for treating mood disorders, addictions, and other forms of psychological distress. The treatments are poised to soon shift from clinical trials to widespread service delivery in places like Australia, North America, and Europe, which has prompted ethical questions by social scientists and bioethicists. Taking a broader view, we argue that the ethics of psychedelic therapy (...)
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  10. Modesty as a Virtue of Attention.Nicolas Bommarito - 2013 - Philosophical Review 122 (1):93-117.
    The contemporary discussion of modesty has focused on whether or not modest people are accurate about their own good qualities. This essay argues that this way of framing the debate is unhelpful and offers examples to show that neither ignorance nor accuracy about the good qualities related to oneself is necessary for modesty. It then offers an attention-based account, claiming that what is necessary for modesty is to direct one’s attention in certain ways. By analyzing modesty in this way, we (...)
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    The role of attraction in cultural evolution.Nicolas Claidière & Dan Sperber - 2007 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 7 (1-2):89-111.
    Henrich and Boyd (2002) were the first to propose a formal model of the role of attraction in cultural evolution. They came to the surprising conclusion that, when both attraction and selection are at work, final outcomes are determined by selection alone. This result is based on a deterministic view of cultural attraction, different from the probabilistic view introduced in Sperber (1996). We defend this probabilistic view, show how to model it, and argue that, when both attraction and selection are (...)
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  12.  27
    An essay on faith, reason, and human nature.Nicolas G. Mertens - 2000 - Huntington, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers.
    Discusses questions such as, what is knowledge, what qualifies as knowledge, and what does not; what does it mean to say, "I know, I understand," what is truth, ...
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    How to Bootstrap a Human Communication System.Nicolas Fay, Michael Arbib & Simon Garrod - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (7):1356-1367.
    How might a human communication system be bootstrapped in the absence of conventional language? We argue that motivated signs play an important role (i.e., signs that are linked to meaning by structural resemblance or by natural association). An experimental study is then reported in which participants try to communicate a range of pre-specified items to a partner using repeated non-linguistic vocalization, repeated gesture, or repeated non-linguistic vocalization plus gesture (but without using their existing language system). Gesture proved more effective (measured (...)
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  14. Inner Virtue.Nicolas Bommarito - 2017 - New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
    What does it mean to be a morally good person? It can be tempting to think that it is simply a matter of performing certain actions and avoiding others. And yet there is much more to moral character than our outward actions. We expect a good person to not only behave in certain ways but also to experience the world in certain ways within.
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  15. A Third Theory of Paternalism.Nicolas Cornell - 2015 - Michigan Law Review 113:1295-1336.
  16.  7
    Traité de la banalité.Nicolas Grimaldi - 2005 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Y a-t-il expérience plus banale que celle que nous avons spontanément du temps et de la vie? Mais nous ne pouvons avoir d'expérience du temps que par l'attente; et nous ne nous sentons vivre qu'en nous sentant exposés à la mort. Aussi n'y a-t-il rien de plus banal que temps, la vie, l'attente et la mort pour caractériser l'originaire compréhension que nous ayons de notre existence. Mais parce que notre attente présuppose l'imagination de ce que nous attendons, on ne peut (...)
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  17. Dona Nobis Pacem". Schrei und Utopie bei Ludwig van Beethoven, Bernd Alios Zimmermann, Heinz Holliger und Klaus Huber.Nicolas Schalz - 2010 - In Hartmut Lück & Dieter Senghaas (eds.), Den Frieden komponieren?: ein Symposium zur musikalischen Friedensforschung, Bremen, 16. bis 18. Januar 2009. Mainz: Schott.
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  18. Attention, information and epistemic perception.Nicolas Bullot - 2013
    (in press, under contract with MIT Press, accepted on June 30th, 2006). Attention, Information and Epistemic Perception. In Terzis, G. & Arp, R. (Eds) Information and the Living Systems: Essays in the Philosophy of Biology. The MIT Press. (14,000 words).
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    L'art, ou, La feinte passion: essai sur l'expérience esthétique.Nicolas Grimaldi - 1983 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Cette édition numérique a été réalisée à partir d'un support physique, parfois ancien, conservé au sein du dépôt légal de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, conformément à la loi n° 2012-287 du 1er mars 2012 relative à l'exploitation des Livres indisponibles du XXe siècle. Pages de début Chapitre premier - La leçon des masques Première partie - L'imitation et son modèle introuvable Chapitre II - L'art comme illusionnisme Chapitre III - L'art selon Diderot : idéal de la vérité ou vérité (...)
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  20. Seeing Clearly: A Buddhist Guide to Life.Nicolas Bommarito - 2020 - New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Many of us, even on our happiest days, struggle to quiet the constant buzz of anxiety in the background of our minds. All kinds of worries--worries about losing people and things, worries about how we seem to others--keep us from peace of mind. Distracted or misled by our preoccupations, misconceptions, and, most of all, our obsession with ourselves, we don't see the world clearly--we don't see the world as it really is. In our search for happiness and the good life, (...)
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  21. Creating a communication system from scratch: gesture beats vocalization hands down.Nicolas Fay, Casey J. Lister, T. Mark Ellison & Susan Goldin-Meadow - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  22. Wrongs, Rights, and Third Parties.Nicolas Cornell - 2015 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 43 (2):109-143.
  23.  81
    Functional cerebral reorganization: a signature of expertise? Reexamining Guida, Gobet, Tardieu, and Nicolas' (2012) two-stage framework.Alessandro Guida, Fernand Gobet & Serge Nicolas - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  24.  10
    De quelques questions qu'un amateur d'art aimerait soumettre à un philosophe du droit.Nicolas Grimaldi - 1995 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 40:26-33.
    Peut-on penser que l'art a tous les droits sans postuler qu'il n'a aucun rapport avec le droit? Ceux qui sont en charge de l'État ont-ils le droit d'imposer comme un art officiel des parti-pris singuliers? Sous prétexte qu'il y a un marché de l'art, tout et n'importe quoi est-il de l'art dès lors que l'État lui en a décerné le brevet? Telles sont les questions posées par l'auteur aux philosophes du droit.
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    Matière et tradition.Nicolas Grimaldi - 1971 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 76 (2):167 - 195.
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    Six études sur la volonté et la liberté chez Descartes.Nicolas Grimaldi - 1988 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    Lorsque Descartes parvient à la fameuse certitude que « je pense, donc je suis », quel est ce je qui découvre l'évidence de son être, dans l'instant même où il n'y a plus aucun être qu'il n'ait rendu douteux? Fallait-il vraiment, comme l'en raille Gassendi, la mise en œuvre d'un aussi grand appareil pour n'en arriver qu'à une aussi banale découverte? Si, portant sur l'infinité des créatures, le doute manifeste par le fait l'exercice d'une volonté infinie, d'où vient que Descartes (...)
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    Etudes cartésiennes: Dieu, le temps, la liberté.Nicolas Grimaldi - 1996 - Paris: Vrin.
    Dieu, le temps, la liberte: trois manieres de poser le probleme des rapports du fini et de l'infini. Comment un etre fini peut-il etre tellement hante par l'idee de l'infini, qu'elle soit la plus originaire et l'horizon de toutes ses pensees? Si Dieu a tout cree sans ordre ni raison, l'infinite de sa puissance n'est-elle pas son unique perfection? Comment une creature finie peut-elle desirer acquerir les perfections infinies qu'elle concoit en Dieu sans s'assigner ainsi une tache infinie? Pour deduire (...)
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    Traité des solitudes.Nicolas Grimaldi - 2003 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Pas d'expérience plus immédiate ni plus évidente que celle d'être un moi, mais rien de plus énigmatique que sa réalité. Jamais son intensité et son inconsistance ne sont aussi manifestes que dans la solitude. C'est elle que ne cessent de décrire les journaux intimes de Maine de Biran, d'Amiel, de Kafka et de Pessoa. Il suffisait à l'analyse de prendre appui sur leur témoignage pour élucider les divers statuts du moi et caractériser la crise de son identité. Quel hiatus entre (...)
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    Harmonizing Artificial Intelligence for Social Good.Nicolas Berberich, Toyoaki Nishida & Shoko Suzuki - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 33 (4):613-638.
    To become more broadly applicable, positions on AI ethics require perspectives from non-Western regions and cultures such as China and Japan. In this paper, we propose that the addition of the concept of harmony to the discussion on ethical AI would be highly beneficial due to its centrality in East Asian cultures and its applicability to the challenge of designing AI for social good. We first present a synopsis of different definitions of harmony in multiple contexts, such as music and (...)
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  30. Facts, artifacts, and mesosomes: Practicing epistemology with the electron microscope.Nicolas Rasmussen - 1993 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 24 (2):227-265.
  31.  14
    Alexithymia disrupts verbal short-term memory.Nicolas Vermeulen - 2021 - Cognition and Emotion 35 (3):559-568.
    ABSTRACTWhile some research has now started to suggest that there are long-term memory deficits in alexithymia, short-term memory in alexithymia remained largely unexplored. This study...
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    The Ontology, Psychology and Axiology of Habits (Habitus) in Medieval Philosophy.Nicolas Faucher & Magali Roques (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer.
    This book features 20 essays that explore how Latin medieval philosophers and theologians from Anselm to Buridan conceived of habitus, as well as detailed studies of the use of the concept by Augustine and of the reception of the medieval doctrines of habitus in Suàrez and Descartes. Habitus are defined as stable dispositions to act or think in a certain way. This definition was passed down to the medieval thinkers from Aristotle and, to a lesser extent, Augustine, and played a (...)
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  33. Animal Agency, Captivity, and Meaning.Nicolas Delon - 2018 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 25:127-146.
    Can animals be agents? Do they want to be free? Can they have meaningful lives? If so, should we change the way we treat them? This paper offers an account of animal agency and of two continuums: between human and nonhuman agency, and between wildness and captivity. It describes how a wide range of human activities impede on animals’ freedom and argues that, in doing so, we deprive a wide range of animals of opportunities to exercise their agency in ways (...)
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    Coloured Letters and Numbers (CLaN): A reliable factor-analysis based synaesthesia questionnaire.Nicolas Rothen, Elias Tsakanikos, Beat Meier & Jamie Ward - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):1047-1060.
    Synaesthesia is a heterogeneous phenomenon, even when considering one particular sub-type. The purpose of this study was to design a reliable and valid questionnaire for grapheme-colour synaesthesia that captures this heterogeneity. By the means of a large sample of 628 synaesthetes and a factor analysis, we created the Coloured Letters and Numbers questionnaire with 16 items loading on 4 different factors . These factors were externally validated with tests which are widely used in the field of synaesthesia research. The questionnaire (...)
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  35.  23
    Sociology and psychology: What intersections?Nicolas Sallée & Baptiste Brossard - 2020 - European Journal of Social Theory 23 (1):3-14.
    This article is the introduction to the special issue ‘Sociology and psychology: what intersections?’ In addition to presenting the articles included in this issue, the present text outlines the general stakes of interdisciplinarity between psychology and sociology. It argues that interdisciplinarity requires a specific conversion work between disciplines and that, in the particular case of sociology and psychology, importations and exportations of concepts and ideas have existed since the beginning of these disciplines.
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    Linking Corporate Policy and Supervisory Support with Environmental Citizenship Behaviors: The Role of Employee Environmental Beliefs and Commitment.Nicolas Raineri & Pascal Paillé - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (1):129-148.
    This study investigates the social–psychological mechanisms leading individuals in organizations to engage in environmental citizenship behaviors, which entail keeping abreast of, and participating in, the environmental affairs of a company. Informed by the corporate greening and organizational behavior literature, we suggested that an employee’s level of involvement in the management of a company’s environmental impact was the overt manifestation of his or her discretionary sense of commitment to environmental concerns in the work context, and that such commitment developed through the (...)
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    First-Order Dialogical Games and Tableaux.Nicolas Clerbout - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 43 (4):785-801.
    We present a new proof of soundness/completeness of tableaux with respect to dialogical games in Classical First-Order Logic. As far as we know it is the first thorough result for dialogical games where finiteness of plays is guaranteed by means of what we call repetition ranks.
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    Psychological origins of the Industrial Revolution.Nicolas Baumard - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42:1-47.
    Since the Industrial Revolution, human societies have experienced high and sustained rates of economic growth. Recent explanations of this sudden and massive change in economic history have held that modern growth results from an acceleration of innovation. But it is unclear why the rate of innovation drastically accelerated in England in the eighteenth century. An important factor might be the alteration of individual preferences with regard to innovation resulting from the unprecedented living standards of the English during that period, for (...)
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  39. Imaginative Moral Development.Nicolas Bommarito - 2017 - Journal of Value Inquiry 51 (2):251-262.
    The picture of moral development defended by followers of Aristotle takes moral cultivation to be like playing a harp; one gets to be good by actually spending time playing a real instrument. On this view, we cultivate a virtue by doing the actions associated with that virtue. I argue that this picture is inadequate and must be supplemented by imaginative techniques. One can, and sometimes must, cultivate virtue without actually performing the associated actions. Drawing on strands in Buddhist philosophy, I (...)
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    Estudios cromosomicos en el cerdo.Neris G. Rosa & Tiranti Ivan Nicolas - 1994 - Theoria 3.
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  41. The Logic of Contradiction.Nicolas D. Goodman - 1981 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 27 (8-10):119-126.
  42.  36
    Perceived Work Conditions and Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Role of Meaning of Work.Caroline Arnoux-Nicolas, Laurent Sovet, Lin Lhotellier, Annamaria Di Fabio & Jean-Luc Bernaud - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    How to Create Shared Symbols.Nicolas Fay, Bradley Walker, Nik Swoboda & Simon Garrod - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (S1):241-269.
    Human cognition and behavior are dominated by symbol use. This paper examines the social learning strategies that give rise to symbolic communication. Experiment 1 contrasts an individual-level account, based on observational learning and cognitive bias, with an inter-individual account, based on social coordinative learning. Participants played a referential communication game in which they tried to communicate a range of recurring meanings to a partner by drawing, but without using their conventional language. Individual-level learning, via observation and cognitive bias, was sufficient (...)
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  44.  18
    A Study on Congruency Effects and Numerical Distance in Fraction Comparison by Expert Undergraduate Students.Nicolás Morales, Pablo Dartnell & David Maximiliano Gómez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Vindication of Computer Simulations.Nicolas Fillion - 2017 - In Martin Carrier & Johannes Lenhard (eds.), Mathematics as a Tool: Tracing New Roles of Mathematics in the Sciences. Springer Verlag.
    The relatively recent increase in prominence of computer simulations in scientific inquiry gives us more reasons than ever before for asserting that mathematics is a wonderful tool. In fact, a practical knowledge of scientific computation has become essential for scientists working in all disciplines involving mathematics. Despite their incontestable success, it must be emphasized that the numerical methods subtending simulations provide at best approximate solutions and that they can also return very misleading results. Accordingly, epistemological sobriety demands that we clarify (...)
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    The Berlin School of Logical Empiricism and its Legacy.Nicolas Rescher - 2006 - Erkenntnis 64 (3):281-304.
    What has become generally known as the Berlin School of Logical Empiricism constitutes a philosophical movement that was erected on foundations laid by Albert Einstein. His revolutionary work in physics had a profound impact on philosophers interested in scientific issues, prominent among them Paul Oppenheim and Hans Reichenbach, the founding fathers of the school, who joined in viewing him as their hero among philosopher-scientists. Overall the membership of this school falls into three groups. The founding generation was linked by the (...)
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    Explanation and abstraction from a backward-error analytic perspective.Nicolas Fillion & Robert H. C. Moir - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 8 (3):735-759.
    We argue that two powerful error-theoretic concepts provide a general framework that satisfactorily accounts for key aspects of the explanation of physical patterns. This method gives an objective criterion to determine which mathematical models in a class of neighboring models are just as good as the exact one. The method also emphasizes that abstraction is essential for explanation and provides a precise conceptual framework that determines whether a given abstraction is explanatorily relevant and justified. Hence, it increases our epistemological understanding (...)
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    Complicity and hypocrisy.Nicolas Cornell & Amy Sepinwall - 2020 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 19 (2):154-181.
    This article offers a justification for accommodating claims of conscience. The standard justification points to the pain that acting against one’s conscience entails. But that defense cannot make sense of the state’s refusal to accommodate individuals where the law interferes with their deeply meaningful but nonmoral projects. An alternative justification, we argue, arises once one recognizes the connection between conscience and moral address: One’s lived moral convictions determine when and with what force one can hold others to account. Acting against (...)
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    La distinction entre noms massifs et noms comptables.David Nicolas - 2002 - Editions Peeters.
    Cet ouvrage est consacre a l'etude de la distinction linguistique entre noms massifs (lait, mobilier, desordre, amour...) et noms comptables (chat, equipe, combat, chose...). Les premiers sont normalement invariables, tandis que les seconds s'emploient librement au singulier et au pluriel. Apres avoir etabli qu'il s'agit bien d'une distinction morpho-syntaxique, l'ouvrage discute la possibilite de caracteriser semantiquement cette distinction. Les recherches existantes ne tiennent compte, essentiellement, que des noms s'appliquant au domaine materiel. Ce travail, au contraire, examine en detail aussi bien (...)
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  50. Art and Science: A Philosophical Sketch of Their Historical Complexity and Codependence.Nicolas J. Bullot, William P. Seeley & Stephen Davies - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 75 (4):453-463.
    To analyze the relations between art and science, philosophers and historians have developed different lines of inquiry. A first type of inquiry considers how artistic and scientific practices have interacted over human history. Another project aims to determine the contributions that scientific research can make to our understanding of art, including the contributions that cognitive science can make to philosophical questions about the nature of art. We rely on contributions made to these projects in order to demonstrate that art and (...)
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