Results for 'Herman Jiesamfoek'

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  1. The Practice of Moral Judgment.Barbara Herman - 1985 - Journal of Philosophy 82 (8):414.
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    Systems and theories in psychology.Melvin Herman Marx - 1973 - New York,: McGraw-Hill. Edited by William A. Hillix.
    “The primary purpose of this book has been to provide a single source of containing the basic information about systematic and theoretical psychology which any student of psychology should have. It is mainly directed at the senior undergraduate major and the beginning of the graduate student.”-Publisher.
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    Experiencing Narrative Worlds: On the Psychological Activities of Reading.David Herman & Richard J. Gerrig - 1997 - Substance 26 (1):167.
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    Argumentation and Language — Linguistic, Cognitive and Discursive Explorations.Jérôme Jacquin, Thierry Herman & Steve Oswald (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This volume focuses on the role language plays at all levels of the argumentation process. It explores the effects that specific linguistic choices may have in the production and the reception of arguments and in doing so, it moves beyond the first, necessary, descriptive stance provided by current literature on the topic. Each chapter provides an original take illuminating one or more of the following three issues: the range of linguistic resources language users draw on as they argue; how cognitive (...)
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  5. Privacy protection, control of information, and privacy-enhancing technologies.Herman T. Tavani & James H. Moor - 2001 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 31 (1):6-11.
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    Systemic Explanations of Scientific Misconduct: Provoked by Spectacular Cases of Norm Violation?Pieter Huistra & Herman Paul - 2021 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (1):51-65.
    In the past two decades, individual explanations of scientific misconduct have increasingly given way to systemic explanations. Where did this interest in systemic factors come from? Given that research ethicists often present their interventions as responses to scientific misconduct, this article tests the hypothesis that these systemic explanations were triggered by high-visibility cases of scientific norm violation. It does so by examining why Dutch scientists in 2011 explained Diederik Stapel’s grand-scale data fabrication largely in systemic terms, whereas only fifteen years (...)
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    Literary Theory: An Introduction.David Herman & Terry Eagleton - 1998 - Substance 27 (2):139.
  8. Integrity and Impartiality.Barbara Herman - 1983 - The Monist 66 (2):233-250.
    Most of us have been brought up on the idea that moral theories divide as they are, at the root, either deontological or consequentialist. A new point of division has been emerging that places deontological and consequentialist theories together against theories of virtue, or a conception of morality constrained at the outset by the requirements of the “personal.” In a series of important essays Bernard Williams has offered striking arguments for the significance of the personal in moral thought based on (...)
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    (1 other version)The Making of the Modern Mind: A Survey of the Intellectual Background of the Present Age.John Herman Randall - 1940 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Looks at issues such as, the intellectual outlook of Medieval Christendom, the Renaissance, the order of nature in the 17th and 18th centuries, and thought and aspiration in the 19th and 20th centuries.
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    Psychologism and the Prescriptive Function of Logic.Herman Philipse - 1987 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 29 (1):13-33.
    Husserl and Frege did not criticize psychologism on the ground that it deduced the norms of logic from non-normative premises (naturalistic fallacy), as is often supposed. Rather, their refutation of psychologism assumes that such a deduction is possible. Husserl compared the rules of logic to those of technology, on the supposition that they have a purely theoretical basis. This conception of logic is critically examined, and it is argued (contra Follesdal) that Frege held a similar view.
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  11. Morality and Everyday Life.Barbara Herman - 2000 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 74 (2):29 - 45.
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  12. Murder and Mayhem.Barbara Herman - 1989 - The Monist 72 (3):411-431.
    This paper began in the startled realization that little if anything is said in Kant’s ethics about the more violent forms of immoral action. There are discussions of lying, deception, self-neglect, nonbeneficence—but apart from suicide, a great silence about the darker actions. At the least, this should be an occasion for curiosity. Although the degree of concern with acts of violence in contemporary ethics may be in its own way curious, it does not seem unreasonable to expect a moral theory (...)
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    Distance and self‐distanciation: Intellectual virtue and historical method around 1900.Herman Paul - 2011 - History and Theory 50 (4):104-116.
    ABSTRACTWhat did “historical distance” mean to historians in the Rankean tradition? Although historical distance is often equated with temporal distance, an analysis of Ernst Bernheim's Lehrbuch der historischen Methode reveals that for German historians around 1900 distance did not primarily refer to a passage of time that would enable scholars to study remote pasts from retrospective points of view. If Bernheim's manual presents historical distance as a prerequisite for historical interpretation, the metaphor rather conveys a need for self‐distanciation. Self‐distanciation is (...)
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  14. Bibliographical Checklist: Sixth Update.Herman J. Saatkamp Jr - 1989 - Overheard in Seville 7 (7):35-40.
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    Sämtliche Schriften.Arnold Geulincx & Herman Jean de Vleeschauwer - 1965 - F. Frommann (G. Holzboog).
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  16. Kurt Raaf laub (Eds.): Studies in the Ancient Greek.Mogens Herman Hansen - 1995 - Polis 219:6759-0.
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  17. On Seriousness and Laughter.Katia Hay & Herman Siemens - 2014 - Pli 25:77-90.
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    Philosophy After Darwin: Chapters for the Career of Philosophy, Volume Iii, and Other Essays.John Herman Randall - 1977 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by John Herman Randall.
    The sequel to Volumes I and II of John Herman Randall, Jr.'s acclaimed history of modern philosophy, "The Career of Philosophy," This volume contains the ...
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    Computer and society.Herman Ruge Jervell & Kai A. Olsen - 1984 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 13 (4, 1-3):17-21.
    The computer is a relatively new invention in the history of man. It has found application in many sectors, and will undoubtedly influence our society. As we shall show, however, the computer is linked to a chain of development that started 10,000 years ago, when a society of hunters and gatherers changed into an agricultural society. The computer is completely dependent on this development towards a more and more formalized society.
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    Large Finite Sets.Herman Ruge Jervell - 1985 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 31 (35-36):545-549.
  21. Gestures in historv: a select biblio g ra p h y.Jan Bremmer & Herman Roodenburg - 1986 - Semiotica 62:3-28.
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    Metabibliography of computers, ethics, and society: an annotated bibliography of bibliographies.Herman T. Tavani - 1997 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 27 (1):19-21.
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    Socrates in the Light of Aristotle’s Testimony.Anton-Herman Chroust - 1952 - New Scholasticism 26 (3):327-365.
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    Charismatic Bureaucrat: A Political Biography of Matsudaira Sadanobu, 1758-1829.Richard H. Minear & Herman Ooms - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (3):478.
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    Between the Sign & the Gaze.Timothy Murray & Herman Rapaport - 1996 - Substance 25 (2):146.
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    The Artist as Creator: An Essay of Human Freedom.John Herman Randall - 1957 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 18 (3):402-404.
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  27. Psychologists and Polymaths.On Herman Lotze & On Francis - 1993 - Synthese 94:329-333.
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  28. Legitimitätswandel der Wissenschaft.Herman Lübbe - 1981 - In Gernot Böhme & Franz Moser (eds.), Neue Funktionen von Wissenschaft und Technik in den 80er Jahren: Beiträge zur Technik- und Wissenschaftsdiskussion. Wien: Verlag des Verbandes der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften Östeerreichs.
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    Deference to doubt: a young man's quest for religious identity in first century Judea.Herman M. van Praag - 2020 - New York: Urim Publications. Edited by Rosalind Buck.
    Historical fiction set in Judea of the first century CE. Amos, a young Judean searching for his religious identity, travels and debates famous figures representing the main religious and ideological movements of the time. The conclusion Amos reaches is that the quest for the understanding of God's intentions and motives is eternal.
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    Public and Private.Herman van Gunsteren - 1979 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 46.
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    Expressions of sceptical topoi in (late) antique Judaism.Reuven Kipervasser & Geoffrey Herman (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Scepticism has been the driving force in the development of Greco-Roman culture in the past, and the impetus for far-reaching scientific achievements and philosophical investigation. Early Jewish culture, in contrast, avoided creating consistent representations of its philosophical doctrines. Sceptical notions can nevertheless be found in some early Jewish literature such as the Book of Ecclesiastes. One encounters there expressions of doubt with respect to Divine justice or even Divine involvement in earthly affairs. During the first centuries of the common era, (...)
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    Over kerkelijke dogmatiek en marxistische filosofie: Karl Barth vergelijkenderwijs gelezen.Rinse Herman Reeling Brouwer - 1988 - 's-Gravenhage: Boekencentrum.
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  33. The Dartmouth Bible: An Abridgment of the King James Version (including the Apocrypha), with Aids to its Understanding as History and Literature, and as a Source of Religious Experience.Roy B. Chamberlain & Herman Feldman - 1950
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  34. Matters of Life and Death.John B. Cobb & Herman E. Daly - 1992 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 13 (3):221-228.
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    Humanisme, cartesianisme, spinozisme. Filosoferen in nederlands gouden eeuw.Herman de Dljn - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (2):353-357.
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    Virtue Ethics and/or Virtue Epistemology: A Response to Anton Froeyman.Herman Paul - 2012 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 6 (3):432-446.
    In response to Anton Froeyman's paper, “Virtues of Historiography,“ this article argues that philosophers of history interested in why historians cherish such virtues as carefulness, impartiality, and intellectual courage would do wise not to classify these virtues unequivocally as either epistemic or moral virtues. Likewise, in trying to grasp the roles that virtues play in the historian's professional practice, philosophers of history would be best advised to avoid adopting either an epistemological or an ethical perspective. Assuming that the historian's virtuous (...)
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    Ordinal sequence in short-term retention of numbers.Herman Buschke & Richard Lenon - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (1):201.
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    Imagining Karma, Ethical Transformation in Amerindian, Buddhist and Greek Rebirth (review).A. L. Herman - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):303-306.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Imagining Karma, Ethical Transformation in Amerindian, Buddhist, and Greek RebirthA. L. HermanImagining Karma, Ethical Transformation in Amerindian, Buddhist, and Greek Rebirth. By Gananath Obeyesekere. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002. 448 pp.Gananath Obeyesekere, professor emeritus of anthropology at Princeton University, is probably one of the world's greatest living anthropologists. The proof of that assertion lies in this his latest work on comparative anthropology, a study of the concept (...)
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    De reidel symfonie. Van semantiek naar pragmatiek.Herman Parret - 1980 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 42 (4):781 - 811.
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    Peer Review: The International Publishers Association: A Pivotal Player in Today's Global Publishing Industry.Herman Spruijt - 2009 - Logos 20 (1):217-227.
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    Instructions and stimulus properties in processing relevant-redundant information.Herman Staudenmayer & Roger W. Schvaneveldt - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 89 (1):175.
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    The Lord Scroop Fallacy.Herman E. Stark - 2000 - Informal Logic 20 (3).
    In this paper I identify a fallacy. The fallacy is worth noting for practical and theoretical reasons. First, the rampant occurrences ofthis fallacy-especially at moments calling for careful thought-indicate that it is more pernicious to clear thinking than many of those found in standard logic texts. Second, the fallacy stands apart from most others in that it contains multiple kinds oflogical error (i.e., fallacious and non-fallacious logical errors) that are themselves committed in abnormal ways, and thus it presents a two-tiered (...)
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    Computer ethics: philosophical enquiry.Herman T. Tavani & Lucas D. Introna - 1999 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 29 (1):4-8.
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    The Sense and Non-Sense of Revolt: The Powers and Limits of Psychoanalysis.Jeanine Herman (ed.) - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    Linguist, psychoanalyst, and cultural theorist, Julia Kristeva is one of the most influential and prolific thinkers of our time. Her writings have broken new ground in the study of the self, the mind, and the ways in which we communicate through language. Her work is unique in that it skillfully brings together psychoanalytic theory and clinical practice, literature, linguistics, and philosophy. In her latest book on the powers and limits of psychoanalysis, Kristeva focuses on an intriguing new dilemma. Freud and (...)
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    Spinoza en de geneeskunde..Mozes Herman Cohen - 1920 - [Amsterdam]: Druk de Bussy.
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    De beste truc om kritisch te leren denken.Herman de Regt - 2018 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 110 (1):27-44.
    The Best Trick to Teach Critical Thinking. How philosophy of science and magic make young people resilient to nonsense. In a world of ‘alternative facts’ and fact-free opinions, all readily available through the internet, young people can easily fall prey to nonsense, thus running the risk to act on false information. Critical thinking is usually seen as a remedy against accepting and acting on such falsehoods. Under a pragmatist-naturalist interpretation of science, critical thinking is synonymous with scientific inquiry. Magic tricks (...)
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  47. Introduction.Jérôme Jacquin, Thierry Herman & Steve Oswald - 2018 - In Sarah Bigi & Fabrizio Macagno (eds.), Argumentation and Language — Linguistic, Cognitive and Discursive Explorations. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Political Implications of Happiness in Descartes and Nietzsche.Vasti Roodt & Herman W. Siemens - 2008 - In Vasti Roodt & Herman W. Siemens (eds.), Nietzsche, Power and Politics: Rethinking Nietzsche's Legacy for Political Thought. De Gruyter.
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  49. The Making of English History.Robert Livingston Schuyler & Herman Ausubel - 1953 - Science and Society 17 (2):178-180.
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  50. Problèmes actuels de la Phénoménologie.Pierre Thévenaz, Herman J. Pos, Eugen Fink, M. Merleau-Ponty, P. Ricœur & J. Wahl - 1954 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 59 (3):341-341.
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