Results for 'Herbert Heyde'

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  1.  25
    Reflections on reclamation through art.Thomas Heyd - 2007 - Ethics, Place and Environment 10 (3):339 – 345.
    Industrial interventions in the landscape leave their imprint in a permanent way, but there remain options on how to deal with land even at that point in time. In this essay, three alternatives are considered: leaving such sites as they are, restoring them to a condition resembling their original state, or transforming them into artworks. The author focuses in particular on the third option in order to determine to what degree it is possible for artistic reclamation to redeem such blights (...)
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    An uncanny dimension: Commentary on Thomas Heyd's 'reflections on reclamation through art'.Allison Hagerman - 2007 - Ethics, Place and Environment 10 (3):347 – 350.
    The aesthetic transformation becomes a vehicle of recognition and indictment. Herbert Marcuse, 1978, p. 9 In his ‘Reflections on Reclamation through Art’, Thomas Heyd poses the question: Can art ef...
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  3. Are there any natural rights?Herbert Hart - 1955 - Philosophical Review 64 (2):175-191.
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    (1 other version)Causation in the Law.Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart & Tony Honoré - 1959 - Oxford University Press UK.
    An updated and extended second edition supporting the findings of its well-known predecessor which claimed that courts employ common-sense notions of causation in determining legal responsibility.
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  5. Essays on Bentham: Jurisprudence and Political Philosophy.Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart - 1982 - Oxford University Press.
    In his introduction to these closely linked essays Professor Hart offers both an exposition and a critical assessment of some central issues in jurisprudence and political theory. Some of the essays touch on themes to which little attention has been paid, such as Bentham's identification of the forms of mysitification protecting the law from criticism; his relation to Beccaria; and his conversion to democratic radicalism and a passionate admiration for the United States.
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    Anchoring Utterances.Herbert H. Clark - 2021 - Topics in Cognitive Science 13 (2):329-350.
    Clark highlights a neglected issue in research on language use: the process by which speakers and addressees anchor utterances with respect to individual entities in their common ground. In his review, he identifies the challenges linked to investigations of anchoring, but also displays the pitfalls of evading it.
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  7. Essays in jurisprudence and philosophy.Herbert Hart - 1983 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This important collection of essays includes Professor Hart's first defense of legal positivism; his discussion of the distinctive teaching of American and Scandinavian jurisprudence; an examination of theories of basic human rights and the notion of "social solidarity," and essays on Jhering, Kelsen, Holmes, and Lon Fuller.
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    Coordinating with each other in a material world.Herbert H. Clark - 2005 - Discourse Studies 7 (4-5):507-525.
    In everyday joint activities, people coordinate with each other by means not only of linguistic signals, but also of material signals – signals in which they indicate things by deploying material objects, locations, or actions around them. Material signals fall into two main classes: directing-to and placing-for. In directing-to, people request addressees to direct their attention to objects, events, or themselves. In placing-for, people place objects, actions, or themselves in special sites for addressees to interpret. Both classes have many subtypes. (...)
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  9. The "mental" and the "physical".Herbert Feigl - 1958 - Minneapolis,: University of Minnesota Press.
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  10. Making room in the Inn for those less fortunate.Dilinie Herbert - 2016 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 22 (2):3.
    Herbert, Dilinie Christmas is a special time in the Christian calendar. The Christmas story begins with a heavily pregnant Mary riding on the back of a donkey alongside her husband into the city of Bethlehem. Their search for board to see them till the morning is futile. A somewhat kind Inn keeper shows them to his stable, where the animals are accommodated.. That night Mary gives birth to baby Jesus and she lays the newborn down in a manger. The (...)
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    Autonomy and Unhappy Consciousness.Ludwig Heyde—Ku Nijmegen - 1998 - Ethical Perspectives 5 (2):253.
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    Early Christianity and Greek Paideia.Herbert Musurillo & Werner Jaeger - 1963 - American Journal of Philology 84 (2):209.
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    Deutsche Philosophie heute.Herbert Albrecht - 1969 - Bremen,: C. Schünemann.
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    Chuang Tzu.Herbert A. Giles - 1926 - London,: Routledge. Edited by Herbert Allen Giles.
    First published in 1889. This re-issues the second, revised edition of 1926. Chuang Tzu was to Lao Tzu, the author of Tao Tê Ching, as Hui-neng, the sixth Patriarch of Zen Buddhism, was to Bodhidharma, and in some respects St.Paul to Jesus; he expanded the original teaching into a system and was thus the founder of Tao-ism. Whereas Lao Tzu was a contemporary of Confucius in the sixth century B.C, Chuang Tzu lived over two hundred years later. He was one (...)
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  15. Theorie und Erfahrung in der Physik.Herbert Feigl - 1929 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 36 (4):9-9.
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    Concepts, Theories, And The Mind-Body Problem.Herbert Feigl (ed.) - 1958 - University of Minnesota Press.
    PAUL OPPENHEIM and HILARY PUTNAM Unity of Science as a Working Hypothesis 1. Introduction 1.1. The expression "Unity of Science" is often encountered, ...
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  17. The rise of scientific curriculum making and its aftermath.Herbert M. Kliebard - 2004 - In David J. Flinders & Stephen J. Thornton, The Curriculum Studies Reader. Routledge.
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    Der geopferte Jesus und die christliche Gewalt.Herbert Koch - 2009 - Düsseldorf: Patmos.
  19. Spielräume.Herbert Malecki - 1969 - [Frankfurt am Main],: Suhrkamp.
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  20. Studies in Critical Theory.Herbert Marcuse & Trent Schroyer - 1977 - Studies in Soviet Thought 17 (3):265-266.
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    (1 other version)Law, love and language.Herbert McCabe - 1968 - Sydney,: Sheed & Ward.
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    Chronique de l'Institut supérieur de Philosophie.Thierry Lucas, Claude Troisfontaines, Ludwig Heyde & Paul Gilbert - 1999 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 97 (2):411-429.
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  23. The concept of expression in esthetic theory. II.Herbert Ellsworth Cory - 1928 - Journal of Philosophy 25 (3):57-71.
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    The significance of beauty in nature and art.Herbert E. Cory - 1947 - Milwaukee,: Bruce Pub. Co..
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  25. Christianity, Diplomacy, & War.Herbert Butterfield - 1953
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    My Sadness – Our Happiness: Writing About Positive, Negative, and Neutral Autobiographical Life Events Reveals Linguistic Markers of Self-Positivity and Individual Well-Being.Cornelia Herbert, Eileen Bendig & Roberto Rojas - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Relational and functional thinking in mathematics.Herbert Russell Hamley - 1934 - New York City,: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University.
    Carnegie explains why she's late for school--a tiger jumped in her window.
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  28. Cartesian And Kantian Revolutions in Philosophy.Herbert Herring - 1996 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 23 (1-2):1-18.
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    Ludwig Klages, Esforcher und Künder des Lebens: Festschrift zum 75. Geburtstage des Philosophen am 10. Dezember 1947.Herbert Hönel & Ludwig Klages - 1947 - Österreichischer Verlag Für Belletristik Und Wissenschaft.
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  30. Humanizismus als Technozentrismus?Herbert Hörz - 1991 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 2 (2):309.
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    Essai sur l'anti-progressisme et ses origines dans la philosophie allemande moderne..Herbert Ludwig Kauffmann - 1936
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    Der Wille zum Wert: Wertordnung und Wertakzent bei der Lebensgestaltung.Herbert Kessler - 1975 - Meisenheim (am Glan): Hain.
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  33. Through the Temple Veil: The Holy Image in Judaism and Christianity.Herbert L. Kessler - 1990 - Kairos (misc) 32 (33):53-77.
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    Formative Factors in Character: A Psychological Study in the Moral Development of Childhood.Herbert Martin - 1925 - Longmans, Green and Co.
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  35. Geweld en vrijheid.Herbert Marcuse - 1970 - Amsterdam,: De Bezige Bij.
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    L'ontologie de Hegel et la théorie de l'historicité.Herbert Marcuse - 1991 - Editions Gallimard.
    Cette thèse universitaire, consacrée à Hegel, s'attache à relire le philosophe à la lumière des concepts d'historicité et de vie. L'ambition de Marcuse est de tenter d'articuler la logique ontologique et la phénoménologie de l'histoire. Le devenir de l'être du monde et celui de l'être psychique et social de l'humanité obéiraient alors à des principes identiques. Cette recherche passe nécessairement par la radicalisation de la pensée hégélienne au XXe siècle, c'est-à-dire par la relecture de l'œuvre de Dilthey et par la (...)
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    Chinese social origins.Herbert Finley Rudd - 1928 - Chicago, Ill.,: University of Chicago.
  38. Carl Leonhard Reinholds philosophischer systemwechsel.Herbert Adam - 1930 - Heidelberg,: C. Winter.
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  39. A Current Misconception of Science.Herbert Dingle - 1939 - Hibbert Journal 38:89.
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  40. Die neuen Anschauungen in der Physik.Herbert Dingle - 1950 - Philosophia Naturalis 1:76.
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  41. (2 other versions)Science and Literary Criticism.Herbert Dingle - 1950 - Philosophy 25 (95):361-363.
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    Event Structures in Linguistic Form and Interpretation.Johannes Dölling, Tatjana Heyde-Zybatow & Martin Schäfer (eds.) - 2008 - De Gruyter.
    This volume addresses the problem of how language expresses conceptual information on event structures and how such information can be reconstructed in the interpretation process. The papers present important new insights into recent semantic and syntactic research on the topic. The volume deals with the following problems in detail: event structure and syntactic construction, event structure and modification, event structure and plurality, event structure and temporal relation, event structure and situation aspect, and event structure and language ontology. Importantly, the topic (...)
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  43.  34
    The Indispensability of Truth.Herbert Heidelberger - 1968 - American Philosophical Quarterly 5 (3):212 - 217.
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    Die stundenweise Berechnung der Lebenszeit im römischen Altertum.Herbert Grassl - 2024 - Hermes 152 (2):227-234.
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    Mishna Tractate Sheviʿit in the Reading-Tradition of Three Communities [Hebrew]Mishna Tractate Sheviit in the Reading-Tradition of Three Communities [Hebrew].Herbert W. Basser & Ktzia Katz - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (3):521.
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    The Crux at Epode 5. 87 again.Herbert H. Huxley - 1971 - Classical Quarterly 21 (02):454-.
    uenena magnum fas nefasque, non ualent conuertere humanam uicem. In his article entitled ‘Two Horatian Problems’ Dr. Guiseppe Giangrande argues persuasively on palaeographical and other grounds for the reading miscent in place of magnum. ‘In conclusion,’ he summarizes, ‘the emendation proposed here solves all the difficulties which have puzzled scholars so far and at the same time is capable of a palaeographical explanation’.
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    EEG, pharmacology, and behavior.Herbert H. Jasper - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (3):482-482.
  48.  11
    Exil, Kulturkontakt und Ideenmigration in der Frühen Neuzeit.Herbert Jaumann - 2010 - In Diskurse der Gelehrtenkultur in der Frühen Neuzeit: Ein Handbuch. De Gruyter. pp. 441-464.
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    Konfessionalität und Toleranz: Zur historiographischen Topik der Frühneuzeitforschung.Herbert Jaumann - 2010 - In Diskurse der Gelehrtenkultur in der Frühen Neuzeit: Ein Handbuch. De Gruyter. pp. 409-440.
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    Parameter der Antiqui-Moderni-Thematik in der Frühen Neuzeit.Herbert Jaumann - 2010 - In Diskurse der Gelehrtenkultur in der Frühen Neuzeit: Ein Handbuch. De Gruyter. pp. 157-178.
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