Results for 'Henrique Stodieck'

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  1.  8
    Bergson e outros temas.Henrique Stodieck - 1966 - Florianópolis: [Roteiro].
    Bergson e a sociologia.--Problemas de filosofía do direito.--Direito e evolucionismo.--Código de Hamurabi e codificac̦ões anteriores.--Ideais jurídicos.--Problemas da planificac̦ão através do direito.--Aspectos da sociologia juridíca de Gurvitch.--A problemática da sociologia política.
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    Changing the Subject: Psychology, Social Regulation, and Subjectivity.Julian Henriques, Wendy Hollway, Cathy Urwin, Couze Venn & Valerie Walkerdine - 1998 - Routledge.
    _Changing the Subject_ is a classic critique of traditional psychology in which the foundations of critical and feminist psychology are laid down. Pioneering and foundational, it is still _the _groundbreaking text crucial to furthering the new psychology in both teaching and research. Now reissued with a new foreword describing the changes which have taken place over the last few years, _Changing the Subject _will continue to have a significant impact on thinking about psychology and social theory.
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    Geometrodynamics as Functionalism about Time.Henrique Gomes & Jeremy Butterfield - unknown
    We review three broadly geometrodynamical---and in part, Machian or relational---projects, from the perspective of spacetime functionalism. We show how all three are examples of functionalist reduction of the type that was advocated by D. Lewis, and nowadays goes by the label `the Canberra Plan’. The projects are: the recovery of geometrodynamics by Hojman et al. ; the programme of Schuller and collaborators to deduce a metric from the physics of matter fields; the deduction of the ADM Hamiltonian by Gomes and (...)
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    Canguilhem’s Hippocratic vitalism.Henrique F. Cairus & Livia Gallucci - 2019 - PHYSIS - Revista de Saúde Coletiva 2 (29):e290209.
    Canguilhem’s vitalism is not obvious, neither does is consist of a more known form of this type of thinking; it does not come from the old diatribes that, coming from the 19th century, are still relevant to the 20th century’s discussions. Canguilhem reclaims vitalism from a unique ontological approach, and does not hesitate to allude to the classics and, most of all, to a Hippocrates that, read mainly through the perspective of the history written by Charles Singer, brings to light (...)
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  5. A ineficiente política da criminalização do aborto: Um estudo comparativo entre brasil E uruguai.Jessica Petrovich Henriques - 2016 - Revista Fides 7 (1).
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    Under the realm of precariousness: slavery and the meaning of freedom of labour in the nineteenth century.Henrique Espada Lima - 2006 - Topoi: Revista de História 2 (SE):0-0.
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  7. 'S introduction: The challenge of a sociotechnical perspective to software engineering'.Henrique Cukierman - 2007 - Scientia 18 (1):4-6.
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    Environmental Management Systems and Practices.Irene Henriques & Perry Sadorsky - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:205-210.
    This study draws on stakeholder management theory and the resource-based view of the firm to determine the factors affecting a facility’s decision to implementenvironmental management systems and practices. Four levels of environmental commitment to the natural environment are proposed including whether a facility has an EMS, whether a facility has a person responsible for environmental issues, whether a facility is ISO 14001 certified and the comprehensiveness of a facility’s EMS as measured by the number of practices undertaken. We empirically test (...)
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  9. Averroïs.Henrique Antonio Pereira - 1939 - Pôrto,: Edições "Pensamento".
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  10. Proposições de Russell, proposições russellianas, e outras pro-posições: elementos para uma discussão de Cillerrno Hurtado.Henrique Ribeiro - 1999 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 8 (15):145-166.
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  11. Hegemony : China's foreign policy through Han Feizian lenses.Henrique Schneider - 2022 - In Eirik Lang Harris & Henrique Schneider (eds.), Adventures in Chinese Realism: Classic Philosophy Applied to Contemporary Issues. Albany: SUNY Press.
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    The early Confucian philosophy of agency: virtuous conduct.Henrique Schneider - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Virtuous conduct is the philosophy of agency within Early Confucianism. Drawing on the ideas of Confucius, Mencius, and Xunzi, this book characterizes Early Confucianism as a progressive philosophy due to its human-centered program for social reform, its process view of self-cultivation, and its development.
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    Zilsel’s Thesis, Maritime Culture, and Iberian Science in Early Modern Europe.Henrique Leitão & Antonio Sánchez - 2017 - Journal of the History of Ideas 78 (2):191-210.
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  14. Holism as the empirical significance of symmetries.Henrique Gomes - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (3):1-41.
    Not all symmetries are on a par. For instance, within Newtonian mechanics, we seem to have a good grasp on the empirical significance of boosts, by applying it to subsystems. This is exemplified by the thought experiment known as Galileo’s ship: the inertial state of motion of a ship is immaterial to how events unfold in the cabin, but is registered in the values of relational quantities such as the distance and velocity of the ship relative to the shore. But (...)
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    Gauging the boundary in field-space.Henrique Gomes - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 67:89-110.
    Local gauge theories are in a complicated relationship with boundaries. Whereas fixing the gauge can often shave off unwanted redundancies, the coupling of different bounded regions requires the use of gauge-variant elements. Therefore, coupling is inimical to gauge-fixing, as usually understood. This resistance to gauge-fixing has led some to declare the coupling of subsystems to be the \textit{raison d'\^etre} of gauge \cite{RovelliGauge2013}. Indeed, while gauge-fixing is entirely unproblematic for a single region without boundary, it introduces arbitrary boundary conditions on the (...)
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  16.  36
    Back to Parmenides.Henrique Gomes - unknown
    After a brief introduction to issues that plague the realization of a theory of quantum gravity, I suggest that the main one concerns defining superpositions of causal structures. This leads me to a distinction between time and space, to a further degree than that present in the canonical approach to general relativity. With this distinction, one can make sense of superpositions as interference between alternative paths in the relational configuration space of the entire Universe. But the full use of relationalism (...)
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  17. (1 other version)É legítimo O uso da literatura no processo de transmissão da filosofia?Fernanda Henriques - 1997 - Philosophica 9:145-167.
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    A ciência da poesia da ciência em Augusto dos Anjos.Henrique F. Cairus & Sabrina Alves dos Santos - 2021 - Navegações 14 (1).
    This article presents a study on the dialogue between the ideas and the aesthetics of Augusto dos Anjos. What is meant to be postulated is that the Paraiba’s poet puts his vigorous aesthetic to the service of ideas that were expurgated from the literary and academic scene under the label of vitalism, in favor of the hegemony of mechanism. Aesthetic images, the use of a nearly completely denotative scientific language, and morbidity, as paroxysms of this aesthetic project are not really (...)
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  19.  11
    A natureza degenerante: o Brasil de Hipócrates.Henrique F. Cairus - manuscript
    In the 18th century, Guilielmus Piso arrives in Brazil as the archiater in the court of John Maurice of Nassau. Upon his return to Europe, he takes on the task of writing a descriptive treatise of these Western Indies. For this purpose, he makes use of the mental framework bequeathed by his education, setting up therefore the treatise On Airs, Waters and Places about Brazil. In the same manner and by the same means found in the homonymous treatise of the (...)
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    Nature of man Corpus hippocraticum.Henrique F. Cairus - 1999 - História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinho 2 (6):395-431.
    Commented translation of the Hippocratic Treatise On the Nature of Man.
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  21. Arqueologia no Alto Tejo. Balanço de 30 anos de investigação.F. Henriques, Jc Caninas & Jl Cardoso - 1999 - História 18:68-74.
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  22. Educação e sociedade alternativa.Antônio Renato Henriques - 1981 - In Ari Pedro Oro, Urbano Zilles & Antônio Renato Henriques (eds.), Filosofia da educação. Porto Alegre, RS: Escola Superior de Teologia São Lourenço de Brindes.
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    Heidegger eo Oriente ou da Extrema In-diferenca Ocidental.Carlos Henrique & Do Carmo Silva - forthcoming - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia.
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    Paul Ricoeur leitor e herdeiro de Kant.Fernanda Henriques - 2005 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 61 (2):593 - 607.
    O presente artigo pretende dar sentido à afirmação feita, mais do que uma vez, por Paul Ricoeur, de que a sua filosofia poderia ser vista como um kantismo pós-hege-liano. Nesse contexto, o artigo procura abordar o pensar ricoeuriano mostrando de que modo ele se instaura e se desenvolve no horizonte kantiano de uma filosofia dos limites do saber. Essa abordagem é desenvolvida em dois momentos. O primeiro dirige-se à leitura que Paul Ricoeur faz da Crítica da Razão Pura de Kant. (...)
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  25. The ber pathway genes and pon1 polymorphism: influence on dna damage in agriculture-exposed workers.João Antônio Pêgas Henriques & Kátia Kvitko - 2006 - Theoria 15 (2).
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    Concepção bakhtiniana de literatura ea análise de personagens nos livros didáticos de LEM/Bakhtinian concept of literature and the analysis of characters in modern foreign language textbooks.Henrique Evaldo Janzen - forthcoming - Bakhtiniana.
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  27. Sob o domínio da precariedade: escravidão e os significados da liberdade de trabalho no século XIX Under the domain of precariousness: slavehood and the meanings of work.Henrique Espada Lima - 2005 - Topoi 6 (11):289-326.
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  28. Por um novo desenvolvimento na América Latina.Henrique T. Novaes & Lais Fraga - 2010 - In Renato Dagnino & Rafael de Brito Dias (eds.), Estudos sociais da ciência e tecnologia & política de ciência e tecnologia: alternativas para uma nova América Latina. [Campinas, Brazil]: GAPI Unicamp.
  29.  22
    Ciencia y tecnología en el umbral del siglo.Henrique Rattner - 2004 - Polis 7.
    El artículo reflexiona sobre el papel de los científicos y trabajadores en investigaciones tecnológicas en la sociedad contemporánea, y realiza un balance crítico del avance de las ciencias. Postula el fracaso de la ciencia en su promesa de llevar progreso, racionalidad y armonía a la convivencia humana, y a tornarse en factor de emancipación de la humanidad. Cuestiona el rol de la ciencia al servicio del poder y conecta crisis de la ciencia con crisis del sistema, para proponer luego una (...)
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  30. A Filosofia Analítica e Kant.Henrique Jales Ribeiro - 2005 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 61 (3):883-899.
    O presente artigo brota da constatação de que, desde os seus inícios, com Frege, Russell e Wittgenstein, a filosofia analítica partiu do pressuposto de que Kant era o seu principal inimigo de entre os grandes autores da história da filosofia. Uma vez eliminados o papel fundamental da ideia de um sujeito de conhecimento e o psicologismo que daí se seguia, e reposto no seu devido lugar, quer dizer, depurado de implicações epistemológicas espúrias, o estatuto da lógica como empreendimento radical de (...)
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  31. A New Reading of Russell's 'Introduction'to Wittgenstein's Tractatus.Henrique Jales Ribeiro - 2005 - In Friedrich Stadler & Michael Stölzner (eds.), Time and History. Papers of the 28th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Österr. Ludwig-Wittgenstein-Gesellschaft.
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    Estudos sobre a filosofia na Europa e em Portugal: de Antero de Quental a Leonardo Coimbra.Henrique Jales Ribeiro - 2013 - Coimbra: MinervaCoimbra.
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  33. O fim da filosofía da ciencia na história da filosofía analítica.Henrique Jales Ribeiro - 1998 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 54 (3):395-428.
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    No Problem With Weakness of the Will.Henrique Schneider - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 33:53-58.
    Weakness of the Will can impose a problem for most theories of rationality, since they try to assess rationality in the framework of one theory. Here, Akrasia is divides in three different types and each analyzed separately. First, someone changes her mind on her action. Second, someone “forced” to change her action without changing her mind. This force is alien to the will and can be a psychological cause. Finally, third, the same alien force is working upon the agent, but (...)
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    Corporate truth: the limits to transparency.Adrian Henriques - 2007 - Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
    Printbegrænsninger: Der kan printes 10 sider ad gangen og max. 40 sider pr. session.
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  36. O destino das ''formas analíticas'' do ''comparativo de superioridade'' de dois advèrbios dervivados de adjectivos: bem e mal.Henrique Barroso - 1998 - Humanitas 50:827-834.
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  37. A fundamentação do conceito de possibilidade objetiva na metodologia weberiana.Henrique F. F. Custódio - 2012 - Dissertation,
    Esta dissertação investiga a fundamentação do conceito de possibilidade objetiva, elaborado por Max Weber em sua obra Estudos críticos sobre a lógica das ciências da cultura. Foi aqui examinado, particularmente, a segunda seção intitulada “Possibilidade objetiva e causação adequada na consideração causal da história”. Na primeira parte deste trabalho, procurou-se analisar a fundamentação do conceito de possibilidade objetiva na metodologia weberiana, que refere-se basicamente a um modo de imputação causal aplicado às ciências da ação. Desse modo, o propósito inicial deste (...)
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  38. A periphery between two centres?: Portugal on the scientific route from Europe to China (sixteenth and seventeenth centuries).Henrique Leitão - 2003 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 233:19-46.
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    The Preventive Turn in Criminal Law.Henrique Carvalho - 2016 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    Through a theoretical examination of the preventive turn in criminal law and justice which has gained momentum in Anglo-American criminal justice systems since the late-twentieth century, The Preventive Turn in Criminal Law demonstrates how recent transformations in criminal law and justiceare intrinsically related to and embedded in the way liberal society and liberal law have been imagined, developed, and conditioned by its social, political, and historical context. Henrique Carvalho identifies a tension between the idea of punishment as an expression (...)
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    Natural Kinds as Scientific Models.Luiz Henrique Dutra - 2011 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 290:141-150.
    The concept of natural kind is center stage in the debates about scientific realism. Champions of scientific realism such as Richard Boyd hold that our most developed scientific theories allow us to “cut the world at its joints” (Boyd, 1981, 1984, 1991). In the long run we can disclose natural kinds as nature made them, though as science progresses improvements in theory allow us to revise the extension of natural kind terms.
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    Por el rescate de la Utopía.Henrique Rattner - 2007 - Polis 16.
    La globalización que barre el planeta ha resultado en una serie de paradojas e incertidumbres para las personas. Aunque haya impulsado poderosamente la producción de bienes y servicios y del comercio internacional, su expansión para todos los bordes del mundo deterioró el estado del medio ambiente y destruyó las comunidades tradicionales rurales e indígenas. La desestabilización de los lazos de cooperación y de solidaridad tradicionales dejó a millones de seres humanos aislados y, sin perspectiva de romper el “círculo vicioso” de (...)
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  42.  71
    Frequently Asked Questions About Shape Dynamics.Henrique Gomes & Tim Koslowski - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (12):1428-1458.
    Barbour’s interpretation of Mach’s principle led him to postulate that gravity should be formulated as a dynamical theory of spatial conformal geometry, or in his terminology, “shapes.” Recently, it was shown that the dynamics of General Relativity can indeed be formulated as the dynamics of shapes. This new Shape Dynamics theory, unlike earlier proposals by Barbour and his collaborators, implements local spatial conformal invariance as a gauge symmetry that replaces refoliation invariance in General Relativity. It is the purpose of this (...)
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    Semi-classical Locality for the Non-relativistic Path Integral in Configuration Space.Henrique Gomes - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (9):1155-1184.
    In an accompanying paper Gomes, we have put forward an interpretation of quantum mechanics based on a non-relativistic, Lagrangian 3+1 formalism of a closed Universe M, existing on timeless configuration space \ of some field over M. However, not much was said there about the role of locality, which was not assumed. This paper is an attempt to fill that gap. Locality in full can only emerge dynamically, and is not postulated. This new understanding of locality is based solely on (...)
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  44. Análise de Campos permanentes pelo acoplamento iterativo mef-mec.Henrique de Oliveira Caiafa Duarte & Delfim Soares Júnior - forthcoming - Principia.
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    A Descoberta Do Inconsciente Psíquico e a Primeira Teoria Bergsoniana Do Inconsciente.Henrique Fróes - 2024 - Síntese Revista de Filosofia 51 (160):197.
    Na segunda introdução ao O pensamento e o movente, Bergson afirma que a intuição o conduziu à constatação da existência do inconsciente psicoló­gico. Neste trabalho procuramos reconstituir o percurso feito pelo pensamento bergsoniano que o levou a esse resultado. Para isso, lançamos mão não só dos primeiros escritos de Bergson como também dos registros das aulas ministradas por ele nos quais o tema do inconsciente é explicitado. Intentamos mostrar que a intuição bergsoniana o leva a recolocar o problema do inconsciente (...)
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    Considerações Acerca Do Estatuto Dos Cursos No Corpus Bergsoniano.Henrique Fróes & Evaldo Sampaio - 2022 - Dissertatio 56:139-168.
    Neste artigo procuramos apresentar um panorama da publicação dos cursos do filósofo francês Henri Bergson, iniciada ao final da década de 1980 e ainda inconclusa, e de algumas questões filológicas, metodológicas e hermenêuticas suscitadas por esse material. Em primeiro lugar, fazemos uma breve apresentação da obra publicada e autorizada por Bergson, bem como de sua trajetória enquanto docente. Em seguida, recenseamos todas as publicações dos cursos em língua francesa e discutimos alguns dos problemas filológicos já detectados. Na sequência, abordamos questões (...)
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  47. A função social da posse como parâmetro para tratamento dos conflitos fundiários urbanos.Henrique Botelho Frota - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (1).
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    Too much to tell: Narrative styles of the first descriptions of the natural world of the Indies.Henrique Leitão & Antonio Sánchez - 2017 - History of Science 55 (2):167-186.
    Describing a Mundus Novus was a very singular task in the sixteenth century. It was an effort shaped by a permanent inherent tension between novelty and normality, between the immense variety of new facts and the demand of credibility. How did these inner strains affect the narrative style of the first descriptions of the natural world of ‘the Indies’? How were the first European observers of the nature of America able to simultaneously transmit the idea of immensity and regularity, and (...)
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    Timeless Configuration Space and the Emergence of Classical Behavior.Henrique Gomes - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (6):668-715.
    The inherent difficulty in talking about quantum decoherence in the context of quantum cosmology is that decoherence requires subsystems, and cosmology is the study of the whole Universe. Consistent histories gave a possible answer to this conundrum, by phrasing decoherence as loss of interference between alternative histories of closed systems. When one can apply Boolean logic to a set of histories, it is deemed ‘consistent’. However, the vast majority of the sets of histories that are merely consistent are blatantly nonclassical (...)
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  50.  29
    Eliminativism and the QCD $$\theta _{\text {YM}}$$-Term: What Gauge Transformations Cannot Do.Henrique Gomes & Aldo Riello - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (2):1-30.
    The eliminative view of gauge degrees of freedom—the view that they arise solely from descriptive redundancy and are therefore eliminable from the theory—is a lively topic of debate in the philosophy of physics. Recent work attempts to leverage properties of the QCD $$\theta _{\text {YM}}$$ θ YM -term to provide a novel argument against the eliminative view. The argument is based on the claim that the QCD $$\theta _{\text {YM}}$$ θ YM -term changes under “large” gauge transformations. Here we review (...)
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