Results for 'Henning Koch'

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  1.  68
    More Consistently Altered Connectivity Patterns for Cerebellum and Medial Temporal Lobes than for Amygdala and Striatum in Schizophrenia.Henning Peters, Junming Shao, Martin Scherr, Dirk Schwerthöffer, Claus Zimmer, Hans Förstl, Josef Bäuml, Afra Wohlschläger, Valentin Riedl, Kathrin Koch & Christian Sorg - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Literatur und Religion als Medien einer Sozialethik und -kritik. Ein religionswissenschaftlicher Vergleich der christlichen ,,Apokalypse" mit Henning Mankells Krimi ,,Brandmauer".Anne Koch - 2007 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 59 (2):155-174.
    How can literature and religion be understood together from a religious studies perspective? One possibility for a comparative basis is the social-ethical self-understanding that takes places within the literary medium. As an example of religious literature, the Book of Revelation is compared to Henning Mankell's contemporary crime fiction. The choice of,,apocalyptic" models in their literary and pragmatic form is suitable for religious and socio-crime literature to analyze the state of their respective periods and to socialize certain behavior through the (...)
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    Analogie: Zur Aktualität eines philosophischen Schlüsselbegriffs.Alina Noveanu, Dietmar Koch & Niels Weidtmann (eds.) - 2020 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    Analogy (Latin: proportio) is the epistemological principle par excellence for the ancient world. Plato calls it the "most beautiful bond" that holds the cosmos together. For Aristoteles, analogies between different species and genera should enable a better understanding of structural features in biology. The most powerful relationship, however, is the one known as Pros-hen, which forms the basis of all being-analogy teachings in the Middle Ages. In the 20th century, analogical thinking finds its way into phenomenology and psychoanalysis. This volume (...)
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  4. Christus-Memoria in der Schatzkammer des Herzens : zur Wirkungsgeschichte einer Liedstrophe Martin Luthers.Ernst Koch - 2018 - In Walter Sparn, Joar Haga, Sascha Salatowsky, Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann & Wolfgang Schoberth, Das Projekt der Aufklärung: philosophisch-theologische Debatten von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart: Walter Sparn zum 75. Geburtstag. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
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    system und Fortschritt im Denken Hermann Cohens.Henning Günther - 1971 - Köln,:
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  6. Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement.Sabine C. Koch, Thomas Fuchs, Michela Summa & Cornelia Müller (eds.) - 2012 - John Benjamins.
    Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement is an interdisciplinary volume with contributions from philosophers, cognitive scientists, and movement therapists. Part one provides the phenomenologically grounded definition of body memory with its different typologies. Part two follows the aim to integrate phenomenology, conceptual metaphor theory, and embodiment approaches from the cognitive sciences for the development of appropriate empirical methods to address body memory. Part three inquires into the forms and effects of therapeutic work with body memory, based on the integration of theory, (...)
  7.  39
    Norminterpretation und ökonomische Analyse des Rechts.Christian Kirchner & Stefan Koch - 1989 - Analyse & Kritik 11 (2):111-133.
    Normative economics and a hermeneutic approach to interpretation of legal norms are only compatible if - and this is the exception - such legal norms have the goal of accomplishing economic efficiency. But economic analysis of law as a positive approach may be used in the legal interpretation process in order to evaluate different options of norm interpretations. In fields of law where economic issues are at stake such a methodological evaluation of interpretative variants are superior to common sense analysis (...)
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    Mechanism, External Purposiveness, and Object Individuation: from Mechanism to Teleology in Hegel's Science of Logic.Karen Koch - 2023 - Hegel Bulletin 44 (1):148-170.
    This article is an investigation into Hegel's claim that teleology is the truth of mechanism, which Hegel puts forward in the objectivity section in the Science of Logic. Contrary to most accounts of this section of the Logic, I make a case for a reading of Hegel's conception of external purposiveness according to which the latter makes a positive contribution to the structural development of the concepts of the Logic. I argue that external purposiveness plays a major role in understanding (...)
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  9. Emotional ambivalence.Philip J. Koch - 1987 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 48 (2):257-279.
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    Interoceptive sensitivity, body weight and eating behavior in children: a prospective study.Anne Koch & Olga Pollatos - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    What’s the Harm in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation?Peter M. Koch - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (6):603-612.
    In clinical ethics, there remains a great deal of uncertainty regarding the appropriateness of attempting cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for certain patients. Although the issue continues to receive ample attention and various frameworks have been proposed for navigating such cases, most discussions draw heavily on the notion of harm as a central consideration. In the following, I use emerging philosophical literature on the notion of harm to argue that the ambiguities and disagreement about harm create important and oft-overlooked challenges for the (...)
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    Analysis of Power in Medical Decision-Making: An Argument for Physician Autonomy.Kathryn A. Koch, Bruce W. Meyers & Stephen Sandroni - 1992 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 20 (4):320-326.
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    Mass in relational mechanics.Andre Koch Torres Assis & J. Guala-Valverde - 2000 - Apeiron 7:131-132.
  14.  64
    Expérience et réflexivité: perspectives au-delà de l’empirisme et de l’idéalisme.David Lauer, Christophe Laudou, Robin Celikates & Georg W. Bertram (eds.) - 2011 - L'Harmattan.
    This book collects essays from the 2006 and 2007 International Philosophy Colloquia Evian, centred around a central problem in the philosophy of mind: the relationship between the human faculty of sensory experience and the faculty of conceptual reflection, that is self-consciousness. Containing articles by philosophers of eight nationalities, in three languages (English, French, German), and of "analytical" as well as "continental" provenance, it beautifully represents the spirit of the colloquia. Authors include Joshua Andresen (AU Beirut), Valérie Aucouturier (Kent U / (...)
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  15.  39
    Vitalist Marxism: Georges Canguilhem and the Resistance of Life.Benjamin Prinz & Henning Schmidgen - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (4):3-21.
    Following Hannah Arendt’s insights into the affinities between Marxism and the philosophy of life, this article reconstructs a theoretical position that we propose to call ‘vitalist Marxism’. This position conceives of life not only as an essential foundation of the production process, but also as a critical resource for resistance to the capitalist logic of exploitation. We highlight the role Georges Canguilhem (1904–95) played in developing this position, in particular by depicting tools and machines as ‘organs of life’. Drawing on (...)
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    Die neue Kritik der instrumentellen Vernunft: Texte aus der analytischen Debatte um instrumentelle Rationalität.Christoph Halbig & Tim Henning (eds.) - 2012 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
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    (2 other versions)Consent as a normative power.Felix Koch - 2017 - In Peter Schaber & Andreas Müller, The Routledge Handbook of the Ethics of Consent. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 32-43.
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  18. Toward the neuronal correlate of visual awareness.Christof Koch & Jochen Braun - 1996 - Current Opinion in Neurobiology 6:158-64.
  19. Psychology as science.Sigmund Koch - 1974 - In Stuart C. Brown, Philosophy Of Psychology. London: : Macmillan.
  20.  7
    Ereignis und Institution: Anknüpfungen an Alain Badiou.Gernot Kamecke & Henning Teschke (eds.) - 2008 - Tübingen: Narr.
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    Zwischen Illusion und Widerspruch.Karen Koch - 2024 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 49 (2):225-236.
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    Index of Persons.Hans Bernhard Schmid, Christoph Henning & Dieter Thomä - 2014 - In Dieter Thomä, Christoph Henning & Hans Bernhard Schmid, Social Capital, Social Identities: From Ownership to Belonging. De Gruyter. pp. 229-230.
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  23.  24
    Wissen in der Krise: Institutionen des Wissens Im Gesellschaftlichen Wandel.Peter Scholz, Henning Pahl & Carsten Kretschmann (eds.) - 2004 - Akademie Verlag.
    Institutionen des Wissens dienen der Pflege, Verstetigung oder dauerhaften Bewahrung von tradiertem und der Hervorbringung von neuem Wissen. Die verschiedenen Formen institutionalisierter Wissenspraxis spiegeln in besonderer Weise die Eigenart einer Wissenskultur wider. Zugleich sind sie für die Ausformung der Identität einer Gesellschaft bedeutsam: Wissensinstitutionen stoßen gesellschaftlichen Wandel an, sind aber selbst in diesen eingebunden. In Krisenzeiten, verstanden als eine Art verdichteter gesellschaftlicher Wandel, werden traditionelle Wissensbestände und Weltdeutungen nachdrücklich in Frage gestellt. Zugleich geraten die Institutionen, die dieses Wissen bereitstellen, unter (...)
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    Wertwandel und neue Subjektivität: fünf Vorträge.Gert Schmidt & Henning Kössler (eds.) - 2000 - Erlangen: Universitätsbund Erlangen-Nürnberg.
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    Politische Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts.Karl Ballestrem & Henning Ottmann (eds.) - 1990 - München: De Gruyter.
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    Zhao Tingyangs Alles unter einem Himmel: Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung.Philippe Brunozzi & Henning Hahn - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 7 (1):347-354.
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    The role of the substrate surface layer in the process of epitaxy part I. the growth of gold films on rocksalt and its substitutional surfaces.J. S. Vermaak & C. A. O. Henning - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 22 (176):269-280.
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    (1 other version)Augustinischer und dionysischer neuplatonismus und Das mittelalter.Josef Koch - 1956 - Kant Studien 48 (1-4):117-133.
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    Bodily feeling in emotion.Philip J. Koch - 1987 - Dialogue 26 (1):59-75.
    One might imagine that this remark of James was too obvious to be denied, but in fact current philosophical orthodoxy runs against it. Since the renewal of interest in the emotions produced by Anthony Kenny's Action Emotion and Will in 1963, philosophers have focussed primarily on the cognitive aspects of emotions—the judgments, evaluations, beliefs, presuppositions which they contain. Bodily feelings have been, on the whole, slighted. Sometimes they are dismissed outright, as by Robert Solomon: “feelings no more constitute or define (...)
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  30.  58
    Cyber Citizen or Cyborg Citizen: Baudrillard, Political Agency, and the Commons in Virtual Politics.Andrew Koch - 2005 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 20 (2-3):159-175.
    The ethical commitment to democracy requires creating the public space for a rational discourse among real alternatives by the population. In this article, I argue that the Internet fails in this task on 2 fronts. Inspired by the work of Jean Baudrillard, the work argues that the Internet reinforces a structure of passive political agents through its 1-way form of communication. The Internet is designed to deliver political text, not engage the public in dialogue about the direction of collective decision (...)
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  31.  18
    Mechanical elastic constants and diffraction stress factors of macroscopically elastically anisotropic polycrystals: the effect of grain-shape texture.N. Koch, U. Welzel §, H. Wern & E. J. Mittemeijer - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (33):3547-3570.
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  32.  22
    Theoretical psychology, 1950: an overview.Sigmund Koch - 1951 - Psychological Review 58 (4):295-301.
  33.  38
    Looking to learn: Museum educators and aesthetic education.Nancy Blume, Jean Henning, Amy Herman & Nancy Richner - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (2):pp. 83-100.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Looking to Learn: Museum Educators and Aesthetic EducationNancy Blume (bio), Jean Henning (bio), Amy Herman (bio), and Nancy Richner (bio)IntroductionMuseum education. Aesthetic education. How are they similar? How do they differ? How do they relate to each other? What are their goals? As museum educators working with classroom and art teachers, we are often asked these questions, and we ask them ourselves. “What do you DO?” is probably (...)
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    Absolutism and Relativism.Andrew M. Koch - 2000 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 7 (4):25-31.
    This article raises the question of whether or not a "neutral" stance can be found from which to engage in philosophical counseling. By drawing on the debate between absolutism and relativism, it is argued that no such neutral ground exists. The foundational premises of the transcendentalist tradition involve different assumptions than those of the materialist and relativist traditions. Such a distinction goes back to the earliest days of philosophy and today the new profession of philosophical counseling must address the multiplicity (...)
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    Art: Biogenesis and semiogenesis.Walter A. Koch - 1984 - Semiotica 49 (3-4).
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  36. An Essay in the Instrumentalist Tradition.D. F. Koch - 1996 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 46:93-116.
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    Anthropologische Grundierungen der Filmästhetik.Gertrud Koch - 2020 - Internationales Jahrbuch für Philosophische Anthropologie 9 (1):295-302.
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    Adolescent girls’ voices on their need for sexuality education: A cry for mutual sexual emancipation.Ronél Koch, Hannelie Yates & Ansie E. Kitching - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (1).
    ‘Teachers expect parents to teach you. Parents expect teachers to teach you. So actually you learn nothing and nobody wants to talk about it’. This quote from this research study is an adolescent girls’ cry for liberation from the silence related to sexuality because of the general reluctance of adults to talk to them about it. Given the growing concerns raised about the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents in South Africa, the aim of this study was to conduct research (...)
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  39. A law's tale: John Ford's the man who shot liberty valance.Gertrud Koch - 2008 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 34 (6):685-692.
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    A model of sex‐based social stability.Andreas Koch & Mich Tvede - 2004 - Complexity 9 (6):52-56.
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    Analysis of development and differentiation with tumour cell glycoproteins.Gordon Koch & Michael Smith - 1985 - Bioessays 3 (5):196-199.
    The repertoire of acceptor glycoproteins for concanavalin A expressed by a cultured tumour cell reflects the normal developmental lineage from which it was derived, as well as the degree of maturation along that lineage. Antibodies to this particular set of glycoproteins show a considerable specificity towards normal differentiation antigens which are often preferentially associated with the less mature intermediates of the corresponding pathway. In addition, comparisons between ‘immature’ and ‘mature’ tumour cells can be used to identify glycoproteins associated with specific (...)
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  42. All that Matters are Forests and Seas? Practising Relevance in Interdisciplinary Environment-Focused Social Science Fields.Susanne Koch & Judit Varga - forthcoming - Minerva:1-24.
    Policy increasingly requires societally relevant and interdisciplinary science, which prompts questions about science’s orientation to diverse academic and non-academic actors. This paper examines how relevance is practised and negotiated in two evolving interdisciplinary social science fields: marine social sciences and forest policy research. Both fields investigate human relations with specific environments: how people use, manage and govern, live with and value seas and forests. Diverse social and political actors have stakes in the knowledge these fields generate. To whose matters and (...)
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    Aristoteles und Hegel.Anton Friedrich Koch - 2010 - In Gerald Hartung, Eduard Zeller: Philosophie- Und Wissenschaftsgeschichte Im 19. Jahrhundert. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 177-188.
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    Abschied von der Realität: das illusionistische Zeitalter.Joachim Koch & Windi Winderlich - 1988 - Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt. Edited by Windi Winderlich.
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    Über die Struktur der Uraxiome.Rolf Albert Koch - 1959 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 13 (3):385 - 396.
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  46. Chivalry between history, tradition and obsolescence : overcoming one-dimensionality in the ethics of war : an introduction into this volume.Bernhard Koch - 2019 - In Chivalrous Combatants? The Meaning of Military Virtue Past and Present. Münster: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
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    Conceptual Compatibility and Transparency in Capacity Assessments.Peter Maloy Koch - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (10):51-53.
    In “Harmful Choices, the case of C, and decision making competence,” Pickering et al. offer a thought-provoking interpretation of the relationship between harm and capacity assessments by an...
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  48.  43
    Carnivore or Chameleon: The Fate of Cinema Studies.Gertrud Koch - 2009 - Critical Inquiry 35 (4):918.
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    Dialektik als Strategie: Studie zur materialist. Erkenntnis- u. Revolutionstheorie, am Beispiel Lenins.Frank-Alexander Koch - 1977 - München: Verlag UNI-Druck.
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    Das Bewusstsein der Transcendenz oder der Wirklichkeit: ein psychologischer Versuch.Emil Koch - 1895 - Max Niemeyer.
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