Results for 'Heinz Johne'

971 found
  1.  13
    Herder's Essay on Being: A Translation and Critical Approaches.John K. Noyes, Alexander J. B. Hampton, Arnd Bohm, Manfred Baum, Marion Heinz, Nigel DeSouza, Sonia Sikka, Ulrich Gaier & Wolfgang Pross (eds.) - 2018 - Boydell & Brewer.
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    (1 other version)Nagarjuna: The Philosophy of the Middle Way.Frank E. Reynolds, John Holt, John Strong, Heinz Bechert, Richard Gombrich, Garma C. C. Chang, Yang Hsuanchih, Yi-T'ung Wang & David J. Kalupahana - 1986 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 6:163.
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  3. Heidegger-Jahrbuch 2. Heidegger und Nietzsche.Alfred Denker, Marion Heinz, John Sallis & Ben Veder - 2006 - Filosoficky Casopis 54:301-307.
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    L'Opera di Einstein.Enrico Bellone, John Stachel, Francoise Balibar, Bruno Bertotti, Dennis W. Sciama, Giovanni V. Pallottino, Paolo Budinich, JeanMarc Lévy-Leblond, Remo Bodei, Dieder Wandschneider, Wolfgang Kaempfer, Paolo Zellini, Friedrich Cramer, Heinz D. Kittsteiner & Umberto Curi (eds.) - 1989 - Ferrara: G. Corbo.
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    Empathy-Related Brain Activity in Somatosensory Cortex Protects From Tactile Priming Effects: A Pilot Study.Michael Schaefer, Lillia Cherkasskiy, Claudia Denke, Claudia Spies, Hyunjin Song, Sean Malahy, Andreas Heinz, Andreas Ströhle, Michael Schäfer, Nadine Mianroudi & John A. Bargh - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  6. Unconscious determinants of free decisions in the human brain.Chun Siong Soon, Marcel Brass, Hans-Jochen Heinze & John-Dylan Haynes - 2008 - Nature Neuroscience 11 (5):543--545.
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    Computational Intelligence: The Legacy of Alan Turing and John von Neumann.Heinz Mühlenbein - 2009 - In L. Magnani (ed.), computational intelligence. pp. 23--43.
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    Auschwitz: Beginning of a New Era? Reflections on the Holocaust, edited by Eva Fleischner, New York: KTAV Publishing House, The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith 1977, XIX, 469 pp. [REVIEW]Heinz-Jürgen Loth - 1979 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 31 (3):292-294.
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  9. New books. [REVIEW]D. R. Bell, K. Baier, Ronald W. Hepburn, Thomas McPherson, R. D. Bradley, D. D. Raphael, Antony Flew, W. H. F. Barnes, James Griffin, John Wheatley, Heinz-Juergen Schuering, D. P. Henry, Ernest H. Hutten, Anthony Kenny, Mary Warnock, Arthur Thomson & R. F. Holland - 1962 - Mind 71 (284):552-594.
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    Critical Essays on Piero Sraffa's Legacy in Economics.Heinz D. Kurz (ed.) - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    This collection offers a critical assessment of the published works of Piero Sraffa, one of the leading economists of the twentieth century, and their legacy for the economics profession. The topics covered explore Sraffa's interpretation of the classical economists; his theory of value and distribution; his critique of partial and general neoclassical equilibrium theory; his focus on the problem of capital; and his critique of Hayek's monetary overinvestment theory of the business cycle. Specific issues investigated include intertemporal general equilibrium theory (...)
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    A Letter from Berlin.Heinz Ickstadt - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 17 (3):650-654.
    The last kilometers of the Berlin Wall were finally torn down during this last week before Christmas, but mentally, socially, economically it continues to exist, and for some in what used to be East Berlin it isn’t so clear anymore whether the actual wall made of concrete wasn’t easier to bear. To be sure, the wall that once separated the largest cities in each of the two Germanys is still present as a scar of empty space; but distances have shrunk, (...)
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  12.  10
    Piero Sraffa: The Man and the Scholar: Exploring His Unpublished Papers.Heinz D. Kurz, Luigi Pasinetti & Neri Salvadori (eds.) - 2008 - Routledge.
    Previously published as special issues of _The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought_ and _The Review of Political Economy_, this volume contains the papers devoted to the life and work of Piero Sraffa. Sraffa was a leading intellectual of the twentieth century. He was brought to Cambridge by John Maynard Keynes and had an important impact on the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. He received the golden medal Söderström of the Swedish Academy of Sciences for his edition of David Ricardo's (...)
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    Legitime Besteuerung und kon fiskatorische Expropriation

    Zur philosophischen Legitimierbarkeit eines staatlichen Rechtes, auf das Vermögen der Bürger zuzugreifen.
    Heinz-Gerd Schmitz - 2014 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 100 (2):263-275.
    The paper tries to contribute to the discussion of the following problem: Nearly every government acts as if it has a natural right to collect taxes – if necessary by force. How legitimate is such an act of expropriation? To find an acceptable solution, three different theories of property are discussed – eventually favouring the Kantian approach. Subsequently, possible vindications of taxation are presented: (1) control of conduct, (2) financing public institutions, (3) reduction of social differences. All three justifications turn (...)
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  14.  68
    Xenocrates’ Metaphysics: Fr. 15 (Heinze) Re-examined.John Dillon - 1985 - Ancient Philosophy 5 (1):47-52.
  15. Heinz Dopsch, Karl Brunner, and Maximilian Weltin, Österreichische Geschichte, 1122–1278: Die Länder und das Reich. Der Ostalpenraum im Hochmittelalter. Vienna: Ueberreuter, 1999. Pp. 620; color and black-and-white illustrations and maps. ÖS 740. [REVIEW]John B. Freed - 2001 - Speculum 76 (3):717-720.
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    Justus Hartnack, Hegels Logik: Eine Einführung, translated out of the Danish by Heinz Kulas, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1995, pp x 120, Pb. [REVIEW]John W. Burbidge - 1996 - Hegel Bulletin 17 (2):42-43.
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  17. Heinz Dopsch, ed., Geschichte Salzburgs, Stadt und Land, 1: Vorgeschichte, Altertum, Mittelalter, parts 2 and 3. Salzburg: Anton Pustet, 1983 (1/2), 1984 (1/3). 1/2: pp. 669–1164; 9 color plates, 44 black-and-white plates, 12 maps, 14 diagrams and facsimile plates. 1/3: pp. 1165–1702. DM 140. [REVIEW]John B. Freed - 1986 - Speculum 61 (2):409-410.
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    Gary B. Ferngren. Medicine and Health Care in Early Christianity. xiv + 246 pp., bibl., index. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009. $35. [REVIEW]Karl-Heinz Leven - 2010 - Isis 101 (4):865-866.
  19.  21
    Conceptual Issues in Psychoanalysis: Essays in History and Method.John E. Gedo - 1986 - Routledge.
    In _Conceptual Issues in Psychoanalysis_, John Gedo's mastery of Freudian theory and broad historical consciousness subserve a new goal: an understanding of "dissidence" in psychoanalysis. Gedo launches his inquiry by reflecting expansively on recent assessments of Freud's character. His acute remarks on the intellectual and personal agendas that inform the portraits of Freud offered by Frank Sulloway, Jeffrey Masson, and Peter Swales pave the way for his own definition of psychoanalysis in historical context. Then, in topical studies on Sandor Ferenczi, (...)
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    Wandalbert von Prüm, Vita et miracula sancti Goaris, ed. Heinz Erich Stiene. Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter D. Lang, 1981. Paper. Pp. lxi, 330. [REVIEW]John M. McCulloh - 1983 - Speculum 58 (3):855-856.
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  21.  36
    Buddhist Perceptions of Jesus (review).John D'Arcy May - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):178-181.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 178-181 [Access article in PDF] Buddhist Perceptions of Jesus. Edited by Perry Schmidt-Leukel with Gerhard Koberlin and Thomas Josef Gotz, OSB. St. Ottilien: EOS-Verlag, 2001. 179 pp. The papers collected here represent a significant step forward in European scholarship on Buddhist-Christian relations. As Perry Schmidt-Leukel remarks in his helpful introduction, they are an experiment in correlating auto-interpretation and hetero-interpretation, introspection and extrospection.Each of the first (...)
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  22.  42
    (1 other version)Condurrent Contents: Recent and Classic References at the Interface of Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology.John Z. Sadler - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (4):309-311.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Concurrent Contents: Recent and Classic References at the Interface of Philosophy, Psychiatry, and PsychologyArticlesAntonak, R. J., C. R. Fielder, and J. A. Mulick. 1993. A scale of attitudes toward the application of eugenics to the treatment of people with mental retardation. Journal of Intellect Disabilities Research 37:75–83.Arens, K. 1996. Commentary on “Lumps and bumps.” Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 3:15–16.Bavidge, M. 1996. Commentary on “Minds, memes, and multiples.” Philosophy, Psychiatry, (...)
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    The DAP kinase family of pro‐apoptotic proteins: novel players in the apoptotic game.Donat Kögel, Jochen H. M. Prehn & Karl Heinz Scheidtmann - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (4):352-358.
    The DAP (Death Associated Protein) kinase family is a novel subfamily of pro-apoptotic serine/threonine kinases. All five DAP kinase family members identified to date are ubiquitously expressed in various tissues and are capable of inducing apoptosis. The sequence homology of the five kinases is largely restricted to the N-terminal kinase domain. In contrast, the adjacent C-terminal regions are very diverse and link individual family members to specific signal transduction pathways. There is increasing evidence that DAP kinase family members are involved (...)
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  24.  6
    Brücken Bauen: Analysen Und Betrachtungen Zwischen Ost Und West: Festschrift für Leonid Luks Zum 65. Geburtstag.John Andreas Fuchs, Andreas Umland & Jürgen Zarusky (eds.) - 2012 - Ibidem-Verlag.
    Die Frage nach dem Verhältnis Osteuropas zum Westen ist nicht nur aktueller denn je, sondern hat auch eine lange und ambivalente Geschichte. Diese hing jeweils stark von den Selbstwahrnehmungen der beteiligten Kulturen ab. Brücken bauen beschäftigt sich nicht nur mit den Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmungen aus historischer, literaturwissenschaftlicher, philosophischer und politikwissenschaftlicher Sicht, sondern beleuchtet auch die Beziehungen zwischen West und Ost sowie gemeinsame ebenso wie jeweils eigene Phänomene und Strömungen. Mit den Beiträgen soll Leonid Luks, Direktor des Zentralinstitutes für Mittel- und (...)
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  25.  52
    Jesus through Buddhist Eyes: 3rd Conference of European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies, Archabbey St. Ottilien, Germany, February 26-March 1, 1999. [REVIEW]John D'Arcy May - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):257-259.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 257-259 [Access article in PDF] Jesus through Buddhist Eyes: 3rd Conference of European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies, Archabbey St. Ottilien, Germany, February 26-March 1, 1999 John D'Arcy MayIrish School of Ecumenics, DublinThis ambitious conference, attended by well over 100 participants including a number of practitioners of Buddhist meditation from southern Germany and Austria, has put the European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies firmly on its feet. (...)
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  26.  55
    Reviews of science as salvation: A modern myth and its meaning, Mary Midgley, 1994. London, Routledge X +256pp., Hb 04 15062713, £35; pb 04 15107733, £8.99 philosophical naturalism, David Papineau, 1993 oxford, Basil Blackwell XII +219pp., Hb 0631189025, £40; pb 0631189033, £14.99 F. H. Bradley, writings on logic and metaphysics, James W. Allard & guy stock , 1994. Oxford, clarendon press XV+357pp, hb 0-198-24445-2, £40.00; pb 0-198-24438-X, £14.95 invariance and heuristics: Essays in honour of Heinz post, Steven French & Harmke Kamminga , 1993 boston studies in the philosophy of science, vol. 148 kluwer academic publishers, dordrecht beyond reason: Essays on the philosophy of Paul Feyerabend, Gonzalo Munévar , 1991. Dordrecht, kluwer academic publishers XXI + 535pp., Hb, isbn 0-7923-1272-4, £104.20 world changes: Thomas Kuhn and the nature of science, Paul Horwich , 1993. Cambridge, ma, Bradford books/mit press VI + 356pp., Pb, isbn 0262581388, £14.95 realism rescued: How scientific. [REVIEW]W. Jones, James Brown, W. Mander, Wladyslaw Krajewski & John Preston - 1995 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 9 (2):157-188.
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  27.  17
    John Dieter Brinks: Harry Graf Kessler, München: Deutscher Kunstverlag 2015, 95 S.; Heinz Reif: Metropolenkultur und Elitenbildung. Harry Graf Kesslers Berliner Welten 1892-1905, in: ders.: Adel, Aristokratie, Elite, München: De Gruyter 2016, S. 179-229. [REVIEW]Joachim H. Knoll - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 69 (3):298-300.
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  28.  46
    Essay review The editor in the republic of letters Eric G. Forbes, Lesley Murdin and Francis Willmoth(eds.), The Correspondence of John Flamsteed, First Astronomer Royal. Volume 1: 1666–1682. Bristol and Philadelphia: Institute of Physics Publishing, 1995. Pp. xlix+955. ISBN 0-7503-0147-3. £140.00, $280.00. Heinz-Jurgen Hess, James G. O'Hara and Herbert Breger(eds.), Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: Sämtliche Schriften und Briefe. Dritte Reihe, Mathematischer, naturwissenschaftlicher und technischer Briefwechsel: Volume 3, 1680–1683; Volume 4, 1683–1690. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1991, 1995. Pp. lxx+895; lxvi+747. ISBN 3-05-000766-4, DM 490.00 (Volume 3); 3-05-002602-2, DM 490.00 (Volume 4) (series ISBN: 3-05-000075-9). Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann(ed.), Samuel Pufendorf. Gesammelte Werke, Band 1: Briefwechsel(ed. Detlef Döring). Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1996. Pp. xxix+453. ISBN 3-05-001920-4. DM 298.00. [REVIEW]Michael Hunter & Malcolm De Mowbray - 1997 - British Journal for the History of Science 30 (2):221-225.
    The editing of the correspondence of major figures in intellectual history is an essential scholarly activity. Yet in this country in recent years it has neither been the priority it should be, nor has it received the support that it deserves. Of course there have been exceptions to this, perhaps notably – for the early modern period – the epic one-man effort of Esmond de Beer in his later years in producing The Correspondence of John Locke (though this regrettably, and (...)
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  29.  8
    Clifford Ando, Imperial Rome AD 193 to 284. The Critical Century.Klaus-Peter Johne - 2014 - Klio 96 (2):746-749.
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    Colonus, colonia, colonatus.Klaus-Peter Johne - 1988 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 132 (1-2):308-321.
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  31.  10
    Platonische reminiszenzen am ausgang Des mittelalters.Renate Johne - 1971 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 115 (1-4):147-154.
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    Zur entstehung einer „buchkultur” in der zweiten hälete Des 5. jahrhunderts V. U. Z.Renate Johne - 1991 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 135 (1):45-54.
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    Empedocles in the shadow of elea.JohnE Sisko - 2013 - In Frisbee Sheffield & James Warren (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Ancient Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 49.
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  34. Zum Mentalen Lexikon.Heinz Vater - 2003 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 2003:275-298.
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  35. Abstract - Affective – Multimodal: Interaction between Medium and Perception of Moving Images from the Viewpoint of Cassirer's, Langer's and Krois' Embodiment Theories.Martina Sauer - 2022 - In Multimodality. The Sensually Organized Potential of Artistic Works, edited by Martina Sauer and Christiane Wagner, New York and São Paulo [Special Issue, Art Style 10, 01, 2022]. pp. 25-46.
    Everyday media consumption leaves no doubt that the perception of moving images from various media is characterized by experience and understanding. Corresponding research in this field has shown that the stimulus patterns flooding in on us are not only processed mentally, but also bodily. Building on this, the following study argues that incoming stimuli are processed not only visually, but multimodally, with all senses, and moreover affectively. The classical binding of a sensory organ to a medium, on whose delimitation the (...)
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    Komposition und Reflexion: neue Überlegungen und Untersuchungen zu Musikästhetik und Musiktheorie.Heinz Werner Zimmermann - 2005 - Tutzing: H. Schneider. Edited by Friedhelm Brusniak.
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    Frontmatter.Heinz Gockel - 1973 - In Individualisiertes Sprechen: Lichtenbergs Bemerkungen Im Zusammenhang von Erkenntnistheorie Und Sprachkritik. De Gruyter.
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    II. Denkhaltung: „Das längst Geglaubte für unausgemacht halten".Heinz Gockel - 1973 - In Individualisiertes Sprechen: Lichtenbergs Bemerkungen Im Zusammenhang von Erkenntnistheorie Und Sprachkritik. De Gruyter. pp. 57-74.
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    Die Abschaffung des Teufels im 18. Jahrhundert: Ein kulturhistorisches Ereignis und seine Folgen.Heinz Dieter Kittsteiner - 1993 - In Wolfert von Rahden & Alexander Schuller (eds.), Die Andere Kraft: Zur Renaissance des Bösen. De Gruyter. pp. 55-92.
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    Traditionelle und evolutionäre Erkenntnistheorie.Heinz Meyer - 2000 - Hildesheim: G. Olms.
  41. Toward a Pluralist Aesthetics.Heinz Ickstadt - 2002 - In Emory Elliott, Louis Freitas Caton & Jeffrey Rhyne (eds.), Aesthetics in a multicultural age. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 263--78.
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  42. En marge de l'«école belge de l'étrange»... Les Histoires singulières de Jean Muno.Heinz Klüppelholz - 2004 - Iris 26:239-250.
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  43. Der'Permanente Staatencongress': Die Internationalen Beziehungen im Rechtsphilosophischen Denken Kants.Heinz-Gerd Schmitz - 2004 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 30:335-365.
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    Einführung in die Philosophie in Gesprächen: Erkenntnistheorie.Heinz Schlötermann - 1947 - Meisenheim/Glan,: Westkulturverlag.
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  45. Localisation of "unseen" visual stimuli: Blindsight in normal observers?Heinz Schärli, P. Brugger, M. Regard, C. Mohr & Th Landis - 2003 - Swiss Journal of Psychology - Schweizerische Zeitschrift Für Psychologie - Revue Suisse de Psychologie 62 (3):159-165.
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    Physis versus Nomos. Platons politiktheoretische Auseinandersetzung mit Kallikles, Thrasymachos und Protagoras.Heinz-Gerd Schmitz - 1988 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 42 (4):570 - 596.
  47. What Complexity Differences Reveal About Domains in Language.Jeffrey Heinz & William Idsardi - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (1):111-131.
    An important distinction between phonology and syntax has been overlooked. All phonological patterns belong to the regular region of the Chomsky Hierarchy, but not all syntactic patterns do. We argue that the hypothesis that humans employ distinct learning mechanisms for phonology and syntax currently offers the best explanation for this difference.
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  48. Theory of Production: A Long-Period Analysis.Heinz D. Kurz & Neri Salvadori - 1995 - Cambridge University Press.
    This compelling book contains a comprehensive analytical treatment of the theory of production in a long-period framework. Although the authors take a 'Classical' approach to their subject, the scope of investigation and methods employed should interest all economic theorists. Professors Kurz and Salvadori explore economic systems that are characterised by a particular kind of primary input in the production process, such as different kinds of labour and natural resources. These systems and the corresponding prices can be understood to reflect characteristic (...)
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  49. Cognitive neuroenhancement: false assumptions in the ethical debate.Andreas Heinz, Roland Kipke, Hannah Heimann & Urban Wiesing - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (6):372-375.
    The present work critically examines two assumptions frequently stated by supporters of cognitive neuroenhancement. The first, explicitly methodological, assumption is the supposition of effective and side effect-free neuroenhancers. However, there is an evidence-based concern that the most promising drugs currently used for cognitive enhancement can be addictive. Furthermore, this work describes why the neuronal correlates of key cognitive concepts, such as learning and memory, are so deeply connected with mechanisms implicated in the development and maintenance of addictive behaviour so that (...)
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  50. Pre-and Post-Tasks as Reusable Information Objects.Heinz Dietrich Wuttke & Karsten Henke - 2008 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 41 (1-2):95-110.
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