Results for 'Harry Kidd'

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  1.  52
    Epistemic Injustice Should Matter to Psychiatrists.Ian James Kidd, Lucienne Spencer & Eleanor Harris - 2023 - Philosophy of Medicine 4 (1).
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    Burnt in Your Memory or Burnt Memory? Ethical Issues with Optogenetics for Memory Modification.Frederic Gilbert, Alexander R. Harris & Michael Kidd - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (1):22-24.
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    The Trouble at L.S.E.Student Unrest in India.H. L. Elvin, Harry Kidd & Aileen D. Ross - 1970 - British Journal of Educational Studies 18 (2):228.
  4. Misanthropes - Literary and Philosophical.Ian James Kidd - 2023 - Daily Philosophy.
    An essay review of Joseph Harris, "Misanthropy in the Age of Reason".
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  5. (1 other version)On Bullshit.Harry Frankfurt - 1986 - Philosophical Quarterly 56 (223):300-301.
  6. Necessity, Volition and Love.Harry G. Frankfurt - 2001 - Philosophical Quarterly 51 (202):114-116.
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    On Inequality: Princeton University Press.Harry G. Frankfurt - 2015 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    From the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller On Bullshit, the case for worrying less about the rich and more about the poor Economic inequality is one of the most divisive issues of our time. Yet few would argue that inequality is a greater evil than poverty. The poor suffer because they don't have enough, not because others have more, and some have far too much. So why do many people appear to be more distressed by the rich (...)
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    Ecological Psychology and Enaction Theory: Divergent Groundings.Harry Heft - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  9. Is Monogamy Morally Permissible?Harry Chalmers - 2019 - Journal of Value Inquiry 53 (2):225-241.
    Commonsense morality holds that monogamy is morally permissible. In this paper I will challenge this, arguing that monogamy is in fact morally impermissible. First I’ll argue that monogamy’s restriction on having additional partners seems analogous to a morally troubling restriction on having additional friends. Faced with this apparent analogy, the defender of monogamy must find a morally relevant difference between the two kinds of restriction. Yet, as I’ll argue, there seems to be no such morally relevant difference, for the standard (...)
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  10. Moral Status, Luck, and Modal Capacities: Debating Shelly Kagan.Harry R. Lloyd - 2021 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 38 (2):273-287.
    Shelly Kagan has recently defended the view that it is morally worse for a human being to suffer some harm than it is for a lower animal (such as a dog or a cow) to suffer a harm that is equally severe (ceteris paribus). In this paper, I argue that this view receives rather less support from our intuitions than one might at first suppose. According to Kagan, moreover, an individual’s moral status depends partly upon her ‘modal capacities.’ In this (...)
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  11. Trading zones and interactional expertise.Harry Collins, Robert Evans & Mike Gorman - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38 (4):657-666.
    The phrase ‘trading zone’ is often used to denote any kind of interdisciplinary partnership in which two or more perspectives are combined and a new, shared language develops. In this paper we distinguish between different types of trading zone by asking whether the collaboration is co-operative or coerced and whether the end-state is a heterogeneous or homogeneous culture. In so doing, we find that the voluntary development of a new language community—what we call an inter-language trading zone—represents only one of (...)
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  12. Artificial consciousness and the consciousness-attention dissociation.Harry Haroutioun Haladjian & Carlos Montemayor - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 45:210-225.
    Artificial Intelligence is at a turning point, with a substantial increase in projects aiming to implement sophisticated forms of human intelligence in machines. This research attempts to model specific forms of intelligence through brute-force search heuristics and also reproduce features of human perception and cognition, including emotions. Such goals have implications for artificial consciousness, with some arguing that it will be achievable once we overcome short-term engineering challenges. We believe, however, that phenomenal consciousness cannot be implemented in machines. This becomes (...)
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    Moral Realism and the Foundations of Ethics.Harry S. Silverstein - 1994 - Noûs 28 (1):122-127.
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  14. Time discounting, consistency, and special obligations: a defence of Robust Temporalism.Harry R. Lloyd - 2021 - Global Priorities Institute, Working Papers 2021 (11):1-38.
    This paper defends the claim that mere temporal proximity always and without exception strengthens certain moral duties, including the duty to save – call this view Robust Temporalism. Although almost all other moral philosophers dismiss Robust Temporalism out of hand, I argue that it is prima facie intuitively plausible, and that it is analogous to a view about special obligations that many philosophers already accept. I also defend Robust Temporalism against several common objections, and I highlight its relevance to a (...)
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    On truth.Harry G. Frankfurt - 2006 - New York: Knopf.
    Having outlined a theory of bullshit and falsehood, Harry G. Frankfurt turns to what lies beyond them: the truth, a concept not as obvious as some might expect. Our culture's devotion to bullshit may seem much stronger than our apparently halfhearted attachment to truth. Some people won't even acknowledge "true" and "false" as meaningful categories, and even those who claim to love truth cause the rest of us to wonder whether they, too, aren't simply full of it. Practically speaking, (...)
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    On Shame and the Search for Identity. Helen Merrell Lynd.Harry G. Frankfurt - 1959 - Philosophy of Science 26 (1):51-52.
  17. The Philosophy of Spinoza.Harry Austryn Wolfson - 1935 - International Journal of Ethics 45 (4):452-455.
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  18. The architect's brain: neuroscience, creativity, and architecture.Harry Francis Mallgrave - 2010 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Introduction -- Historical essays -- The humanist brain : Alberti, Vitruvius, and Leonardo -- The enlightened brain : Perrault, Laugier, and Le Roy -- The sensational brain : Burke, Price, and Knight -- The transcendental brain : Kant and Schopenhauer -- The animate brain : Schinkel, Bötticher, and Semper -- The empathetic brain : Vischer, Wölfflin, and Göller -- The gestalt brain : the dynamics of the sensory field -- The neurological brain : Hayek, Hebb, and Neutra -- The phenomenal (...)
  19. Logic for Contigent Beings.Harry Deutsch - 1994 - Journal of Philosophical Research 19:273-329.
    One of the logical problems with which Arthur Prior struggled is the problem of finding, in Prior’s own phrase, a “logic for contingent beings.” The difficulty is that from minimal modal principles and classical quantification theory, it appears to follow immediately that every possible object is a necessary existent. The historical development of quantified modal logic (QML) can be viewed as a series of attempts---due variously to Kripke, Prior, Montague, and the fee-logicians---to solve this problem. In this paper, I review (...)
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  20. Boundaryless Careers and Employability Obligations.Harry J. Van Buren Iii - 2003 - Business Ethics Quarterly 13 (2):131-149.
    Abstract:Boundaryless careers may be beneficial to people with rare and valuable skills, but might prove harmful to many others. The idea ofemployabilityas an ethical responsibility of employers to employees is introduced; it is argued that attention to employability in private practice and public policy partially resolves the ethical problems inherent to in boundaryless careers. Because employability programs are considered to be voluntary, some means of holding employers accountable for such responsibilities needs to be considered when discussing boundaryless careers. Implications for (...)
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    Trust and Mistrust in the Marketplace: Statistics and Clinical Research, 1945–1960.Harry M. Marks - 2000 - History of Science 38 (3):343-355.
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    A Treatise on Probability. [REVIEW]Harry T. Costello - 1923 - Journal of Philosophy 20 (11):301-306.
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    Beyond the Moral Influence Theory? A Critical Examination of Vargas’s Agency Cultivation Model of Responsibility.Harry Harland - 2020 - The Journal of Ethics 24 (4):401-425.
    This paper repudiates Manuel Vargas’s attempt to supplant the traditional moral influence theory of responsibility with his ‘agency cultivation model’. By focusing on fostering responsiveness to moral considerations, ACM purports to avoid the chief pitfalls of MIT. However, I contend that ACM is far less distinctive than it initially appears and so possesses all of MIT’s defects. I also assail Vargas’s counterfactual test for assessing whether a wrongdoer can respond to moral considerations. It is argued that the counterfactual test is (...)
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    'Worden als een kind'. Als welk kind?Harry Van der Meulen - 1996 - HTS Theological Studies 52 (2/3).
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    Florovsky’s logical relativism: a philosophical and theological analysis.Harry James Moore - 2025 - Studies in East European Thought 77 (1):33-49.
    Georges Florovsky’s essay ‘On the Grounding of Logical Relativism’ has attracted attention from various theologians and students of Russian thought but has until now avoided a serious philosophical analysis and critique. The complex but thought-provoking essay presents Florovsky’s so-called logical relativism, a position which he seemed to maintain for the rest of his career. This paper will show that by conflating ‘scientific’ with ‘alethic’ relativism, Florovsky exposed himself to detrimental philosophical and theological critique. After some methodological remarks, the first part (...)
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    Historical reflection on Taijin-kyōfushō during COVID-19: a global phenomenon of social anxiety?Harry Yi-Jui Wu & Shisei Tei - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (2):1-5.
    Although fear and anxiety have gradually become a shared experience in the time of COVID-19, few studies have examined its content from historical, cultural, and phenomenological perspectives concerning the self-awareness and alterity. We discuss the development of the ubiquitous nature of Taijin-kyōfushō (TKS), a subtype of social anxiety disorder (SAD) originated and considered culturally-bound in the 1930s Japan involving fear of offending or displeasing other people. Considering the historical processes of disease classification, advances in cognitive neurosciences, and the need to (...)
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    Wittgenstein Never was a Phenomenologist.Harry P. Reeder - 1989 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 20 (3):257-276.
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    Freiheit Und Selbstbestimmung: Ausgewählte Texte.Harry G. Frankfurt, Monika Betzler & Barbara Guckes - 2001 - De Gruyter.
    Erstmals im deutschsprachigen Raum werden in diesem repräsentativen Reader Arbeiten von Harry G. Frankfurt publiziert, dessen Überlegungen bedeutsam wurden für nicht-utilitaristische Werttheorien, für die Ethik der Fürsorge bzw. der Tugendethik, aber auch für die moderne Rationalitätstheorie. Freiheit und Determinismus sind miteinander vereinbar - diese Auffassung vertritt Frankfurt nachdrücklich. Zunächst entwickelte er ein hierarchisches Modell des Wünschens und arbeitete eine philosophische Begründung für das Argument aus, daß die Bedingung, jemand hätte anders handeln können, keine notwendige Bedingung für Freiheit und Verantwortung (...)
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    Antinomism in Twentieth-Century Russian Philosophy: The Case of Pavel Florensky.Harry James Moore - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 73 (1):53-76.
    This study examines the notion of antinomy, or unavoidable contradiction, in the work of Pavel Florensky. Many Russian philosophers of the Silver Age shared a common conviction which is yet to receive sufficient attention in critical literature, either in Russia or abroad. This is namely a philosophical and theological dependence on unavoidable contradiction, paradox, or antinomy. The history of antinomy and its Russian reception is introduced here before a new framework for understanding Russian antinomism is defended. This is namely the (...)
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  30. The Cartesian Conception of the Development of the Mind and Its Neo-Aristotelian Alternative.Harry Smit - 2020 - Biological Theory 15 (2):107-120.
    This article discusses some essential differences between the Cartesian and neo-Aristotelian conceptions of child development. It argues that we should prefer the neo-Aristotelian conception since it is capable of resolving the problems the Cartesian conception is confronted by. This is illustrated by discussing the neo-Aristotelian alternative to the Cartesian explanation of the development of volitional powers, and the neo-Aristotelian alternative to the Cartesian simulation theory and theory–theory account of the development of social cognition. The neo-Aristotelian conception is further elaborated by (...)
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    Zen Awakening and Society.Harry Wells & Christoper Ives - 1998 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 18:235.
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    Being Exalted: An A Priori Argument for the Trinity.Harry James Moore - forthcoming - Sophia:1-23.
    This paper presents an original a priori argument for the existence of the Holy Trinity. The argument is based on the notion of exaltation. It will be argued that ‘being exalted’ is a great-making property, and that a divine individual, as possessing all such properties, must also possess the property of ‘being exalted’. For a divine individual to possess this property, a second divine individual must exalt the first, since only in this way do we avoid both the hubris of (...)
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  33.  21
    Philosophical problems of space and time.Harry V. Stopes-roe - 1964 - Philosophical Books 5 (3):10-12.
  34.  7
    Word And Deed Among The Krim In Sierra Leone: Integrated Mission Or Mission Impossible?Annette Tensen & Harry Spaling - 1994 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 11 (2):26-29.
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    Embodiment and enculturation: the future of architectural design.Harry Francis Mallgrave - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:155356.
    A half-century ago the Dutch architect Aldo van Eyck encouraged designers to think about “space and time” not as abstractions in themselves but rather as cultural events better approached through the medium of “place and occasion.” Van Eyck made this point on the basis of his own travels and through his extensive readings in cultural anthropology, and his prescience is only now acquiring the credibility that it deserves through the work of a multitude of interdisciplinary researchers. Phenomenologists argue that we (...)
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    Paying for Higher Education: Are Top-Up Fees Fair?Harry Brighouse - unknown
    This paper considers four institutional models for funding higher education in the light of principles of fairness and meritocracy, with particular reference to the debate in the UK over ‘top-up fees’. It concludes that, under certain plausible but unproven assumptions, the model the UK government has adopted is fairer and more meritocratic than alternatives, including, surprisingly, the Graduate Tax.
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    God and the empiricists.Harry R. Klocker - 1968 - Milwaukee,: Bruce Pub. Co..
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    Delivering the last blade of grass: Aspects of the bodhisattva ideal in the Mahāyāna.Harry Oldmeadow - 1997 - Asian Philosophy 7 (3):181 – 194.
    The ideal of the bodhisattva was crucial in the development of the Mah y na branch of the Buddhist tradition. It provided a meeting ground for cardinal Mah y nist doctrines concerning praj, karun and ś nvat, as well as introducing into Buddhism more overtly religious elements which help to account for its popular appeal in those areas where the Mah y na took hold. The vow of the bodhisattva to forego entry into nirv na until all beings “down to (...)
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  39. Some Mysteries of Love.Harry Frankfurt - unknown
    This is the text of The Lindley Lecture for 2001, given by Harry Frankfurt, an American philosopher.
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    Surplus Histories, Excess Memories.Harry Harootunian - 2017 - Historical Materialism 25 (2):131-144.
    In the reckoning of historian Enzo Traverso, the accumulative inventory of the past’s crimes has exceeded the ‘frontiers of historical research’ and colonised the public sphere to ‘interpellate our present’. The quarrel over the crisis of historicism before World War ii has been superseded by postwar debates that have now spilled over into everyday life that demand recognition as instances of the continuing collision of claims of a past that refuses to pass and the formation of a new historical consciousness (...)
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    On Authority and Revelation. The Book on Adler, or a Cycle of Ethico- Religious Essays.Harry S. Broudy - 1956 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 17 (2):266-268.
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    Stakeholder Voice: A Problem, a Solution and a Challenge for Managers and Academics.Harry J. Van Buren Iii & Michelle Greenwood - 2009 - Philosophy of Management 8 (3):15-23.
    The 25th anniversary of R. Edward Freeman’s Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach provides an opportunity to consider where stakeholder theory has been, where it is going, and how it might influence the behavior of academics conducting stakeholder-oriented research. We propose that Freeman’s early work on the stakeholder concept supports the normative claim that a stakeholder’s contribution to value creation implies a right to stakeholder voice with regard to how a corporation makes decisions. Failure to account for stakeholder voice (especially for (...)
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    Four Scenarios for an Aging Society.Harry R. Moody - 1994 - Hastings Center Report 24 (5):32-35.
  44. The comparative study of eastern and western metaphysics: A perennialist perspective.Harry Oldmeadow - 2007 - Sophia 46 (1):49-64.
    The comparative study of Eastern and Western philosophy has been hindered and/or distorted by Eurocentric assumptions about “philosophy”, especially the overvaluation of rationality as an instrument of knowledge. The widespread discounting of Eastern thought derives, in large measure, from the modern Western failure to understand the nature of the traditional metaphysics of both the Occident and the East. This failure can be remedied by recourse to the work of a group of “traditionalist” or “perennialist” thinkers who expose the limitations of (...)
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    Television and the News.Stuart A. Selby & Harry J. Skornia - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 4 (1):159.
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    The mature mind.Harry Allen Overstreet - 1949 - New York: Norton.
    Discusses the growing need for maturity in today's world and includes a description of various forces that influence the human mind.
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    (1 other version)The function and scope of social philosophy.Harry Allen Overstreet - 1914 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 11 (20):533-543.
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  48. A Single True Morality? The Challenge of Relativism.Harry Bunting - 1996 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 40:73-85.
    Ethical objectivists hold that there is one and only one correct system of moral beliefs. From such a standpoint it follows that conflicting basic moral principles cannot both be true and that the only moral principles which are binding on rational human agents are those described by the single true morality. However sincerely they may be held, all other moral principles are incorrect. Objectivism is an influential tradition, covering most of the rationalist and naturalist standpoints which have dominated nineteenth and (...)
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    Natalie Duddington and perceptual knowledge of other minds.Harry James Moore - 2024 - Studies in East European Thought 76 (4):623-639.
    This paper concerns the Russian émigrée translator and philosopher Natalie Duddington (1886–1972). By establishing Duddington’s dependence on Nicholas Lossky (1870–1965), the paper argues that Duddington formed a unique synthesis of Russian intuitivism and British realism in her essay ‘Our Knowledge of Other Minds’. Despite the historical significance of Duddington’s work, it will be concluded that her synthesis succumbs to the most recent criticism which has been posed against perceptualists such as Fred Dretske (1932–2013). Russian ‘intuitivism’ is understood here as the (...)
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  50.  13
    Voorbij het dikke-ik: bouwstenen voor een kritisch humanisme.Harry Kunneman - 2005 - Amsterdam: Humanistics University Press.
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