Results for 'Harmony (Philosophy '

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  1.  17
    The harmonial philosophy: a compendium and digest of the works of Andrew Jackson Davis, the seer of Poughkeepsie..Andrew Jackson Davis - 1917 - London: William Rider & Son.
    Excerpt from The Harmonial Philosophy: A Compendium and Digest of the Works of Andrew Jackson Davis, the Seer of Poughkeepsie His Natural and Divine Revelations, Great Harmonia, Spiritual Inter course, Answers to ever-recurring Questions, Inner Life, Summer. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst (...)
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    The Confucian Philosophy of Harmony.Chenyang Li - 2013 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    Harmony is a concept essential to Confucianism and to the way of life of past and present people in East Asia. Integrating methods of textual exegesis, historical investigation, comparative analysis, and philosophical argumentation, this book presents a comprehensive treatment of the Confucian philosophy of harmony. The book traces the roots of the concept to antiquity, examines its subsequent development, and explicates its theoretical and practical significance for the contemporary world. It argues that, contrary to a common view (...)
  3. Andrew Jackson Davis (the Poughkeepsie seer) and his harmonial philosophy: an address.Ebenezer Wake Cook - 1907 - London: Light Publishing Office.
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    Sura, man, and society: philosophy of harmony in Indian tradition.Raghunath Ghosh - 1994 - Calcutta: Academic Enterprise.
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    Comprehensive Harmony: Thome Fang’s Philosophy.and Lili Zhang Chenyang Li, Fan He & Chenyang Li - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: Global Scholars Publications.
    A stuyd of the philosophy of the Chinese philosopher Thome Fang 方东美。.
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  6. Political Philosophy in the Global South: Harmony in Africa, East Asia, and South America.Thaddeus Metz - 2023 - In Uchenna B. Okeja, Routledge Handbook of African Political Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 369-383.
    Harmony as a basic value is neglected in internationally influential philosophical discussions about rights, power, and other facets of public policy; it is not prominent in articles that appear in widely read journals or in books published by presses with a global reach. Of particular interest, political philosophers and policy makers remain ignorant of the similarities and differences between various harmony-oriented approaches to institutional choice from around the world. In this chapter, I begin to rectify these deficiencies by (...)
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    Why apply yinyang philosophy in mixed methods research: Harmony perspectives from ancient Chinese culture.Lingqi Meng & Shujie Liu - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (4):468-482.
    Yinyang philosophy encompasses an essential understanding of the mechanism and laws of nature, cosmos, and human society in Chinese culture, and reaches to many other parts of Asia and around the world. The purpose of this article is to explore how yinyang philosophy can serve as a philosophical underpinning of mixed methods research (MMR). In particular, harmony, one of the important features in yinyang philosophy, is applied to interpret the design of mixed methods research. Guided by (...)
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  8. The philosophy of harmony in classical confucianism.Chenyang Li - 2008 - Philosophy Compass 3 (3):423–435.
    This essay introduces the philosophy of harmony in Classical Confucianism. In the first part of the essay the author summarizes the concept of harmony as it was developed in various Confucian classics. In the second part, the author offers an account of the Confucian program of harmony, ranging from internal harmony in the person, to harmony in the family, the state, the international world, and finally to harmony in the entire universe.
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    Eco-philosophy and harmony of nature: collected works of Dr Thomas Manickam, CMI.Thomas Manickam - 2019 - Bangalore, India: Dharmaram Publications. Edited by Sebastian Alackapally.
  10.  18
    Harmony between Nature and Man”—Ecological Wisdom in Chinese Philosophy. 王文莉王啸枫 - 2023 - Advances in Philosophy 12 (1):161.
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    Harmony between Spiritual and Real World: Teachers' Professional State under the Vision of Process Philosophy.Lou Shi-Zhou & Zhang Lizheng - 2009 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):82-92.
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    Harmony as a Manifestation of the Central Confucian Concept of Benevolence: A Critique of Chenyang Li’s The Confucian Philosophy of Harmony.Yat-Hung Leung - 2021 - In Robert A. Carleo & Yong Huang, Confucian Political Philosophy: Dialogues on the State of the Field. Springer Verlag. pp. 31-52.
    Yat-hung Leung debates Chenyang Li’s view of harmony and benevolence in Confucian teachings: Which is the more fundamental and important value, and ultimate ideal? In The Confucian Philosophy of Harmony, Li delineates a distinctively Confucian conception of “deep harmony” as the basic ideal of Chinese culture and especially Confucianism. Leung questions that depiction of things, arguing that benevolence does and should hold that place of honor. Leung focuses his arguments against two claims: firstly, that harmony (...)
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    Harmony and Ren: A Response to Leung Yat-hung’s Critique of The Confucian Philosophy of Harmony.Chenyang Li - 2021 - In Robert A. Carleo & Yong Huang, Confucian Political Philosophy: Dialogues on the State of the Field. Springer Verlag. pp. 53-68.
    Chenyang Li responds to Yat-hung Leung by pointing out Leung draws on three distinct notions of benevolence, or ren, none of which on its own is a serious contender against harmony as the concept of central importance to Confucian philosophy. Ren cannot be all three of these at once, and no particular conception of ren in fact has all these qualities. Li further clarifies that it is not his aim to establish that harmony is of exclusively highest (...)
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    Tension and harmony : a comment on Chenyang Li’s The Confucian philosophy of harmony.Chiu Wai Wai - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (1):237-245.
    Chenyang Li’s new book, The Confucian Philosophy of Harmony, challenges current interpretations of Confucianism by focusing on a long neglected idea — harmony. It also challenges an ideology, found in both the East and the West, that harmony is either static conformity or well-disguised conflict. As Li explains, the book is a reclamation of ‘harmony’ for its proper use in designating the kind of harmony advocated in traditional Chinese thought and, mainly, Confucianism.1 Li does (...)
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    Philosophy of balance (harmony): (i.e. the maximum compliance of good and evil individuals, virtually good and evil) = Filosofie rovnováhy.Dalibor Grůza - 2012 - Hustopeče: Dalibor Grůza.
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    Riding the wind: a new philosophy for a new era.Peter H. Marshall - 1998 - New York: Cassell.
    In this account of his mature thinking, Peter Marshall develops a dynamic and organic philosophy for the coming millennium which he calls liberation ecology. Liberation ecology is holistic in viewing the world as a harmonious whole and all beings and things as interwoven threads in nature's web. It is intuitive in recognizing intuition as the main source of knowledge and the imagination as the great organ of morality. It is ecological in seeing human beings as fellow voyagers with other (...)
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    The Virtue of Harmony.Chenyang Li & Dascha Düring (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    -Presents the first multicultural and multidisciplinary volume to study harmony as a virtue -Represents a broad variety of cultural traditions, including the Confucian, Daoist, Buddhist, Judaist, Greek, Christian, Islamic, African, and Native American traditions, as well as different disciplinary approaches, including philosophy, religious studies, linguistics, psychology, and political theory -Chapters are written by leading scholars in respective fields -Remains suitable for general readers as well as college students and researchers interested in the topic.
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  18. Harmony in Chinese Thought: A Philosophical Introduction.Chenyang Li, Sai Hang Kwok & Dascha Düring (eds.) - 2021 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    He (和), or harmony, has traditionally been a central concept in Chinese thought, and to this day continues to shape the way in which people in China and East Asia think about ethics and politics. Yet, there is no systematic and comprehensive introduction of harmony as has been variously articulated in different Chinese schools. This edited volume aims to fill this gap. The individual contributions elaborate the conceptions of harmony as these were exemplified in central Chinese schools (...)
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  19. The ideal of harmony in ancient chinese and greek philosophy.Chenyang Li - 2008 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 7 (1):81-98.
    This article offers a study of the early formation and development of the ideal of harmony in ancient Chinese philosophy and ancient Greek philosophy. It shows that, unlike the Pythagorean notion of harmony, which is primarily based on a linear progressive model with a pre-set order, the ancient Chinese concept of harmony is best understood as a comprehensive process of harmonization. It encompasses spatial as well as temporal dimensions, metaphysical as well as moral and aesthetical (...)
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  20.  7
    Harmony with Others: Formulas, Stories and Insights.Zelig Pliskin - 2002 - Mesorah Publications.
    You're angry. And of course, you're right! But the other person is also angry - and of course convinced that he or she is right. What next? How do you resolve arguments, disagreements, strife? How do you keep inevitable unpleasantness from souring your relationships and your life? RABBI ZELIG PLISKIN has been showing how for years and years - and in the process helped countless people save friendships, lower blood pressure and decibels. Harmony is all-important and very achievable - (...)
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    Harmonie - musikalisch, philosophisch, psychologisch, neurologisch.Martin Ebeling & Morgana Petrik (eds.) - 2018 - Berlin: Peter Lang.
    Der Begriff «Harmonie» wird unter musikalischen, philosophischen, psychologischen und neurologischen Gesichtspunkten behandelt. Sein Bezug zur Verschmelzungslehre von Carl Stumpf wird erörtert. Die Beiträge des Bandes reichen von der antiken Musiktheorie über die Phänomenologie bis zu neuen neuroakustichen Modellen.
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    Harmonie: um einen kulturellen Grundbegriff.Rudolf Flotzinger - 2016 - Wien: Böhlau Verlag.
    Auch ohne besondere Fachkenntnisse ist das Wort Harmonie als ein Lehnwort aus dem Lateinischen und dieses wiederum nach dem Griechischen zu erkennen. Allerdings wird dadurch ein jahrhundertelanger Zusammenhang suggeriert, den es erst zu bestätigen gilt. Heute wird der Ausdruck im Deutschen sowohl als Haupt- als auch Eigenschaftswort in unterschiedlichen Zusammenhängen ganz selbstverständlich verwendet: etwa auch zur Beschreibung einer Ehe, Landschaft, nachträglichen Ergänzung o. ä. Wörterbücher bestätigen diesem Wortfeld zwar meist einen durchaus allgemeinen Rahmen, doch ergibt erst eine nähere Untersuchung, dass (...)
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  23.  48
    The Harmony Between Rousseau's Musical Theory and his Philosophy.John T. Scott - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (2):287-308.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Harmony Between Rousseau’s Musical Theory and his PhilosophyJohn T. ScottRousseau is best known as the author of philosophic works, but he was a musician and musical theorist before he burst onto the European literary scene with his First Discourse. While he earned celebrity as an anti-philosophical philosopher, he continued to consider music as his primary vocation and avocation throughout his life. Rousseau testifies to the harmony (...)
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    Conception of Harmonious Union: Philosophy History Aspect.Wladimir M. Majorow - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):288-297.
    The academic and humanitarian conception of harmonious union has been proposed by Professor Zhang Liwen in the 1990s. It claims to explain the specifics of Chinese civilization and proposes solution of some global problems by its means. Despite the lack of direct references to the conception, it remains in demand both in the political and ideological discourse of the People's Republic of China. This presentations deals with the historical and philosophical facts available in Chinese written monuments and works of Antiquity (...)
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  25. Harmony and Reason: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Hegel.Frithjof H. Bergmann - 1959 - Dissertation, Princeton University
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    Harmonie der Religion und Philosophie. Avveroes - 1995 - In Philosophie Und Theologie. De Gruyter. pp. 1-28.
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    Harmony: the art of life.Hua Ching Ni - 2000 - Santa Monica: SevenStar Communications.
    Learn to create personal harmony so that we are able to handle everyday situations gracefully with persons of the opposite sex, differing cultures, religions or opinions. This book is dedicated to those who respect and enjoy harmony in relationship with oneself and with other people of the world. Frank discussion about sex and celibacy, yin and yang, femininity and masculinity, fire and water, culture, history and government.
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    The Topic of the,Harmony Between Plato and Aristotle': Some Examples in Early Arabic Philosophy.Lydia Wegener & Andreas Speer - 2006 - In Lydia Wegener & Andreas Speer, Wissen Über Grenzen: Arabisches Wissen Und Lateinisches Mittelalter. Walter de Gruyter.
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  29. What Harmony Could and Could Not Be.Florian Steinberger - 2011 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89 (4):617 - 639.
    The notion of harmony has played a pivotal role in a number of debates in the philosophy of logic. Yet there is little agreement as to how the requirement of harmony should be spelled out in detail or even what purpose it is to serve. Most, if not all, conceptions of harmony can already be found in Michael Dummett's seminal discussion of the matter in The Logical Basis of Metaphysics. Hence, if we wish to gain a (...)
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    China's harmony renaissance: what the world must know.Francis C. W. Fung - 2006 - San Francisco, CA: World Harmony Organization.
    Increase Your Upsells, Reputation, Quality Leads and Residual Income Exponentially!
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    A Contribution from the African Cultural Philosophy towards a Harmonious Coexistence in Pluralistic Societies.Fermín Rodríguez López - 2020 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 76 (288):187-195.
    This paper presents a comprehensive review of the African cultural philosophy. The aim of the study is to focus on identifying the elements present in the African ontology and epistemology which may contribute towards the consecution of a harmonious coexistence in the increasing plurality of today society. Based on an understanding of reality in which everything dwells in complementarity, interdependence and mutuality, the African worldview approaches difference and particularity as opportunities for mutual growth and cooperation. The acknowledgement of such (...)
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    (1 other version)Causation in Early Modern Philosophy: Cartesianism, Occasionalism, and Preestablished Harmony.Steven Nadler (ed.) - 1989 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Three general accounts of causation stand out in early modern philosophy: Cartesian interactionism, occasionalism, and Leibniz's preestablished harmony. The contributors to this volume examine these theories in their philosophical and historical context. They address them both as a means for answering specific questions regarding causal relations and in their relation to one another, in particular, comparing occasionalism and the preestablished harmony as responses to Descartes's metaphysics and physics and the Cartesian account of causation. Philosophers discussed include Descartes, (...)
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  33.  43
    (1 other version)The Confucian Philosophy of Harmony, Li Zehou, and Michael Sandel’s Suggested Collaborative Approach to Philosophy.Paul J. D’Ambrosio - 2019 - Tandf: Comparative and Continental Philosophy 11 (1):68-83.
    Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2019, Page 68-83.
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    Harmonie, Toleranz, kulturelle Vielfalt: aufklärerische Impulse von Leibniz bis zur Gegenwart.C. Asmuth C. Roldán & A. Wagner (eds.) - 2016 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Harmony: Super Value or Multiple Values? A Review of Li Chenyang’s The Confucian Philosophy of Harmony.Kam-Por Yu - 2016 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 15 (3):421-426.
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    The Way of Harmony: A Sensible, Modern, Unifying Religion and Philosophy for the Twentyfirst Century in a Multicultural World, Set Out in a Short Clear, Summarised Form.D. H. O. Adams - 1995
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  37.  22
    Perfect harmony and melting strains: transformations of music in early modern culture between sensibility and abstraction.Cornelia Wilde & Wolfram R. Keller (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: Walter de Gruyter.
    Perfect Harmony and Melting Strains assembles interdisciplinary essays investigating concepts of harmony during a transitional period, in which the Pythagorean notion of a harmoniously ordered cosmos competed with and was transformed by new theories about sound - and new ways of conceptualizing the world. From the perspectives of philosophy, literary scholarship, and musicology, the contributions consider music's ambivalent position between mathematical abstraction and sensibility, between the metaphysics of harmony and the physics of sound. Essays examine the (...)
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    Harmony: Super Value or Multiple Values? A Review of Li Chenyang’s The Confucian Philosophy of Harmony.Y. U. Kam-por - 2016 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 15 (3):421-426.
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    Buddhism: world peace and harmony.Suniti Kumar Pathak - 2011 - Delhi: Buddhist World Press.
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    Harmony and contrast: Plato and Aristotle in the early modern period.Anna Corrias & Eva Del Soldato (eds.) - 2022 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Plato and Aristotle were very much alive between the fifteenth and the seventeenth centuries. The essays in this volume investigate the interaction, both in terms of harmony and contrast, between the two philosophers in early modernity, that is in a time when long-forgotten texts became available and a new philological awareness was on the rise. Dealing with famous and less famous early modern interpreters and philosophers, in a transnational and translinguistic perspective, this volume reveals the agendas behind the discussions (...)
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    Culture, religion, and philosophy: critical studies in syncretism and inter-faith harmony.Nava Kishor Das (ed.) - 2003 - Jaipur: Rawat Publications.
    Deals With Syncretism-An Unexplored Aspect Of Culture. Examines Various Manifestations Of Syncretism And Synthesized Cultural Manifestations In Religious Experiences Of Diverse People. Cases Presented Pertain To All Major And Minor Religious Of India Including The Raith Of Adivasis And Dalits. Highlights The Promising Realm Of Inter-Religious Harmony.
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    Harmony in Chinese Thought: A Philosophical Introduction.Li Chenyang, Hang Kwok Sai & During Dascha (eds.) - 2021 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    Global harmony and the rule of law: proceedings of the 24th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Beijing, 2009.Thomas da Rosa de Bustamante & Oche Onazi (eds.) - 2012 - Sinzheim: Nomos.
    The volume comprises a selection of papers delivered at the 24th IVR World Congress. All papers address the challenge of the construction of a Global Ethics in the context of fragmented and pluralist societies, in which the idea of an Ethical Space seems to be an unachievable project, but also an indispensable device for cooperation between individuals, communities and states.The idea of a Global Ethics is to be constructed from within different traditions and environments with a mutual understanding and exchange (...)
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    On the harmony of religions and philosophy. Averroës & George Fadlo Hourani - 1961 - London: Luzac. Edited by George Fadlo Hourani.
  45.  24
    Gandhi's Philosophy and the Quest for Harmony.Anthony Parel - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    Anthony Parel affords a novel perspective on the philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi. He explores how Gandhi connected the spiritual with the temporal. As Parel points out 'being more things than one' is a good description of Gandhi and, with these words in mind, he shows how Gandhi, drawing on the Indian time-honoured theory of the purusharthas or 'the aims of life', fitted his ethical, political, aesthetic and religious ideas together. In this way Gandhi challenged the notion which prevailed in (...)
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  46. Comparative philosophy. A look at Harmony and Unity as common principles in the Confucian system and the Bahá'í faith.Benjamin B. Olshin - 2018 - In Mikhail Sergeev, Studies in Bahá'í philosophy: selected articles. Boston: M-Graphics Publishing.
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    Harmony and Strife: Contemporary Perspectives, East and West.Asia College New - 1989 - Columbia University Press.
    This volume is intended for professional philosophers and laymen with an interest in East-West studies and comparative philosophy and religion. The central focus is the concept of comparing perspectives from both the Eastern and the Western philosophical traditions on harmony and strife. The unique and happy result is an East-West anthology which is directed at analyzing a single philosophical problem which is of importance to both traditions. Unlike many anthologies which tend to be collections of isolated and unrelated (...)
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    Justice and Harmony: Cross-Cultural Ideals in Conflict and Cooperation.Joshua Mason - 2022 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Justice and harmony typically stand as opposing ideals of liberal and communitarian philosophies. Joshua Mason argues that engaging their Chinese counterparts, zhengyi and hexie, through cross-cultural hermeneutics reveals a pattern of interrelated concerns that can overcome this binary opposition and reconcile these global values.
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    Cognitive Harmony: The Role of Systemic Harmony in the Constitution of Knowledge.Nicholas Rescher - 2005 - University of Pittsburgh Press.
    This novel approach to epistemological discourse explains the complex but crucial role that systematization plays-not just for the organization of what we know, but also for its validation. _Cognitive Harmony_ argues for a new conception of the process philosophers generally call induction. Relying on the root definition of harmony, a coherent unification of component parts in such a way that the final object can successfully accomplish what it was meant to do, Rescher discusses the role of harmony in (...)
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    Harmony and Beyond.Vladimir V. Maliavin - 2020 - Dialogue and Universalism 30 (3):27-42.
    The paper explores the significance of the Chinese concept of harmony for establishing a stable and efficient global governance. The author assumes that to meet demands of the emerging global community this concept should be assessed in the context of two other important notions: “commonality” and “similarity” or “sharing”. The merging of these concepts has been a real basis of the Chinese tradition and it can serve as a foundation of a new global order based on the principle of (...)
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