Results for 'Hannibal’s war'

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  1.  91
    Hannibal's Legacy Arnold J. Toynbee: Hannibal's Legacy: the Hannibalic War's Effects on Roman Life. 2 vols. Pp. xii+643, x+752; 2 tables, 6 maps in folder. London: Oxford University Press, 1965. Cloth, £12. 12s. net. [REVIEW]F. W. Walbank - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (03):384-388.
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    Hannibal’s March and Roman Imperial Space in Livy, Ab urbe condita, Book 21.Virginia Fabrizi - 2015 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 159 (1):118-155.
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    The punica in English - (A.) augoustakis, (n.W.) Bernstein silius italicus’ punica. Rome's war with hannibal. Pp. VI + 327. London and new York: Routledge, 2021. Cased, £120, us$160. Isbn: 978-1-138-29145-4. [REVIEW]John Jacobs - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (1):178-179.
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    Livy and Hannibal - (D.S.) Levene Livy on the Hannibalic War. Pp. xvi + 453. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. Cased, £89, US$160. ISBN: 978-0-19-815295-8. [REVIEW]Mary Jaeger - 2012 - The Classical Review 62 (1):167-169.
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    Thucydides, Herodotos, and the Causes of War.R. Sealey - 1957 - Classical Quarterly 7 (1-2):1-.
    All wars have causes; some have pretexts. When Polybios distinguishes between the cause, the pretext, and the beginning of war, his language sounds curiously modern. When he summarizes the causes of the Second Punic War the modern reader is not so satisfied. The war was due, in his opinion, to the indignation of Hamilcar Barca, who had to accept peace when he could have continued fighting in Sicily; to the anger of the Carthaginians, when they were forced to surrender Sardinia; (...)
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    Livy on Scipio Africanus. The commander's Portrait at 26.19.3–9.Luca Beltramini & Marco Rocco - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (1):230-246.
    According to Livy (26.18.3–26.19.2), in late 211 Publius Cornelius Scipio was electedpriuatus cum imperio pro consuleby thecomitia centuriataand sent to Spain in charge of the legions formerly led by his father Publius and his uncle Gnaeus. This was the beginning of a new phase in the Hannibalic War, which would ultimately lead Rome to victory against its most dangerous enemy. As has long been recognized, Livy assigns Scipio a central role in the narrative development of the Third Decade. For most (...)
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  7.  27
    „La punizione dei vinti“: dibattiti e decreti senatori su Campani e Tarentini dopo la riconquista.Annarosa Gallo - 2018 - Klio 100 (3):785-824.
    Riassunto La punizione inflitta, nel 211 a. C., ai Campani, municipes sine suffragio, per la loro defezione ad Annibale, era stata assunta da una parte del senato a paradigma anche per i soci Tarentini, nel 208 a. C., rei allo stesso modo. Tale valutazione politica poggiava sull’assunto che la pena dovesse essere commisurata alla colpa, indipendentemente dal differente statuto giuridico dei defezionisti. Questa è espressione della linea rigorista perseguita contro i traditori, tra alti, da Q. Fulvius Flaccus, all’opposto di quella (...)
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    Hannibal's Elephants and the Crossing of the Rhône.S. O'bryhim - 1991 - Classical Quarterly 41 (01):121-.
    Hannibal's trek through western Europe has fascinated ancient and modern historians alike. Although most attention has been focused on determining his route through the Alps, a less popular question, the site of his Rhône crossing, has been by no means neglected. Many scholars have offered differing solutions to this problem, but all agree on one point: that Hannibal transported his elephants across the Rhône by raft. No doubt this consensus stems from the fact that both Polybius and Livy, who give (...)
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    Nature, Landscape and Identity in Silius Italicus’ Account of the Battle at the Trebia.Luca Beltramini - 2024 - Classical Quarterly 74 (1):240-248.
    This article deals with the fight between the river Trebia and Scipio the Elder in Silius Italicus’ Punica (4.525–703), notoriously based on the Homeric battle between Achilles and Scamander (Il. 21.1–382). By means of a close reading of the geographical details of Silius’ account, this article aims at highlighting the peculiar role given to the landscape in this episode. By intertwining well-established epic topoi and historiographical reflections, the poet imbues Italy's landscape with a profound ideological meaning. His depiction of the (...)
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  10.  18
    Finley’s War Years.F. S. Naiden - 2014 - American Journal of Philology 135 (2):243-266.
    Finley’s life during and just after World War II, although neglected by biographers and others interested in his career, was a formative period for him. A successful activist for Soviet-solidarity organizations, he learned lessons in public outreach that would affect his teaching and later public activity, and absorbed experiences that found their way into his first well-known book, The World of Odysseus. During this period he changed his name from Finkelstein to Finley, a shift emblematic of his adjustment to a (...)
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    The Characterization of Hanno in Plautus' Poenulus.George Fredric Franko - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (3):425-452.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Characterization of Hanno in Plautus’ PoenulusGeorge Fredric FrankoPoenulus commands our attention because it is the one specimen of Roman New Comedy in which the main characters are not Greeks. Although the action takes place in the Aetolian city of Calydon, the young lover Agorastocles, his beloved Adelphasium, her sister Anterastilis, and the title character Hanno are all natives of Carthage. While the first three are represented as if (...)
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  12. Hobbes's war of all against all.Gregory S. Kavka - 1982 - Ethics 93 (2):291-310.
  13.  46
    Hannibal's dream: A painting by Jan Miel after an idea by Emanuele tesauro.Friso Lammertse - 1989 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 52 (1):253-256.
  14. Hannibal's Elephants.C. H. Smith - 1944 - Classical Weekly 38:151.
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  15.  16
    The other's war: recognition and the violence of ethics.Tarik Kochi - 2009 - New York: Birkbeck Law Press.
    The Other's War is an intervention into a set of contemporary moral, political and legal debates over the legitimacy of war and terrorism within the context of the so-called global War on Terror. Tarik Kochi considers how, despite the variety of its approaches âe" just war theory, classical realist, post-Kantian, poststructuralist âe" contemporary ethical, political and legal philosophy still struggles to produce a convincing account of war. Focusing on the philosophical problem of the rightness of war, The Other's War responds (...)
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    Hannibal's Legacy.E. T. Salmon & Arnold J. Toynbee - 1967 - American Journal of Philology 88 (4):461.
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    Hannibal's March in History.W. V. Harris & Dennis Proctor - 1974 - American Journal of Philology 95 (4):421.
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    Hannibal's March Hannibal's March. By Spenser Wilkinson. Clarendon Press.A. D. Godley - 1911 - The Classical Review 25 (04):116-118.
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    Hannibal's Route over the Alps.G. E. Marindin - 1899 - The Classical Review 13 (05):238-249.
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  20. John Dewey's Philosophy of War and Peace in Philosophy, History and Social Action. Essays in Honor of Lewis Feuer.S. Ratner - 1988 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 107:373-390.
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  21.  42
    Gavin Townend: Caesar's War in Alexandria: Bellum Civile III 102–112 and Bellum Alexandrinum 1–33. Edited with Introduction, Notes and Vocabulary. Pp. vi + 66; 1 Map. Bristol Classical Press, 1988. Paper, £4.95. [REVIEW]S. J. Freebairn-Smith - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (1):161-161.
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  22. Feynman’s War: Modelling Weapons, Modelling Nature.Peter Galison - 1998 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 29 (3):391-434.
    This article examines the forces that have made federal scientific publication an essentially private enterprise. Particular attention is paid to the rise of the scientific community in the American political system. The period under review begins roughly with 1941 and American involvement in World War II, which coincides with the establishment of the Office of Scientific Research and Development (ORSD). The article examines OSRD's method of conducting federal scientific research, its contractual system, and the new publishing paradigm that it engendered. (...)
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  23. Islam's War Against the West.Antony Flew - 2002 - Free Inquiry 22.
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  24. Australia’s ‘War on Terror’ Discourse.[author unknown] - 2014
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  25.  35
    Muslim Apocalyptic Consciousness: Representation of Imam al-Mahdi (a.s) in Literature.Tasleem War - 2020 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 91:173-194.
    The concept of apocalypse is well established in all the major religions of the world, be they Semitic religions or Hinduism. The underlying idea behind the concept in all the religions remains the same, that is, the world will come to an end. The end itself, which has been called the Judgment Day, Day of Resurrection, or the Day of Retribution or Reckoning will be preceded by some signs. It has also been called the day of Apocalypse, the day when (...)
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    Introduction: Russia's War Against Ukraine.Hilary Appel & Rachel A. Epstein - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (3):302-307.
    Russia's war against Ukraine has had devastating human consequences and destabilizing geopolitical effects. This roundtable takes up three critical debates in connection with the conflict: Ukraine's potential accession to the European Union; the role of Ukrainian nationalism in advancing democratization; and the degree of human rights accountability, not just for Russia, but also for Ukraine. In addition to challenging conventional wisdom on each of these issues, the contributors to this roundtable make a second, critically important intervention. Each essay explores the (...)
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  27.  15
    Schmitt’s Warring Wars. On the Political Epistemology of Political Theology.Elad Lapidot - unknown
    This article shows how Schmitt’s work is animated by a fundamental conflict between two concepts of conflict: the one is Schmitt’s own, war, polemos, and the other one is discussion, dialogue, conversation or polemics, which may be said, accordingly, to be Schmitt’s foe. Schmitt’s project is thus described as a conflict between war and discussion: polemos vs polemics, an inner war within the notion of war. The article contemplates this basic configuration and points at some of its major significations for (...)
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  28.  5
    It's war, let's marry.István Zárdai - 2024 - Philosophy and Photography Lab.
    A short discussion on how photography can capture the sturdiness lent to our personality by our long-term policies structuring our reasoning, even during times of war and other cataclysms.
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  29. Dialogue derailed: Joseph Ratzinger's war against pluralist theology [Book Review].Patricia Madigan - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (4):505.
    Review of: Dialogue derailed: Joseph Ratzinger's war against pluralist theology, by Ambrose Ih-Ren Mong, pp. 325, paperback, 30; pdf, 26.50.
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  30.  64
    War, Class, and Justice In Plato’s Republic.Michael S. Kochin - 1999 - Review of Metaphysics 53 (2):403 - 423.
    WE SCHOLARS WHO WRITE ABOUT THE Republic have found much to say about the education of Plato’s warriors. We carefully and thoughtfully relate their virtues to those of the Republic ’s philosopher-kings, and even to those of Plato’s Socrates. We have found much less to say about Plato’s peculiar account of that for which they are educated— war. I agree with Leon Craig that war and spiritedness are central to the argument of the Republic. Indeed, I will contend, Socrates’ three (...)
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  31.  44
    Japan's Decision for War; Records of the 1941 Policy Conferences.E. H. S. & Nobutaka Ike - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (2):218.
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  32. The war on drugs: science, policy and the neurobiological imagination.S. Vrecko - forthcoming - History of the Human Sciences.
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  33.  20
    McLuhan’s war: Cartoons and decapitations.Peter W. Nesselroth - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (213):457-472.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2016 Heft: 213 Seiten: 457-472.
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    Rationalizing Capitalist Democracy: Cold War Origins of Rational Choice Liberalism.S. M. Amadae - 2003 - Chicago, IL, USA: University of Chicago Press.
    This book discusses how rational choice theory grew out of RAND's work for the US Air Force. It concentrates on the work of William J. Riker, Kenneth J. Arrow, James M. Buchanan, Russel Hardin, and John Rawls. It argues that within the context of the US Cold War with its intensive anti-communist and anti-collectivist sentiment, the foundations of capitalist democracy were grounded in the hyper individualist theory of non-cooperative games.
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    War and Negative Revelation: A Theoethical Reflection on Moral Injury.Michael S. Yandell - 2022 - Lexington Books.
    From the concrete experience of war, Michael S. Yandell constructs a phenomenology of “negative revelation” in which false or distorted claims of goodness and justice disintegrate and become meaningless, adding depth to the term moral injury.
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  36. Soldier or Scholar: Stratocles or War.Jacobus Pontanus, S. J., Paul Richard Blum & Thomas McCreight - 2009 - Apprendice House.
    ISBN-13: 978-1934074480
    Plot Summary from the book:
    "An aristocratic young man, fed up with his studies, contemplates military service. His teacher is unable by any reasoning to call him back him from the path he has embarked upon. The young man enlists another youth who commits himself to the journey, dressed in military garb, and he happens upon two deserting soldiers, unsightly and ill-used both in their dress and in their hygiene. Both young men are so moved by the deserters’ (...)
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  37. arshall's War and the Ideal of Peace. [REVIEW]George A. Coe - 1916 - Journal of Philosophy 13 (16):445.
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  38.  48
    Nestor's War Effort (Stat. Ach. 1.422).Rachel Williams - 1986 - Classical Quarterly 36 (01):280-.
    Here in the Achilleid Statius catalogues the contributions of Greek towns to Agamemnon's expedition against Troy. Every item of equipment is appropriate to its origin. There is one puzzle, however: why is it that murorum tormenta are the peculiar contribution of Pylos and Messene? O. A. W. Dilke suggests that the proximity of classical Messene to Mt Ithome would have reminded Statius of the siege of that place by the Spartans in 464–59 b.c., when they were aided by the Athenians, (...)
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    (1 other version)Sartre's War Diaries: Prelude and Postscript.Hazel Barnes - 1992 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 4 (2-3):93-111.
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    Theatre in the war.S. T. - 1942 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 2 (5).
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    Imperceptibility of children’s war trauma: analysing attachment, loss, and security in The Journey.Ramya Jayaram Paleri & Vinata Sai - forthcoming - Journal for Cultural Research:1-11.
    This research applies John Bowlby’s (1958–63) attachment theory to analyse child–parent relationships associated with loss and security in the children’s picture book, The Journey (2016) by Francesca Sanna, to examine children’s war trauma through attachment styles. Furthermore, Hong et al.’s (2013) cultural attachment theory is employed to explore the story representation of the children’s relationship with their culture. Amnesty International UK endorses the picture book to teach children about the hardships of refugees and asylum seekers. However, children’s literature often superficially (...)
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  42.  45
    Explaining War and Peace: Case Studies and Necessary Condition Counterfactuals.Jack S. Levy - 2007 - Routledge. Edited by Gary Goertz.
    This edited volume focuses on the use of ?necessary condition counterfactuals? in explaining two key events in twentieth century history, the origins of the ...
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  43.  26
    Petrarch's War: Florentine Wages and the Black Death.William Caferro - 2013 - Speculum 88 (1):144-165.
    The nature of the Florentine economy during the era of plague and the so-called crisi del trecento has been the subject of a great deal of study and debate. The nuanced and sophisticated discourse has proceeded, however, without proper consideration of warfare, which coincided with the other crises, but has been relegated in the Anglophone scholarship to the lonely subfield of military history. Recent studies have helped improve the status quo and blur rigid disciplinary lines. But there remains a stubborn (...)
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  44.  8
    Germany's war-inspirers, Nietzsche and Treitschke.Edmund McClure - 1915 - New York,: E. S. Gorham.
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  45.  6
    Just War Theory and the ANC's Armed Struggle.S. R. Miller - 1990 - Quest - and African Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):80-102.
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  46. U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are unjust.Ryan King - 2014 - In David M. Haugen (ed.), War. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, A part of Gale, Cengage Learning.
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    The Dao of the Military: Liu An's Art of War.John S. Major - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    Translation previously published in: The Huainanzi. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010.
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  48. Yugoslavia's wars and the Humanitarian Impulse: Comment.M. Winston - 1997 - Ethics and International Affairs 11:137-140.
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  49.  34
    Deleuze and Guattari’s ‘War Machine’ as a Critique of Hegel’s Political Philosophy.Nathan Widder - 2018 - Hegel Bulletin 39 (2):304-325.
    This paper elaborates Deleuze and Guattari’s ‘war machine’ in relation to key theses in Hegel’s political philosophy, with the aim of showing how it illuminates the conditions under which politics and political institutions as Hegel understands them both emerge and are compromised. After first introducing the idea of the war machine and its appropriation by discussing it in relation to Carl Schmitt’s theory of partisan warfare, it examines both the war machine and Hegel’s theory of the State by way of (...)
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  50. The British Labour Movement under War Pressure.S. Webb - 1917 - Scientia 11 (22):39.
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