Results for 'Gustavo Villamizar Duran'

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    Los medios y la educación en tiempos débiles.Gustavo Villamizar Duran - 2005 - In Antonio Arellano (ed.), La educación en tiempos débiles e inciertos. Bogotá (Colombia): Convenio Andrés Bello. pp. 249.
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  2. Sobre la axiología de Gustavo E. Romero y Mario Bunge.Óscar Teixidó Durán - 2019 - Scientia in Verba Magazine 1 (Homenaje a Mario Bunge): 47-55.
    La teoría de los valores, la axiología, a veces suele pasar muy inadvertida en los análisis que se hacen de la obra filosófica de Mario Bunge, o autores que siguen su línea de investigación como Gustavo Esteban Romero. En este artículo voy a repasar las principales concepciones básicas en teoría de valores de los dos filósofos citados (aunque se intentará no caer en un mero análisis escolástico), centrándome en las diferencias y coincidencias con tal de lograr luego una tentativa (...)
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  3. El grupo Mito y el Nadaísmo La poesía colombiana bajo la violencia partidista.Carlos Fajardo Fajardo - 2009 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 16:59-72.
    El siguiente texto es una indagación sobre la poesía y los poetas colombianos bajo la llamada violencia partidista de mediados del siglo XX, especialmente la vivenciada por el grupo Mito, unido en torno a la revista del mismo nombre fundada por Jorge Gaitán Durán, y el Nadaísmo, movimiento fundado por Gonzalo Arango en 1958. Durante las décadas del cincuenta al setenta la escena política colombiana estuvo dominada por la dictadura de Gustavo Rojas Pinilla (1953-1957) y el Frente Nacional (1958-1974). (...)
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    El cine como promesa.Gustavo Galuppo - 2018 - [Buenos Aires]: Sans Soleil Ediciones.
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    Recordação autobiográfica: reconsiderando dados fenomenais e correlatos neurais.Gustavo Gauer & William Barbosa Gomes - 2008 - Revista Aletheia 27:36-50.
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    Toward a Feminist Epistemology.Jane Duran - 1991 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Drawing on recent advances in analytic epistemology, feminist scholarship, and philosophy of science, Jane Duran's Toward a Feminist Epistemology is the first book that spells out in the detail required by a supportable epistemology what a feminist theory of knowledge would entail.
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  7. Poder y subjetividad en Del gobierno de los vivos de Michel Foucault.Gustavo Romero - 2016 - Daimon. Revista Internacional de Filosofía,:149-155.
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    Listeners invest in an assumed other’s perspective despite cognitive cost.Nicholas D. Duran, Rick Dale & Roger J. Kreuz - 2011 - Cognition 121 (1):22-40.
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    3rd workshop on logic, language, information and computation (wollic'96).L. S. Baptista, A. Duran, T. Monteiro & A. G. de Oliveira - 1996 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2 (3).
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    ¿Deberes morales para con la propia persona?Vicente Durán Casas - 1995 - Universitas Philosophica 25:141-160.
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    Does it really pay to be good, everywhere? A first step to understand the corporate social and financial performance link in Latin American controversial industries.Pablo Rodrigo, Ignacio J. Duran & Daniel Arenas - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (3):286-309.
    Most research studying the corporate social performance –corporate financial performance link has utilized developed country samples. Also, this literature has generally focused on a wide variety of industries, ignoring the fact that certain sectors – such as controversial industries – have graver social and environmental issues. Hence, a gap exists in this tradition when it comes to emerging markets and controversial industries. This paper attempts to fill this void by providing preliminary evidence and insight on the matter. Based on an (...)
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  12. Intorno ad una esigenzu fondamentale della filosofia neoscolastica.Gustavo Bontadini - 1940 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 32 (1):77.
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  13. On the relation of free bodies, inertial sets and arbitrariness.Hernán Gustavo Solari & Mario Alberto Natiello - 2021 - Science and Philosophy 9 (2):7-26.
    We present a fully relational definition of inertial systems based in the No Arbitrariness Principle, that eliminates the need for absolute inertial frames of reference or distinguished reference systems as the ``fixed stars'' in order to formulate Newtonian mechanics. The historical roots of this approach to mechanics are discussed as well. The work is based in part in the constructivist perspective of space advanced by Piaget. We argue that inertial systems admit approximations and that what is of practical use are (...)
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  14. Lenguage religioso y experiencia religiosa en Wittgenstein: ¿un enfoque para la filosofía de la religión en América Latina?Vicente Durán Casas - 1999 - Universitas Philosophica 32:91-118.
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  15. La verdad, raîz de la libertad.Gustavo Eloy Ponferrada - 2000 - Sapientia 55 (207):217-228.
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  16. Disonancia y alegría: la visión musical del mundo en Nietzsche y Schönberg.Gustavo Fernández Pérez - 2006 - Estudios Filosóficos 55 (159):229-250.
    Schönberg ha sido uno de los compositores más decisivos del pasado siglo. Su propuesta musical, su intento de buscar nuevos lenguajes para expresarla, su diagnóstico de la muerte de la música tonal, puede ser equiparado con la constatación nietzscheana de la ¿muerte de Dios¿, con la pérdida de todos los axiomas últimos e inamovibles que suministran valor al mundo y sentido a la existencia. Ambos desarrollaron una visión trágico-musical del mundo, que no pesimista; ambos se acercaron a la realidad desde (...)
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    Expertise and Error in Diagnostic Reasoning.Paul E. Johnson, Alica S. Duran, Frank Hassebrock, James Moller, Michael Prietula, Paul J. Feltovich & David B. Swanson - 1981 - Cognitive Science 5 (3):235-283.
    An investigation is presented in which a computer simulation model (DIAGNOSER) is used to develop and test predictions for behavior of subjects in a task of medical diagnosis. The first experiment employed a process‐tracing methodology in order to compare hypothesis generation and evaluation behavior of DIAGNOSER with individuals at different levels of expertise (students, trainees, experts). A second experiment performed with only DIAGNOSER identified conditions under which errors in reasoning in the first experiment could be related to interpretation of specific (...)
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    Organic Codes: A Unifying Concept for Life.Gustavo Caponi, Francisco Prosdocimi & Savio Torres de Farias - 2021 - Acta Biotheoretica 69 (4):769-782.
    Although the knowledge about biological systems has advanced exponentially in recent decades, it is surprising to realize that the very definition of Life keeps presenting theoretical challenges. Even if several lines of reasoning seek to identify the essence of life phenomenon, most of these thoughts contain fundamental problem in their basic conceptual structure. Most concepts fail to identify either necessary or sufficient features to define life. Here, we analyzed the main conceptual frameworks regarding theoretical aspects that have been supporting the (...)
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    Sociocybernetics and Political Theory in a Complex World: Recasting Constitutionalism.Roberto Gustavo Mancilla Castro - 2020 - Boston: BRILL.
    In _Sociocybernetics and Political Theory in a Complex World_, Roberto Mancilla offers new takes on known ideas of political and constitutional theory; the advent of information technology and globalization puts them in crisis, as many stem from centuries past.
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    O Corpo e sua relação com o Sagrado.Luiz Gustavo Santos Teixeira - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (17):213-221.
    In the current secularization of religion nowadays, particularly of Christianity, we see that in the celebrations of the sacraments, specially Baptism and Eucharist, people are looking for something to give their lives sense, that they even don’t know for sure what is, but through the liturgical rites, expressed by the body language, try to make life in accordance with faith, even though still in a superficial way. Through the theology of the sacraments, theology of revelation and anthropology we realize that (...)
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    Una coexistencia rítmica para las duraciones.Cristóbal Durán Rojas & Felipe Kong Aránguiz - 2017 - Trans/Form/Ação 40 (2):175-192.
    Resumen: La intención del presente artículo es reexaminar el concepto bergsoniano de Duración entendido como coexistencia de niveles de multiplicidad heterogéneos. Si bien dicho concepto ha sido pensado a partir de una comprensión que podría ser caracterizada como continuista, el mismo Bergson evitará confundir dicha continuidad con la idea de homogeneidad. Intentaremos mostrar que la determinación del concepto de Duración se alcanza al definirla como tensión o entrelazamiento entre sucesión y simultaneidad, y por consiguiente, como una multiplicidad que hace coexistir (...)
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    Women, Philosophy and Literature.Jane Duran - 2007 - Routledge.
    New work on women thinkers often makes the point that philosophical conceptual thought is where we find it, examples such as Simone de Beauvoir and the nineteenth century Black American writer Anna Julia Cooper assure us that there is ample room for the development of philosophy in literary works but as yet there has been no single unifying attempt to trace such projects among a variety of women novelists. This book articulates philosophical concerns in the work of five well known (...)
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  23. En Torno Al Concepto De 'ciencias Humanas'. La Distinción Entre Metodologías Α-operatorias Y Β-operatorias.Gustavo Bueno - 1978 - El Basilisco 2 (12-46):12-46.
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  24. El comercio internacional de bienes y servicios culturales. Crítica a la metodología implementada por la UNESCO.Gustavo Buquet - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 77:41-46.
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    Escritos de juventud.Gustavo Bueno - 2024 - Orlando: Pentalfa Norteamérica.
    This volume opens a set of reviews written by Bueno published by the Institute of Philosophy "Luis Vives" of the CSIC. The first of these reviews also constitute the first texts of Bueno of which we have news and are part of their stage as a CSIC fellow in Madrid, a period in which he develops his doctoral thesis on the philosophy of religion. Formal and material foundation of the modern philosophy of religion, which is dated April 7, 1947. Despite (...)
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  26. The Cost of Children for Italian Families.Gustavo De Santis & Alessandra Righi - 1997 - Polis 11:159.
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    Calculating surprises: a review for a philosophy of computer simulations: Johannes Lenhard: Calculated Surprises. A philosophy of computer simulations. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019, 256pp, 64,12 €.Juan M. Durán - 2020 - Metascience 29 (2):337-340.
  28. Como pensam as espécies?Gustavo Caponi - 2006 - Episteme 11 (24):245-267.
    Segundo Daniel Dennett insistiu em diferentes trabalhos, o programa adaptacionista darwiniano constitui uma legítima e insubstituível translação da perspectiva intencional ao domínio da biologia. Mas, para que essa tese possa ser formulada com toda clareza, e não fique no plano da simples metáfora – coisa que não é o objetivo de Dennett – é necessário esclarecer qual seria o sistema intencional cujo comportamento estudamos conforme essa perspectiva. Assim, e contra a alternativa escolhida pelo próprio Dennett, e retomando uma proposta do (...)
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    Epistemes do valor.Gustavo Lima Moura - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11:e-7375.
    O artigo visa estabelecer a ideia de valor e sua formação, tomando como base o livro “Les Mots et Les Choses” de Michel Foucault, explorando a concepção epistemológica das coisas no âmbito político-econômico-informacional. A metodologia utilizada neste artigo, segue a leitura sintópica da fonte bibliográfica indicada, complementada pela análise conceitual dos capítulos “Échanger” e “Travail, Vie et Langage” da obra, na transversalidade disciplinar, integrando a filosofia da informação e a economia política, numa perspectiva que articula as dimensões da semiótica com (...)
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  30. La teoría en la esfera y el descubrimiento de América.Gustavo Bueno - 1989 - El Basilisco 1:3-32.
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    A Holistically Deweyan Feminism.Jane Duran - 2001 - Metaphilosophy 32 (3):279-292.
    The argument that a holistic analysis of Dewey's work, drawing not only on the major portions subject to extensive commentary (such as Experience and Nature) but also on his aesthetics, provides fuel for feminist theorizing is sustained by advertence to the standard commentary and also to new work in aesthetic feminism itself. Sleeper, Rorty, Hickman and Russell are cited, and the recent resurgence of interest in developing the intersection between analytic aesthetics and feminist aesthetics is alluded to. It is concluded (...)
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    Causal reference and epistemic justification.Jane Duran - 1988 - Philosophy of Science 55 (2):272-279.
    The current project of "naturalizing" epistemology has left epistemologists with a plethora of theories alleged to fall under that rubric. Recent epistemic justification theorists have seemed to want to focus on theories of epistemic justification that are more contextualized (naturalized) and less normatively global than those of the past. This paper has two central arguments: (i) that if justification is seen from a naturalized standpoint, more attention to the actual process of epistemic justification might be in order (and, hence, that (...)
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  33. Del far storia.Gustavo Bontadini - 1959 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 13:500.
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  34. La dottrina ontologica del prof. Vincenzo La Via.Gustavo Bontadini - 1930 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 22:289.
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    Metafisica e deellenizzazione.Gustavo Bontadini - 1975 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
    In questo libro, che apparve nel 1975 a coronamento di tutta l'ultima fase della riflessione bontadiniana, viene pienamente raggiunto l'obbiettivo che il filosofo si era in essa proposto, vale a dire la rigorosa fondazione della metafisica classica perseguitata attraverso l'affinamento critico del suo nucleo essenziale. Tale nucleo è individuato nel principio di Parmenide che, cimentandosi dialetticamente con l'esperienza del divenire, si determina in ultima istanza come principio di creazione.
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  36. Realismo gnoseologico e metafisica dell'essere.Gustavo Bontadini - 1934 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 26:541.
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  37. Spiritualismo cristiano e metafisica classica.Gustavo Bontadini - 1955 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 9:81.
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  38. Nacer puede ser fácil; lo difícil es no morir.Gustavo Caponi - 2011 - Ludus Vitalis 19 (35):313-318.
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  39. Necesidad y posibilidad de una fundamentación internalista para el falsacionismo.Gustavo Caponi - 1996 - Revista Venezolana de Filosofía 34:7-32.
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  40. O Falseacionismo como Socratismo Metodológico.Gustavo Caponi - 1999 - Princípios 6 (7):29-58.
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  41. Fatalismo e infierno en La Vorágine y Satanás.Gustavo Ramón Carvajal - 2008 - Logos (La Salle) 13:115-127.
    El presente estudio busca establecer los puntos de acercamiento entre estas dos novelas colombianas, a partir de los planteamientos que cada una puede tener en torno al ideal ilustrado, es decir, la autonomía racional del individuo. Teniendo en cuenta la contextualización propia de cada obra, la estructuración del relato y la configuración de los personajes, se analizarán las formas en que se asume la condición racional y se revisarán algunas consideraciones sobre fatalidad, destacando la forma particular en la cual cada (...)
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    Capitalismo y filosofía. Una aproximación desde Deleuze.Gustavo Adolfo Chirolla - 2005 - Universitas Philosophica 44:175-186.
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    Definition of Economics in Retrospective: Two Epistemological Tensions That Explain the Change of the Study Object in Economics.Daniel Durán-Sandoval & Francesca Uleri - 2023 - Philosophies 9 (1):1.
    Throughout history, schools of economic thought have defined political economy—or economics—and its object of study in multiple ways. This paper reflects on the definitions of economics by schools of economic thought and also proposes the concepts of value and scarcity as key concepts to explain the differences between them. The most important findings of the paper are: (a) the ontological and epistemological characteristics of the concept of value and scarcity have shaped the definitions of economics; (b) the boundaries of the (...)
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  44. Crítica a un crítico de Pilar Palop.Gustavo Bueno - 1981 - El Basilisco 12:69-70.
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  45. Introducción del concepto de categoría noemática en la teoría de la ciencia psicológica.Gustavo Bueno - 1955 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 3 (1):33-52.
  46. Imagen, símbolo, realidad:(cuestiones previas metodológicas ante el XVI Congreso de Filósofos Jóvenes).Gustavo Bueno - 1980 - El Basilisco 9:57-74.
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    La función actual de la ciencia.Gustavo Bueno - 1995 - [Las Palmas, Canary Islands]: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Servicio de Publicaciones.
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  48. La filosofía en español ante el tercer milenio.Gustavo Bueno - 1997 - Diálogo Filosófico 39:313-318.
    La filosofía dejó hace muchos siglos de ser hablada, escrita y pensada en griego, siendo recreada en otras lenguas: latín, ßrabe, hebreo, etc. El español constituye el idioma moderno que más pronto se utilizó al servicio de la filosofía, aunque en los últimos trescientos años no se ha dado un desarrollo de la filosofía en español equivalente al que la filosofía en francés, en inglés o en alemán ha conocido. La filosofía en español está más por hacer que ya hecha.
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  49. La inconmensurabilidad de los géneros (Antonio González Carlomán, Estructura lógica dela geometría clásica del palno).Gustavo Bueno - 1989 - El Basilisco 1:89.
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    Los procesos picnológicos (I).Gustavo Bueno - 1952 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 1 (1):22-24.
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