Results for 'Gregory Boudreaux'

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  1. Freud on the nature of unconscious mental processes.Gregory Boudreaux - 1977 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 7 (1):1-32.
  2.  34
    A New Language for Psychoanalysis. [REVIEW]Gregory Boudreaux - 1978 - International Studies in Philosophy 10:210-211.
  3. Kant’s Hylomorphic Formulation of Right and the Necessity of the State.Michael Gregory - 2023 - Kant Studien 114 (3):539-564.
    This paper argues against the common justification for the necessity of the state through the particular difficulty of private property right. Instead, I argue that the necessity of the state is internal to the concept of right in general. In order to show this, I point out how Kants adoption of hylomorphic language for the concept of right, where there is a formal and material aspect of right, allows us to understand the Rechtslehre as progressing through a syllogistic deduction from (...)
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  4. Kant and Rehberg on political theory and practice.Michael L. Gregory - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (4):566-588.
    ABSTRACT This article examines the under-researched figure A.W. Rehberg in his exchange with Kant over the relationship between theory and practice in the philosophy of right. I argue that Rehberg raises, what I call, two problems of political matter which attempt to show that Kant's overly formal approach to political theory cannot justifiably determine political practice. The first problem is the problem of positive determinations of right, rather than merely negative prohibitions. Rehberg takes this to mean that Kant cannot determine (...)
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  5. Neural tube defects. Ciba Foundation Symposium 181.Gregory Bock, Joan Marsh & Jeffrey A. Golden - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (12):939-942.
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    The theological notion of the human person: a conversation between the theology of Karl Rahner and the philosophy of John Macmurray.Gregory Brett - 2013 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The book explores the theological understanding of the human person. It does so by placing the theology of person in Karl Rahner's writings in dialogue with the philosophy of the relational person in the works of John Macmurray. It is through the method of dialogue that new insights into the theology of person arise.
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    Abundance and Variety in Nature: Fact and Value.Gregory M. Mikkelson - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (5):2235-2247.
    The mass extinction visited upon us by capitalism involves many kinds of devastation. Here I clarify the grounds for assessing the most obvious of these harms, i.e., decimation of species diversity. The thesis that variety among species has intrinsic value motivates, and in turn follows from, the “variable value view” (VVV) of abundance within any given species. In contrast, standard axiologies have no place for the intrinsic value of species diversity. I show that the VVV provides a better justification than (...)
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  8. A Reply to S Siddharth’s ‘Against Phenomenal Bonding’.Gregory Miller - 2022 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 18 (1):(D1)5-18.
    In this journal S Siddharth has recently argued that the phenomenal bonding response to the subject summing argument for panpsychism is question begging, therefore we should reject constitutive forms of panpsychism. The argument specifically focuses on the proposals of Goff and Miller. In this reply, I show that the argument is unsound.
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    On metaphoric representation.Gregory L. Murphy - 1996 - Cognition 60 (2):173-204.
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    Psychophysical scaling: Judgments of attributes or objects?Gregory R. Lockhead - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (3):543-558.
    Psychophysical scaling models of the form R = f, with R the response and I some intensity of an attribute, all assume that people judge the amounts of an attribute. With simple biases excepted, most also assume that judgments are independent of space, time, and features of the situation other than the one being judged. Many data support these ideas: Magnitude estimations of brightness increase with luminance. Nevertheless, I argue that the general model is wrong. The stabilized retinal image literature (...)
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    A Survey of University Institutional Review Boards: Characteristics, Policies, and Procedures.Gregory J. Hayes, Steven C. Hayes & Thane Dykstra - 1995 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 17 (3):1.
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    Zermelo's Axiom of Choice. Its Origins, Development, and Influence.Gregory H. Moore - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (2):659-660.
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    Comprehending Complex Concepts.Gregory L. Murphy - 1988 - Cognitive Science 12 (4):529-562.
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    Modeling temporal and spatial differences.Gregory R. Lockhead - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (2):302-303.
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    The problem of volition.Gregory A. Kimble & Lawrence C. Perlmuter - 1970 - Psychological Review 77 (5):361-84.
  16. (1 other version)Socrates' disavowal of knowledge.Gregory Vlastos - 1985 - Philosophical Quarterly 35 (138):1-31.
  17.  22
    Influencing laughter with AI-mediated communication.Gregory Mills, Eleni Gregoromichelaki, Chris Howes & Vladislav Maraev - 2021 - Interaction Studies 22 (3):416-463.
    Previous experimental findings support the hypothesis that laughter and positive emotions are contagious in face-to-face and mediated communication. To test this hypothesis, we describe four experiments in which participants communicate via a chat tool that artificially adds or removes laughter, without participants being aware of the manipulation. We found no evidence to support the contagion hypothesis. However, artificially exposing participants to more lols decreased participants’ use of hahas but led to more involvement and improved task-performance. Similarly, artificially exposing participants to (...)
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    The rationality of political experimentation.Gregory Robson - 2020 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 20 (1):67-98.
    Theorists from John Stuart Mill to Robert Nozick have argued that citizens can gain insight into the demands of justice by experimenting with diverse forms of political life. I consider the rationa...
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  19. Speaking Sense: A Hybrid Source of Justification for Self-Knowledge.Daniel Gregory - forthcoming - Episteme:1-18.
    Nico Silins (2012, 2013, 2020) argues that conscious judgments justify self-attribution of belief in the content judged. In defending his view, he makes use of Moore’s Paradox, seeking to show how his theory can explain what seems irrational or absurd about sentences of the form, ‘p and I do not believe that p’. I show why his argument strategy is not available to defend the view that conscious judgments can justify the self-attribution of belief in the content judged. I then (...)
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    The Impact of Moral Reasoning and Retaliation on Whistle-Blowing: New Zealand Evidence.Gregory Liyanarachchi & Chris Newdick - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (1):37-57.
    This study examined experimentally the effect of retaliation strength and accounting students’ level of moral reasoning, on their propensity to blow the whistle (PBW) when faced with a serious wrongdoing. Fifty-one senior accounting students enrolled in an auditing course offered by a large New Zealand university participated in the study. Participants responded to three hypothetical whistle-blowing scenarios and completed an instrument that measured moral reasoning (Welton et al., 1994, Accounting Education . International Journal (Toronto, Ont.) 3 (1), 35–50) on one (...)
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  21. The Simian Tongue. The Long Debate about Animal Language.Gregory Radick - 2008 - Journal of the History of Biology 41 (4):780-783.
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    Extinction re-examined and re-analyzed: a new theory.Gregory Razran - 1956 - Psychological Review 63 (1):39-52.
  23. Kant’s Duty to Make Virtue Widely Loved.Michael L. Gregory - 2022 - Kantian Review 27 (2):195-213.
    This article examines an appendix to the Doctrine of Virtue which has received little attention. I argue that this passage suggests that Kant makes it a duty, internal to his system of duties, to ‘join the graces with virtue’ and so to ‘make virtue widely loved’ (MM, 6: 473). The duty to make virtue widely loved obligates us to bring the standards of respectability, and so the social graces, into a formal agreement with what morality demands of us, such that (...)
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  24. Narrative and coherence.Gregory Currie & Jon Jureidini - 2004 - Mind and Language 19 (4):409–427.
    We outline a theory of one puzzling aspect of human cognition: a tendency to exaggerate the degree to which agency is manifested in the world. We call this over‐coherent thinking. We use Pylyshyn's idea of cognitive penetrability to help characterize this notion. We argue that this kind of thinking is essentially narrative in form rather than theoretical. We develop a theory of the relation between the degree of narrativity in a representation and its aptness to represent, and to express, mind. (...)
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    A parallel view of the history of psychophysics.Gregory R. Lockhead - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):154-155.
  26. Ethics and physics in Democritus I.Gregory Vlastos - 1945 - Philosophical Review 54 (6):578-592.
  27. Must there be a balance of nature?Gregory Cooper - 2001 - Biology and Philosophy 16 (4):481-506.
    The balance of nature concept is an old idea that manifests itself in anumber of forms in population and community ecology. This paper focuseson population ecology, where controversy surrounding the balance ofnature takes the form of perennial debates over the significance ofdensity dependence, population regulation, and species interactions suchas competition. One of the most striking features of these debates, overthe course of the previous century in ecology, is the tendency to arguethe case on largely conceptual grounds. This paper explores twoquestions. (...)
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  28. Compossibility, harmony, and perfection in Leibniz.Gregory Brown - 1987 - Philosophical Review 96 (2):173-203.
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    Analyticity and necessity in Leibniz.Gregory W. Fitch - 1979 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 17 (1):29-42.
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    A new science of religion.Gregory W. Dawes & James Maclaurin (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume examines the diversity of new scientific theories of religion, by outlining the logical and causal relationships between these enterprises.
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  31. Plato's "third man" argument (PARM. 132a1-b2): Text and logic.Gregory Vlastos - 1969 - Philosophical Quarterly 19 (77):289-301.
    This paper is a restatement of my earlier analysis of this argument (1954), Revised in the light of critical comments by other scholars and of closer study of the text. It includes a critical discussion of an alternative formalization of the argument, First offered by wilfrid sellars (1955) and retained (with modifications) by colin strang (1963), Which eliminates successfully the inconsistency of the premises of the argument but has dubious support from plato's text.
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  32. Hilbert and the emergence of modern mathematical logic.Gregory H. Moore - 1997 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 12 (1):65-90.
    Hilbert’s unpublished 1917 lectures on logic, analyzed here, are the beginning of modern metalogic. In them he proved the consistency and Post-completeness (maximal consistency) of propositional logic -results traditionally credited to Bernays (1918) and Post (1921). These lectures contain the first formal treatment of first-order logic and form the core of Hilbert’s famous 1928 book with Ackermann. What Bernays, influenced by those lectures, did in 1918 was to change the emphasis from the consistency and Post-completeness of a logic to its (...)
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  33. Conditionals and consequences.Gregory Wheeler, Henry E. Kyburg & Choh Man Teng - 2007 - Journal of Applied Logic 5 (4):638-650.
    We examine the notion of conditionals and the role of conditionals in inductive logics and arguments. We identify three mistakes commonly made in the study of, or motivation for, non-classical logics. A nonmonotonic consequence relation based on evidential probability is formulated. With respect to this acceptance relation some rules of inference of System P are unsound, and we propose refinements that hold in our framework.
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    A Pluralistic Virtue‐Centered Theory of Judging.Gregory Bassham & Olivia Ostrowski - 2022 - Ratio Juris 35 (1):3-20.
    Ratio Juris, Volume 35, Issue 1, Page 3-20, March 2022.
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    A Critique of Hindriks’ Restructuring Searle’s Making the Social World.Gregory J. Lobo - 2015 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 45 (3):356-362.
    This article is a response to Frank Hindriks’ “Restructuring Searle’s Making the Social World.”.
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    Two Underappreciated Reasons to Value Political Tradition.Gregory Robson - 2020 - Journal of Value Inquiry 54 (4):519-538.
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    The Other Side of Representation: The History and Theory of Representative Government in Pierre Rosanvallon.Gregory Conti & William Selinger - 2016 - Constellations 23 (4):548-562.
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    Using Students as Subjects without Their Knowledge.Gregory T. Schmutte - 1980 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 2 (10):5.
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    Broadening the View of Catholic Social Teaching and the Cost of Pharmaceuticals.Gregory K. Webster - 2020 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 20 (4):709-723.
    Catholic Social Teaching, in considering economic and patient justice, calls for “participating in patient care.” Corporations often are accused of not paying their fair share, which in turn has led to demands for government regulation to lower drug prices in the United States. Meanwhile, the millions of dollars spent by pharmaceutical foundations to help lower-income patients is not seen as corporations’ taking such responsibility to assist patients. The view that CST demands lower costs for prescription pharmaceuticals from corporations that make (...)
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    The competition controversy in community ecology.Gregory Cooper - 1993 - Biology and Philosophy 8 (4):359-384.
    There is a long history of controversy in ecology over the role of competition in determining patterns of distribution and abundance, and over the significance of the mathematical modeling of competitive interactions. This paper examines the controversy. Three kinds of considerations have been involved at one time or another during the history of this debate. There has been dispute about the kinds of regularities ecologists can expect to find, about the significance of evolutionary considerations for ecological inquiry, and about the (...)
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    Foundations of a Free Society: Reflections on Ayn Rand's Political Philosophy.Gregory Salmieri & Robert Mayhew (eds.) - 2019 - Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
    Foundations of a Free Society brings together some of the most knowledgeable Ayn Rand scholars and proponents of her philosophy, as well as notable critics, putting them in conversation with other intellectuals who also see themselves as defenders of capitalism and individual liberty. United by the view that there is something importantly right—though perhaps also much wrong—in Rand’s political philosophy, contributors reflect on her views with the hope of furthering our understandings of what sort of society is best and why. (...)
  42. Evolution without species: The case of mosaic bacteriophages.Gregory J. Morgan & W. Brad Pitts - 2008 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 59 (4):745-765.
    College of Medicine, University of South Alabama Mobile, AL 36688-0002, USA wbp501{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> Abstract Recent work in viral genomics has shown that bacteriophages exhibit a high degree of mosaicism, which is most likely due to a long history of prolific horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Given these findings, we argue that each of the most plausible attempts to properly classify bacteriophages into distinct species fail. Mayr's biological species concept fails because there is (...)
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    Reasoning with uncertain categories.Gregory L. Murphy, Stephanie Y. Chen & Brian H. Ross - 2012 - Thinking and Reasoning 18 (1):81 - 117.
    Five experiments investigated how people use categories to make inductions about objects whose categorisation is uncertain. Normatively, they should consider all the categories the object might be in and use a weighted combination of information from all the categories: bet-hedging. The experiments presented people with simple, artificial categories and asked them to make an induction about a new object that was most likely in one category but possibly in another. The results showed that the majority of people focused on the (...)
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  44.  46
    What is a virus species? Radical pluralism in viral taxonomy.Gregory J. Morgan - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 59:64-70.
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  45. Fictional truth.Gregory Currie - 1986 - Philosophical Studies 50 (2):195 - 212.
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    Zeno's race course.Gregory Vlastos - 1966 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 4 (2):95-108.
  47. Theoretical modeling and biological laws.Gregory Cooper - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (3):35.
    Recent controversy over the existence of biological laws raises questions about the cognitive aims of theoretical modeling in that science. If there are no laws for successful theoretical models to approximate, then what is it that successful theories do? One response is to regard theoretical models as tools. But this instrumental reading cannot accommodate the explanatory role that theories are supposed to play. Yet accommodating the explanatory function, as articulated by Brandon and Sober for example, seems to involve us once (...)
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    A dynamic approach to recognition memory.Gregory E. Cox & Richard M. Shiffrin - 2017 - Psychological Review 124 (6):795-860.
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    Syntactic Complexity Effects in Sentence Production.Gregory Scontras, William Badecker, Lisa Shank, Eunice Lim & Evelina Fedorenko - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (3):559-583.
    Syntactic complexity effects have been investigated extensively with respect to comprehension . According to one prominent class of accounts , certain structures cause comprehension difficulty due to their scarcity in the language. But why are some structures less frequent than others? In two elicited-production experiments we investigated syntactic complexity effects in relative clauses and wh-questions varying in whether or not they contained non-local dependencies. In both experiments, we found reliable durational differences between subject-extracted structures and object-extracted structures : Participants took (...)
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    Sartre: Between realism and idealism?Gregory McCulloch - 1993 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 1 (2):286 – 301.
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