  1.  19
    Sautrāntika vs. Sarvāstivāda-Vaibhāṣika – Early Buddhist Controversies on the Nature of Reality.Goran Kardaš - 2023 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 43 (1):39-58.
    The article analyses and interprets the critique of the special dharmic theory of the early Buddhist school of sarvāstivāda-vaibhāṣika undertaken by the school of sautrāntika. Special attention is paid to the critique of the theory of the existence of dharmas, elementary psycho-physical data, in all three time periods. At the beginning, a general Buddhist theory of two truths is presented, which tries to legitimize the so-called philosophy of abhidharma as a “higher teaching” regarding reality (dharma theory) which is only rudimentarily (...)
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  2.  48
    From Etymology to Ontology: Vasubandhu and Candrakīrti on Various Interpretations of Pratītyasamutpāda.Goran Kardas - 2015 - Asian Philosophy 25 (3):293-317.
    The main body of this article presents Vasubandhu’s and Candrakīrti’s discussion on the etymology of pratītyasamutpāda and its meaning as it appears in the Bhāṣya to Abhidharmakośa 3.28ab and Prasannapadā 4.5–9.27, respectively. Both authors put forward and critically examine various Buddhist grammatical analyses and interpretations of the term. Many passages in the indicated sections parallel or nearly parallel to each other suggest that Buddhist discussions on pratītyasamutpāda were held in a very specified manner during the mature phase of Buddhist philosophy (...)
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  3.  56
    Patisambhidāmagga kao rano egzegetsko djelo theravādskog buddhizma.Goran Kardaš - 2013 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 33 (1):139-150.
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  4.  15
    Rana indijska semantika – gramatički i filozofijski pristup.Goran Kardaš - 2022 - Synthesis Philosophica 37 (1):201-222.
    In this article, I propose to analyse the earliest Indian systematic discussion on the problem of meaning and denotation of words. The discussion itself seems to have been conceived within the famous Indian grammatical tradition (vyākaraṇa), and its definitive form was given by the Grammarian Patañjali (second century BC) in his work Mahābhāṣya. This whole discussion is carried over and further developed within classical Indian philosophy, beginning with the Nyāya school, whose positions regarding semantics are also analysed here, based on (...)
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  5.  58
    Some (critical) remarks on Priest's dialetheist reading of Nagarjuna.Goran Kardaš - 2015 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 11 (2):35--49.
    Graham Priest in collaboration with J. Garfield and Y. Deguchi (henceforth: DGP) wrote several articles and responses arguing that the Buddhist philosopher Nagarjuna was a dialetheist thinker, i.e. that he not just identified and exposed certain contradictions but that he embraced it. These contradictions, according to DGP, always occur ``at the limits of thought'' i.e. when a certain view at the same time transcends the limit (``transcendence'') and is within that limit (``closure''). In Nagarjuna's case, these limital contradictions arise at (...)
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  6.  17
    Sloboda i problem djelovanja iz azijskih perspektiva – Buddha i Konfucije.Goran Kardaš & Ivana Buljan - 2021 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (1):65-87.
    The paper discusses certain aspects of Buddha’s and Confucius’ philosophy that could be relevant for the general philosophical discussion on the problem of freedom, free action and related philosophical themes. Although their philosophical thinking was shaped in a rather different linguistic, cultural and philosophical milieu and background, both thinkers are in agreement at least twofold. Firstly, the possibility of freedom and free action is not opposed to the natural order of things, quite contrary, it is enabled by this order. Secondly, (...)
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  7.  34
    Vasubandhu on the Dharmic Ontology of the Sarvāstivāda-Vaibhāṣika Buddhist School (Abhidharmakośa 5. 25–26 and Bhāṣya).Goran Kardaš - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (3):587-603.
    U članku se istražuje osnovna linija argumentacije buddhističke škole sarvāstivādavaibhāṣika u prilog obrani njihove osnovne ontološke teze o egzistentnosti dharmi kroz sva tri vremenska razdoblja onako kako ju je izložio Vasubandhu u svome djelu Abhidharmakośabhāṣya . U uvodnome dijelu daje se kratki prikaz nekih prijepora u pogledu podrijetla te buddhističke škole kao i njihovog tekstovnoga korpusa. Nakon toga slijedi istraživanje Vasubandhuova izvješća o specifičnostima dharmičke ontologije te škole kao što su problemi dharmičke »funkcionalnosti« , njihove kauzalne djelotvornosti i problema »prijelaza« (...)
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