Results for 'Godwin Okon'

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  1.  28
    Political and Philosophical Writings of William Godwin: Mark Philp.William Godwin - 1993 - Pickering & Chatto. Edited by Mark Philp, Martin Fitzpatrick & Pamela Clemit.
    Contains all the major political, philosophical and educational writings of William Godwin, one of the foremost philosophers of his age. His work on government and individual freedom, "Political Justice", made him the chief exponent of English radicalism in the latter half of the 18th century.
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    “Nobody Understands”: On a Cardinal Phenomenon of Palliative Care.Tomasz Okon - 2006 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 31 (1):13 – 46.
    In the clinical practice of palliative medicine, recommended communication models fail to approximate the truth of suffering associated with an impending death. I provide evidence from patients' stories and empiric research alike to support this observation. Rather than attributing this deficiency to inadequate training or communication skills, I examine the epistemological premises of the biomedical language governing the patient-physician communication. I demonstrate that the contemporary biomedicine faces a fundamental aporetic occlusion in attempting to examine death. This review asserts that the (...)
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    Foundations of African philosophy: a definitive analysis of conceptual issues in African thought.Godwin Sogolo - 1993 - Ibadan, Nigeria: Ibadan University Press.
    The Professor of Philosophy at the University of Ibadan addresses the controversial question as to whether or not there is something distinctive which can be described as African philosophy. He goes beyond this and lays out a foundation for an emerging indigenous African philosophy. Based on his belief that a modern African philosophical tradition can be nourished within the context of African culture, history and experience, he conducts a philosophical analysis of the conceptual implications of major issues, beliefs and thought (...)
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  4. Godwin's "Political Justice" a Reprint of the Essay on "Property," From the Original Edition.William Godwin & Henry Stephens Salt - 1890 - Allen & Unwin.
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    (3 other versions)An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice.William Godwin - 1793 - Oxford: Distributed in Usa by Publishers Distribution Center. Edited by Jonathan Wordsworth.
    Godwin's Political Justice is the founding work of philosophical anarchism. Drawing on the principles of liberty and utility Godwin criticizes government and all forms of secular and religious authority, advocating the free exercise of individual judgement. He raises enduring questions about the nature of our duty to others.
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  6. Less Decoherence and More Coherence in Quantum Gravity, Inflationary Cosmology and Elsewhere.Elias Okon & Daniel Sudarsky - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (7):852-879.
    In Crull it is argued that, in order to confront outstanding problems in cosmology and quantum gravity, interpretational aspects of quantum theory can by bypassed because decoherence is able to resolve them. As a result, Crull concludes that our focus on conceptual and interpretational issues, while dealing with such matters in Okon and Sudarsky, is avoidable and even pernicious. Here we will defend our position by showing in detail why decoherence does not help in the resolution of foundational questions (...)
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    Exploring Factors Affecting Digital Piracy Using the Norm Activation and UTAUT Models: The Role of National Culture.Godwin Udo, Kallol Bagchi & Moutusy Maity - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (3):517-541.
    We develop and use an integrated individual-level model to explain the driving forces behind digital piracy practice in two nations. The proposed model combines the Norm Activation model and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology models. This study also explores the effect of culture on intention to practice DP in two nations: US and India. A survey instrument was used to collect data from 231 US and 331 Indian participants. Use of the integrated model proves to be a (...)
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  8.  11
    Today and Tomorrow Volume 14 Society and the State: Archon or the Future of Government Cain or the Future of Crime Solon or the Price of Justice Lycurgus, or the Future of the Law Fortuna, or Chance and Design.Godwin Fyfe - 2008 - Routledge.
    Archon or the Future of Government Hamilton Fyfe Originally published in 1927 "This is a good essay on the nature of government, or politics." Economic Review "Writes with a wide experience and an intimate knowledge". Daily Herald. This volume surveys the methods of government in the past and considers the conditions of government in the world of the early twentieth century. It predicts a system under which the affairs of communities will be managed by people specially trained for the job. (...)
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  9. On the status of conservation laws in physics: Implications for semiclassical gravity.Tim Maudlin, Elias Okon & Daniel Sudarsky - forthcoming - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
  10. The Golden Rule Principle in African Ethics and Kant’s Categorical Imperative.Godwin Azenabor - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 10:17-23.
    This research attempts to throw light on and show the fundamental similarities and differences between the African and Western ethical conceptions by examining the foundation of ethics and morality in the two systems, using the Golden rule principle in African ethics and Kant’s categorical imperative in Western ethics as tools of comparative analysis. The African indigenous ethics revolves round the “Golden Rule Principle” as the ultimate moral principle. This principle states that “Do unto others what you want them to do (...)
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  11.  62
    On Superdeterministic Rejections of Settings Independence.Gerardo Sanjuán Ciepielewski, Elias Okon & Daniel Sudarsky - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (2):435-467.
    Relying on some auxiliary assumptions, usually considered mild, Bell’s theorem proves that no local theory can reproduce all the predictions of quantum mechanics. In this work, we introduce a fully local, superdeterministic model that by explicitly violating ‘settings independence’—one of these auxiliary assumptions, requiring statistical independence between measurement settings and systems to be measured—is able to reproduce all the predictions of quantum mechanics. Moreover, we show that contrary to widespread expectations, our model can break settings independence without an initial state (...)
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  12.  36
    Omoluabi: An African Conception of moral values.Godwin Azenabor - 2023 - Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya 8 (2):63-81.
    The moral experience is a reality in every social and cultural life, with variations being in the interpretations given to experience. A people’s value system defines their identity. Consequently, this paper interrogates an example of an African theory of moral value against a moral developmental model, using the philosophical, expositional, analytical and comparative methods. The reflections in this paper focus on the Yoruba cultural context in Nigeria. The paper posits a relationship between a moral value system and development. It argues (...)
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  13. The concept of cause in African thought.Godwin S. Sogolo - 2003 - In P. H. Coetzee & A. P. J. Roux, Philosophy from Africa: A text with readings 2nd Edition. London, UK: Oxford University Press.
  14.  12
    The suffering womanhood in Luke 13:10–17 in the context of the post-COVID-19 pandemic in Africa.Godwin A. Etukumana & Bosede G. Ogedegbe - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):8.
    The suffering of womanhood and maltreatment are apparent when reading ancient writings. In Luke 13:10–17, it is possible to see how a number of women who suffered illnesses were treated in the hands of religious elites of the ancient world. However, the woman in Luke’s encounter with the Lukan Jesus during her illness redefined how religious leaders should deal with the suffering of womanhood. The woman was healed and treated with dignity by the Lukan Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. (...)
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    How does one interpret the Synoptic Gospels’ warning passages while affirming the irrevocable nature of salvation?Godwin A. Etukumana - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3).
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  16. A consciousness-based quantum objective collapse model.Elias Okon & Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2020 - Synthese 197 (9):3947-3967.
    Ever since the early days of quantum mechanics it has been suggested that consciousness could be linked to the collapse of the wave function. However, no detailed account of such an interplay is usually provided. In this paper we present an objective collapse model where the collapse operator depends on integrated information, which has been argued to measure consciousness. By doing so, we construct an empirically adequate scheme in which superpositions of conscious states are dynamically suppressed. Unlike other proposals in (...)
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    The Consistent Histories formalism and the measurement problem.Elias Okon & Daniel Sudarsky - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 52 (Part B):217-222.
    In response to a recent rebuttal of Okon and Sudarsky presented in Griffiths, we defend the claim that the Consistent Histories formulation of quantum mechanics does not solve the measurement problem. In order to do so, we argue that satisfactory solutions to the problem must not only not contain anthropomorphic terms at the fundamental level, but also that applications of the formalism to concrete situations should not require any input not contained in the description of the situation at hand (...)
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  18. Measurements according to Consistent Histories.Elias Okon & Daniel Sudarsky - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 48 (1):7-12.
    We critically evaluate the treatment of the notion of measurement in the Consistent Histories approach to quantum mechanics. We find such a treatment unsatisfactory because it relies, often implicitly, on elements external to those provided by the formalism. In particular, we note that, in order for the formalism to be informative when dealing with measurement scenarios, one needs to assume that the appropriate choice of framework is such that apparatuses are always in states of well defined pointer positions after measurements. (...)
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  19. The Black Hole Information Paradox and the Collapse of the Wave Function.Elias Okon & Daniel Sudarsky - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (4):461-470.
    The black hole information paradox arises from an apparent conflict between the Hawking black hole radiation and the fact that time evolution in quantum mechanics is unitary. The trouble is that while the former suggests that information of a system falling into a black hole disappears, the latter implies that information must be conserved. In this work we discuss the current divergence in views regarding the paradox, we evaluate the role that objective collapse theories could play in its resolution and (...)
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    “By only considering the end product it means that our participation has always been in vain”: Defining benefits in HIV vaccine trials in Tanzania.Godwin Pancras, Mangi Ezekiel, David Nderitu, Bege Dauda & Erasto Vitus Mbugi - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 23 (3):220-228.
    Debates about what constitutes benefits in human research continue to be less informed due to a lack of empirical evidence from the developing world. This study aimed to explore what constitutes benefits in HIV vaccine trials in Tanzania and examine inherent ethical implications. A qualitative case study design was deployed and a total of 29 purposively selected study participants comprising of experienced researchers, institutional review board members and community advisory board members were included. Collected data were analyzed by thematic analysis (...)
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  21. Does quantum mechanics clash with the equivalence principle—and does it matter?Elias Okon & Craig Callender - 2011 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 1 (1):133-145.
    With an eye on developing a quantum theory of gravity, many physicists have recently searched for quantum challenges to the equivalence principle of general relativity. However, as historians and philosophers of science are well aware, the principle of equivalence is not so clear. When clarified, we think quantum tests of the equivalence principle won’t yield much. The problem is that the clash/not-clash is either already evident or guaranteed not to exist. Nonetheless, this work does help teach us what it means (...)
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  22.  14
    Christliche Motivierung des modernen Antisemitismus?: Religionssoziologische und -pädagogische Überlegungen zu einem sozialen Phänomen.Godwin Lämmermann - 1984 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 28 (1):58-84.
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    Der Pfarrer- elementarer Repräsentant von Subjektivität?: Zum Widerspruch von Individuum und Institution.Godwin Lämmermann - 1991 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 35 (1):21-33.
    At the same rate the importance of the church has been decreasing among the majority of the German population, the profession of the pastor has subsequently gained acceptance: the previous expectations towards the institution have been relegated onto the pastor, whose profession is now socially defined. He is expected to keep the central contents of christianity alive within the society. Among these contents there is the exemplary realization of succsesful subjectivity - in spite of the decreasing possibilities for the fulfillment (...)
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    Ethische Implikationen und sozialethische Themen der kirchlichen Erwachsenenbildung.Godwin Lämmermann - 1982 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 26 (1):366-399.
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  25.  48
    The paradox of medical necessity.Samantha Godwin & Brian D. Earp - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (3):281-284.
    The concept of medical necessity is often used to explain or justify certain decisions—for example, which treatments should be allowed under certain conditions—as though it had an obvious, agreed-upon meaning as well as an inherent normative force. In introducing this special issue of Clinical Ethics on medical necessity, we argue that the term, as used in various discourses, generally lacks a definition that is clear, non-circular, conceptually plausible, and fit for purpose. We propose that future work on this concept should (...)
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  26. On the Consistency of the Consistent Histories Approach to Quantum Mechanics.Elias Okon & Daniel Sudarsky - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (1):19-33.
    The Consistent Histories (CH) formalism aims at a quantum mechanical framework which could be applied even to the universe as a whole. CH stresses the importance of histories for quantum mechanics, as opposed to measurements, and maintains that a satisfactory formulation of quantum mechanics allows one to assign probabilities to alternative histories of a quantum system. It further proposes that each realm, that is, each set of histories to which probabilities can be assigned, provides a valid quantum-mechanical account, but that (...)
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  27.  9
    De la justice politique (1798-1800): d'apres l'"Enquiry concerning political justice" de William Godwin.William Godwin & Benjamin Constant - 1998 - ¿uvres complètes, II.
    Le deuxième tome des OEuvres complètes contient, en deux volumes, les deux versions de la traduction que Benjamin Constant a faite de l'ouvrage de William Godwin intitulé Enquiry Concerning Political Justice and its Influence on General Virtue and Happiness, en même temps que le texte anglais intégral. Le lecteur dispose ainsi de l'ensemble du dossier de ce travail important que Constant a mené entre les dernières semaines de 1798 et le début de 1800 en vue d'une publication pour laquelle (...)
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    (1 other version)Odera Oruka’s Philosophic Sagacity: Problems and Challenges of Conversation Method in African Philosophy.Godwin Azenabor - 2009 - Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya 1 (1):69-86.
    This paper examines the implications and challenges of Odera Oruka’s conversation approach to the study of contemporary African philosophy as enunciated in his “Philosophic sagacity”. In Oruka’s method, African philosophy is conceived as a joint venture and product of both the ancient and modern Africanphilosophers. Consequently, it utilizes interview, discussion and dialogue.
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    Effectiveness of group investigation versus lecture-based instruction on students’ concept mastery and transfer in social studies.Godwin Gyimah - 2023 - Journal of Social Studies Research 47 (1):29-39.
    The study examined the effectiveness of group investigation versus lecture-based instruction on students’ concept mastery and transferability in social studies learning. The researcher used an experimental design to randomly assign 116 eighth-grade students into control and experimental groups. The control and experimental group had 58 students, respectively. The researcher exposed the control group to lecture-based instruction through an oral presentation led by an instructor. On the other hand, students in the group investigation approach were grouped into groups of 6 and (...)
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  30.  43
    Perspectives from comparisons of the Hebrew l-suffix with the Shona h-suffix features.Godwin Mushayabasa - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (4):1-5.
    The ethical dative or dativus ethicus is a feature used with certain verbs in Biblical Hebrew, which, however, has continued to pose difficulties to grammarians as to its syntactic and semantic references. The feature is also present in other Semitic languages, namely, Syriac and other Aramaic dialects including Persian. Although quite a common feature, the ethical dative is seemingly difficult to translate into English, while its identification as an ethical dative is a widely accepted misnomer. This study attempts to resolve (...)
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  31.  20
    Erratum to: Exploring Factors Affecting Digital Piracy Using the Norm Activation and UTAUT Models: The Role of National Culture.Godwin Udo, Kallol Bagchi & Moutusy Maity - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (3):605-605.
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    Black Holes, Information Loss and the Measurement Problem.Elias Okon & Daniel Sudarsky - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (1):120-131.
    The information loss paradox is often presented as an unavoidable consequence of well-established physics. However, in order for a genuine paradox to ensue, not-trivial assumptions about, e.g., quantum effects on spacetime, are necessary. In this work we will be explicit about these additional, speculative assumptions required. We will also sketch a map of the available routes to tackle the issue, highlighting the, often overlooked, commitments demanded of each alternative. Finally, we will display the strong link between black holes, the issue (...)
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    Philosophy of Education: A Tool for National Development?Godwin Abiogu - 2014 - Open Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):372-377.
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  34. Children’s Capacities and Paternalism.Samantha Godwin - 2020 - The Journal of Ethics 24 (3):307-331.
    Paternalism is widely viewed as presumptively justifiable for children but morally problematic for adults. The standard explanation for this distinction is that children lack capacities relevant to the justifiability of paternalism. I argue that this explanation is more difficult to defend than typically assumed. If paternalism is often justified when needed to keep children safe from the negative consequences of their poor choices, then when adults make choices leading to the same negative consequences, what makes paternalism less justified? It seems (...)
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    Islamic Philosophy of Education: An Appraisal.Godwin Chukwugoziem Abiogu - 2006 - [S.N.].
  36. On the Possibility of Emotional Robots.Godwin Darmanin - 2019 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 31 (54).
    In this article, I examine whether the possibility exists that in the foreseeable future, robot technology will permit the development of emotional robots. As the title suggests, the content is of a technological as well as of a philosophical nature. As a matter of fact, my aim in writing this paper was that of bridging two distinctive fields in a world where humanity has become accustomed to technological innovations while overlooking any consequential complications arising from such inventions. To this end, (...)
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    Wigner's convoluted friends.R. Muciño & E. Okon - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 72:87-90.
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  38.  26
    Modeling Lag‐2 Revisits to Understand Trade‐Offs in Mixed Control of Fixation Termination During Visual Search.J. Godwin Hayward, D. Reichle Erik & Menneer Tamaryn - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (4):996-1019.
    An important question about eye-movement behavior is when the decision is made to terminate a fixation and program the following saccade. Different approaches have found converging evidence in favor of a mixed-control account, in which there is some overlap between processing information at fixation and planning the following saccade. We examined one interesting instance of mixed control in visual search: lag-2 revisits, during which observers fixate a stimulus, move to a different stimulus, and then revisit the first stimulus on the (...)
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  39.  42
    A novel explanation for the very special initial state of the universe.Elias Okon & Daniel Sudarsky - unknown
    We put forward a proposal that combines objective collapse models, developed in connection with quantum-foundational questions, with the so-called Weyl curvature hypothesis, introduced by Roger Penrose as an attempt to account for the very special initial state of the universe. In particular, we explain how a curvature dependence of the collapse rate in such models, an idea already shown to help in the context of black holes and information loss, could also offer a dynamical justification for Penrose's conjecture.
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    Reductionism in Quantum Mechanics: The Classical Limit in Alternative Formalisms.Javier Berjón de Gortari & Elias Okon - 2024 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 25:57-74.
    The classical limit problem refers to how the classical or Newtonian dynamics can be recovered from the principles of quantum mechanics. In other words the problem is how to reduce classical physics to quantum theory. It is commonplace to find in popular quantum mechanics texts that the problem is solved, nevertheless here we present a critique of these supposed solutions to the problem and we show why they are not really satisfactory. What we propose is to approach the problem from (...)
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  41. Homing in on consciousness in the nervous system: An action-based synthesis.Ezequiel Morsella, Christine A. Godwin, Tiffany K. Jantz, Stephen C. Krieger & Adam Gazzaley - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:1-70.
    What is the primary function of consciousness in the nervous system? The answer to this question remains enigmatic, not so much because of a lack of relevant data, but because of the lack of a conceptual framework with which to interpret the data. To this end, we have developed Passive Frame Theory, an internally coherent framework that, from an action-based perspective, synthesizes empirically supported hypotheses from diverse fields of investigation. The theory proposes that the primary function of consciousness is well-circumscribed, (...)
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    I am 14 billion years old: a new epistemology of my reality and my existence.Godwin Fernando - 2014 - [Colombo]: [Godwin Fernando].
    Many professionals, mainly scientists have told me that a divine being is not necessary to explain why there is something rather than nothing. Theology and even metaphysics are redundant disciplines, they say. To me to reject a discipline a priori is irrational, whereas the methodology of science itself is basically rational. Why do Newton's equations say time is symmetrical, Einstein's relativity and quantum mechanics say time is an illusion and now Smolin says time is reborn - the present moment is (...)
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    The Libyan Revolution: Philosophical Interpretations.Godwin Okaneme - 2015 - Open Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):31-38.
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    Enquiry Concerning Political Justice and its Influence on Morals and Happiness.George H. Sabine, William Godwin & F. E. L. Priestley - 1948 - Philosophical Review 57 (6):625.
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  45.  33
    A Philosophical Evaluation of the Concept of African Freedom.Godwin Okaneme - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):161.
    Freedom is a key concept in universal affairs. It is so important in human affairs that individuals, countries and even continents cannot do without it. The term freedom is highly subjective as its meaning may differ from one individual to another. It equally applies to countries and continents. This factor however does not in any way reduce the philosophical importance of the concept of freedom and its critical role in human affairs. This work evaluates the concept of African freedom based (...)
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  46.  21
    Towards a New Philosophy of Language, Culture and Literacy in Nigeria for National Development.Godwin Okaneme - 2015 - Open Journal of Philosophy 5 (7):459-470.
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    Crisis and Innovations: Are they Constructive or Destructive?Ewa Okoń-Horodyńska - 2021 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 66 (4):425-449.
    An interdisciplinary approach was used to analyse multicomplex issues of the Covid-19 crisis, demonstrated also by the Economics of innovation. The Economics of innovation is useful when analysing a unique feedback of megatrends and the emergence of liminal crisis innovations. The purpose of this paper is, in spite of many statements to the contrary, to prove that innovative activity may serve as the key to unlocking a post-crisis economic development. Analyses presented in the paper are based on the Polish and (...)
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    Can gravity account for the emergence of classicality?Yuri Bonder, Elias Okon & Daniel Sudarsky - 2015 - Physical Review D 92.
    A recent debate has ensued over the claim in Pikovski et al. that systems with internal degrees of freedom undergo a universal, gravity-induced, type of decoherence that explains their quantum-to-classical transition. Such decoherence is supposed to arise from the different gravitational redshifts experienced by such systems when placed in a superposition of two wave packets at different heights in a gravitational field. Here we investigate some aspects of the discussion with the aid of simple examples. In particular, we first resolve (...)
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    Monitoring student learning in the classroom.E. N. Ekefre & C. E. Okon - 2008 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 10 (1).
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    An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, and Its Influence on General Virtue and Happiness, Volume 2.William Godwin & Raymond Abner Preston - 2015 - Sagwan Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in (...)
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