Results for 'Gnosis.'

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  1. Proletarian gnosis.Gilles Grelet & Anthony Paul Smith - 2014 - Angelaki 19 (2):93-98.
    This article presents a gnostic division of truth and the world, or between theory and philosophy. In the course of the article the structure of decision is articulated in both political and theoretical senses. Against the agnosticism of philosophy, always an alibi given over to the functioning of the capitalist world where life is not worth living, this article presents a gnosis that requires creating and beginning with the proletarian subject akin to the way the French Maoist group Gauche prolétarienne (...)
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    Gnosis und spätantiker Geist II. Von der Mythologie zur mystischen Philosophie.Elad Lapidot - 2021 - In Michael Bongardt, Holger Burckhart, John-Stewart Gordon & Jürgen Nielsen-Sikora, Hans Jonas-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. J.B. Metzler. pp. 88-95.
    Gnosis und spätantiker Geist. Teil II ist Jonas’ unvollendetes Buch. Seine Situation ist bemerkenswert und zweifellos verwirrend. Im Allgemeinen wurde es weitgehend vergessen.
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    Ascesis, Gnosis, Praxis: La Sabiduría Religiosa frente al Mal.José Gómez Caffarena - 2001 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 57 (3):459 - 483.
    As religiões podem ser consideradas como sistemas simbólicos mediante os quais os seres humanos ao longo da sua história sempre procuraram encontrar sabedoria em ordem a enfrentar o mal Um olhar pela história das religiões oferece-nos dados que podem ser compreendidos a partir de três tipos ideais de atitude básica em relação ao problema: Ascese, Gnose, Praxis. O Budismo originário, o Maniqueísmo e a religião bí-blico-cristã são exemplificações disso mesmo. Mais do que uma opção pela exclusão, os membros da nossa (...)
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    Gnosis and the question of thought in Vedānta: dialogue with the foundations.John Geeverghese Arapura - 1986 - Hingham, MA, USA: Distribitors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    It would probably be generally admitted that Vedanta is the apex of the Indian (or Eastern) religious philosophies. Yet today it com mands so little attention, in part, no doubt, because the modem mood in scholarship refuses anchoring and centering of thought. The present work seeks to address modem thought though not in the modem mood. It is nevertheless motivated by the belief that there are times when the timeless is most timely. It is possible that the sources of a (...)
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    (1 other version)Practicing Gnosis: Ritual, Magic, Theurgy, and Liturgy in Nag Hammadi, Manichaean and Other Ancient Literature : Essays in Honor of Birger A. Pearson.April D. De Conick, Gregory Shaw & John Douglas Turner (eds.) - 2006 - Boston: Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Stu.
    The essays in Practicing Gnosis demonstrate that the Gnostics were not necessarily trendy intellectuals seeking epistomological certainities. Instead, this book explores how Gnostics were seeking religious experiences that relied on practices including ritual, magic, liturgy, and theurgy. This book celebrates the career of Birger A. Pearson.
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    Gnosis, Existentialismus und Nihilismus.Fabio Fossa - 2021 - In Michael Bongardt, Holger Burckhart, John-Stewart Gordon & Jürgen Nielsen-Sikora, Hans Jonas-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. J.B. Metzler. pp. 170-171.
    Wie aus Jonas’ zahlreichen biographischen Erinnerungen hervorgeht, war die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der Analogie zwischen Gnosis, Existentialismus und Nihilismus eine entscheidende Etappe seiner intellektuellen Reise. Jonas hat eine solche Einschätzung ausdrücklich in »Gnosis, Existentialismus und Nihilismus « vorgenommen, einem Aufsatz, den der Philosoph mehrmals in englischer und deutscher Sprache überarbeitet und neu aufgelegt hat. Dort schlug Jonas eine Kritik des Existentialismus vor, indem er diesen mit der Gnosis in Bezug setzte.
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    Gnosis und Philosophie: Miscellanea.Rudolph Berlinger & W. Schrader (eds.) - 1994 - Rodopi.
    Inhalt: Alexander BÖHLIG: Vorwort. Der Manichäismus und das Christentum. Bemerkungen zur Metaphysik in Gnosis und Philosophie. Die Bedeutung des CMC für den Manichäismus. Mani und Platon - ein Vergleich. Wolfgang FAUTH: Manis anderes Ich. Gestalthafte Metaphysik im Kölner Mani-Kodex. Syzygos und Eikon. Edgar FRÜCHTEL: Platonismus und Christentum. Einige Bemerkungen zu Zeit und Zeitlichkeit in der Platonica Theologia des Marsilius Ficinus. Einige Bemerkungen zum Bild des Seelenwagenlenkers. Carl-A. KELLER: Gnostik, Urform christlicher Mystik. Christoph MARKSCHIES: Die Krise einer philosophischen Theologie.
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    Gnosis: de derde component van de Europese cultuurtraditie.Gilles Quispel (ed.) - 1988 - Utrecht: HES.
    Bundel referaten over de invloed van de gnosis op de westerse cultuur.
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    Die Gnosis.Eugen Heinrich Schmitt - 1903 - Leipzig,: E. Diederichs.
    I. Die Gnosis des Altertums.--II. Die Gnosis des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit.
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    Transhumanismo y Gnosis: Un Paralelismo.Stefano Abbate - 2022 - Scientia et Fides 10 (1):197-217.
    Transhumanism and Gnosis: A Parallelism The aim of this paper is to draw a parallel between the phenomenon of gnosis and transhumanism together with its ultimate version, posthumanism. After some methodological clarifications, the paper focuses on four confrontational axes: self-recognition, cosmic and anthropological dualism, the meaning of morality, death and suffering, and finally the promise of salvation. Finally, the two doctrines are framed within the context of the Gnostic revolution, emphasizing the sense of uprootedness and post-modernity to explain the resurgence (...)
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  11. Humus gnosis: soil fertility, research and funding in the life of Sir Albert Howard.Tad Brown - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Science:1-20.
    Sir Albert Howard helped popularize the idea of translating ‘Eastern’ practice into ‘Western’ science in the field of agriculture. His approach to composting has been foundational to organic farming and counterposed with the field of agricultural chemistry. This depiction of feuding ideologies – organic versus chemical – is based largely on Howard's opposition to the fragmentation of scientific knowledge and its products, especially artificial fertilizer. One underexplored aspect of Howard's contest with the agricultural research establishment is the role played by (...)
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  12. Gnosis and the New Testament.Robert McL Wilson - 1968
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    Modern Gnosis and Zionism: The Crisis of Culture, Life Philosophy and Jewish National Thought.Yotam Hotam - 2012 - Routledge.
    Germany, the crisis of culture and secular theology -- Life philosophy or modern gnosis -- Modern Jewish gnosis -- Modern gnosis and Zionist thought.
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  14. ¿Fenomenología o gnosis? El límite fenomenológico del acceso a la relación religiosa en la filosofía del cristianismo de M. Henry.Ángel Enrique Garrido-Maturano - 2012 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 45:189-209.
    El artículo se propone determinar el límite entre fenomenología y gnosis en la filosofía del cristianismo de M. Henry. Para ello analiza la cuestión del Archi-hijo en Soy yo la verdad, la de Archi-carne en Encarnación y la de la legitimación de las palabras que Cristo pronuncia sobre sí mismo en Palabras de Cristo. El análisis muestra, en primer lugar, en qué medida el tratamiento de estas tres cuestiones supera el límite estrictamente fenomenológico del pensamiento y remite a una gnosis (...)
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  15. Gnosi ed esperienza Della salvezza in Spinoza.Diego Donna - 2013 - Divus Thomas 116 (2):242-261.
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    El concepto de gnosis (ginān) en la literatura del Ginān de los ismailíes del sur de Asia.Shafique N. Virani & Virginia Martos Armenteros - 2022 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 27:83753-83753.
    Los gināns son un corpus de literatura religiosa ismailí del sur de Asia. Su temática es muy variada e incluye cuestiones como el amor divino, la cosmología, la meditación, la práctica ritual, la escatología y el comportamiento ético. La palabra ‘ginān’ deriva en última instancia de la raíz sánscrita ‘ŷñāna’ y está relacionada etimológicamente con la palabra griega ‘γνῶσις’, o ‘gnôsis’, que tiene derivados en muchas lenguas. Varios estudiosos han señalado el doble significado del término ‘ginān’ entre los ismailíes, ya (...)
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  17. Gnosis und Spätantiker Geist, Volume II.Hans Jonas - 1993
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    Gnosi e iniziazione.Mauro Ardenghi - 2011 - Foggia: Bastogi.
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    Moderne Gnosis, jenseits von Christen- wie Judentum.Richard Faber - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 71 (3):223-237.
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    La gnosi.Umberto Pace - 2002 - Torino: M. Valerio.
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    Gnosis und philosophische Moderne: Heidegger, Wittgenstein, Adorno.Thomas Rentsch - 2010 - In Transzendenz Und Negativität: Religionsphilosophische Und Ästhetische Studien. De Gruyter.
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    Gnosis and the Question of Thought in Vedānta: Dialogue with the Foundations, by John G. Arapura.Alan Unterman - 1989 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 20 (2):191-192.
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    Heretic Gnosis: Education, Children, and the Problem of Knowing Otherwise.Adam Foster - 2019 - In David W. Kupferman & Andrew Gibbons, Childhood, Science Fiction, and Pedagogy: Children Ex Machina. Springer Singapore. pp. 171-187.
    This chapter explores the differences between the epistemologies of adults and those of children, as is evident through the tension between the institution of the school and the figure of the child. Epistemological practices are inherently political, that is, there are political conditions that determine the way persons think, including the very idea of something being rational, or, in accordance with supposedly objective, universal and scientific principles. The school, I argue, is a place where this rationalism is reproduced in subjects. (...)
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  24. Gnosis and nag hammadi.Anne McGuire - 2009 - In Dwight Jeffrey Bingham, The Routledge Companion to Early Christian Thought. Routledge.
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    La gnosi segreta dei "maestri spirituali" del nazismo.Gianluca Nesi - 2002 - Rivista di Filosofia 93 (3):403-428.
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  26. Gnosis, faith and the eclipse God.Maurice Friedman - 1988 - Archives de Philosophie 51 (4):547-560.
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  27. Gnosis and the Covert Theology of Antitheology : Heidegger, Apocalypticism, and Gnosticism in Susan and Jacob Taubes.Elliot R. Wolfson - 2022 - In Herbert Kopp-Oberstebrink & Hartmut von Sass, Depeche mode: Jacob Taubes between politics, philosophy, and religion. Boston: Brill.
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    Gnosis.Marcus Kracht - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (3):397 - 420.
    The transition from form to meaning is not neatly layered: there is no point where form ends and content sets in. Rather, there is an almost continuous process that converts form into meaning. That process cannot always take a straight line. Very often we hit barriers in our mind, due to the inability to understand the exact content of the sentence just heard. The standard division between formula and interpretation (or value) should therefore be given up when talking about the (...)
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    Gnosis.B. Dehandschutter - 1980 - Bijdragen 41 (3):300-306.
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    Gnosis, sustainable development and racism re-appraising Hans Jonas as a political thinker.Giorgio Baruchello - 2008 - Appraisal 7 (2).
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    Gnosis on the Silk Road: Gnostic Parables, Hymns and Prayers from Central Asia.Jason David BeDuhn & Hans-Joachim Klimkeit - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (2):344.
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    (1 other version)Gnosis und Altes Testament. — Überlegungen zur Frage nach dem jüdischen Ursprung der Gnosis.Walter Beltz - 1976 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 28 (1-4):353-357.
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    Die Gnosis.Hans Leisegang - 1985
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  34. Gnosis: A Renaissance in Christian Thought.Geddes Macgregor - 1982 - Religious Studies 18 (3):411-413.
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    Gnosis y tradiciones sagradas: ensayos y epistolario en torno de la obra de Francisco García Bazán.Bernardo Nante, Leandro Pinkler & Luis Alberto Vittor (eds.) - 2015 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: El Hilo de Ariadna.
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    Die Gnosis: Wesen und Geschichte einer spätantiken Religion.Kurt Rudolph - 1980 - Leipzig: Koehler und Amelang.
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    Gnosis und Gnostizismus.Kurt Rudolph (ed.) - 1975 - Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, [Abt. Verl.].
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    The Gnosis of Media1.Uwe Jochum - 2004 - Gnosis 74 (1).
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  39. Gnosis als Weltanschauung in der Antike.H. -J. Klauck - 1993 - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit 56 (1):3-15.
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    Epistéme E gnôsis , ciência E sabedoria: Acerca da distinção entre conhecimento E compreensão no pensamento de juventude de Nietzsche.Gustavo Bezerra do Nascimento Costa - 2011 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 16 (2):10-5216.
    Since a reading of young Nietzsche’s criticism of the desire of knowledge that guides modernity – particularly regarding to the distinctions he operated between: a) two postures facing reality: the theoretical optimism and the tragic pessimism ; and b) two types of man: the theoretical and the artist ones; and c) two kinds of philosophy and philosophers: the one of the desperate knowledge and the other, of the tragic knowledge – we aim to defend, as an access-key to nietzschean’s thought (...)
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    Gnosis: Divine Wisdom.Frithjof Schuon - 1978 - Element Books.
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  42. Gnosis in cyberspace? body, Mind and Progress in Posthumanism.Oliver Krueger - 2005 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 14 (2):55-67.
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    Gnosis and Judaism in Nineteenth Century Christian Thought.Gedaliahu Stroumsa - 1993 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 2 (1):45-62.
  44. Gnosis, modernity and divine incarnation: The Voegelin-Blumenberg debate.Willem Styfhals - 2012 - Bijdragen 73 (2):190-211.
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    Gnosis and Philosophy in Competition.Einar Thomassen - 2017 - In Christoph Riedweg, Philosophia in der Konkurrenz von Schulen, Wissenschaften Und Religionen: Zur Pluralisierung des Philosophiebegriffs in Kaiserzeit Und Spätantike. De Gruyter. pp. 61-74.
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    Jürgen Große: Die Gnosis des Ostens. Von Frommen, Freidenkern und dem fremden Blick.Erhard Wiersing - 2016 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 69 (3):269-277.
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    Altered states of knowledge: The attainment of gnōsis in the hermetica.Wouter Hanegraaff - 2008 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 2 (2):128-163.
    Research into the so-called “philosophical” Hermetica has long been dominated by the foundational scholarship of André-Jean Festugière, who strongly emphasized their Greek and philosophical elements. Since the late 1970s, this perspective has given way to a new and more complex one, due to the work of another French scholar, Jean-Pierre Mahé, who could profit from the discovery of new textual sources, and called much more attention to the Egyptian and religious dimensions of the hermetic writings. This article addresses the question (...)
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    Gnosis und Spätantiker Geist, Volume II. [REVIEW]Thomas Stäcker - 1994 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 17 (1-2):418-429.
    The first edition of the first volume of Jonas’ legendary Gnosis und spätantiker Geist appeared just over half a century ago. Since then, the publication of the second volume, which was to cover Philo, Origen, Plotinus, and Euagrius Ponticus, has been eagerly awaited. In 1954, the wait came to an end—at least partially. Immediately after the Second World War, which had violently interrupted Jonas’ work and forced him, a Jew, to leave Germany in 1933, he heard that the printing plates (...)
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    (1 other version)Schelling between Gnosis and Philosophy (in Yugoslavian).Xavier Tilliette - forthcoming - Filozofska Istrazivanja.
    Die geschichte der schelling-deutung weist auf eine menge widerspruchlicher urteile hin, wie sonst bei kaum einem anderen, und der vorwurf des geheimnisvollen und theosophischen ist gang und gabe: jahrzehntelang hat die forschung in diese kerbe geschlagen, bis der gelaufige tadel auf einmal aufgehort hat. der letzte bedeutende vertreter der herkommlichen interpretation war karl jaspers, dessen schelling-buch 1955 erschien. schelling ist doch kein gnostiker im sinne des irrationalismus und der hingabe an das orakelhafte und an die magie des denkens. der verfasser (...)
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    Heidegger and Kabbalah: hidden gnosis and the path of poiesis.Elliot R. Wolfson - 2019 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, Office of Scholarly Publishing, Herman B Wells Library.
    Belonging together of the foreign -- Hermeneutic circularity: tradition as genuine repetition of futural past -- Inceptual thinking and nonsystematic atonality -- Heidegger's Seyn/Nichts and Kabbalistic Ein Sof -- Simsum, Lichtung, and bestowing refusal -- Autogenesis, nihilating leap, and otherness of the not-other -- Temporalizing and granting time-space -- Disclosive language: poiesis and apophatic occlusion of occlusion -- Ethnolinguistic enrootedness and invocation of historical destiny.
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