Results for 'Glüsing Leon'

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  1. ¿Ontología u Ontologías?Paulo Vélez León - 2015 - Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin 4 (5):299-339.
    [ES] En recientes décadas se ha observado un renovado interés por algunos de los temas clásicos de la ontología, desde áreas de conocimiento externas a la filosofía, sin embargo, este renacimiento ontológico ha «estimulado» una multiplicidad y diversidad de teorías y concepciones «ontológicas» que ha dado como consecuencia una proliferación de «ontologías» y de interminables batallas para determinar qué tipo de «entidades» estudian sus respectivos «dominios», que a su vez se consideran autónomos e independientes entre sí, inclusive de la propia (...)
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    The Tarskian Turn: Deflationism and Axiomatic Truth.Leon Horsten - 2011 - MIT Press.
    The work of mathematician and logician Alfred Tarski (1901--1983) marks the transition from substantial to deflationary views about truth.
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  3. The Problem of Creation Ex Nihilo: A New Argument against Classical Theism.Felipe Leon - 2024 - In Mirosław Szatkowski, Ontology of Divinity. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 291-304.
    It’s constitutive of classical theism that there is a necessarily existent personal god who is also the creator of the universe, where the latter claim includes at least the following three theses: (i) God is wholly distinct from the natural world; (ii) God is the originating or sustaining cause of the natural world; and (iii) God created the natural world ex nihilo, i.e., without the use of pre-existing materials. Call this tripartite component of classical theism the classical view of creation. (...)
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    The Crooked Timber of Humanity: Chapters in the History of Ideas.Leon Pompa - 1991 - Philosophical Quarterly 41 (165):500-502.
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    The Metaphysics and Mathematics of Arbitrary Objects.Leon Horsten - 2019 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Building on the seminal work of Kit Fine in the 1980s, Leon Horsten here develops a new theory of arbitrary entities. He connects this theory to issues and debates in metaphysics, logic, and contemporary philosophy of mathematics, investigating the relation between specific and arbitrary objects and between specific and arbitrary systems of objects. His book shows how this innovative theory is highly applicable to problems in the philosophy of arithmetic, and explores in particular how arbitrary objects can engage with (...)
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  6. Truth is Simple.Leon Horsten & Graham E. Leigh - 2017 - Mind 126 (501):195-232.
    Even though disquotationalism is not correct as it is usually formulated, a deep insight lies behind it. Specifically, it can be argued that, modulo implicit commitment to reflection principles, all there is to the notion of truth is given by a simple, natural collection of truth-biconditionals.
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  7. Formal Methods in the Philosophy of Science.Leon Horsten & Igor Douven - 2008 - Studia Logica 89 (2):151-162.
    In this article, we reflect on the use of formal methods in the philosophy of science. These are taken to comprise not just methods from logic broadly conceived, but also from other formal disciplines such as probability theory, game theory, and graph theory. We explain how formal modelling in the philosophy of science can shed light on difficult problems in this domain.
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    Godel's Disjunction: The Scope and Limits of Mathematical Knowledge.Leon Horsten & Philip Welch (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    The logician Kurt Godel in 1951 established a disjunctive thesis about the scope and limits of mathematical knowledge: either the mathematical mind is equivalent to a Turing machine (i.e., a computer), or there are absolutely undecidable mathematical problems. In the second half of the twentieth century, attempts have been made to arrive at a stronger conclusion. In particular, arguments have been produced by the philosopher J.R. Lucas and by the physicist and mathematician Roger Penrose that intend to show that the (...)
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  9. Informal social communication.Leon Festinger - 1950 - Psychological Review 57 (5):271-282.
  10. Un perfil intelectual de Nicolai Hartmann (1882-1950). Parte I.Paulo Velez Leon - 2016 - Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin 5 (6):457-538.
    [ES] Nicolai Hartmann es uno de los filósofos más significativos en la filosofía contemporánea; empero, en la actualidad es poco conocido por nuestro mundo filosófico, posiblemente debido a que el esplendor de su filosofía coincidió con el naciente giro lingüístico y con el apogeo del existencialismo, los cuales, como se sabe, absorbieron gran parte de la atención y del quehacer filosófico de la época. Lo anterior, de una u otra manera ha dificultado el conocimiento objetivo de su obra. Es por (...)
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    The Strategic Use of Noise in Pragmatic Reasoning.Leon Bergen & Noah D. Goodman - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (2):336-350.
    We combine two recent probabilistic approaches to natural language understanding, exploring the formal pragmatics of communication on a noisy channel. We first extend a model of rational communication between a speaker and listener, to allow for the possibility that messages are corrupted by noise. In this model, common knowledge of a noisy channel leads to the use and correct understanding of sentence fragments. A further extension of the model, which allows the speaker to intentionally reduce the noise rate on a (...)
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    On Reflection.Leon Horsten - 2021 - Philosophical Quarterly 71 (4):738--57.
    This article gives an epistemological analysis of the reflection process by means of which you can come to know the consistency of a mathematical theory that you already accept. It is argued that this process can result in warranted belief in new mathematical principles without justifying them.
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    Truth is Simple.Leon Horsten & Graham E. Leigh - 2016 - Mind:fzv184.
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    Against telic monism in logic.Leon Commandeur - 2022 - Synthese 200 (1):1-18.
    Telic monism in logic is the thesis that there is one single philosophically primary goal to logic. A different way to put it is that there is only one canonical application to logic. This thesis is widely present—implicitly or more explicitly—in the literature on the philosophy of logic, yet has not been examined nor argued for extensively. In this paper I will present and critically examine telic monism. One prominent candidate for the canonical application of logic, namely the formal codification (...)
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  15. La Théorie Platonicienne de L'Amour.Léon Robin - 1964 - Presses Universitaires de France.
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  16. Mundo del arte y ontología del arte.Paulo Velez Leon - 2015 - Analysis. Documentos de Investigación 18 (1):1-18.
    [ES] En este trabajo, ofreceré una reconstrucción sucinta de los argumentos sobre el significado de la noción de mundo del arte, así como de sus implicaciones en la ontología del arte. En primer lugar, describiré de manera esquemática los principios básicos de la noción de mundo del arte de Danto, y a partir de estos principios delinearé su influencia en la teoría institucional del arte de George Dickie. Sobre esta base, apoyado en la crítica al rol de la teoría en (...)
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    La Théorie Platonicienne Des Idées Et Des Nombres d'Après Aristote: Étude Historique Et Critique (Classic Reprint).Leon Robin - 2017 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from La Théorie Platonicienne des Idées Et des Nombres d'Après Aristote: Étude Historique Et Critique La théorie phtonioionno de l'amour. Vol. Ia-8 de la Collection historique des grands philosophes 3 fr. 75. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the (...)
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  18. Vías de aprehensión de lo cognoscible.Paulo Vélez-León - 2018 - In David G. Murray, Metaphysics 2015: Proceedings of the Sixth World Metaphysics Conference. Madrid: pp. 999-1012.
    El proceso de aprehensión de lo cognoscible, en la filosofía contemporánea, ha sido tratado desde diversas perspectivas, entre ellas la fenomenológica y la analítica. Cada una de estas perspectivas aportan unos presupuestos filosóficos y procesos metodológicos que nos proporcionan marcos de trabajo para indagar en las vías de aprehensión del conocimiento; sin embargo, empleadas por separado son insuficientes y limitadas. En absoluto se trata de procurar un método universal, sino de integrar e indagar sobre diversos presupuestos, procesos, patrones y estructuras (...)
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  19. Conjeturas sobre la relación entre filosofía y mundo del arte.Paulo Velez Leon - 2014 - Analysis. Documentos de Investigación 17 (2):1-19.
    [ES] Este trabajo, realiza una sumarísima revisión histórica, a través de algunas conjeturas epistemológicas, sobre las reflexiones filosóficas acerca del mundo del arte, su estatuto, desarrollo y «funcionamiento» con el propósito de allanar el camino para una ulterior descripción de la problemática acerca de la noción del mundo del arte. [EN] This writing makes a brief historical review, through some epistemological assumptions, on the philosophical reflections on the art world, its status, development and «functioning» in order to pave the way (...)
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  20. Sobre el significado de la metafísica en Kant.Paulo Velez Leon - 2016 - Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin 5 (6):267-281.
    [ES] En este trabajo propedéutico, a través de los propios textos de Kant, intentaré ofrecer una descripción equilibrada y una reconstrucción sucinta de los argumentos que ofrece Kant acerca de la posibilidad e imposibilidad de la metafísica. En primer lugar presentaré algunas críticas a la metafísica, luego visualizaré la noción kantiana de metafísica, así como sus razones y momentos constitutivos; y finalmente, analizaré que tipo de conocimiento es la metafísica y las características y naturaleza de esta para que sea viable (...)
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  21. Retrospectiva del desempeño de las políticas científicas impulsadas en Ecuador.Paulo Vélez-León - 2018 - Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo 21 (13):1.21.
    This article presents a reconstruction of the scientific policies established in Ecuador in the years between 1979 and 2007. The purpose is double: on the one hand, it seeks to understand the process of institutionalization of the System of Science and Technology, on the other hand analysing the achievements of three scientific policies established during this period. Hence, the reconstruction is split into three stages: from 1979 to 1994 when the first scientific policy was in place; from 1994 to 2004 (...)
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    Correspondence and Disquotation: An Essay on the Nature of Truth.Leon F. Porter & Marian David - 1996 - Philosophical Review 105 (1):82.
    The so-called “disquotational theory of truth” has not previously been developed much beyond the thesis that saying, for example, that ‘Snow is white’ is true amounts only to saying that snow is white. Marian David has set out to see what further sense can be made of the disquotational theory, and to compare its merits with those of correspondence theories of truth. His prognosis is that an intelligible disquotational theory of truth can be developed but will suffer from drastic shortcomings (...)
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  23. La expresión de lo cognoscible y los mundos posibles.Paulo Velez Leon - 2016 - In Becker Arenhart Jonas Rafael, Conte Jaimir & Mortari Cezar Augusto, Temas em filosofia contemporânea II. Florianópolis, SC, Brasil: NEL/UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. pp. 64-74.
    La noción de mundos posibles, sostiene que nuestro mundo es un mundo entre otros, un subconjunto de todas las cosas que existen. Esto implica aceptar que existen mundos estructuralmente equivalentes con sus propios lenguajes [formales], que entre sí no tienen ningún estatuto privilegiado, p.e., el mundo y lenguaje del arte o el mundo y lenguaje de la física; no obstante, la idea de aceptar otros mundos equivalentes como mundos posibles epistémica y ontológicamente legítimos para acceder y expresar lo cognoscible del (...)
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  24. Aproximaciones a la ontología del arte [Approaches to the ontology of art].Paulo Vélez León - 2006 - Analysis. Documentos de Investigación 9 (1):1-21.
    El presenta trabajo describe y caracteriza de manera breve y concisa lo que podría ser una ontología del arte. En la primera sección se presentan las dificultades actuales, así como las nociones y preguntas principales de la ontología. En la sección segunda, se bosquejan las definiciones y caracterizaciones actuales de la ontología, se hace especial hincapié, en la ontología aplicada. En la tercera, cuarta y quinta sección se caracteriza y configura lo que podría ser una ontología del arte, se evidencian (...)
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  25. Conjeturas sobre las nociones aristotélicas de “ciencia”, “género” y “entidad”, para una lectura ontológica de la Metafísica [Conjectures on Aristotelian notions "science", "genus», "entity", to ontological lecture of Metaphysics].Paulo Vélez León - 2013 - Analysis. Documentos de Investigación 16 (3):1-11.
    Aristotle, in his Metaphysics, not only tries to establish a relationship that is direct, coherent, inter-operational and "precise" between this science, its name as a science, and its object of study, but also begins an indignation that tries to set a science — materially adequate and formally correct — to study τὸ ὂν ᾗ ὂν. In order to complete this task, Aristotle does an in-focus strategy that consists on the diffusion of τὸ ὄν in its categories, that allows Aristotle the (...)
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  26. Pyrrhon et le sceptisisme grec.Léon Robin - 1944 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 49 (3):317-318.
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  27. Revision Revisited.Leon Horsten, Graham E. Leigh, Hannes Leitgeb & Philip Welch - 2012 - Review of Symbolic Logic 5 (4):642-664.
    This article explores ways in which the Revision Theory of Truth can be expressed in the object language. In particular, we investigate the extent to which semantic deficiency, stable truth, and nearly stable truth can be so expressed, and we study different axiomatic systems for the Revision Theory of Truth.
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  28. Nuevas tecnologías en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.Paulo Vélez-León & Yohana Yaguana Castillo (eds.) - 2019 - Loja, Ecuador: Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja.
    Este volumen contiene los trabajos presentados en el I Simposio de Pensamiento Contemporáneo, celebrado en la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL) durante los días 23 y 24 de enero de 2019 y cuyo tema central fue las «Nuevas Tecnologías en la Educación» (SPC–NTE). Este Simposio tuvo como objetivo fomentar la interacción entre personas de diferentes formaciones e intereses en la discusión de problemas y soluciones relevantes para la educación en la era digital, a fin de intercambiar ideas sobre prácticas (...)
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  29. Science and politics in democratic contexts I: Scientific practice [Ciencia y política en contextos democráticos I: La práctica científica].Paulo Vélez León - 2018 - Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin 8 (7).
    The political dimension of science has gained a particular interest in most recent decades for areas of knowledge like the Philosophy of science, as well as for political studies of science, history of science, among others. One reason for this development is that we are more conscious the results obtained by a scientist are a product of the interaction and interrelation of epistemic and none epistemic values. This dynamic is one of the factors which make progress in science possible and (...)
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    Boolean-Valued Sets as Arbitrary Objects.Leon Horsten - 2024 - Mind 133 (529):143-166.
    This article explores the connection between Boolean-valued class models of set theory and the theory of arbitrary objects in roughly Kit Fine’s sense of the word. In particular, it explores the hypothesis that the set-theoretic universe as a whole can be seen as an arbitrary entity. According to this view, the set-theoretic universe can be in many different states. These states are structurally like Boolean-valued models, and they contain sets conceived of as variable or arbitrary objects.
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    Resisting Epistemic Injustices: Beyond Anderson’s “Imperative of Integration”.Leon Schlüter - 2021 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 10 (19):59-70.
    In this paper, I take up the question of how epistemic injustices can be resisted. Miranda Fricker, who introduced the term to describe situations in which subjects are wronged as knowers, has initially advocated an individualist, virtue-based account to counteract epistemic injustices. Epistemic injustices, however, do not merely operate at an individual level but are rooted in social practices and structures. Arguably therefore, individually virtuous epistemic conduct is not enough to uproot patterns of epistemic injustice. Institutional change and collective actions (...)
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    (1 other version)Spinoza.Leon Roth - 1954 - Westport, Conn.: Hyperion Press.
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    Absolute Infinity in Class Theory and in Theology.Leon Horsten - 2016 - In Francesca Boccuni & Andrea Sereni, Objectivity, Realism, and Proof. FilMat Studies in the Philosophy of Mathematics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
    In this article we investigate similarities between the role that ineffability of Absolute Infinity plays in class theory and in theology.
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    The wave-particle dilemma.Leon Rosenfeld - 1973 - In Jagdish Mehra, The physicist's conception of nature. Boston,: Reidel. pp. 251--263.
  35. Spinoza.Leon Roth - 1929 - Humana Mente 4 (14):270-271.
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    Shame: Does it have a place in an education for democratic citizenship?Leon Benade - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (7):661-674.
    Shame, shame management and reintegrative shaming feature in some restorative justice literature, and may have implications for schools. Restorative justice in schools is effective when perpetrators of wrong-doing can accept and take ownership of their wrongful acts, are appropriately remorseful, and seek to make amends. Shame may be understood as an ethical matter if it is regarded to arise because of the contradiction between the wrongful act and the individual’s sense of self and self-worth. Shame management (that is, seeking reintegrative (...)
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  37. Generic Structures.Leon Horsten - 2019 - Philosophia Mathematica 27 (3):362-380.
    In this article ideas from Kit Fine’s theory of arbitrary objects are applied to questions regarding mathematical structuralism. I discuss how sui generis mathematical structures can be viewed as generic systems of mathematical objects, where mathematical objects are conceived of as arbitrary objects in Fine’s sense.
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    Reasoning about Arbitrary Natural Numbers from a Carnapian Perspective.Leon Horsten & Stanislav O. Speranski - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (4):685-707.
    Inspired by Kit Fine’s theory of arbitrary objects, we explore some ways in which the generic structure of the natural numbers can be presented. Following a suggestion of Saul Kripke’s, we discuss how basic facts and questions about this generic structure can be expressed in the framework of Carnapian quantified modal logic.
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    Strangers to Ourselves.Leon S. Roudiez (ed.) - 1991 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is concerned with the notion of the "stranger" -the foreigner, outsider, or alien in a country and society not their own- as well as the notion of strangeness within the self -a person's deep sense of being, as distinct from outside appearance and their conscious idea of self. Kristeva begins with the personal and moves outward by examining world literature and philosophy. She discusses the foreigner in Greek tragedy, in the Bible, and in the literature of the Middle (...)
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  40. Perceptual Indiscriminability and the Concept of a Color Shade.Leon Horsten - 2010 - In Richard Dietz & Sebastiano Moruzzi, Cuts and clouds: vagueness, its nature, and its logic. New York: Oxford University Press.
  41. La Pensée Grecque et les Origines de l'Esprit scientifique.Léon Robin - 1925 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 99:450-452.
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  42. How Abstraction Works.Leon Horsten & Hannes Leitgeb - 2009 - In Alexander Hieke & Hannes Leitgeb, Reduction, abstraction, analysis: proceedings of the 31th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2008. Frankfurt: de Gruyter. pp. 217-226.
    In this paper we describe and interpret the formal machinery of abstraction processes in which the domain of abstracta is a subset of the domain of objects from which is abstracted.
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    Études Sur La Signification Et La Place de la Physique Dans La Philosophie de Platon (Classic Reprint).Leon Robin - 2017 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Études sur la Signification Et la Place de la Physique dans la Philosophie de Platon Généralement accréditée. Cf. Ma Théorie platonicienne de l'amour, p. 63-109. On sait, d'autre part, que Platon achevait d'écrire les Lois lorsqu'il mourut en. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original (...)
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    The idea of immunity: Metchnikoff's metaphysics and science.Leon Chernyak & Alfred I. Tauber - 1990 - Journal of the History of Biology 23 (2):187-249.
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    Joint Wigner distribution for spin-1/2 particles.Leon Cohen & Marlan O. Scully - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (4):295-310.
    The Wigner distribution has proven to be a useful tool in many quantum problems requiring a joint distribution of position and momentum. In the present paper we develop a joint distribution for spin components within the spirit of the Wigner distribution. This distribution provides an insight into the quantum theory of measurement. We also discuss how one may write joint distributions for two arbitrary noncommuting operators.
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    Dominique de Flandre (XVe siècle) sa métaphysique.Léon Mahieu - 1942 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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    (2 other versions)Vico: a study of the "new science".Leon Pompa - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Professor Pompa's study of Vico has done a great deal to stimulate and inform the growing interest in the English-speaking world in this remarkable figure. It remains the only work devoted almost exclusively to an interpretation of the New Science and offers a comprehensive guide to the main theoretical problems to which the text gives rise. For this second edition Professor Pompa has responded to the reactions of reviewers and critics and added a new chapter which analyses Vico's conception of (...)
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  48. One Hundred Years of Semantic Paradox.Leon Horsten - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Logic (6):1-15.
    This article contains an overview of the main problems, themes and theories relating to the semantic paradoxes in the twentieth century. From this historical overview I tentatively draw some lessons about the way in which the field may evolve in the next decade.
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    Truth, Reflection, and Commitment.Leon Horsten & Matteo Zicchetti - 2021 - In Carlo Nicolai & Johannes Stern, Modes of Truth: The Unified Approach to Truth, Modality, and Paradox. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 69-87.
    Proof-theoretic reflection principles have been discussed in proof theory ever since Gödel’s discovery of the incompleteness theorems. But these reflection principles have not received much attention in the philosophical community. The present chapter aims to survey some of the principal meta-mathematical results on the iteration of proof-theoretic reflection principles and investigate these results from a logico-philosophical perspective; we will concentrate on the epistemological significance of these technical results and on the epistemic notions involved in the proofs. In particular, we will (...)
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    Mysticism as preontology: A note on the Heideggerian connection.Leon Rosenstein - 1978 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 39 (1):57-73.
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